Poems that should be learned by heart to adults - short, long, beautiful, sincere: the best selection

Poems that should be learned by heart to adults - short, long, beautiful, sincere: the best selection

A collection of poems that should be learned by heart to adults.

Short verses should be learned by heart to adults

Short verses should be learned by heart to adults
Short verses should be learned by heart to adults

Short poems that should be learned by heart to adults:

And let any difficulties meet,
And sometimes they beat the drills again and again,
Literally all problems are resolved,
When there is the main thing in the hearts: love!


Even falling, decide again to take off,
Your wings made your wings in vain.
Remember that God never gives
Nosy, which we can’t do.


Rejoice every day always.
Anyone, as soon as the light will sprinkle!
For you never know, after all, never
Which one will be the last in life ...


We are only guests in this life ...
Why swear, offend?
Why from envy and anger
To substitute each other?


Let's rejoice at people
Be grateful to fate,
That happiness fell out at least a guest -
Live on Mother Earth !!!


If you figure it out, everything is possible
Test, achieve and understand.
In this world, everything is not so difficult,
If you do not complicate it yourself.


Get up! Rise! There will be strength!
And no matter how much the world is cruel -
Do not drive yourself to the grave
And better remove the lesson.


Leave tears, because you can’t otherwise
Smile the girl - the proud do not cry.
And in spite of resentment, you must laugh
Let the heart burst out of pain!
Hide from everyone in the world bitter tears.
You are the mistress of life, not a bush of mimosa!


Do not repeat the past errors
Be stronger and wiser.
After all, after cones and bruises
And choose the right path!

Life fits and burns,
And for the flower, the term is released.
A moment comes, and the body melts,
Only for the soul is the period of time.


And only then will you get something
When you summarize once:
It is ridiculous to demand from someone,
The fact that you yourself cannot give.


I know a lot, and I don't know much,
I saw life, but how to comprehend the essence?
I gradually understand the meaning
That God is inside us and this is the essence!


Life is given to study
Love Dana to love
But you need to know what to study,
And you need to know who to love.


Do not meet your first love
Let her remain like this -
Acute happiness, or acute pain,
Or a song fell silent behind the river.

Do not reach for the past, do not -
Everything will seem to be different now ...
Let at least the most sacred
It remains unchanged in us.


Be kind, do not be angry, have a patient.
Remember: from your bright smiles
Not only your mood depends
But a thousand times the mood of others.


We live, as if in a dream of unsolved,
On one of the convenient planets ...
There is a lot of things that we do not need at all,
And what we want, no


Life is given to us and therefore we breathe.
Whoever is the truth is miserable and ridiculous.
Hearing the one who has learned to hear.
The one who is not devoid of visors will see.

Residents of my native land,
The foregoing will not be superfluous to you.
The meaning of life is the accumulation of love,
The goal is to connect with the Almighty.


At the beginning of the investigation is the reason.
And this fact is indisputable.
The man is only then a man
When he loves a woman.


Who do we bring up from children -
Limp "mummies" or winners,
Will depend on the inherent ideas
And their parents' souls.


For any question we need
The great God gave the answer.
But the ignorance is loaded
The man could not understand.


The blind cannot tell about the colors,
Pieces of paper do not hide a knife.
But often people, putting on masks,
Not knowing the truth, our heads fool us.


Presents us with life surprises,
Either the fall, then take off again.
But we sweep away the fate of the vagaries
We are striving to go forward.


Pouring from empty to empty,
He will not teach anything good.
You can change the present
Changing the attitude to the past.


Be the sought -looking, looking for and seeking.
Do not judge your life too strict.
Dissatisfaction with the future or the future -
There is aggression against God.


This world of sages does not complain.
The path is not light, even if the light is visible.
Fortune does not always indulge us,
But there is no return road.


I do not accept people's attacks.
And maybe all because
That I am worshiping and introduce
Only the Lord alone.


We give birth not love, but aggression
And life becomes like a shooting range,
When we are in bustle and strong stress
We perceive this world incorrectly.


Our feelings, our thoughts -
Derivatives of the mind.
And it depends on it
There will be light or darkness in the souls.


Everything is interconnected in this world,
In a continuous weaving thread.
Even the word that is once said
The future can change!


The world will not go down to the kingdom of Hades
And it will not become cruel, believe me.
If everyone understands that resentment -
Wishes hidden death.

Long verses should be learned by heart to adults

Long verses should be learned by heart to adults
Long verses should be learned by heart to adults

Long poems that should be learned by heart to adults:

The meaning of life is in the little things:
Dinner together with candles,
Rose in the bedroom at dawn
The phrase necessary, in the Testament,
Joy, how children laugh,
Flame in grandfather's furnaces.
The meaning of life is in the little things ...
Shawl in the chapel on the shoulders,
Lips of a shallow touch,
Fleet vision,
Like winds, a breath
Face in sunlight.
The meaning, maybe in the little things ...
Maybe in sweet speeches,
Maybe in the call Ile to the knock,
Believe - do not believe, and in idle boredom,
In anticipation, even flour,
In the relationship "on swords."
The meaning of life in the little things? ..
But I would like a big
His own, not someone else,
Happiness, truly earthly,
To beat over the edge! ..
But go to know him:
In the little things, I'm afraid, it melts,
And no one will know
The meaning of life in the little things ...


I will never give you away to somebody -
The frozen kitten cried,
Wise out of years,
He snouted is silver snow under the maple.
I will stay with you forever,
I will save both of us from the cold
Because under this moon
I do not need anyone else in the world,
I will now bury us in the snow,
There is warm, the paws will warm up,
A man quickly passed by
In a winter jacket and a down cap.
And then everything will blossom again,
The sun will shine above the ground,
And no one will ever understand
What I had to endure with you.
You hold on, don't look that I'm small
That paws were torn into the blood,
I'm not exhausted, just tired
Nothing, the gods will help us,
No, seriously, I heard about them,
There are such feline gods.
Even the wind in the valley verse
I listened to the tale of the baby by the road.
And the kitten dug and dug,
Remembering the sunlight,
He, a madman, did not know yet
That was left alone in the world.
Next to him, on a gray canvas,
Another warm body lay
And from the eyes, on a furry cheek,
Golden tear fled.
Hey baby, stop digging
You can’t help her all the same,
It will be better for you to sleep
You can warm up about her
But the madman does not hear, sniffles,
He will not give up to the cold now
And stubbornly he repeats to the darkness,
I will never give you away to somebody.
Time - after midnight, people sleep,
While in a fake paradise,
At the kitten, eyes shine,
He finished his work,
Quietly, quietly stepping on the snow,
He went to where the corpse was lying
And almost like a person,
He whispered in her ear
Dear, my dear, I'm with you,
I will never give you away to somebody,
I'm at the maple under the snow mountain,
I built a bed for us,
He transferred her there,
And then he buried himself,
The lullaby sang frost,
But you can’t hear her
This lullaby is for those
Who lives with love all his life,
Forgetting about your troubles,
Only fidelity in the blood carries,
He, a madman, in cold snow,
He gave his soul to his soul
Until the last moment, in delirium,
He hugged her by the neck ...


Everything needs to be experienced in this world,
Everything needs to be tested and appreciated ...
Misfortune, pain, treason, grief, gossip -
Everything needs to be missed through the heart.
But the main thing is in the darkness of the crazy century,
Whatever happened in life - to resist!
Be sensitive to grief, remain a man
And the warmth of hearts not to lose ...
Do not dare to die! No matter how much the queu loss is
Unable to correct the course of fate!
The tribute is given, but you are not to blame
After all, for something you live!?!
And something in the life of this heartless
You are destined to fix, change,
In the name of happiness, the life of endless
You are destined to save, do good!
And maybe once you will understand
What was brought to someone.
And with a calm conscience you will sigh
You have not passed your life in vain!
Everything needs to be experienced in this world,
Everything needs to be tested and appreciated ...
And only then, getting up at dawn,
You can laugh and love


Ask yourself - who are you
Who do you want to be really?
Pass life now and here.
Do you live as you wanted?
What could you achieve
Having spent time, your strength,
What awaits you further ahead? -
At least once, but you asked yourself.
Everyone is looking for happiness on earth,
Everyone dreams of swimming in it.
But not to find him outside -
Inside it grows!
Grows in the harmony of love
In accordance with yourself and the world,
After all, for this, life is given:
To learn to be happy! ..
Life passes now and here -
We live in a given moment.
Hurry up happiness to find
Souls reaching a wake!


Thank you for everything!
For life alien and his own,
For the light, for books, for good.
For every life lesson.
For the fact that the sun is bright, the light
For the fact that there is no pain in the heart.
For those flowers under the window
They bloom brighter every day.
For the seas, a gentle wave,
For the warmth of guitar strings.
For each fabulous sunset,
For the fact that the grapes are sweet.
For the fact that there is hope in us,
For the fact that good words cannot be counted.
For inspiration, for a dream,
And for nature beauty.
For the fact that I breathe, I sing,
For the fact that every moment I appreciate.
For everything, for everything I thank ...
My world, I love you so much!


I was looking for a long time in my conscience,
The woeful heart asked enough -
My thoughts are pure, pure motives,
And in the world it is hard and painful for me to live.
Each sound is random, I catch inquisitively,
Whether the song will be heard in the village far,
Whether the wind will result in a golden cornfield -
Each sound is unclear to me as a reproach.
A deeply vague doubt was laid,
And the soul is always unhappy with itself:
There is no sentence, there is no reconciliation,
And in the world it is hard for me to live and painful!
According to me, I am not according to
But in vain reason beats and troubles,
The woeful bowl does not pass by,
He does not want to get to the lips, calling to call!


Life does not end then
When sigh loudly
Squeezed nerves wires,
And the voice echoes: "Everything is in vain."
Life does not end then
When the strength is drowning in the abyss,
And you will arrange in two rows
All that is, and what was.
Life does not end then
When the knock of the heart breaks off
Drilling opinions, a series,
Driving piles into your fate ...
Life does not end then
When you are useless now
But only the ore melts,
Iron writhes from pain.
And life ends then
When there is no hope of hope ...


Youth and maturity sat on a bench ...
Youth said: "You're how I have been able to ..."
Maturity answered: “Beauty is not eternal,
Learn to share the beauty of the heart ... "
Youth, with a mockery: “What is there?
House, family, work ... boring shackles ... "
The maturity smiled like the youngest daughter:
"Without family shackles - loners ..."
Youth said: “Everything is fine in me,
Young, free, and beautiful, okay? "
Maturity answered: “I am wiser than you,
And with you, baby, I won’t laugh ...
Mature, you will find out, happiness is not in freedom,
Not in night partying, not in Parisian fashion ... "
Youth laughed: “All this is nonsense,
Since this is not happiness, then there is no happiness "
Maturity answered: “No, it happens,
If you live with your beloved, the sky allows you to
If the laughter of the kids is heard from home ...
You are still with happiness, baby, unfamiliar ... "
Youth asked: “If the truth is,
Why are you crying at night and what are the secrets about? "


It is always easy to judge others,
It is not difficult for everyone to give advice,
When the problem is far away
It seems to us that she is not there.
We often look at others,
We envy, then scold,
Although we live no worse than them,
And not more comfortable, we know.
But see a sin in your soul
Not everyone is sincerely capable
And how many years in a row already
"Starts in place" freely,
Only noticing people
Talents or disadvantages,
And in the weakness of dreary days
They no longer see the life of sweet.
But whoever masters his laziness
Who will find the light in his soul,
That is more interesting and stronger
In a moment it will become and ... breathes!


Ask life strict
What is the road to go?
Where in the light of white
Go in the morning?
Go behind the sun followed
At least this path is unknown
Go, my friend, always go
The road of good!
Forget your worries
Falls and ups
Do not whine when fate leads
Not like a sister,
And if it is bad with a friend -
Don't be able to miraculously
Hurry to him, always go
The road of good!
Ah, how many different
Doubts and temptations,
Do not forget that this life -
Not a children's game!
You drive away the temptations
Sloking law:
Go, my friend, always go
The road of good!

Poems about parents who should be learned by heart to adults

Poems about parents who should be learned by heart to adults
Poems about parents who should be learned by heart to adults

Poems about parents who should be learned by heart to adults:

Daddy's casket
I remember a music box,
My dad gave it to me.
I turned the key for a moment
And the sound of the patterns illuminated the heart.
The joy of the heart was crowded,
I remember the look of a happy father,
At the moment when we hugged,
There was no more joyful face
Because the daughter is nice
That he pleased with his gift.
And I catch these minutes eagerly
In the penalty of memory that dear.
And now I get a gift
If I am sad and sad to me.
That moment - he is very bright in life,
And there is no trace of sadness at once.
Like a wing of reliable protection,
Like my shield and strength in heaven,
I will not waste the spirit, even a bat,
After all, all power is in my father's eyes.


"You are the best dad on earth" -
Though you don’t expect loud words, I will tell you.
You are a solid shoulder in my fate,
My life is much brighter with you.
And even if sometimes a picky daughter
Brings more often more gray hair,
But you cherish it like a flower
And heart -hearted conversations when alone.
You protect you with a harsh look
Trying to take problems for her,
For the stinginess of meetings and kind words, you forgive
I want to wish you so much
So that the obstacles do not meet in the way,
So that the angel is with you on the road,
So that we never say goodbye to you,
I love you, my daddy is dear.


There is a mother - care and tenderness,
The warmth of oversized love,
And dad - protection, confidence,
Our lighthouse is on an adult path.
Tips, hope, support
And the house, where it is cozy, is light.
Where tightly hidden behind the curtain
All that is why it is hard.
Where is joy, peace, delicious dinner,
Conversations are always heart to heart.
Where fun, noisy and amicably.
Where everyone will discover himself.
Decisions where are fair.
Together. You love in the house.
I pray, so that it was so longer,
So that God retains this house -
And in the house Tom dad and mom
They will meet you affably.
Happy in the world you are the most
When there is a family in this house.


Family is a hearth and strength
Sacred support and protection,
Cosiness, spirituality, ungashible light.
And in the world there is no worse deficit -
When a person has no family.
It has timidity of feelings, involuntary hope,
It has the continuation of the clan, wisdom of years.
It has strong foundations of a hurry
And the taste of discoveries, the meaning of all victories.
The family is the hearth and strength of that power,
What will stand by growing heroes.
There is nothing more expensive than dad, mom,
Family families, their children.
The country is strong with its spiritual power!
Family foundations are strong in us.
After all, true love is invincible.
We store the family, love and loyalty.


Dad is our example!
Dad is a knight and a defender!
Brave! Wise! My hero!
Together we play games,
In checkers, tanks, sea battle.
Dad is smart! He knows everything.
Our example and ideal!
It helps me with my studies
He read many books.
A true friend, mentor
And the head of a large family.
Mom will not get tired with us -
We help, do not make noise.
Dad teaches not to give up
Society set and go,
Squat and push up.
With dad in the house positive.
We play hide and seek together
We go to the park on weekends.
Either football, then fishing.
We are not sitting idle.
Dad is brave and brave!
I strive to be like being.
About everything that is very important
I can talk to him.
I always wonder with him!
I am proud of them, I appreciate it!
And I will say openly, honestly:
- Dad, I love you!


Thank you, mommy, for life!
Thank you, mommy, for life,
For all the wonderful moments,
For the wings that are taken upward
The delight of the soul and revelation,
By the hand of help always
And faith, no matter what happens.
May mercy give us the year,
So that they never separate.
Thank you, my dear angel
Your warmth is with me everywhere.
And I hurry to you alone
And in joy, and when I feel bad ...
And you are alone in a dead night
With a prayer to God on the knees
And at the icons, and at the candle,
You pray to me blessings.
Thank you, mommy, for life,
For every breath, for the joy of light,
For bright colors my sketch -
For orange life.


I draw mom
I draw mom
Bright flowers -
Because mom
It’s sad at times.
For a day at work
Mommy is tired.
That's why in the evening
She became so sad.
To console her,
I will try
So that she is with all my heart
Rejoiced at the miracle.
I wish I would do better
And more pleasant for mom,
Here will enter the apartment
The door opened with keys ...
But, seeing the portrait,
Mom will be glad
And her arms -
The best reward!
To be funny
So as not to be sad,
To be pleased
And it was comfortable
To be about family
I remembered the foundations ...
I draw mom.
Houses. On the wallpaper.


Bouquet for mom
I'm running along the path
No happier than me!
And in my hands a basket
Happiness, light and warmth!
I carry her for mom
Mom in the world the best friend!
And beautiful itself-sama
I give this whole meadow!
Not fit in an armful
My bouquet for the best mom!
I will give her furtively
In my floral cute castle!
Mom is in the way to amuse
Will smile and go
And behind her a string,
And behind her a round dance -
The whole parade of my flowers
Elegant butterflies,
Fragrant petals,
The breeze is cool!
I give my whole world to my mother,
Nothing sorry!
I love her strongly
How she is violets!


With dad everything is affordable
Strict, only fair
And such a responsible one.
And in everything hardworking,
Honest, strong dad!
Together we will solve problems
And the lessons do not care!
Nothing at all scary
If with dad we are together!
We are a friendly team with him!
Dad made a bench,
I will cover her with varnish.
We will treat mom tea!
The whole family is sitting on a bench
And we say sincerely.
There is order with dad in everything.
With dad is the right mode.
Together we go on hikes.
We love to help mom.
Taught to protect nature,
To protect the homeland.
And his eyes, actions
And the words will protect.
I will also become strong, wise.
And I will build my route.
I will never grieve
Dad with mom. Their advice
I will take a big life,
To be proud of many years.


Thank you for the spilled tears
For the night that you were sitting without sleep,
Protecting our peace and dreams
Over the baby cradle is late.
For the first breath, for the first smile,
For the first step that we passed.
For birthdays, for the first mistake,
For all the surprises that they presented.
For helping us to rise
And find the connecting thread.
And in a difficult hour you can’t break from life,
That the question was not: "How to live further?"
You helped to bite the granite of science,
We were directed with a firm hand.
Thank you for everything: for the pain, for the torment,
For our happiness, peace over your head.


Parents kiss us.
In awkwardness, we stomake.
And from childhood, which is already again
We do not know how to answer with good.
At first we are taught to walk,
Kissing scratches, cones,
Hurrying in the ribbon sew
Two mittens to our coats.
And here we are going to first grade,
And here we are leaving for the soldiers ...
Parents kiss us,
Spending all his life somewhere.
And in those angles of simple
We will hardly understand anything.
And then we kiss strangers
Which we have chosen in life
Through all kisses of fate
We will come on one Sunday
And our beaten foreheads
We will substitute for the heat of the fullness.
Life is a chain of kisses. And U.S
Let the conscience go tirelessly,
Until these days have come,
When in inconsolable longing
Cold foreheads are sore,
For their kisses, for everything, -
Our only one. Late.


Visit your relatives more often,
Those who are closer to you all are more expensive.
Visit while you are younger
But in old age, remember them.
Come back to your home
Bind the aged mother.
Do not be lazy to send a telegram.
In her life without you is Kuter.
Show your kindness
Not sparing accumulated affection,
Not afraid of shame or publicity,
Filling the heart of emptiness.
Visit your relatives more often,
Those who are closer to you all are more expensive.
Those that are waiting for you in the hallway,
Among the walls lonely empty ...


People are the main ones in the world
We kiss you many times!
Your little children
Very, very love you!
From you, worthy and beautiful,
We are ready to take an example:
Son - like dad, will be strong,
The daughter is the mistress, like a mother.
We will work ourselves
And achieve success,
And at the same time dad with mom
Never forget!

Poems about love that should be learned by heart to adults

Poems about love that should be learned by heart to adults
Poems about love that should be learned by heart to adults

Poems about love that should be learned by heart to adults:

You are not easy, you are true!
Because always with me,
You come to the rescue first,
You warm me with a look.
When necessary, give advice
You are my support and support.
I am warmed by your love,
My dear, dear, my gentle!
You are ready to listen to eternity
Listen to your heart, soul,
Cancel even an important meeting,
To just stay with me.
I am grateful to you immensely
Just like that, for no reason.
You are not just reliable, you are true!
The best of thousands of men!


He bought me fruits today,
Many, many, large package,
I hate grapefruit
And there are no grapefruits in the package ...
For two we have six dozen with him,
I'm a little younger, as it should,
With him, of course, it is by no means smooth,
Only with him is not "anyway"!
We are lucky for the number "thirteen",
We love green tea with him,
OH is able to admit love
Only accidentally, by chance ...
I was looking for him for a very long time!
It is a fact! This is all seriously!
And where does the Volga go there?
Who usually eats oats there?
We know how to listen to each other
And we love to go to the cinema.
Maybe he is not the best
But after all, it is not “all the same” with him!


Everything will be forgotten over time,
And sadness will go nowhere,
To that I really wanted to come true
Instead of “no,” someone will say yes.
For some, the whole world will be spinning,
And the earth will leave under the feet.
Some kind of idol will collapse again,
And only God will be right.
And the little things will come from memory,
B will go anywhere,
There is no more resentment or bitterness ...
It turned out that all the fuss ...

Modern poems should be learned by heart to adults

Modern poems should be learned by heart to adults
Modern poems should be learned by heart to adults

Modern poems that should be learned by heart:

Freed from earthly worries
And leaving no evidence,
I live and rejoice, which is a year,
What is illegal into God's paradise!
There is no difference now that night, day,
The bottom is not pulled anymore,
And every time laziness increases
On the dates, cast a calendar!
In the calm of the deserted and unmas
I'm already used to not bother,
Realizing only with his mind,
That there was nothing to wait better!
Wherever you look, everywhere the beauty and quiet,
But unable to explain in any way,
When you will not surprise anything,
It seems that the spring is completely exhausted!
As restless, I wander here and there,
To find the ways back there,
According to its own traces left,
Where could all be lost again to find!


Outside the window, October drives leaves
Scattering gold on the ground
Birds straighten their wings
They do not want to stay in November.
The sky is half asleep in clouds
The wind wrinkles water on the pond
And the grass all somehow turned gray
And I want to snuggle to heat.
I'm walking alley gold
Autumn calls me
The year leaves, taking with it
Memory of life, she does not wait for us.
I know that it will be invariably
A year leaves, taking with him
Our thoughts, feelings and actions
We can’t return this with you.
Life is circling, you and I are not powerful
Something to change in that circle
But we are the universe of this part
And we will not rush autumn.


October has a lot of affairs today:
The surge-autumn arranged subbotnik
She does not dare to ignore the employee.
And your site from September to gate
Noyabrsky cleans with a windy broom,
Trying paving boulevards shakes,
Rakes the ashes of foliage of extinguished fires,
He works hard, flattered by praise.
The path of red will solemnly pass
Actress of the year in an enchanting outfit
From the couturi-dereviev. In a proud look -
As a film, leaves-days of the cycle.


A gypsy guessed you
This summer in the very thunderstorm
Outside the window the weather raged
I embroider at the window on the hooks
And I'm waiting for a guessed one!
Only past all wagons and carriages
The bell sleeps calmly on the door
On the wall, the clock is swollen "Where are you, where are you!?"
I meet dawn without you
So I lost a bet!
Apparently, you will have to wait for you for a very long time
Summer is over, and autumn is here, how is it here
I sang about you bird jay
Tears were dripped and so bitter in the soul
I knew all the gypsies lie!
Autumn boasts amber
Showering the land with leaf fall
I remember, because not long ago
Nightingales sang under the window here,
And the day seemed so funny!
Well, why go so far
There may be a gypsy and right
There is no trouble without love
Love has no ford, no duct
Love has the right words!


She almost does not know him
He became close to her ... not far away.
When meeting, the Virgin notes,
Views are found ... attracted ...
He lives somewhere in the neighborhood
And her house is like passing.
He passed that house with a gazebo,
But he was naive and funny.
He gathered leaves somehow in the fall,
And he suddenly looked from the gazebo.
She is by chance, by the way,
I left the house ... He sighed
And handed a bouquet of leaves
Maple, different, painted.
She told him: "Mystic ..."
He took a verse out of his pocket.
He served a notebook sheet to the cage,
And the handwriting was handsome him.
He handed her like a neighbor:
"Poems from my heart ..."
She read the degree:
“Poems about autumn and love.
What do you write, I did not know
But they excited my blood. ”
"Poems il me?" - He is from excitement
He blushed a little somehow.
She said: “My opinion,
That you like me. " He is timidly
Suddenly said: “I agree to friendship
I am surrounding you with my own. ”
By answering cute: "Is it necessary?"
He corrected him: “To be friends ...
Yes, I have noticed everything for a long time.
You are a modest guy, she-e-she.
I haven't met such at all ...


Take the poems as soon as possible. "
“My dedication to you is
And I see my ideal in you.
I did not exaggerate the meaning
Perhaps I dreamed of you? "

She hardly knew him
But he attracted attention.
The meeting began with poems,
She liked the guy.

You protect me reliably
You are among the roses of all the winds!
I feel your hand
On the way of circling centuries!

You are support for me and hope
To the revival of worlds
In my soul of the hopes of the vast
For all salvation from the shackles

Vidoli mournful and chime,
Where did the roads go with you ...
And the light of our immense love
Summarized by sinless lights ...

I broke my faith
Silk of fate from the web.
And patiently predicted
Miracles of pipe peaks

Accomplishment in the days of ordinary life.
And an angel, the roofing of the wing,
Gave birth to a striving for heroism
Go for the truth ahead ...

At least for her grain
Fight every new day.
And see the blue bird in the sky
Fate is a bizarre shadow!


Life is beautiful! When April with tears
Hurries to cultivate violets like an elf,
A boorish bumblebee flies before my eyes,
And in the height of the flowering cherry of the train.
Life is beautiful! When you go a path
Sunny July lurks in flowers,
The cow of God leads with the epic,
And above you green leaves tulle.
Life is beautiful! When on the strings of the heart
October plays, not melting sad,
Drosts are forgotten tender knee
And the birches are from ocher Kisei.
Life is beautiful! When rushes along the slope
Your spaniel, in the snow to the very heel,
From wet flakes in the comets mittens,
And in white hats pine are looking after.


Autumn mirrors are submissively sad with nature,
Throwing sadly the veil of carved red foliage.
The frozen outfit is not old, even though a year after year is worn,
Sitting the lead ripples of a viscous lazy wave ...
The ponds are full, calm and majestic,
Lovers in the blue heights of bottomless autumn heaven ...
Silent and cold, wilted herbs drooped,
He drops clothes, mourning, coastal coral forest.
Let the rains and the north hard wind will wait,
The supply of earthly terracotta notes has not yet been exhausted ...
Perhaps they will interpret for a moment in a simple October bouquet
Reciprocity and trepidation of feelings calling in the last flight.
Autumn mirrors are ponds of serene reality,
For a sensitive soul - grace and meekness of thoughtful days.
It's too late for us to change the horses, we are approaching the crossing,
Overlands have not been needed for a long time, but, however, Haron is more visible.


Break - again - for pieces
All the dreams that I held in my hand.
Drum of bitterness rudely in whiskey
And chatting - in someone else's language.
I raise fragments from the ground -
Maybe I glue - I’ll clamp in a fist.
But dreams are already in road dust:
And not there I - and not with that - and not so ...
Only a cherry on the torn edges -
on pieces-dark red
a drop of blood - from the dream of an easter
From the fragment that I squeeze into a handful.

Funny poems that should be learned by heart to adults

Funny poems that should be learned by heart to adults
Funny poems that should be learned by heart to adults

Funny poems that should be learned by heart to adults:

There was Ivan-Durak in the forest,
Got lost by chance,
The poor fellow was confused
Though scream, at least swing the press.
He wandered and went to the edge of
Yes, I saw a hut there.
And in the hut of a grandmother-hed
I fried potatoes in the stove.
Vanka began to pester
To let me go over the night!
The grandmother looked so tricky
And I hinted to Ivan,
Says: “I will go to sleep
Only you need to choose:
Will you sleep with me
Or with a younger sister!
Vanya thought and wondered -
I almost broke my brains!
He even knows the grandmother.
But he does not represent his sister.
You can even be worse
The brains are still dumb,
Instead of a bone leg
Two sticking poker!
That's why he lay down to sleep
With a grandmother-lee to bed!
In the morning, Ivan woke up,
He reached out on the threshold.
Look: not far as the girl
He drinks water at the well.
In shock Vanka approaches her,
Talking with her starts:
Says: "Who are you, girl?"
“Grandmas-th I am a sister!
Well, who are you, dude?
Vanka is sad: I, m .....


Dad can beer with fish, can beer just like that
Dad goes to work for ten days in the same socks.
Dad louder in the world can chavish at the table,
Only the Pope of the president can be called a goat.
The neighbors feel respect and fear for dad,
Dad can take out the garbage without hesitation in his underpants.
Dad likes to drink and fight, swear, grunt and smoke.
Only with mother -in -law, Baba Nadia, our dad cannot live.


The husband came from work evil.
He kicked the cat in the ass of his leg.
Parrot of a coquetle
He slammed the door in the cage.
Son: - Drive here, son!
Show me a diary!
Daughter! Take off your rush!
Nevertheless, you can see, e-mine!
Mother -in -law: - Mom, they were encouraged!
In Mukhosransk they would roll their own!
He barked at his wife: - Eat!
Disrupted, your mother!
He splashed his poison on everyone
And calmly lay down in bed.
Everyone went on tiptoe,
In the morning everyone forgave him.
Cat Vasily did not forgive -
"Put the" bunch "in the slippers.


The woman alone, returning from China,
Says to his girlfriend: “And China is like that,
Where all men are "Celestial"
They understand sex wonderful
And they behave tirelessly in love! ..
You need to go there! .. "
And she rushed to China immediately by ticket,
And now the "contact" in the Chinese situation! ..
Chinese, who brought her to his home,
I really turned out to be a “groovy” guy! ..
Having completed your process for the first time,
He fell into such a frantic ecstasy,
That he jumped sharply from bed
Having issued Tarzagni, the cries-threeshes,
Climbed only for a moment under the bed,
And rushed at the woman again!
Then the action was repeated in a row eight times,
But all his potency did not run out the reserve!
Already heated and her body is tired,
But Chinese passion knew no bounds!
When a Kutian lover for the tenth was a “entry”,
She looked under the bed
And there ... the Chinese are a whole platoon!


I met a maniac
In the courtyard at an unkind hour.
He decided me, a dog,
Rap just.
So desires will come true
Not a maniac, but mine!
I'm without a date for a week
And physical love.
Highly bust is strong
I will press it to the wall.
“You wanted love, rapist? -
Apply her to me! "
He was confused with fear
He turned pale and trembled.
But in another I did not screw up-
What is worth it.
I did not stake
And took him into capture.
Right now we will kiss
Sexual psychopath!
In general, we were a meeting
Tomorrow I will go again
Immediately how the evening will come
A maniac to look for yourself!


When I become an old aunt
And a bitch evil for sure
In nightmares lowered tights,
In addition, a little crawled,
When I walk with a stick,
Scratch your hooked nose,
With an old faded washcloth
On the head instead of hair,
It will come to me negatances,
On the evil irony of fate,
My long-awaited prince is asshole,
My genius of pure beauty.
It only looks at me in a certain eye -
And love ardor will disappear ...
I’m shattering: infection!
Bastard! Where have you been before? ..?
... and he, putting his jaw in a glass,
A sigh of il will fart ... Il Iknet:
Mimks quietly: my lovely!
And to the legs like a bag will fall.
I walked to you, suffering torment
I turned the expenses stupidly,
I saved gold and stones,
And he collected the crumbs of knowledge.
And now worthy of you!
Now, princess, all yours!
... Ah, an old bald stupid warrior!
And what should we do, e-mine ?? ....
This little horror story
We will still find morality:
While you can, love!
... and we will wait for the princes ...


Aunt sleeps, she is tired, it became bad with the Internet
She is lazy, she would be a day and again a day,
I would sit behind the Internet, and then walk around the light
View Paris, Moldova, Ivanova and Petrov
“I walked, that's enough, you have a husband at home.
I would have fed a little ”:“ There is no money for potatoes!
The money all went on the Internet ... Filting, finally,
From me with my potatoes ... let him lose weight a little "
The evening aunt sat, sat, lost weight.
She became slender again, began to shoot eyes,
On Petrov, Ivanov and Igor Title.
The husband saw this srach -"stop click" mouse "
Better you go to bed, you will read books to me ”...
Every day, the same Internet, Paris, Moldova ....


A vacuum cleaner fell in love with a washing machine.
He sang her serenades and kissed her sucking,
He burned all from passion, without melting,
And something in him was buzzing with tension.
Nice with a vacuum cleaner walk under the moon,
But a husband is completely different for a washing machine.
The washing machine is not a girl already
And the Finnish refrigerator is more to her liking.
He is white like an iceberg, solid like a piano,
Nothing with him is scary and nothing sorry.
That he’s passionate in the vacuum cleaner, but barefoot,
And the refrigerator is full of smoked sausage.
How difficult it is to make a choice and resolve the issue
A solid refrigerator or passionate vacuum cleaner?
And here is also the third from the admiration of him,
So strokes that not to be sought with a heartbeat.
There is no perfection in the world.
Let's talk about something else.
The washing machine fled with the iron.
But at night she also dreams of a vacuum cleaner barefoot,
And the Finnish refrigerator with smoked sausage.


All our men are like birds,
And each in their own way in life nests.
A man - an owl - looks at the races at night.
A man - Magpie - has a stitch.
A man - an eagle - jealousy, lightning, thunder.
A man - a tit - drags everything from home.
Man - bullfinch - no more beautiful than a tailcoat,
But he is a migratory bird, however.
Vorozhek - at home in winter and summer.
Rooster - ... (Sorry, now is not about that).
Your woodpecker will establish home comfort -
To the neighbors at once - Khan and Kaput.
Pigeon needs special care
He cooles lyrical, but everywhere the litter.
A man - a cuckoo - is careless, like a wind,
Wife is one -day, children are attached.
Man - hummingbirds - from flower to flower,
Only sweet loves his proboscis.
Penguin is interesting, in general, a bird,
Playing, but all the time he is afraid of something,
And swan all his life brings loyalty to the heart,
His white -winged flight is beautiful.
What are you different, our men,
But you can’t love you - there is no serious reason.


I met a man
The husband, however, without asking.
Two meters tall, massive torso -
Oh gods, how beautiful he is!
I'm freezing on my dates
When he takes the hand suddenly,
I fell in love strongly, I disappear,
I am looking for support from friends.
He is kind, smart, strong, gentle,
I am always attentive to me
Not an oligarch-bogach, of course
But this does not matter at all.
I'm flying on dates,
I live from a meeting to a call,
I don't know how to live with it now,
I got into a vicious circle.
We are gradually in a relationship
They stepped over to the line -
And now I'm without hesitation
On it are patterns of caresses of a weave,
In them, I wove the heat of the heat,
I draw a tenderness pattern,
On it, under it, like a candle,
He is “love” to me a sentence ...
I am shamelessly cheating on my husband,
Sigh the shadows in the corners,
My groan interrupts my bed,
And gives the light of the moon to the bodies ...
I suddenly suffocated in ecstasy
I'm flying, my scream rings in my ears, -
From the shock, I woke up
And next to her husband lies, snoring.

Beautiful poems that should be learned by heart to adults

Beautiful poems that should be learned by heart to adults
Beautiful poems that should be learned by heart to adults

Beautiful poems that should be learned by heart to adults:

Dear, sit down next
Dear, sit next to it,
Let's look into each other's eyes.
I want a meek look
Listen to a sensual blizzard.
This is the autumn gold,
This strand of whitish hair -
Everything was like salvation
Restless hanging.
I left my edge for a long time
Where meadows and thickets bloom.
In urban and bitter glory
I wanted to live the missing.
I wanted the heart to be deaf
I remembered the garden and summer
Where to the music of frogs
I raised myself as a poet.
There is now such autumn ...
Maple and linden in the windows of the rooms,
Throwing branches with paws,
They are looking for those who are remembered.
They have not been in the world for a long time.
Month on simple graveyard
On the crosses marks with rays,
That we will come to visit them,
What we have outburns anxiety,
Let's move on to these boards.
All wavy roads
Only joy is poured living.
Dear, sit down nearby,
Let's look into each other's eyes.
I want a meek look
Listen to a sensual blizzard.


I remember beloved, I remember
I remember beloved, I remember
The radiance of your hair.
Not joyful and not easy for me
Leaving you has been brought.
I remember autumn nights
Birch rustle of shadows,
Let the days then were shorter
The moon shone with us longer.
I remember you told me:
“Blue years will pass
And you will forget, my dear
With another I forever. "
Today flowering linden
Reminded the feelings again
How gently then I poured
Flowers on a curly strand.
And heart, cool without preparing,
And loving the other sad.
Like a favorite story
On the other hand, he remembers you.


What a sadness! The end of the alley
Again in the morning I disappeared into dust,
Silver snakes again
Through the snowdrifts crawled.

There is not a bit of azure in the sky,
Everything is smooth in the steppe, everything is white,
Only a raven against a storm
Wings waves hard.

And it does not dawn in the soul,
It has the same cold as around
The Duma is lazy fall asleep
Above dying labor.

And all hope in the heart smolders,
That maybe at least by chance,
The soul will be younger again,
Again, the native will see the edge

Where the storms fly by,
Where the Duma is pure is pure, -
And only visibly devoted
Spring and beauty bloomed.


In a cozy corner we sat together,
Our eyes dug into the open window,
And, straining hearing, in the silence of the night
We were waiting for something from this quiet night.

The ringing of the bell was sometimes fond of us,
The barking of the dogs scared us, rustling leaves ...
Oh, how much tenderness and pity dumb,
Without spending unnecessary words, we read in the eyes!

And how many times, through the dusk of new years,
I will shine that corner cozy,
And night silence, and a bright lamp light,
And the hearts of a sensitive deception are every minute!


What of what you already loved,
Someone, flashing, opened the door.
All this was once before me,
Once it was in the past, not now.

We seemed to have healed the second as if with life,
The second breath, the second song.
You are happy, it’s light with me
How warm and joyful I am with you.

But why does it happen
That imperceptibly, occasionally, secretly
Suddenly, as if a shadow on the heart runs
And acutely chips in chill ...


Oh no, I understand excellently
What did you meet with me, loving.
And yet I feel somewhere,
That maybe sometimes I open
What is already open to you.

Then suddenly you will tie a tie skillfully,
Whether you make a confident joke.
Whether you can say about something without words
Il with a culinary miracle you will surprise.

Yes, it is dear to me and cute,
And yet it will sometimes seem
That all this has already been, it was,
Almost the same, but not with me,

And how sometimes the soul is ready to scream,
When in a minute of affection, like in a dream,
You suddenly whisper me a trembling word,
Which only for me, perhaps, new
But before it was said not to me.

That's exactly the same, maybe sometimes
No, no and yours will suddenly darken,
Though it is clear that I am before you
It’s by no means to blame for anything.


When love breaks the second
In our world, grief, circling and rushing,
We not only open joy in it,
We still repeat something in it,
Sometimes hiding it from myself.

And even say often to ourselves
That the first was not so strong
And green, like a thin branch,
And a little naive, and slightly funny.

And for a whole century we do not admit to ourselves,
That, having met with the new, another,
We still remain some part
With her, the very first, clean and funny!

There are no two equal songs in the world,
And no matter how many stars were not enough again,
But only one has magic.
And, no matter how good the second,
All take care of the first love!


And days and nights until the morning
Buran was raging in the steppe,
And the pods notice by snow,
And they brought a farm.
They burst into a dead house -
And the glass in the frames rattled,
And dry snow in the old hall
Wilted in the dusk of the night.
But there was a fire - without fading,
Shone in the extension at night,
And my mother went there all night,
The eye before dawn without closing.
She is a flickering candle
The old book was obscured
And, putting the child to the shoulder,
I sang everything and walked ...
And the night stretched endlessly ...
Sometimes, circling a drechoi,
It was noisy to be a quieter of an angry
Rustled with snow at the porch.
When Buran is in a rush with a wild
Flapsed a sudden flurry,
It seemed to her that the house was trembling
That someone is weak, distant cry
In the steppe called to the rescue.
And until the morning there are more than once tears
Not a tired gaze shone,
And the boy shuddered, looked
Big languid eyes ...

Mental poems that should be learned by heart to adults

Mental poems that should be learned by heart to adults
Mental poems that should be learned by heart to adults

Soul poems that should be learned by heart to adults:

I can not live without you!
In the rains without you - a lot,
In the heat without you - to blame.
I and Moscow without you - the wilderness.
With me without you every hour - from a year,
If the time to smell, fragmented;
I am even a blue heavenly vault
It seems stone without you.
I don't want to know anything -
Weakness of friends, power of enemies;
I don't want to wait for anything
Except for your precious steps.


I smile, and my heart cries on lonely evenings.
I love you.
This means - I wish you good.
This means my reflections, there are no words and there are no meetings,
And you don’t need my sadness, and I don’t need my anxiety,
And no need to meet you on the road on the road.
So old age looms in the distance, and it's time to forget about a lot ...
I love you. This means - I wish you good.
So how can I leave you,
How can I take out the memory from my heart,
How not to warm your hands frozen,
The excessive burden of those who took it?
Who will say, my joy that we need,
And what is not necessary, will advise, how to be?
Nobody will tell us about this, and no one will indicate the path,
And no one will untie the knot ... Who said that it is easy to love?


I like that you are not sick with me
I like that I'm not sick with you
That never a heavy ball of the globe
He will not float under our feet.
I like that you can be funny -
Dissolved - and not play in words,
And do not blush with a suffocating wave,
Slightly contacting the sleeves.
I also like what you are with me
Calmly hug another
Do not read me in hell
Burn for the fact that I do not kiss you.
That the name is my tender, my gentle, not
You mention either day or night - in vain ...
That never in church silence
They will not sample us: Hallelujah!
Thank you with your heart and hand
For the fact that you are not knowing me yourself! -
Love so: for my night peace
For the rarity of the meetings with sunset hours,
For our non-ghouls under the moon,
For the sun, not over our heads, -
For the fact that you are sick - alas! - Not me,
For the fact that I am sick - alas! - Not you.
I learned simply, wisely live,
Look at the sky and pray to God,
And for a long time to roam,
To tire an unnecessary anxiety.
When the burdock rustling in the ravine
And the bunch of rowan is yellow-red.
I am composed of funny poems
About the life of perishable, perishable and beautiful.


I'm coming back. Licking me a palm
Fluffy cat, purrs more,
And the bright fire lights up
On the tower of the lake sawmill.
Only occasionally tenses quiet
The cry of a stork flying on the roof.
And if you knock on my door,
I think I won’t even hear.

Poems that should be learned by heart to adults - about the war, homeland

Poems that should be learned by heart to adults - about the war, homeland
Poems that should be learned by heart to adults - about the war, homeland

Poems that should be learned by heart to adults - about war, homeland:

December. Leningrad. Forty-first. War.
The quiet Tanya sits by the window.
The colored pencil in the thin fingers trembles.
The corpse of the older sister on the bed lies.
The girl Dosel did not keep diaries.
But Zhenya died. At twelve o'clock.
Until the New Year in just three days ...
How terribly hangs a sheet from her ...
And the grandmother is bad, he doesn't get up anymore.
The fierce hunger will also die.
And Tanya will lead with a trembling hand:
"January. Twenty fifth. Forty second".
Brother works on Admiralty,
And at night and day, two shifts in a row,
To protect the city from the enemy!
But in March I had to bury him.
Again Tanya writes with a weakened hand
About Leku, and the date, and the forty -second ...
Only the skin and bones. Almost a skeleton.
With iron will. At eleven,
In April, two uncles, one by one ...
How terrible in a cold apartment alone!
And the words on the sheet are dripping again
About the date and time. A total of a couple of lines.
The child leads the blockade saga,
Afraid, suddenly mom? .. No, no! He will not die!
She is Maria! Lord, help!
From death, the homeland.
Blockade saga of several lines.
The sixth chapter, letters obliquely.
The hand could not write - "died" ...
The thirteenth was the number.
The girl writes again. And the record is terrible:
"Everybody died". "Tanya was left alone."
And then remove the diary
And the dead mother will sew into the blanket.
From a terrible apartment will take with him
Wedding candles with a wedding veil.
He will take another death certificates,
And quietly in our history will go away.
The diary in the Leningrad Museum lies.
In it, every word sounds alarm.
No, beats! Died ... died ... died ...
Only a few lines ... mean ... as I could ...
My father did not fight that war:
For years, he was too young for the front -
But not childishly experienced early
All the hardships of war and fierce hunger.
Ah, this hunger! How he tormented
How tormented by the body, eclipsing the mind!
And the share of bread was so negligible,
What to swallow him at once.
And what was there to leave?
Do not share what is less small.
Mother bitterly sighed behind the wall
And she added her bread to children's crumbs ...
Herself was quietly melting like a candle
I did not complain, I ran to the plant,
Where there was not enough strong shoulder.
And contrary to everything, the family held on.
So that peaceful will come in spring
Husbands returned home, brothers, grandfathers,
The rear was worked without rest and sleep,
Giving all his strength to win!
Teenagers with mothers stood in a row.
By vice versa, they forgot about toys.
And in the huts in the evenings for soldiers
Kisets sewed children and old women.
My father did not fight that war:
For years, he was too young for the front.
But he remembers - he never forgot! -
All the hardships of war and fierce hunger.


How many years all these dreams have been dreaming,
Alarming the heart of an old soldier.
Dreams do not allow him to leave the war -
He is still fighting, as once.
Again he goes to the very first battle
And you can’t step back a step.
Friends that fell in battle near Moscow,
Before the battle, they took the oath with him.
His grenade was blown up by an enemy bunker,
There were forty -eight left of their company.
Throw ahead - suddenly came to a machine gun
And death mows again in bursts.
Once again the enemy is surrounded
But they escaped to their circles!
And about the war painful dreams,
Like TV shows, longing for continuing.
And he crawls into reconnaissance through the snow.
Mina everywhere, the path back is cut off,
The leg punched by fragments
It is burning, not yet knowing the prosthesis ...
And after the silent silence
The wounds of an old soldier are tormented -
He cannot come from the war,
Ending in a longtime forty -fifth.
Boy, red, heated,
He escaped from home to war.
He went to take revenge for the death of his brother -
Twelve was a kid.
On the roof of a booming car
He rode into the glow of war.
Echelons rushed to the west,
To protect the country's peace.
On an unfamiliar half -land
The train stopped
And suddenly a voice came:
- Tanks!
The car rose from the explosion.
The angry voice of the steam locomotive
The poron smoked, pierced
As if the whole earth is a threat.
And he called alone to the rescue.
Everything was mixed in one moment -
Fire and death from all sides,
And out of nowhere there is no escape
Half -dead dying moan.
From the train with a half -land
Only the ashes remained and smoke,
Tanks went forward somewhere,
And he, a boy, alone ...
One ... and what to do next?
Can it be home? ..
Is it scary to you, my boy,
After all, you met here with the war?


You are still small to hold the rifle
Go on the attack on the "Hurray".
You were dexterous at home games,
But here is another, brother, "game" -

"Game" with death constantly,
And the enemy is strong, you know that.
It is torn to Moscow torn to Moscow -
And all in the fire of the front edge.
But is our boy
Is it possible to scare this?
He will take revenge on his brother Mishka:
So his mother raised.

Broke through the defense tanks,
The battalion did not hold them,
And at the end of all cartridges,
The last one was subsided.

Through a broken floor
He led the commander of his fighters.
No one knew what would happen to them,
Where to get orders from the headquarters.

And for everything more than once ready,
Suddenly the commander was confused:
Before him stood a severe boy.
Among the conflagration ... one ...

And at that moment everyone understood
What, if the boys are eager for battle,
The fascist is doubly no longer terrible,
Though he is a boy, but what!

With that commander our boy
Met the victory in the May Day,
He took revenge on his brother Mishka!
So the world is saved ...

Poems that should be learned by heart - about nature

Poems that should be learned by heart - about nature
Poems that should be learned by heart - about nature

Poems that should be learned by heart to adults - about nature:

The arrival of spring
Niva greens, groves babble,
In the sky the lark is awe,
Warm rain, sparkling of waters, -
Having called you what to add?
How to glorify you with other
The life of the soul, spring is coming?
Snow is melting, streams run,
The window was in the spring ...
Solovy will be discouraged soon,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!
The heavenly azure is pure,
The sun has become warm and brighter,
Time for the blizzards of evil and storms
Again passed for a long time.
And the heart is so much in the chest
Knocking as if waiting for something,
As if happiness is ahead
And the winter took care!
All faces look cheerfully.
"Spring!" - You read in every gaze;
And he, as a holiday, is glad to her,
Whose life is only hard work and grief.
But frozen children voiced laughter
And carefree bird singing
They tell me - who is the most
Nature loves updates!


The stars fade and go out. In the fire of the clouds.
White steam is spread out in the meadows.
On mirror water, on the curls of the luster
From the dawn, the scarlet light spills.
The sensitive reeds dozed. Quiet - deserts around.
A slightly noticeable path is a dew.
You will hit the bush with your shoulder - on your face suddenly
From the leaves the dew will sprinkle.
He pulled the breeze, the water is wrinkled.
Ducks flashed with noise and hidden.
Far, far, the bell rings.
Fishermen in a hut awakened
They shot networks from poles, the oars are carried to boats ...
And the East everything burns, fragments.
The birds are waiting for the sun, the birds sing songs,
And stands a forest for himself, smiles.

So the sun rises, because of the pashen shines,
Behind the seas the night left her,
In the fields, in the meadows, to the tops of the rakit
Golden streams poured.
A plowman rides with a Soh, rides - sings a song;
On the shoulder well done everything is heavy ...
You are not pain, soul! Relax from worries!
Hello, the sun is funny!


Winter night in the village
Shines cheerfully
Month over the village;
White snow sparkles
Blue spark.
Months with rays
God's temple is pushed;
Cross under the clouds,
Like a candle, burns.
Empty, lonely
Sleepy village;
Blizzards are deep
The huts brought.
Silence is dumb
In the streets empty,
And barking is not heard
Watchtower dogs ...


My garden fades every day;
He is rumpled, broken and empty,
At least lush still blooms
Nasturtium in it is a fiery bush ...
I'm sad! Annoys me
And the sun of the autumn shine,
And a sheet that falls from birch,
And late grasshoppers is a crack.
I will look at the roof out of habit
An empty nest above the window:
In it I can’t hear a swallow.
The straw was weathered in it ...
And I remember how they bustled
Two swallows, building it!
How rhyders were fastened with clay
And they dragged the fluff into it!
How cheerful was their work, how was the dexterous!
How was it like it was when
Five small, quick heads
They began to peek off the nest!
And the whole day of the talker
Like children, the conversation was conducted ...
Then flew, flying!
I have seen them little since then!
And now - their nest is lonely!
They are already on the other side -
Far, far, far away ...
Oh, if the wings were me!


"The field is swelling flowers ..."
The field swells with flowers ...
The waves pour in the sky ...
Lesser larks of a stump
Blue abysses are full.
My gaze is drowning in a splendor for half a day ...
Do not see the singers behind the light ...
So hopes are young
My heart is amused by greetings ...
And where are they distributed from
Their voices, I don't know ...
But, they are healed, eyes to the sky,
Smiling, I turn.


"Autumn leaves are circling in the wind ..."
Autumn leaves are circling in the wind,
Autumn leaves scream in anxiety:
“Everything is dying, everything is dying! You are black and goal
Oh our dear forest, your end has come! "
Their royal forest does not hear anxiety.
Under the dark azure of severe heaven
Mighty dreams were ragged,
And the force ripens in it for the new spring.


White snow, fluffy in the air is spinning
And it falls quietly on the ground, lies.
And in the morning, the field turned white,
It was exactly the veil of everything by the veil.
Dark forest, which was a hat with a miraculous
And he fell asleep under her tightly, unforgettably ...
God's days are short, the sun shines little,
Here are frosts - and winter has come.
The peasant-peasant pulled out the sledges,
Snow mountains are building children.
For a long time a peasant has been waiting for winter and cold,
And he covered the hut with straw outside.
So that the wind does not penetrate the hut through the cracks,
Blutters and snowstorms did not puff out snow.
He is now obeyed - everything is covered around,
And he is not afraid of the evil frost, angry.


In the steppe
In the sky is Zorenka
Is engaged
Golden River
Pouring, -
And it lies around
The steppe is wide,
And stands on it
Deep ...
The steppe is white
Silk grass
You are coloring beauty
The steppe is twisted,
Not yet
Sultine summer:
All will burn then
You are the sun,
You will hit yours
Not yet
Grave time -
Dark autumn,
Violent winds:
Will smash it then
He is through the air
All your beauty -
Kovyl white!


"Look - what a haze ..."
Look - what a haze
In the depths of the valleys lay down!
Under her transparent haze
In the sleepy dusk Rakit
Dusko Lake shines.
Pale month invisible,
In the cramped host of blue clouds,
Without a shelter in the sky walks
And, through, it leads to everything
His beam is phosphoric.


"Two gloomy clouds in the mountains ..."
Two gloomy clouds in the mountains
They wandered with a sultry evening
And on the chest of the rocks fuel
By night, they slowly slid.
But they converged - did not give up
That cliff for each other for nothing
And the desert was announced
Bright lightning with a blow.
Thunder struck - on the wilds wet
The echo laughed sharply
And the rock so long
The groan was plaintively affected
So sighed that they did not dare
Repeat the impact of the cloud
And at the feet of a burning cliff
Settled down and stunned ...


"Sorry, faithful oaks."
Sorry, faithful oak trees!
Sorry, the careless world of fields,
And light -winged fun
So quickly flying away!
Sorry, Trigorskoye, where joy
I have met me so many times!
That's why I recognized your sweetness,
To leave you forever?
I take a memory from you
And I leave my heart to you.
Maybe (sweet dream!),
I will return to your fields,
I will come under linden arches,
On the slope of the Trigorsky hill,
A fan of friendly freedom,
Fun, grace and mind.

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