Poems about the son, two sons - touching, sincere, beautiful, from mom, dad: the best selection

Poems about the son, two sons - touching, sincere, beautiful, from mom, dad: the best selection

Children, regardless of age, want to feel the love and support of their parents. And you can show your love, show warm feelings not only with actions, hugs, but also with pleasant words. For example, poems for a son are ideas in our article.

A verse about the son of a sincere

A verse about the son of a sincere
A verse about the son of a sincere

The verse about the son is sincere:

The sun is mother, so sweet!
The look is impeccable, funny.
Glazonk's daddy, with the upper lip,
Frosts, hairs ... Bunny you are mine!
How you smile! You are my dear!
Mom is welcome, dear baby!
Angel who returned home from the sky,
Sunny ray, my gold!
The gnome is cheerful, a groovy cavity,
You are my stream, with murmuring water!
A bright miracle, a gift of unearthly,
In life, my gift, the largest!


Time flew quietly
I would like to stop him
And with you, son, frankly,
How to talk about everything.

I want to hug you as before
And play together toys together,
Help with lessons
And the problems are difficult to solve.

If it hurts you very much
Mom is always there, don't forget
I'll take the green and smear the wound,
And of course I will blow a lot.

There will be many hobbies in life,
Disappointments and losses,
And love and the time of revelations,
The main thing, in yourself, son, believe.

A lot will pass through your life
Strangers, but they will leave
You do not need them and for nothing
Real friends will not betray.

You are my support and support
And it is already sometimes
You say, hugging me by the shoulders:
"Mom, calm down, it doesn’t matter."

You have become strong, smart, brave,
So they have lost its sadness and sadness.
Everything will certainly be fine
I am proud of you, my son.


My little, my sweet boy,
I like to watch when you sleep ...
When you sniff quietly,
And next to your bear and a bunny ...
You are my best friend!
I love your mischievous laughter
When you play with the kid
Beloved, glorious my son!
Flower, my bunny, kitten!
May God keep you from troubles,
Be healthy, happy a hundred years,
My dear, little child!


The sweetest breath in the world is
The son sniffs, dug into the pillow.
The most tender creation in the world
He hugs a toy tightly in a dream.
Cloud of strands-ugel marshmallow
White lace, beloved bunny.
The best moment in the world
Sleeping son - my creation!


To be the mother of the girls, of course, is not that:
There are dolls, dishes, hospital, lotto,
There are lush dresses and braids to the child ...
Well, the fate of the kid presented you.
Your house is not decorated with vases of roses,
And the cyborg-killer, what your son brought,
Finding him in a puddle near his home,
Cleaned, washed and now he is like new.
No, this is not the trash, and do not dare to clean!
Do you want to break a military base?
Do you want to demolish an airplane hangar?
Circle, woman! This is a nightmare!
You will lead tin soldiers into battle,
Be bold and impudent, not a step back!
You will learn with him and all the brands of cars,
And there will be more - all types of their tires.
You could not find out without him
Why do you need a jigsaw? Really kiss?
Why do we need a vice? Can I squeeze someone?
The bearing - what is it? With spikes of something?

A verse about two sons

A verse about two sons
A verse about two sons

Verse about two sons:

My boys, sons ...
I remember yesterday's day.
You are big now, and I ...
No, not old - just older.
Your children's voices
For the first time "mom" babbled,
And probably in your eyes
I was omnipotent myself ...
Flying too fast years.
However, this is not so important.
My boys, sons,
I'm not afraid of anything with you!


I have two good sons.
Two hopes, two living lights.
Time is rushing along the Great Route.
I have two youths in stock
Life burns in me unquenchable.
I have two eternity - two sons.
Two smiles to mom at once,
Two worries gave life,
Two destinies, double exam,
Two hopes, two wings.


Someone dreams very much about her daughter
And we have two beautiful son,
Two men, two rear, two brothers,
Who would know - how glad I am to this.
How glad I will be that there will be a bride,
For prohibitions on mom, raids,
There will be abrasions, fights in the apartment,
As if there are not two, but four.
It will be quiet: do not be sad,
Pity us with your brother and forgive us.
After all, there are two of us - we will not be lost,
Feel free to attack together.
I dream to become friends
We are for the joy - both dad and mom.
And in life you go together,
Take your friendship from everyone.
I calmly became so today,
Two boys I am a proud mother.
Two wings, two of my beacons,
With you, I ... And you sleep for now!


I have two sons, two hopes,
Two huge fiery fires!
Eternity in stock two, of course,
I have two beautiful guys!
I will not be afraid with them everywhere,
After all, they are like help for me.
And they are my protection, and support,
And they are my wonderful fate!
I love you dear guys,
I always pray for the Lord for you.
May God keep you my relatives,
From trouble, from lies, from evil!
Let the Lord give you health,
Be strong my guys.
Be affectionate, kind, always kind
Be a man everywhere!
So that everyone always smiles from you,
To charge good energy.
You always help people
How the Lord tells us all!
Love mom, respect,
Never offend her.
Be worthy sons
So that only we would be proud of you!


I have two son, two son!
Two motor, two bullets, two bells!
Two bloodsuits, two sun, two hearts,
For which I opened the world a door.
Two beloved men on the planet!
How could I live in the world before without them?
I have two beautiful son,
Two hopes, two big lights!
Eternity rushes on the great highway ...
I have two youths in stock!
Life burns in me unquenchable - -
I have two eternity - two sons!


Well have two sons,
My two hopes, two supports,
Grow up boys soon
Stop these petty quarrels,
You are brothers and must understand
That you have no more dear one
These fights are not needed quarrels
Brotherly love is stronger.
The difference you have only a year
Common all topics, interests,
Must protect each other from adversity,
Well, why are all these stresses needed?
I have two sons, two lights,
Happiness is not to say in words
Two supports, two hopes I have
The sun is two with bright eyes!


Let my house be empty
There are no supplies, as there is no burdock.
But the bush is visible from the windows
In green leaves.

Let the barns do not crack
And the chests are all in the holes.
But they make noise outside the windows
My two nimble son.

My house is not empty, my house is rich -
It has two bandits gang.
The house is happy day and night,
And in the house - I am a mistress.

Poems about son from mom

Poems about son from mom
Poems about son from mom

Poems about her son from mom:

Son, please remember my covenant!
Do not forget your mother over the years.
And even if we live far,
At least call, because it is so easy.
After all, only the mother will always understand you,
And in a difficult moment he will immediately come to the rescue.
And he will pray for God for you.
And you will never forget you.
Only the mother’s heart is able to forgive everything.
And all the insults from their children to forget.
Please, son, remember my covenant.
Do not forget your mother over the years!


You will grow up, and I will not know
With whom do you spend days and even nights,
But I will still call
You are like in childhood - my dear son.
You will grow up ... you will accept
Fate blows, I think, with dignity.
And squeeze your teeth and clench your fists,
And I will no longer kiss where it hurts.
And if we can’t cope with dad already.
There the crane or other troubles,
Your voice in the tube will firmly tell me:
"Mommy, do not touch anything - I'll come now"
Well, for now - a pajama in the clouds,
And at night about the elephant and Aibolit.
Your heart is in my mother’s hands,
The soul is still vulnerable and open.
I will try very much, my dear
Give what I can and take away the bad weather:
So that childhood you remember with a smile,
So that he knows how happiness happens ...


My son grows up ... And I will not get used to it -
The bass replaced the children's voice.
He quietly turns into a man,
My glorious boy, my dear son.
It looks already an adult, and in the soul - a child.
He does not believe that he is ready for everything.
In my shoulder pooping like a blind kitten,
He seemed to be stuck between the two worlds.
I understand that it is not easy for him now.
Sometimes I don't know what to do with him.
But I believe - growth metamorphoses will pass,
The son will become an adult, but will remain mine ...


How noticeably strangers grow up - sons grow -
How they are inadvertently growing up!
The trees have grown up, friends grew up,
And my whiskey, already get gray.
Only recently did you first take steps
Letting go of the hand by chance,
And now ... Time! Wait! Do not run!
Let me feel our separation.
You will already do without me, son -
What are you and tall and tall, and
And here I am without you, as without arms, like without legs,
I will not get used to it that you are already an adult ...
So it happens with everyone, son. Nothing -
I will get used to someday too.
If only you did not miss your happiness -
What is more expensive for mom in the world?


Small legs, small pens,
The first questions of the son-shit.
First worries, the first steps,
Do not live my son without mom ...
The first lessons, the first problems,
After school, he goes from the hill on the briefcase ...
The boy teaches the letters: “Mom washed the frame ...
The little son obeys mom ...
Years rush quickly, you will not notice at all,
Everyone remained in the past children's questions ...
The boy grows and looks stubbornly:
What a funny little mother ...

Poems about his son from dad

Poems about his son from dad
Poems about his son from dad

Poems about his son from dad:

You, son, look like me
Eyes, smile-exactly
I tried to educate you with a real man,
So that the whole house holds on your shoulders.
Happy birthday to you, son, congratulations,
I wish you long and happy life
Let every day bring joy to you,
Let everything be fine in your fate.


I wish the son of many successes,
After all, for a man, it means a lot,
And wisdom in solving problems -
Where did the road not lead you,
Never forget your family
After all, the whole family loves you so much,
And do not let everyone in a row,
Let sincere people be nearby!


I want to wish my son
Good luck, joy without measure
Do not lose luck forever,
Love to you, good and faith,
Let you, my son, every day,
Carries good luck and gifts
You be worthy of men
Do not lose heart and thoughts are bright!


Let me dad say a few words,
No, not to teach the life of the foundations.
And to congratulate you on your birthday,
Give a drop of inspiration.
Be well done today, an excellent student.
And behave decent
After all, the shackles of passion at night
I am not subject to me, I can’t help.


Our son is beloved, you grow up
Before you the whole world is big - go!
Let the road be covered with happiness
And good people will only meet on the way.
Walk in life boldly, cheerfully,
The task is not a timid.
You have friends of reliable
And a sea of \u200b\u200blife ideas.
Let all sunsets change sunrise
Let not wait for himself dawn
Grow up and rejoice in your life a year after year.
We wish you love to know.
You respect people and be kind to them
Love in life, let it go nearby
May the choice of friend and road be true
Let you in life, son, are always lucky!


How much is a son for a man!
How I want to justify hopes!
Son, you are one with me,
I am glad that we are friends with you as before.
And on your birthday to you, son,
I just wish my fatherly
So that you can achieve everything in life,
Leaving obstacles behind the back!


I wish my son
And all friends are his comrades
Did not bent in servility to the strong,
Prestige did not drop their own.
Respect worthy rivals,
And with whom life in the struggle would never have brought you,
You do not humiliate yourself with courage
Over those who are helpless and weak.


Son, beloved ... It's very simple:
You will soon become strong and big,
But I would like to be with growth
The kindness of the soul would come to you.
Walk with her in life together
And do not regret it for people.
I don't need so much from you,
But you need a lot of your homeland.
I am devoted to you, my son, hotly,
And wherever you are - I am everywhere with you,
And know for sure: Father's shoulder
You will support you in difficult times!
Take from life everything you can,
Everything that is wonderful and light,
After all, life for life you will not multiply,
And we are not given to live twice.
Do not be sad that childhood will not return,
Youth is a wonderful time.
Only we have to wish us
Happiness to you, peace and kindness!

Poems about the son short

Poems about the son short
Poems about the son short

Poems about the son are short:

There were cones on the forehead
Under the eye - lanterns.
Well, if we are boys
Then we are heroes.
Scratches. Snoes,
Only iodine is terrible for us.
Here, not embarrassed, tears
The commander himself pours.
Let the head in green
And in the plasters, the leg.
But there are still strengths
To defeat the enemy.
Stubborn, in the morning we
Again to battle, in the patrol ...
From those battles of the scars
Still remained.


Everyone has long known for sure
There is no secret here:
A thousand sons per day
Is born ...
Only interesting is this:
No matter what, however,
In the world of the best son
You can’t find it anyway!


Hush, quieter you don't cry
Mom sang her son
You go to bed rather
It's time to sleep my dear
The night has come. The day has left
You don't cry my baby
Mom next to you
Everything is not so bad.


Fluffy hair
Funny eyes!
Helpless, snub -nosed,
Laughing loudly!
My dear dandelion,
May God keep you!
After all, for you, my boy,
My soul hurts.
I love you, my honey,
My blood!
I swear, I have enough strength
Do everything for you!


Mother joy, dad's pride
You are our miracle, our dear son.
Good in the soul, in the character of firmness,
You study at school you are so good!
Are happy for success, estimates, successes
We will be yours with faithful support.
For dad and mom, the main thing
See happy your children.


I want to wish, son,
Find you your way
So that I can fulfill all dreams,
And there was a lot of happiness in life,
Good health, success
And faithful, devoted friends
More joy and laughter
Moments of bright, clear days!


To be a mother’s son is a reward!
And there is no more happiness in life!
The heir, defender and dad - joy!
I am the mother of my son and I am glad that!


A dream come true! The son was born!
And the world was lit up with love,
May he be happy in everything,
Grows and stronger day after day
And gives joy to an avalanche,
Your wonderful man!


How good when there is a son!
He is the best of men!
Your sun is golden,
Smile, that is always with you!
There is no more beautiful happiness in the world!
Your soul is a bright light!
How good when there is a son!
He is the most important of men.


The only happiness is my dear son,
My angel is glorious, beloved, dear.
You are the meaning of my life, donated by fate.
Blood is dear - I'm so proud of you!


You are our joy, you are our pride,
You are growing up, our dear son,
You are gaining strength like a sprout.
Let all your days be joyful:
You are the hope and happiness of the family.
Be healthy, never pain
And live your life more fun

Touching verse about son

Touching verse about son
Touching verse about son

Touching verse about the son:

You grew up brave, confident, strong,
Proud of your son, we are very much for you,
May success in life always be stable,
And let the happiness rule your fate!
We wish you the most important discoveries
And the joy of bright, luck, beauty,
And the most welcome, funny events,
And so that all your dreams are fulfilled!
Let all the doors be, the ways are all open,
We wish you, son, prospering you,
Let your days be covered with income,
Our favorite on this earth!


I wish you, my son,
There are wide roads in this life.
To live and dream of a big one.
I will support you, dear, in everything!

18 Summer Best, Most Glorious
Carapus in the world.
Little boy -
My dear son!


Son, today is your holiday!
We wish you all our hearts
So that you can achieve everything,
So that you be happy, son!
You are smart, brave, it means
You will achieve good luck in everything!


My little, my sweet boy,
I like to watch when you sleep ...
When you sniff quietly,
And next to your bear and a bunny ...
You are my best friend!
I love your mischievous laughter
When you play with the kid
Beloved, glorious my son!
Flower, my bunny, kitten!
May God keep you from troubles,
Be healthy, happy a hundred years,
My dear, little child!


My son has grown up, he falls asleep
For a long time without a lullaby.
My son has grown up, and it happens,
What is tired of the span.

I am in a hurry, I will not sit down,
And he sniffs already in bed.
Only the old bear will be nearby
He seems to guard happiness.

The size of the sneakers is surprising
And on the lip - the fluff of the worship is visible.
Why are the children grow up ...
We can see it so insulting ...

Poems about sons of sincere

Poems about sons of sincere
Poems about sons of sincere

Poems about sons of sincere:

And I'm not ashamed at all,
That he is in my life, all others are more expensive,
I'm constantly afraid for him
And I'm constantly worried about him ...

Do you know who I love so much?
I'll tell you, because this is not a secret
And for whom I pray to all the gods,
After all, my choice, believe me, is not random ...

I will tell you who is the best of men
And who is more expensive in the world of all others ...
He is my favorite ... He is my son.
And there can be no one else relative.


Do you know who is the best of men?
And he lives with me in the same apartment ...
And I have many reasons,
To consider that he is best in this world.

Son, my baby's angel,
How I love you dear
I love your disorderly laughter
I love your look, your smile

I love your breath, your tears,
I love every piece
What happiness to hear mom
From the mouth of his child,

When you lie down, sick
Runes to you, placing the pens
And gives a gentle kiss
And mom says quietly
I love you my dear!


I ask ... God has happiness for you ...
Not fleeting, but the earthly itself ...
I ask you to keep you, loving,
From evil people and from a bad word ...

I ask for love ... beautiful, like a dawn ...
And tender, like lilies of the valley in the spring ...
I ask ... The god of the world is for you ...
And the sky is blue ... above you ...

And he will ask: “Tell me, my child,
What does this person mean so much? "
I will answer: "He is just a son for me!"
And God will understand - it cannot be otherwise.


I am proud of you, son,
Light ray of life of all,
And parents assistant,
And support for friends.

All parents about children
Worried, loving.
I want everything in the world
It turned out with you.

So that the work goes to fame,
Security grew,
And so they were like
All household chores.

You are the same as dad
Modest, kind and simple,
Life in the family goes as it should:
Peace, harmony, peace.

There are still achievements await you
The world of discoveries and roads.
Get patient
And step forward, son!


I'm standing at the bed of my son
He fell asleep, only I can’t sleep.
My little man grew up
I came for him to pray.

Scattered his hand on the pillow-
He still flies in a dream.
I catch his sleepy sounds
And the soul suffers for him.

Lord, give me strength
Support him, become a support.
He is so infinitely cute,
He will fly away from me soon.

Lord, give me hope-
When he becomes a father and husband,
Will be my son as before
You know how I need him.

Let my love with a veil
He covers him in a cold.
He will have a lot of troubles
Let them not cool the soul ...


Do not wait for what will be in life every year
And every day - by the joy and reward.
There may be a joy.
Suddenly the sunrise will turn into a sunset.

But no matter how life is for the throat,
You are persistent in front of the poor black.
And do not hang your head doomed,
No matter how bitter your business.

And finally, my last advice:
You are not alone in the world,
Do not do it forever for other people
What you do not want.

Poems about the son are beautiful

Poems about the son are beautiful
Poems about the son are beautiful

Poems about the son are beautiful:

The boy grows from the diapers,
Learning to fly quietly.
“You fly in life, my eaglet”, ”
The affectionate mother will say quietly.

“Let all be the case with you,
Save your people from trouble.
For the homeland valiantly and boldly
Attrained, my defender! But you

Like light in the window,
Full -flowing river source,
The bright beam of the star, whose name is the sun.
You don't let me down, son ... "


I kiss a gentle soft hand,
I will touch my lips to the nose barely,
The heart freezes with love for the son,
For me, there is no better creature in the world!
Precious baby sleeps carelessly,
Tiny fingers are clenched into a fist,
Will be the first guy in the future, of course,
He is already a cool peasant today!
Dear boy, my sunny ray!
I admire you, joy without melting!
Be healthy and happy, my dear son,
After all, my youth will last with you.
I worry about you, I turn to the children
(And the words are taken deep down):
You are more expensive for us than all wealth in the world,
Happiness and joy to you, our kids!


A real man - he never
Does not lie in bed for a long time,
It turns on the shower, and there is ice water,
But first, of course, dumbbells.

A real man will shake his face
Before going to work,
And for breakfast he certainly has an egg,
Strong coffee and two sandwiches.

A real man - I will be like that!
I'm not afraid of bruises, scratches,
I look at dad, I repeat after him,
I am a real son. I am daddy!


My dear son, Voroshushki dear!
You have lived in the world for ten years,
Let the sun shine brighter over you,
Be happy under his spring star.
Let the breeze caress the shoulders gently,
Your cry and not cheeky, be strong like a rock,
Let the time of the wound in the heart heal quickly,
From the stump of birds, the head is spinning!
And let your ten years turn out with happiness,
Sadness will leave from your clear eyes,
Love and happiness let them return to you,
And I will try, dear, for two.
Learn diligently, be obedient small,
Dance and sing in the circle of your friends,
Happy days you have been measured a lot
And grow up, son, quickly!


I am proud of you, my good.
You are arranged marvelous and easy.
You were born on winter day.
You will go far through life.

There are no far -fetched excesses in you -
You are open and big in everything.
Kind and responsive guy,
With a rustic, but stubborn soul.

Do not count on stupid luck.
Without the foundation, you cannot build a house.
He who strives forward does not cry!
Everything is possible with will and labor.

You are so one, undoubtedly.
May the disposition not let you down!
And your innate persistence -
Everything that is destined for you will take.


The son grew up: imperceptibly somehow.
How quickly time flew!
And there is a grown fact:
Mustache, matured by the body.

The child is replaced
The meaningfulness of judgments came.
My son grows up - not otherwise.
Years flickered, birthdays.

No longer vast with a kitten,
He will not kiss the cheek gently.
Yesterday he was a child.
The adult way is restrained today.

And I am tireless over the years
Having a desperate battle ...
Lay on a shelf, in our bathroom
Another male razor ...


There is a more expensive life than mine,
It is both higher and more valuable.
May the son be healthy, and I
I will be able to give all the best.

Among all other names
Its is more consonant and ringing.
Keep from the callousness of time,
Keep him in pain, Father.

Son, shine like the sun during the day
And if I love, it is limitless.
I ask you only about one thing:
Be happy in this age cynical.

A verse about son to tears

A verse about son to tears
A verse about son to tears

Verse about the son to tears:

And the sons grow up and leave, ...
And they forget to call mom.
They find another life
And they will live differently.
And mom is waiting for a call stubbornly,
Excellent, sadness in the soul of melting.
Call me, tell me:
"Hello mother"!
Say that you love me.
And the sons sometimes forget
What mom is waiting for, she always waited ...
You call, son and sadness melts,
Tell me how your business?


You have already become an adult, my dear son!
Let there be luck all the time with you!
Let not fail health forever,
Fate will be white and clean, like snow!
Go forward on the way, don't be bad,
Do not retreat from honor and conscience!
Live for a very long time, loving everyone!
I will pray, son, for you!


For a woman more expensive than all men -
The son born by her.
And all the prayers to God for one thing,
So that he led the child verified by ...

First, the first scream and the world froze,
When the baby said with his eyes:
“Thank you, mom for waiting for me
And brought into this world with love ... "

Then a smile, teeth, first step ...
Diseases came close so,
But mother’s love is stronger ...
The heart whispered: "Just not pain!"

And after the tears of joy from the eyes ...
Success in kindergarten ... First grade ...
But he is the same for mom,
Although he has already finished the third course ...

The man is the best, no doubt
Who says: “Mamul, hello,
And you know, I will have a daughter,
Beautiful, like a grandmother, exactly ... "

I will endure all obstacles, difficulties,
I pray for only one of God,
So that the children never hurt,
So that fate does not harm them ...

Men can cause pain,
But the son does not need to explain,
That women are more loved in the world,
Than the one who gave birth to him ...


His fingers smell of sweets,
And the hairs - summer rain ...
He comes to me for answers
What, when, for what, and what ...

Fluffy eyelashes fluttered upward,
With a surprise, the eyes are rounded,
Watching the sunny sun
Smiled, the whole world illuminates ...

And when the voice is a bell
Nicknames: “Mom, Mommy” aloud,
There on the heart, a magic cloud,
Happiness to the beat is stuffing "tuk-tuk"

There is a real love, true
That over the years it will not perish like smoke.
This feeling is always dimensionless
And directed to the children of the relatives ...

Cracks fuse on the heart
And the soul purred pretty enough
At an hour when, a woman who has become a woman,
Presses to the baby's chest ...

This feeling will remain forever.
Without love, one cannot live on earth.
Just every child needs
In maternal love and warmth ...


Son - you are my assistant,
My little man.
I love!!! Well, impossible!
You are just a great fellow!
My little, my kind,
Caring guy,
You are a clear ray of the sun,
Favorite hut.
There is no more valuable vision
Than a sweet smile
On the face of dwarf
Excess joy!
I love your laughter-ring
Small mood.
Your sweet voice -
Well, like birds singing.
I love you, dear,
Stronger than all in the world
My beloved bunny!


I love you to trembling
I love you to trepidation
My child is my good
My print, my mark.
How similar we are with you
The mirror gaze focuses
You see, a blue wreath,
My blood is throbbing in you?
Nucleus umbilical cord -
Our bud is memorable with you.
You are always for you, son,
The heart after Mamino strives.
Flesh from the flesh - God's will
Separately subtable.
I love you pain
My birthday is my birthday.

Verse about the day of sons

Verse about the day of sons
Verse about the day of sons

Verse about the day of sons:

I wish you, my dear son
Be strong and healthy! And always,
When I see you off on the road
I ask the Almighty to take care of you.
Today is your holiday. I know for sure,
What will you come to hug, talk.
Therefore, I sincerely wish
Always live in good and success!


I congratulate you on your sons Day!
Men are familiar to everyone, this word.
They are all over the life of all,
There are someone else's sons, of course.
Mom once gave birth to all of them,
And she pressed her heart very gently.
Until she is alive and did not leave,
Appreciate mom! She needs little!


In November, before winter,
We celebrate the holiday of the family.
He was invented in honor of his sons. -
There is no son more valuable for his mother.
We want to wish all peace.
Let him be over any house,
So that there is a full -fledged family,
And the sons did not die in battle!


How old is your son - it doesn’t matter to mom.
For her, he is always small.
So be guys, kids
You have a long year.
That's why the holiday was invented,
To exalt all the sons.
Happiness to you, luck, successes of different ones,
And their own, of course, children!


In November, all men of the country
We are glad to celebrate the day of sons.
We wish you to live without war,
So that there are no tears of mothers!
May your parents live
Long, long, without grief and troubles,
And they are waiting for you in the parental house
There are so many joyful years!


My friends, I heart
Happy sons Day today I congratulate!
And dear parents all their lives
I sincerely wish to love insanely!
Be protection and support them,
So that they can be proud of you.
And remember that in life and yourself
You will have to once become fathers!


Happy sons Day I congratulate you, mom!
Each of them has its own character:
There is a strict and stubborn guy
It happens quiet or combat.
But mothers of sons love very much
Always, whatever they were.
Let the sons value you, dove,
Your days are warming with love!


Happy sons Day I congratulate you
On a wonderful holiday in November.
I want to wish you happiness
And adults to all and children!
Strong health, without a edge,
Love today and now!
Let children respect adults
Let everything be glorious with you!


You, my sons, are my relatives,
On this day I congratulate you!
Our falcons are golden,
It is difficult to live in the world now.
I will look blue into your eyes,
And not the first time I whisper:
“You are growing, handsome, big!
All my hope is for you! "


You are sons, our boys,
You are our pride and success,
Dreams of fathers, mom's hopes,
Today you are more important than us all!
We wish you to achieve heights,
Health, happiness, live without troubles,
And the miracle is wild for everyone,
And you are always bright victories!


Dear, I want to admit to you:
You are the best son in the world!
I can't stop looking
The great most of the men.
Let your life flow carelessly
Let not know evil,
And happiness will be endless
Against the background of eternal good!


How good! We have a son!
Strong, smart - so alone!
And, probably, there is anyone, -
You deal with everything!
Let the temper to cure
You are in the free flight!
Happier than all other people
Be, our boy, on the day of the sons!

A verse about the birth of a son

A verse about the birth of a son
A verse about the birth of a son

Verse about the birth of a son:

I gave birth to a son today
A tear rolled up with joy,
I called my husband
And this news reported.

I keep my son in my arms
And I can't see enough,
In his blue eyes
I want to read fate.

I hug my hands gently,
I kiss softly in cheeks, lobby,
I press on my chest with happiness,
What will he become in a year?

The world suddenly changed suddenly
Now I belong to my son
This morning has become a mother!
My relatives! I love! I love!


You had a son, which means
That the best of men came into the world.
You will bring him up strong and courageous,
But to respect everyone and love.

Son, son, son, son!
Native, beloved, your flesh and blood.
For mom - joy, and for dad - pride,
He is your pure and eternal love!


With the birth of a son - little happiness
With a wonderful gaze, knowing the light!
Good, patience ... well, understanding
For many long and beautiful years.


I kiss a gentle soft hand,
I will touch my lips to the nose barely,
The heart freezes with love for the son,
For me, there is no better creature in the world!
Precious baby sleeps carelessly,
Tiny fingers are clenched into a fist,
Will be the first guy in the future, of course,
He is already a cool peasant today!
Dear boy, my sunny ray!
I admire you, joy without melting!
Be healthy and happy, my dear son,
After all, my youth will last with you.
I worry about you, I turn to the children
(And the words are taken deep down):
You are more expensive for us than all wealth in the world,
Happiness and joy to you, our kids!


Your son was born
And do not calm the joy.
What happiness it is -
Parents become!

For the mother - support,
The heir to the father.
Disputes do not subside
Around his face:

“The baby looks like a mother,
And mother's eyes. "
Again I woke up early
Preparing for tears.

But we know with you-
Do not grow without tears.
We wish parents
So that the son grew up healthy.

The whole world is subject to him,
All paths are open.
And we wish you happiness!
Grow, baby, grow!

He is so sweet and funny,
Smiling, so dear
He is so clean and sinless,
The light comes from him, peace!

Parents - strength and health,
And grow the baby, grow,
Learn to live and live with love,
Always with luck in honor!


Your son appeared to the light -
A tiny funny lump.
We congratulate you with this miracle,
We wish you all the best.

Patience of Steel - Mom,
Luck in the work - dad,
And also a tiny son-
They were calm that the nights were calm.

Raise together, do not hurt,
Overcome all difficulties.
Let the joy of a huge lump
Now rolls into your house!

Poems about a year to a son

Poems about a year to a son
Poems about a year to a son

Poems about the year to the son:

You have only been fulfilled for a year,
Our uninterested, the sweetest ...
In life on a sunny campaign
So far you are still buying strength.
But more and more confident.
A few years will pass ... in the end
Let your enemy and even enemy
Takes away the legs quickly,
Hearing the noise of your steps! ..
And better - do not have enemies!


Happy Birthday Baby!
You are exactly a year old today.
You laugh and food
And wrinkle a sweet nose.
We want to wish you -
Grow happy and healthy,
Funny, sweet, mischievous,
And every day let it be new!


Only one is still a candle on the cake!
Everyone is admiring you on this day,
After all, there is no more beautiful man in the world,
Than you, our bunny is small, dear!
No one is happier now!
Let your sonorous laughter sound every day.
Always be smarter and more beautiful,
So, as today, to delight us all!


Ah, we have a reason to rejoice!
Today is my son's birthday!
You are my angel, and my blood and flesh,
May the Lord protect you in life.
Let the faithful friends surround
And let the family always be upset.
You are only seven years old, but this is a lot!
Let your road always be even,
After all, mom is better in life, there is no better award
When my son is going as it should!


Beloved son, we congratulate you on the first year,
Let the teeth grow, let your steps grow stronger,
Everything is interesting and interesting around you
And mom and dad are pleased to watch you.
You are cute, funny, mischievous and healthy strong
We love you, you are the best baby in the world,
We wish you width in your shoulders and growth,
To achieve the goals of everyone and life is not easy to live.


With the first year of life, our beloved son!
We thank for the birth and lack of sleep of the nights,
You overshadow all the problems with your smile,
You are filling all the gaps in our life.
With you, our life has become more colorful and brighter,
We will not admire you, you are always not enough for us,
Grow big, always love parents,
Injustice in life you never tolerate.


Beloved son, with your first birthday!
There is no better gift and reward for us,
Your smile and your tears, we love madly,
And we pray that fate is prudent for you.
Interested in the world, find out, look and enjoy,
In the love of parents and close to your head, bathe,
Madly many discoveries you have ahead
In life, good luck with him by the hand in the hand.

A verse about a son for a birthday

A verse about a son for a birthday
A verse about a son for a birthday

Verse about his son for birthday:

Son, be happy, dear,
Let the wisdom bring you a year.
Make them so filled to live,
So as not to regret the past!


Be cheerful, generous, attentive,
Sincere, brave, responsive be!
Be independent and charming,
Let your own way be starry!


My son, you are no longer a boy -
He matured, wiser, matured.
For me, you, as before, is a son -
For others you have become a man!

I want to wish on a birthday:
Achieve your main goals,
Continue to cause admiration
Friends and girlfriends have!


We wish the son of health and strength,
So that these gifts were enough for a hundred years.
And if, fortunately, they are enough for two hundred,
So we would like to live with you.
Let the fellow traveler in life be, let it be,
As well as smiles and glorious people.


Son, be happy, dear,
Let the wisdom bring you a year.
Make them so filled to live,
So as not to regret the past!

Be cheerful, generous, attentive,
Sincere, brave, responsive be!
Be independent and charming,
Let your own way be starry!


You have a sonor's baby,
Cute, with a fashionable haircut!
Let it be funny, bold
Smart, kind and skillful!

Let them pass sadly
Will be in the joy of enthusiasm!
May he be sports
Visit the stadium!


Let innate health
And a happy star
Help your son in life
And they always lead ahead!

Let it be capricious and cry
There will be a drop at all,
And the male character will become
From the cradle is visible to everyone!


Not just to educate his son,
At the same time not prying,
How to behave with him,
When he suddenly grew up.

But with pride I can say -
The son justified hope!
Don't find this anymore
No one around!

And on his birthday to him
I wish one:
Remember that I will always accept
I am his side!


Only recently in a stroller lay,
The pacifier sucked - you were a little baby!
Well, now look what you have become!
Strong and brave, defender, not a joke!

We wish you on a day of birth, son
Be always honest and fair,
Let them be open to you a hundred roads,
And be you always, our son, happy!

A verse about a little son

A verse about a little son
A verse about a little son

Verse about the little son:

What is happiness?
Such a simple question
Perhaps I asked
Not one philosopher.
And in fact
Happiness is simple.
It begins
From half a meter of growth.
These are swings,
Booties and saliva,
The brand new described
Mom's sundress.
Torn tights,
Knocked down knees
These are painted
In the corridor of the wall.
Happiness is soft
Warm palms,
Behind the couch of candy wrappers,
On the sofa are crumbs.
This is a whole heap
Broken toys,
This is constant
The roar of rattles.
Happiness is the heels
Barefoot on the floor.
Thermometer under the arm,
Tears and injections.
Abrasions and wounds,
Bruises on the forehead,
This is constant
What? but why?
Happiness is a sled,
Snowman and hill.
Small candle
On a huge cake.
This is endless
"Read my fairy tale",
These are daily
Piggy with Stepashka.
This is a warm nose
From under the blankets,
Hare on the pillow,
Blue pajamas.
Spray throughout the bathroom,
Foam on the floor.
Puppet show,
Morning in the garden.
What is happiness?
There is no easier answer.
Everyone has it -
These are our children.


You have three good son!
Three hopes! Three living lights!
Time rushes along the Great Route
You have three youths in stock!
Life lives in you unquenchable
You have three eternity, three sons!


My son, my flower, my bud,
My most happy dream, my son!
Dawn, dear, and on mom's hands
Even the worst fear will pass.
And I will fall asleep, as in childhood I fell asleep in my arms
With a doll of your old one.
And let me dream of bottomless eyes
My dear mother.


He sniffs quietly at the side,
So trustingly squeezing my finger.
And I mentally glorify God -
Now I have my boy.
He already says: "Mom!"
And laughs me, seeing.
I will become good for him,
The most loving mother in the world.
How many days of restless days were
You can’t find a minute for yourself.
But already, as I lived, I forgot
Without him, without my baby.
How many more bad things will be
I do not fear in their expectations.
After all, happiness is incomparable -
Listen to his breath at night.


My son is a little miracle!
I am bright with my heart, not breathing -
From heaven, from the wind, from nowhere
Young soul is born!
May your world be clean and bright
In our stuffy household dust!
Let the wind carry you in the light,
Not spraying the earth with mud.


Strange something in the envelope is busy:
It will write down, then calm down a little.
And sometimes it goes on a cry!
A magical bundle in the apartment arose!
At night, the wife wakes up every hour,
He runs to the bundle, checks, scares.
In the evening he will dip it in a bath
And he says that the child is bathing!
I come closer to him every day
He does not laugh, it is barely audible.
I’ll take it into his hands - he claps his eyes.
Such a baby! Well, how much trouble is with him!
Only this does not scare me!
This is my son! My native baby!


How amazing the moment
The birth of my son
And the expectation of the appearance
All nine months of him.
I'm listening, I am listening
Such a special contact
And sometimes I don't understand
What is it - this happens ...
So carefully and so vulnerable,
So joyful and fussy,
That's sad and silently sad
Days flicker, the clock is flying.
And in this bustle of the beautiful
Nothing can be in vain:
Let it be quiet, but already so clear
The soul is said with the soul.
With a concentrated wave
I am in a hurry to redo everything
And waiting for birth
I cherish every moment ...
All -consuming tenderness
Now one owns me -
It is incomprehensible and vast,
Like life itself or love!

A verse about an adult son

A verse about an adult son
A verse about an adult son

Verse about the adult son:

Blue -eyed light little boy,
You made us happy, appearing on time,
In honor of his birth, he shouted loudly
Stove a thin voice over the years!
I look at you - and I'm surprised!
Now it is so difficult to realize
That you fit on two palms
And I could easily raise you ...
Was a gullible and tender baby,
I wanted to hide under the wing
You are a child for me, as before,
Let eighteen years have passed!
Over the years, I understand deeper more and
How endlessly you love me!
You are the main thing, find your calling,
My little, my adult eldest son!


Me to kiss you
We'll have to get on a stool.
And then - it will turn out barely
After all, you rarely be at home.
Always in concerns and deeds -
Work, music, study ...
May your life be bright
And complete, without a gap, testing!
I want you to find your way,
Leading straight to the top,
You were a wonderful baby
And be the real man!


So you have grown! You became an adult!
You are a man ... the head of the family ...
Life offers you questions
And now you answer ... you!
Only a mother is not a profession,
And to retire here ... you will not leave!
There were joy .., there were depression ...
You are an adult now ... you will understand!
So many years flashed ... Eternity
Only you are for me ... Child!
And my love is all ... infinity
Will always store ... you!
There were, of course, mistakes in life
But for them, forgive them and ... Forget!
After all, there is no worse torture for the mother,
Than lost to the children ... the path!
You have grown! I let you go
You have to live life ... your own!
And you will offend if ... forgive ...
You are my son !!! I love you!


My little son,
Boishechka beloved
My ray, my call,
My world is unique ...
My chick, my flower,
Merry Shalunishka,
My pure fontanel!
My dear curiosity!
I bow to fate
For the gift the most beautiful!
Thank you, son, you:
What made mom happy!
Years passed. The son grew up
Native, beloved most!
... mom has a hundred wrinkles,
But my mother’s son ...


Affectionate, and my sweet son,
A little sun of love.
My sprout, from happy nights.
I remember your first steps.
You are now hope and support.
My boy, cheerful, mischievous.
And in the eyes - green open spaces!
Not a single sad, not a single one.
As a reminder, a smile.
And similarity and arms arms,
From love, a reliable cape.
Tailed, like harp sounds.
And the words with a balm, like a gift.
“Mom, you know how I love you!
For love, even for being near.
I will give peace to you, one day. ”


Thank you, son, you for everything:
For your attitude,
Your care and love
What you show again and again.
Your spiritual attention
Flair, participation, understanding
I am very expensive, son.
Otherwise, I know, you could not.
Thanks to you, I live ...
I am aware of that in that.
I also want to tell you
That I'm the happiest mother ...
There are not many sons like you.
You chose the right road.
I just have to wish:
Let all the good return to you.

Children's poems about sons

Children's poems about sons
Children's poems about sons

Children's poems about sons:

You are very dear to us, our dear son,
Appear more often on your native threshold,
Your birth is the brightest day for us
Be healthy and happy, keep, Lord, children!


Everyone has long known for sure
There is no secret here:
A thousand sons per day
Is born ...
Only interesting is this:
No matter what, however,
In the world of the best son
You can’t find it anyway!


I'll take your hand in your palm
I kiss the wreath on the wrist,
I was not in vain experienced flour
To give birth to such happiness!


Brown eyes,
Chubchik pile,
Strong hands -
This is my son !!!
All questions to mom
In the morning it sets ...
With eternal "why"
He knows the world.
Gumming up with enthusiasm
Mom’s eyes ...
A little happiness
Next to her, always!
And let it be peaceful
On the land of the native,
To always laugh
My little man!


Our son went, still wrong,
Our son is coming! And the floor swayed
His steps, listening to the most valuable,
Our son went for the first time today.
The kid is in a hurry and shines with joy,
As if it were the sun itself
He opens his homeland today
And the father’s house, which is generally equal.
Our son went, embarrassing his chest anxiety,
Our hope, joy and love,
Blessed be his road,
What started with today's steps.


"I kissed you today?"
"Yes, Mamul, probably a thousand times!"
“What are you, that's all? Very little!
We correct the situation now! "
“Mom, you don't remember,
What did you forget to tell you - I love? "
"He said ... flowers were tied in a vase ..."
"It's not fair! I'm catching
Air kiss. You send
There are probably five thousand of them in a day.
And why then are you starting?
So, come on, everything is again again:
Mom, you don't remember,
What did I say about love today? "
"That's what the flowers wilted in a vase ..."
“Follow the bag, catch
Kisses of their beloved!
And now I catch yours!
Mom ... I love you so ... "

A verse about a graduate of a son

A verse about a graduate of a son
A verse about a graduate of a son

Verse about the graduate of the son:

Today you are a graduate!
Beautiful youth of a moment,
Soul of the sublime,
And you believe in tomorrow amidly.
Now your choice is your choice
And all desires are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
I came to say goodbye to school for an hour
And the feelings are different crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will place everyone in place.
Probably, it will glorify some
Others will put obstacles!
And it is very difficult to give advice
And sometimes you will not find an answer.
But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes stuffing the cones,
Take your time to retreat
Given only strong to win!
May your life be full
The warmth of friends is surrounded
And heated with personal happiness,
And unusual, like a comet!


Native school, we tell you, goodbye,
Today the graduation is the last ball,
The childhood ran unnoticed,
It was rustled like a New Year's carnival.
You are a graduate today, congratulations,
I wish you great successes of life,
May your cherished dream come true.
May fate be favorable to you.


School lessons have ended,
The call for the last time sounds to you
You are a graduate, because this is wonderful
Making an important choice yourself will have to.
Today is your first graduation ball,
In a suit strict, festive dressed,
We wish you happiness and great success,
Let luck accompany you for many years.


You are unnoticed, quickly matured,
Solemnly a certificate is handed to you,
Today is your first graduation ball,
With joy and admiration, everyone congratulates you.
Let the life of an adult every turn,
Good luck only portends you,
Let the luck await you in learning,
And everything that was dreamed of.


The school time has passed unnoticed,
In an elegant suit, you dance a waltz,
Slightly sad and sad in the soul,
The last time the class gathered together.
Everyone is called you today,
And the music at the evening plays tirelessly,
Jokes, joy and fun around,
I wish you good and joy.


You have already become growing up, and we are proud of you,
Beautiful features you embodied in yourself:
Merry, energetic and skillful.
Among the weak - good
And in the middle of the strong - brave.
We so want your life to be
Healthy, kind, clean, bright.
And let you differ from everyone
Good luck, happiness and success!


Today is the day for you is not at all simple,
Today your study has come for the graduation,
There were children's pranks and games behind,
And adult life appeared in front of you ahead.
You are standing on a new, unknown threshold,
We wish you good luck and a happy road
Let your desires and dreams come true,
I wish you to become a great person.


It's time to say goodbye to school years,
Now you will only return to the memories,
Your crazy, childish time has ended,
An adult life has come to change their studies.
On the graduation day today we congratulate you,
With all my heart, we wish you success ahead
Let them remain in your memory forever,
Without worries and difficulties, funny, school years.


You have an unknown path ahead, now you have an unknown path
We wish you not to turn off the right road of life,
Today you have your first graduation
All relatives and friends are near you.
To support you in your endeavors,
All good luck came to you,
In a good way, the whole school escorts you,
It helps you with lessons and tips in life.


Adult life comes into its own
You say goodbye to your native school today forever,
All the ways are open in front of you
You can find yourself in this life.
Congratulations, with graduation, our heartfelt,
May your endless dreams come true,
Recently ended your last lesson
And the last call rang for you.


You will look around your class, looking around
You will remember the graduation you are later more than once,
Today you see your friends on a new path,
And with them you enter into a new life.
School years flew very quickly,
I dreamed of graduating from school, you are three hundred times,
But you do not mind today, to extend this day
And go to the classroom class to teach.


The school time has ended unexpectedly,
Today you leave your native walls forever,
You cast a bold glance at life forward,
After all, a new life is lucky and success.
We wish you to feel the strength and vigor rise,
Be "number one" always and in everything,
Today you have your first graduation
Ahead of the whole hot summer is a day off!

A verse about the son of war

A verse about the son of war
A verse about the son of war

Verse about the son of war:

Forty -first - year of loss and fear
Blood bloody flashed ...
Two guys in torn shirts
They took it off in the morning.

The first to go older, dark blond,
All with him: both the silushka, and become,
And behind him the second is an unsuccessful boy,
Too young to die.

Well, and in the back, barely sleeping,
Semenila an old mother,
Begging for mercy of the Germans.
“Nine,” he repeated important, “Rapped!”

"Not! - She asked, - regret it,
Cancel the execution of my children
And in return, kill me,
But leave the sons alive! "

And the officer answered her decorously:
“Okay, the uterus, one rescue.
And we will shoot another son.
Who is nicer for you? Choose! "

As in this deadly circle
She can save someone?
If the first -born saves from death,
Then the last - doomed to death.

Mother sobbed, surrendered
Looking at the faces of the sons,
As if I really chose
Who is dearer, who is more expensive for her?

I looked back and forth ...
Oh, you can't wish the enemy
The torment of them! Sons crossed out.
And she admitted to Fritz: "I can't!"

Well, and he stood, we are impenetrable,
With pleasure sniffy flowers:
“Remember one - we kill,
And you kill the other. ”

The eldest, smiling guilty,
He pressed the youngest to his chest:
“Brother, escape, well, and I will stay, -
I lived, but you did not start. "

The younger responded: “No, brother,
You are saved. What is there to choose?
You have a wife and children.
I did not live - do not start. "

Then the German said courteously: “Bitte, -
Put the crying mother pushed back
He moved away busily
And he waved his glove - shoot! ”

Two shots gasped, and birds
They scattered fractionally into heaven.
Mother unraveled her wet eyelashes
He looks at the children in all eyes.

And they, hugging, as before,
Sleep with a lead, trouble -free dream, -
Two bloods, two of her hopes,
Two wings that were scrapped.

Mother silently stomakes with her heart:
Do not live sons, do not bloom ...
“Fool - uterus,” the German teaches, “
One could at least save. ”

And she, who was quiet, quietly,
I wiped blood from my son's lips ...
Here is one - murderously great, -
Maybe the mother has love.

Video: beloved son, poems for you ...

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