The script for the anniversary of the man is funny, funny, cool, incendiary: the best selection

The script for the anniversary of the man is funny, funny, cool, incendiary: the best selection

A collection of scripts for the anniversary of a man - with contests, ideas for entertainment of guests.

Scenario for the anniversary of a man - "Chronology of life"

Scenario for the anniversary of a man -
Scenario for the anniversary of a man - "Chronology of life"

Scenario on the anniversary of a man - “Chronology of life”:

Once many years ago
The anniversary appeared to the light,
The people were very happy then
As if everyone knew for sure
What will be a wise person
What will become a symbol of good
What to mark it for half a century
We will gather all friends.
When he was born,
The star in the sky was kindled
Our anniversary, when was born
Hope suddenly agreed with happiness.

Then he grew among the toys
That everyone gave it every year,
Brightly from your childhood
Today it will suddenly come to visit!

(The anniversary is awarded the first gift - a rattle tied with a gift ribbon.)

Years went quietly, indefatigable
On his life path ...
And here is our modest anniversary
I am obliged to go to first grade!
Books and notebooks are ready,
Our student himself is ready,
And there is no fold on the clothes -
He is accustomed to accuracy!
He will smooth out his shirt,
He will smooth out his trousers.
And now it's not scary at all
Now go to first grade!

(The anniversary is awarded a leather portfolio - a symbol of the first -grader.)

He studied at school regularly,
Participated in all matters,
And even a pioneer tie
He received! Young! Oh!
Who was the pioneer - he knows
That this is all the more important thing,
And his life does not represent
Pioneer camps.
And our anniversary reads
Both communism and Leninism,
And he knows one thing for sure
That life gives optimism!

(The anniversary is awarded a pioneer tie.)

And again life flows with a river
Desks, books, an eyepiece,
For certificates with a crowd
There is also our anniversary!
He matured and became smarter
Worthy to go on a new path
And the certificate would quickly
Get to the institute!
And he notes graduation,
Girls cry in the corner,
Our anniversary suddenly notices
Girl in a red scarf!

(The hero of the day is awarded a joke huge certificate written off from the real document of the anniversary about graduation.)

And again he is at a crossroads -
Whether to go to a university il to the factory,
After all, this is not laughter, not a joke -
With a diploma in life is lucky!
And here is our anniversary
Studying at a glorious institute,
So that knowledge, experience and mind
Get with a diploma here!
And he studies again regularly,
And gets only five,
Study is not funny,
I have to sleep with nights,
To get a diploma excellent
And go to work with him,
To get decently later
And that girl is to be shook!

(The hero of the day is awarded a diploma made similarly to the real document to the hero of the day.)

And now he goes with a diploma
To get to work,
And then the man is lucky again,
He takes care of himself!
Now he is a collective soul
And each of his knowledge honors,
And something sad at heart
And at night he does not sleep!
He recalls that girl
And he dreams of a family,
To give birth to a boy
Or daughter - that's what a dream is about!

(The hero of the day is awarded an icon, an honorary letter, a work book or any other attribute that is associated with the work of the anniversary.)

And he works without problems
And he receives a salary
And now it’s unknown why
Already go to the bride of the matchmaker!
And now with his woman
Our anniversary steps to the registry office,
And you are not in the world more beautiful
We wish you love and happiness!
Live together a hundred years,
So that every day you would be a joy,
After all, you are simply more beautiful,
So let the family go around the muck!
Let happiness be on the lips
Bloom like a rose,
Let the tears be before our eyes
But from love, not threat!

(The anniversary is awarded a couple of gold rings, one of which he must put on the finger of his wife!)

Years pass and you have
They are born, children are growing,
And there is no happier at this hour
After all, life is getting sweet!
Now the family cares
Absorb like a fairy tale
And the anniversary is already for you
We have to share affection!
Now yours are warm
Should share between the spouse
And between children! Do good
And you take care of each other!

(The hero of the day is awarded several dolls that are as similar as possible to his children!)

And your grandchildren are growing up
Now you have a support
Now you are not only dad
Now you are also smart father -in -law!
Now you are an uncle, even a godfather,
Now you are your dear grandfather
You have grown - you are now an adult
Or maybe you're just big?
And still a part of childhood
It will not fall asleep at night,
Or maybe the wife is a bride
Waiting for you at the window?
Dreams, dreams, we dream again,
But we know for sure one thing -
Congratulations to you today
You keep your good!
And let the family grow, kids growing
And even happiness will be in everything,
After all, happiness is not superfluous!
Happy anniversary! From birth during the day!

(The anniversary is awarded a chronograph and the main gift!)

Script for the anniversary of a man with humor

Script for the anniversary of a man with humor
Script for the anniversary of a man with humor

Scenario for the anniversary of a man with humor:

The presenter reads all the words.

Birthday, dear!
We are to you - with the whole soul!
But first, pour in.
Watch, respect people!
No, we don’t need alcohol,
We would like this to be a drink
To just refresh the throat!
And let's start giving you
All we took with us.
This is still a big work -
After all, there are a lot of gifts!
The anniversary is expensive
We are generously happy to give.
And, without demanding a reward,
We proceed. Are everyone ready?
We are dear to a friend
They did not regret anything -
They dragged barely.

(Take out a large box in which all the prepared gifts are composed, and begin to get every object from it alternately)


Look here:
It says: “Water”.
And although there is no water here,
We emphasize this moment:
After all, a bottle, at least empty,
But what a beautiful one!
For everything is suitable right away.
Well, firstly, this is a vase.
Secondly-this is the dishes,
And not only for the bouquet:
For water and for compote,
And for tea with bergamot.

(present an empty bottle from under the water)

Musical pause, toasts


Here is another “hello”:
A pack of cigarettes.
And "Hello" - from childhood he is:
Remember - summer, stadium ...
A hundred -meter on a physicalside ...
Gathering in the yard ...
Cigarettes were too -
Will you not deny all the same?
At least you have not smoked for a long time
We give a pack anyway.
You just have to cast a glance
To understand: smoking - poison!
Why, you ask, a pack? -
You will hide the stash in her!

(present a pack from under cigarettes)

Musical pause, toasts


Look how beautiful
This beer can!
You can make a rattle
A very glorious toy -
Throw a couple there!
What is not the joy of the anniversary?
Little rattle - isn't it?
And a piggy bank for coins.

(present an empty can of beer)

Musical pause, toasts


Here's another present for you
Under the naming Eurocent,
If simply, a penny
From an excellent stainless steel.
For what? It's not a secret:
From donated coins
The birthday man is nice!
We will not take the present back!
This is money, and besides,
Our modest contribution to this dinner.

(present a coin and throw it into a already donated jar of beer)

Musical pause, toasts


Here's another surprise
Not a quirk, not a whim:
This is a candy wrapper.
Why, you ask, is it?
We want to infect with an example:
You will become a collector!
This is the first copy.
You see, the anniversary?
Who buys the paintings,
Who collects coins ...
Fantiki is more reliable:
After all, the paintings are more expensive!
And giving friends sweets,
Take the candy wrappers at the same time.

(present a candy wrapper)

Musical pause, toasts


And from steel refrigerating
We give you a pin.
You ask: why would it be?
For gum! Got it, friend?
You say, maybe: “What is it?
After all, now linen is different -
From Trussardi, from Dior ... " -
What a conversation?
But take your friends, do not torture
Just like that - just in case!

(present an ordinary steel pin)

Musical pause, toasts


Look here, my friend:
These are matches of boxes!
Say, trifle? No not like this:
This is not a trifle at all.
Let you are not even a tourist
Not an avid climber,
But you can from this time
To make a bonfire in the shower!

(present a box of matches)

Musical pause, toasts


We are glad to give you
This tube is from lipstick.
And although it is completely empty
But beautiful women's lips
He keeps touch.
Ah yes a tube! Visor's eyes!
And I can give advice:
Throw him into your pocket to the enemy!
He will take revenge on him in full
For you his wife!

(present an empty tube from lipstick)

Musical pause, toasts


See what is the charm:
At least the jaw is still in place
Behind the teeth - the eye and the eye!
We give ... now, now ...
(rummaging in a box)

The anniversary is ready to accept
This thread for teeth?
Oh, it seems that they were blushing ...
But we hardly repent -
The thread is simple, ordinary
It’s somehow more familiar to act.
And they made a mistake - it doesn’t matter:
After all, they always come in handy!

(They present the coil of ordinary threads, you can not be new)

Musical pause, toasts


And now seriously
We will solve the “dental question”.
This is a pasta. Yes, tooth!
So fragrant!
We know, tried too ...
True, the doubt of us gnaws:
Should I give it?
For buy a new one
We did not have time today.
But let's give it really!

(present a tube of toothpaste)

Musical pause, toasts


We give a cup! Yes friends?
Look - she is yours!
Know, you were looking for her at home?
We see - the cup is familiar.
What for? The answer here is simple:
A wonderful toast will sound -
Well, you are, as usual.
Drink from the dishes familiar!
And imagine that you drink tea:
Not drunk and don't be bored!
Drink Pepsi, if hot.
Is it better to drink from a gift?

(present a cup belonging to the birthday man)

Musical pause, toasts


All the gifts are over.
However, no: an envelope without a brand!
There will be a reason for a sudden,
And the envelope is at hand!
At least a letter, but at least a note -
After all, the way is not for the post office!
However, don't pull it better,
And look into the envelope!

(present an envelope with money prepared as a gift)

And now we all have to
Start a friendly “Hurray”!

Musical pause, toasts

Cool script for the anniversary of a man

Cool script for the anniversary of a man
Cool script for the anniversary of a man

Cool script for the anniversary of a man:


Let's welcome each other
The right hand was raised - the birthday man waved!
Well, the left hand drops slightly to the knee ...
Not your own! And to a neighbor!
We are hot with the right handle
We will hug the neighbor's shoulder so well ...
Did you like it? Excellent!
They swayed to the left, right.
Well done! Excellent! Bravo!
They stroked their stomach -
Smile at the top of the mouth!
We will push the neighbor on the right,
A neighbor on the left - wink!
We take a glass in the hand, we pour it to the edges!
We continue fun -
Let's get rid of the neighbor on the right ...
And with a neighbor, a mental - for a cheerful team ...
We get up together from our places - we’ll say a toast in your thoughts ...
Let's say together “Congratulations! And we drink everything to the bottom!
Do not forget to bit - and pour yourself again!

The host reads the congratulation:

You hear, gene, such a thing -
In glasses, vodka boiled,
She was not exhausted, she was not exhausted
We need to sip a little to us.
Due to this
I will say a small toist:
If you want - believe, you want - don't believe
Somewhere nearby, the beast wanders.
Not in the forest lives dense,
In Russian is mighty.
This beast is called "Elk"-
It has happened so long.
Let the moose be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to be drunk,
So that I would like and could
So that happiness does not end
About good to dream,
To succeed
So that everything always comes true!

Now look under your plates. Some of you have a congratulation under them.

Well, if there is a lot of it.
But you can’t buy it for money.
Any road is not terrible with him
It’s nice and fun to live with him.
And when suddenly he is missing,
Attacks a terrible ailment,
The doctor prescribes procedures for us
And the nature around is gloomy.
To save it - harden!
We wish today with love:
You’ve try to survive up to a hundred years,
Let not fail you ... (Health)

In his own way, everyone understands him.
It is like a tit in the hands.
Then sometimes it knocks on the door,
Then somewhere it soars in the clouds.
It is called family.
You must be able to protect it.
They do not find him for the distant city,
And just from friendly meetings.
In women, one, a man has another.
May troubles go around you, bad weather
And in life it is accompanied by a large
Incomparable ... (happiness)

They warm our souls and pockets
And they allow us to live luxuriously.
You can be fed up with them and drunk,
And you can drive women to a restaurant.
Someone always lacks them,
And someone does not peck.
They sometimes save from a lot,
Sometimes they do not give sleep calmly.
We want you to be able to every summer
Go to the Cote d'Azur,
Live chisly at the same time.
Let it always be enough ... (money)

She is called a cell of society,
And, like support, we need in life.
Of the two hearts of lovers, it is created,
Mutual understanding is strong.
It unites generations.
And each creates its own way.
Celebrate your favorite birthday
Everyone is happy in her circle.
Although there are difficult minutes,
But all the way, as long as the Earth is spinning,
Let love not disappear
And it will be strong, friendly ... (family)

You can rely on them,
How to himself.
If joy or grief will happen,
Separate it with you.
Their main quality is loyalty.
They will not give us an abyss,
Show both sensitivity and tenderness,
They will go to reconnaissance with you.
And everyone has long understands
What is always more fun with them.
May you surround you in life
More reliable ... (friends)

Print on sheets, cut and put answers in a beautiful bag. Guests take turns taking out information and read out loud

“Why did I come for the anniversary? "

What's the way to keep it for a long time,
Cool time to spend!

I am very daring today:
To calculate who - how much he ate.

Ask: "Right answered! ""
I will loudly sing songs.

I confess to you here, brothers:
Laughing very loudly!

Honestly need to answer?
I want to sleep under the table.

My answer has long been ready:
I want to drink without brakes!

I will not hide anything from you:
Eat a sandwich with caviar.

Curious you hurt:
To spend the evening cool!

To jump, have fun
To have a cool fun!

Here I do not mind
I respect the hero of the day!

So it is clear to everyone for a long time
What will be cool here!

I am not in my own free will
Volodya I love pain.

I am ashamed to admit
To get drunk vodka !!!

The day is bored until the evening
And there is nothing to do at home.

How will it cope with the answer?!
I like the mistress!

Society beckons me,
Show your outfit here!

I can fight here
I can break the furniture!

Start having fun
Urgently need to hang out

What is there to think and guess?!
Here I want to dance.

I won’t, I won’t offend anyone,
Here at the holiday I will love and respect everyone

Stage "Childhood"

Dear birthday!
The best remedy
Frighten any attack
This, of course, in childhood
We must immediately fall!
I'll tell you meaningfully:
Everything is excusable to you today!

So listen and fulfill all my tasks:

I know, you will remember willingly
What he did in childhood,
How carefree with friends
You rode on the rope!

(offer to slip on a rope)

The ball is the best friend of the child!
Remember your childhood again
Go away
And the knee is tweeted!

(The birthday man kicks the ball with a knee, and the guests loudly think how many times he can do so that the ball does not fall)

We are an acacia whistle
In childhood, they did more than once!
Musical variations
We are waiting for you now!

(offer a birthday man to play on a children's whistle or pipe)

For such numbers
We shout together "Hurray!"
And they ask to drink a glass
Your guests-children!

(Let's drink for the happy childhood of the birthday).

(The presenter sings the song “Let them run awkwardly ...”, guests portray a music ensemble)
We give funny gifts to guests:

Comic lottery

So that you are not bored
We give a piece of soap!
There will be something to take your hands
It’s certainly not to boredom!

To a supply of paper for you
I could warm the soul
We give you without strain
This wonderful notebook!

To solve the scanwords,
We need knowledge just darkness!
We know you will beat records
By mobility of the mind!

Yogurt is a profit,
There would be money to buy!
But you should not spend money
We can give you!
Sucking candy
Supply bears
And a papilla - a child,
And you suck ours
Candy, grunting!

To increase the mood,
You will be lazy to throw it away
Fuck cookies regularly,
Norm - exactly a pack per day!
Rolon toilet paper
Keep your diary fashionable
We do not argue about that!
It is convenient to write it
In this roll!
After all, it is reliable in the secret
You will close yours
So that no one is accidental
I did not put your life!

Just no one of the candy
Will never give it!
Earn this award
It is necessary, in general, always!
We just adore you
And we supply candy with candy!
Coffee in a bag
Stop a breakdown
He will always take!
There was a shortage earlier,
“Coffee” is called!
So, we give a pierce,
Let him keep the strength!

Estabatic elastic band
Life sometimes, as you know,
Consists of little things
That's why it is so charming
Get this gift!
Albeit a trifle, but nice
You will wash her spots!

We loved you very much
And we want to surprise you:
A pack of waffles, by the way,
We want to give you!

Our gift is simple to dope,
But we ask us to understand:
You are a figure costume
You can sweep them!

Can of beer
Finally decided
We please you:
They bought a jar of beer,
We give you, loving!
We are specially for you
Bought from the heart!
You are brilliant the cook,
Your dishes are good!

Congratulations of doctors:
The entire consultation of doctors
What came for this holiday,
The anniversary examined,
And, of course, he was stunned!

Ear, throat, nose, liver,
Heart, kidneys, spleen,
Assessed brains
On the subject of the spleen, longing.
Taking a convolution depth,
And intestines length,
Caling the metabolism,
The width of the holes of all,
The conclusion was made as follows:
The anniversary is young!

In general, this copy
Boxing, healthy, not at all old at all.
We put out the conclusion:
Does not need treatment!
Is it only a rest
Maybe to wave to the sea.
On the Ob Different,
On Siberian sands.
Ile on his own phase,
On the lawn, under the bushes!

Without sick, not yearning,
We recommend living long.
With active mode
A stormy life is obsessed
Sports, honey and labor,
The house will be a full bowl!

Dear grandfather! Cheburashki came to our light and, having learned that there was an anniversary, he wanted to congratulate you.

We did not come in vain -
This is clear to everyone -
And sat down at this table.
The anniversary to congratulate
And leave for memory
This song is that we will sample!


Let the years do not age you
In life, you are in sight
To regret, birthday,
Only once a year!

Jubilee, our friend,
Go into our circle
And pour us stronger than us!
After all, not often here we are
We are going together
For your solemn anniversary!


We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay the same as it is:
Modest, kind and sweet,
Patient, beautiful ...
We cannot count all your advantages.


Let your life flow
And without sorrows, and without troubles!
Let the health be strong
And another hundred years!

Congratulations from grandchildren:
Grandfather's birthday. Who is he with us?
Our beloved grandfather is just the upper class!
How to please him? How to thank you?
On the day of birth, grandfather with whom would we compare?
If our grandfather were completely gray
With a long, with a very long white beard,
If he had been in a dressing gown and in a turban - then
We would call him "Grandfather Hottabych"!
If our grandfather was in a bathrobe,
With a bag of medicines, and vaccinations did
People and animals - who hurts,
We would call him "Dr. Aibolit"!
If our grandfather were gray -haired, nasolated,
With a white beard, in a wig from cotton wool,
If he brought a bag of gifts to us, -
We would call him "Grandfather Frost"!
Grandpa can do everything - miracles to work,
A fairy tale - if something hurts, the pain is to speak,
And gifts from it often appear, -
For three wizards, he can handle one!
So, our grandfather is the most beautiful!
We love you very much - this is also clear!
There is no better in the world of grandfather - this is no doubt!
Be healthy! Live a hundred years! In a word, happy birthday!

Congratulations from pioneers:
We pioneers, our children!
There is no one happier in the world.
To be with you today,
We came to congratulate the hero of the day!
His whole life serves as an example for children
Both October and pioneers.
We will continue to take an example from him,
We came to the grandfather Vitaly to congratulate!
We came to you to study from the elders,
How to drink, so as not to fall at all,
How to eat to keep the figure,
We came to the grandfather Vitaly to congratulate!
We speak without despondency and laziness:
We do not know the conflict of generation.
You, grandfather Vitaly - are younger than we,
We should take an example from you and should be in this.
We are the pioneers of the Soviet country.
In you, grandfather Vitaly, have long been in love.
We can’t find a best friend -
We have come to congratulate you today!

(Sing a song.)

Sweet the bonfires blue nights!
We pioneers, a glass of "want".
It’s time for adults for a long time to pour:
We came to the grandfather Vitaly to congratulate!
Presenter: Now we will hold a solemn ceremony of joining the pioneers of our anniversaries.
Dear grandfather!
Accept our congratulations,
And for the life of the instruction.
Promise us not to get sick
Get younger every year,
Do not be sad and not bored,
It is easy to meet every day.
Be ready!

Jubilee: Always ready!
Presenter: engage in physical exercises
And delve into the garden in the garden,
About the grandchildren do not forget
To visit more often to call yourself.
Be ready!
Jubilee: Always ready!

(Drum fraction, tie a tie tie.)

Speech by nesting dolls:

The guests are dear! Beat your palms.
To us for the anniversary
The nesting dolls came.
Tablespoons wooden, rosy nesting dolls.
They want to congratulate the anniversary,
Give a gift and play on spoons.
Matryoshki: We brought you bagels, bought for rubles.
The first bagel - for business!
The second - that mom gave birth!
The third - that they married and the children were born!
And the fourth - for the success that is present, and not everyone.
The fifth bagel is behind the Lyceum!
And the sixth - for the anniversary! And the seventh - pour more!
Do not lose our gift, put on everyone for the holiday.
(Each bagel - on the ribbon. Babliks are awarded to the hero of the day.)

Contest of ditties

Toasts, dances

At the end of the evening, they solemnly take out the cake.

Script for the anniversary of a man at home

Script for the anniversary of a man at home
Script for the anniversary of a man at home

Scenario for the anniversary of a man at home:

The host pronounces a toast for the birthday:

We pour champagne into glasses
And we drink everything together to the bottom!
We raise our toast for youth,
And youth is not alone!

The first circle is completed, a new one began,
You entered the second youth.
The man is prominent, strong and healthy,
You are full of fresh plans and strength.

Stay the same energetic,
After all, you have been working for so many years!
Be fun, pretty,
And let fate keep you from troubles!

Guests perform an old gypsy romance for the culprit of the celebration.

The glasses are poured,
They have a reflection of amber,
And the faces are light up,
Like a heavy dawn!

With wine, longing is carried away,
It becomes brighter
And the toast on the heart asks:
We drink for the anniversary!

Our choir sings an old chop,
Pour a champagne river!
For you, our beloved friend,
Our birthday (maybe the name) is dear!

What could be more wonderful
When, love Taya,
You are met with a song
Relatives and friends!

Let the evening begin
Like a new circle of life,
And all dreams come true
And everything blooms around!


Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up!

Musical pause.

Presenter: Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for parents!
For those who gave the joy of life
And he opened the beautiful door into the world,

For those who taught him kindness
And he handed the baton of courage.
For those thanks to whom, now
Our birthday is sitting among us!

So, we drink for parents ... (calls them by name-patronymic)

Presenter: Now I want to give the floor to the anniversary to colleagues.

Congratulations from colleagues

Fifty -five no one will look like
And a young fire burns in the heart!
At least behind the back of the cargo of worries is big,
You are young with both body and soul!
You are the same cheerful and alive,
The same smart, strong, strong -willed,
How we know you a long time ago.
Just grind over the years, like wine!
Over time, they always walked in the leg,
They did not choose a light road,
And boldly climbed right uphill,
And now any position is fit!
You have come to the production workers,
And they went to the factory leadership.
And now the already famous businessman.
Such a talent is given to you by nature!
Your flexible mind, resourcefulness, tact, tact,
Decency in everything, diplomacy
They earned respect from everyone.
And it is not in vain that success is accompanied!
Around beautiful women round dance:
Beloved wife is waiting for work,
Two daughters and granddaughter - all miles!
They meet this anniversary with you.
So let spring always bloom in the soul,
Love, happiness will be full of life,
In commercial affairs, always lucky
And there will be more happiness than worries!

Musical pause.

The presenter briefly talks about the life path of the hero of the day.

Leading: And now we will sing "Old Songs about the main character of our holiday."

(Guests sing on the motive song about "It's time to go on the road")

Tonight, evening, evening
Without an anniversary, let's say there is nothing to do.
We will gather at the table
We are full of glasses
And for his health, we will sing a song:

It's time for us to note
It's time to celebrate, celebrate a glorious anniversary!
And meet this day
In a large company of relatives, friends!

Let you not twenty or thirty, let it!
You don't lower your vigor!
We will follow strictly
You will not hide from us, you know!

We see brave, brave, brave
A man of slender, beautiful, curly!
Let the years go on a series
But we wish you always
Your soul was young!

It's time for us to note
It's time to celebrate, celebrate a glorious anniversary!
And meet this day
In a large company of relatives, friends!

Let fate sometimes be cruel to us, let it!
In response to her, you let your jokes!
Follow the same strictly
Do not allow despondency around!

Tonight, evening, evening
There is nothing to do without an expensive anniversary!
We will drink once, we will drink two
For the anniversary and for business,
But so that tomorrow does not hurt your head!

We love the anniversary, respect
And our congratulations continue!

(Guests sing on the melody of the song "I can’t on your birthday ..." :)

We cannot on your birthday
Dear Mercedes to give,
But we will give a gift, no doubt
And they are ready to repeat a hundred times:

That you are kind, cheerful, attentive
And in the affairs of a universally recognized special,
That you are wonderful with us in general
And comrade, and husband, and father!

We sincerely want to congratulate you
As well as the age in the passport to fix,
After all, your appearance says, your smile,
That for ten years in the passport is a mistake!

(Guests sing on the motive of the soldier's song “The Way is far from you with you ...”)

Birthday man is a brave guy
He looks with a falcon in the ranks!
We respect all he is rightfully
And in the service, as in battle!


(Name of the birthday) on the road! Let's hit the road! Let's hit the road!
Get to a hundred years
And to stay strong
Fate calls you!
________ (name of the birthday) forward!

Expensive anniversary
Congratulations from the heart!
And hand the medal, and a gift
As a sign of the merits of his big!


Musical pause.

Lottery - forecast
Presenter: But our lottery is unusual. Together with the prize, you will receive a forecast for the next year.

You are a strong nut, which means
Good luck awaits you!

Who will receive a can beer,
Living all year happily!

While the boss “takes off the chips” from us,
Calmly brew the tea mug!

You will receive this tube as a gift,
To shine in the sun every teeth!

Since you got a chocolate,
Then you will not be bitter - it will be sweet!

When you drink cranberry jelly,
Forget about the worldly carousel!
Let the world, as they say, wait!
And you will be healthy all year round.

Perhaps you "shut up" to escape,
But your lot is to continue the work!

Although this cream is inedible,
But the smell is just incomparable!
And you will have to constantly
Chew coconuts, there are bananas!
(Coconut cream.)

To the one who receives this candle,
We'll have to travel around the world!

To write down where the pay went,
This pen will be very useful to you!
(A pen.)

Will have to live, work,
And forget about the days of the calendar!

And a big love is waiting for you
And kisses all year round!
(Set of sponge.)

It is clear to you what the meaning of the gift is?
Life will be joyful and bright!
(Felt -tip pens.)

And you are "in juice", in the prime of age!
And there is no equal to you in the department!
(Sockery of juice.)

You are well "saved" at work
And you will always be held in high esteem.

For the heart, he expects you to delight -
A great increase in salary!
(Yogurt "delight.")

You will walk with a hairstyle beautiful,
Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane.

Congratulatory telegrams

Let them whisper about love in your ear!
Princess, nicknamed ... Frog

I wish you to drink only branded wines!
A fun holiday to you! Malvina

I wish to sing more often for the guitar!
Good company to you! Rotaru

I wish you not to meet the love of unscheduled!
Hello Musical from ... Bulanova.

Live, Seryozha, fun and cool!
Do not forget about childhood! Queen

I wish you a lot of music and laughter
love and eternal youth! Pieha

Let there always be money to a fig!
And chicken legs! Baba Yaga

Be more often in the field and in the forest!
Health to you good! Alsu

Never allow me!
Great Hello from mom! Orbakaite

Do not get into the emergency and shootings!
I wish a long life! Group ... Arrows

The prize is received by the one who guessed what kind of subject the leader was in the bag.

This master is white-white
At school does not lie idle.
Runs through the board -
Leaves a white mark.
Our ceiling is also white,
After all, he is turned white ...

She will be born in the water,
But a strange fate:
She is afraid of water
And it always dies in it.

This book is not simple,
Guess, but do not rush!
So that there are pictures there,
You need to take pencils.

the globe
On the leg stands alone,
Wipes-worships his head.
The countries shows us
Rivers, mountains, oceans.

Not like a man,
But he has a heart
And work all year round
He gives a heart.

I am small, but remote:
It is worth looking at me -
And immediately you will recognize the path.

A pen
I leave a thin mark
But he can live for many years.

Fork and knife
At the sight of food, they do not count the raven,
They rush together on both sides.

In conclusion of the evening, you can invite guests to open an account with a bank for the birthday man. Then take out the 3-th-a liter jar, where all guests can throw a dozen.

Incendiary scenario for an anniversary man

Incendiary scenario for an anniversary man
Incendiary scenario for an anniversary man

Incendiary scenario for the anniversary of a man:

The table is set and everything is ready
So the house is anniversary!

Congratulations from the wife.

The first toast for the anniversary.

Congratulations from the daughter.

"A son -in -law joins the daughter."
We wish you health to our daddy,
What would he raise his grandchildren,
Brought grandfather to people,
You have fun at your anniversary, don't be bored,
And in the morning we will come from a hangover for tea!

Toast for the anniversary!
We wish you so much health,
To have enough for a hundred years,
To be on a hundredth birthday
We came here for lunch!

Our dear Jubilee has very good acquaintances, you can say friends, they have prepared a surprise for him, meet!

Song of friends.
(On the motive "Grandmothers of the old woman from the repertoire of V. Dobrynin"))

We dressed up in the morning
In the sundress bright,
Disipped slightly
They brought gifts.
Our young anniversary,
Although no longer a boy
And look in the circle
Jumps like a bunny

Grandpa, grandfather "
Grandpa, grandfather,
Dance around you
Drunk granny
We are with you until the morning
We will have fun
On your day of your anniversary,
You can get drunk.

Everything is in order with you
House, family, work,
He called us to him for no vain,
Dance hunting.
Louder music play,
Let the walls shake
You dance well
At least now on the stage.

The guests have prepared another song for our anniversary.

Song of the guests
(Motive "If I were Sultan")
We have gathered for you today not in vain
Friends gathered on your birthday
On your anniversary day to sing and dance
Happy birthday to you, we will congratulate you

Today is a holiday, big anniversary
Come on the owner, pour more strongly
We want to wish you today
The tail is pistol
Hold it stronger

You are so beautiful oh, Vasily-jan,
There are a lot of women around, like you are a sultan.
Everyone looks at you, sweet peach you
Everyone smiles and carry flowers.

Meet the famous guest.

Vitas! And his team!

I came to you, but not one
My dancing is with me,
Someone on the road
For no reason
Friends poured them vodka.

I told them
What can you act
So you can’t drink so much,
So they can't dance now,
Just how I vote

(Dancers are voting lying)

Well, you will have to puff and sing without dancing yourself.

Vitas's song
(On the motive "Love so far to love")

Let this day be remembered
And let everyone smile at you.
And my song is why
With such a hand

Love for now, loves
Jealous for now, jealous
Suffer while suffering
Dreaming so far dreams.
I wish you joy
Health and just good luck
No need to be sad about old age
You are alive, which means
Chorus: the same

The anniversary is a short word,
But, and it has many years in it
Life goes through inaudible gait,
Leaving only the trace in memory.
But there is no need to regret the previous years,
Many new ones are still ahead
Open your wings vast
And like a bird fly more boldly.
Happy birthday to you
You are a good father, good grandfather
All family friends with admiration,
New ones wish you victories.
Be healthy, happy and affectionate
We wish you dear
To make many more birthdays
We celebrated with you.

Interesting scenarios for the anniversary of men

Interesting scenarios for the anniversary of the manpodmuzh1
Interesting scenarios for the anniversary of men

Interesting scenarios for the anniversary of the man:


You are our dear friend,
Happy holiday to you!
We recognize honestly.
We can't do without you!

To get drunk today,
Bang you
We promise you
But only loving!

Do not pay attention
On our comments!
The main thing is that it will be appropriate
If we have fun together!

We ask one about one thing to respect
Answer our questions only positively.
To our question - agree, friend?
The answer should sound - I agree, friends!

So, sit more comfortably!
And we will talk about our friend in more detail.
He was not much different from other men.

Born, studied, played sports,
I drank beer with teenagers
And from his parents this, oh how he hid!

And I will tell you a secret to you
He skipped school!
I agree, friend?

The birthday person answers:
I agree, friends!

But then how he grew up all,
He noticed a beautiful girl.
I wanted to marry, a feast
At least, so he answered relatives.
But at the wedding he, I admit,
I drank all the vodka!
I agree, friend?

The birthday person answers:
I agree, friends!

And so he thoroughly confused!
That almost confused the bride!
Well, true, I don't go to me?
I agree, friend?

The birthday person answers:
I agree, friends!

Years pass, he has gathered!
And he was going to work.
Was it the same? I don't go?
I agree, friend?

The birthday person answers:
I agree, friends!

But he did not work there for long!
At that work, he almost drank!
Was it so? Am I wrong?
I agree, friend?

The birthday person answers:
I agree, friends!

But our comrade is not at all.
He found 3 works like a flea dog!
Here, however, they didn’t pay money there,
And more often promises were fed.
So, our friend is not a sucker at all.
He pushed the boss so much, he almost deaf!
Tell me honestly, is it mine?
I agree, friend?

The birthday person answers:
I agree, friends!

But our birthday did not disappear in life!
He became a real man!
And today we gathered here,
To get drunk, and we got drunk.
I understood correctly, I was not mistaken?
I agree, friend?

The birthday person answers:
I agree, friends!

We will sing today, have fun!
To play contests, frolic!
I was not mistaken? Really mine?
I agree, friend?

The birthday person answers:
I agree, friends!

Or maybe the birthday man is not you, but me?
I agree, friend?

The birthday person answers:
I do not agree, friends!

Contractors: He and she
Empty shoe box
Changing money with a face value
1 Cent, 1 €, 5 €, 10 €, 20 €, 50 € €, 50
The candy-ranger on the stick

Hello birthday! Congratulations!
We wish you health and luck!
So that you have lived for a long time - up to one hundred and ten years,
And we promise to come for the holiday!

Thank you for inviting us to the restaurant.
We will try to help!

Will there be enough strength?

She is:
So that you pay the hall today ...

Put in a box a modest center!
Is your holiday? And the party is yours!
And where are the guests? What does friends have to do with it?
I have been preparing for a long time, I suppose, for the anniversary?
So spend, without regretting the guests!

What the interior is here! And it's nice to the eye!
Money was spent ... I suppose, not for free?
Balls and flowers - considerable funds,
Or maybe they promise you inheritance?

You know, it seems to me, the center is not enough!
They will think, we are a miser! That was not enough!
Well, maybe at least we put the euro?

Well, come on! And add to it
Even a little bit-after all, the anniversary!
And so many hungry relatives and friends,
And everything is getting more expensive - and that's why
We also put the five to him!

You are generous, I knew! Of course, come on!
Five-excellent ... scold, do not scold,
But I obviously add the top ten:
No, just as a gift, but not a bribe at all!
After all, guests, besides, want to drink?
Not Pepsi, not Cola ... Come on, they say,
That which is stronger! We will act with dignity:
Add the top ten - and we will be calm!

Of course of course! Let's put a dozen!

Or maybe add twenty?
After all, there must be a gift to buy a hero of the day!
He is a fashionista! In addition, beautiful and Neserta ...

On jeans, shirt, clock and jacket
Twenty is not sorry for us! Clear? Like this!

Of course, add twenty to him ...
Let him buy what he wants - to decide for himself!

And I thought: coffee, dessert?
In addition, the concert was also promised ...
Not just drinking, seizing caviar,
And the birthday person himself is so groovy!
I foresee: he will sing, he will go to dance -
Is it true? And he can’t find equals!

So I said that twenty - we will give it!
We want to be “dear guests”!

Yes Yes! How right you are! Clothing birthday!
Put in the box also fifty dollars!

Well enough, perhaps! Wife, stop!
And do not throw the money thoughtlessly here!
After all, then a hundred? Are you stunned?
Enough of twenty! After all, there is no limit!

To whom is this money falling from the sky?
And at home, as I recall, there is not even bread!
It's time for a supermarket! After all, the refrigerator is empty!
No, I’d better take a fifty dollars back!
(picks up 50 euro)

And after the banquet? After all, we are without wheels!
Or maybe you want me to carry you?
It won't work, dove! Ask, do not ask!
We'll have to take the twenty into a taxi!
(picks up 20 euro)

But by the way, the taxi driver will not take for twenty ...
After all, the path is not short ... and late - the top ten
I'll take it back from here.
And all that remains will give him.
You see, the birthday person will not be in the way:
Think about money ... not self -interest
He gathered guests at this festive hour!
At least he will still receive something from us!
(picks up 10 euro)

Yes, here's another thing: after all, in the morning - to work.
Without coffee, it is reluctant to sit all day.
I think it's better to pick up the five,
Otherwise, at all, you can’t see a coffee.
Therefore, this is how I decide, wife:
We need this five too!
(picks up 5 euro)

But what is left in the box? Just
Only euro and cent!

What care?
You listen to your husband: after all, the husband is the head!
And you, my joy, are wrong again.

Look at the guests-this is the trick:
I quietly climb into the box with my hand ...
I'll wait a little ... Turn away for now!
(picks up 1 euro and hides it in a pocket)

See: where is the euro? Empty hand!
In the box-take a look! - There is no him too!
And to leave the center here is really not worthless!
(takes the center)

What is the point, think? A modest cent
And in the bank they will not accept him at a percentage.
And I would not store money at home.
Well, our hero seems to be tired.
I will take this center for safety -
And, we will consider, the incident is completed.

Well, an excellent gift took place:
And my husband is not a mistake, the owner is approximate!
He is not at all greedy, as it seems to everyone,
And with him I live without worries and problems!

We were actors in the act of gifts,
We showed you our performance,
And not without reason the money was taken back:
After all, we performed? At the same time - free!

And so that the birthday person is not sad now,
We wish him patience and strength!
Moreover, what a great feeling:
Giving the hero of the hero is not money - art!

In addition, we leave the box to him:
You have to fill it yourself.
But so that the birthday is not a tissue,
Let's give him such a lollipop!

(Gives the birthday man a lollipop on a stick with a “bow” of the money that they wanted to give him)

We finish this, more precisely, start:
He will sing the "Happy inaction" to him together!
(sing a well -known song to the applause of those present)

Ready script for the anniversary of a man

Ready script for the anniversary of a man
Ready script for the anniversary of a man

Ready script for the anniversary of a man:

This evening is not simple
It will be exactly golden,
All because the anniversary,
Knocks hard on our door,
But where, the owner of him?!
We have been waiting for him for a long time,
This real man,
And they found the reason to congratulate him,
I think it's time to call him
After all, we are not able to wait for him anymore!
And so for one or two-three, the anniversary of the road, come out!

(The anniversary comes out, music and applause sounds)

Since the holiday is completely male,
So, the style is business
We congratulate you on the anniversary,
And we hand the gifts,
Only you do not take everything
You choose, choose,
And with him there is still a surprise,
And we will give it or you for us!
And so, there are exactly five attempts,
Perhaps you have to start!

Seven new ties are laid out in front of the hero of the day, under each there is a piece of paper, either with a surprise, or with a task:

- No. 1 cognac;
- No. 2 dance in a squash;
- No. 3 mug for tea in a male style;
- No. 4 to squeeze as much as it is executed;
- No. 5 new purse;
- No. 6 to sing a ditty:
- No. 7 Mineral;

The hero of the day chooses ties, he is handed gifts or he fulfills the task, and the presenter offers the last two ties to be given to the hall, if desired

Now I ask to the table
To salads, to delicious guilt!

(The hero of the day takes its place at the table)

Presenter (toast):
So that our anniversary is happy,
I am waiting for everyone to pour every wine,
We will drink for him,
Read his male qualities,
After all, he will be good in everything
He has a good family and a warm house,
He is a friend, too, at least where
So (name), we drink for you!

(musical pause, meal)

And now the guests are expensive
I am waiting for the words from you gold,
Yes gifts and applause,
Oh, I love all these moments,
Let's all one at a time
A congratulatory word!

(Guests in turn congratulate the anniversary)

That's all you are well done
In the congratulations daring,
Now it's time for us to drink
For the hero of the day and for all of you, my dear, to raise glasses!

(musical pause, meal)

And now it's time for us to get up and dance a little!

(music sounds, now fast, then slow, guests dance at will)

Now it's time to drink
Three sleshots, so to speak!
So that the hero of the day has health, happiness, and love, we drink with you again!

(musical pause, meal)

The holiday is anniversary, the male continues,
The shows-longitase begins for you,
The ladies will perform
And you applaud them!

(striptease should dance men)

(At the beginning, the dancers speak of speech):

We came here
To speak like ever,
No one is dancing better than us,
And so look, now there will be a show!

(Dance, guests support applause, undress to the waist or to panties)

Super shows, you definitely asked us,
And we did not see such beauties,
Well, a real male day
Even striptease was not lazy to order!
Well, now we have to drink
We shout: “For the anniversary” and “Hurray”!

(musical pause, meal)

Now I will tell you
Ladies, and gentlemen,
You, alas, say goodbye to me,
But then get fun together together,
You dance, have fun
As if in childhood, everything is frolic,
And don't forget about the anniversary,
Continue him to continue!

(The host leaves, but the holiday continues)

Tamada script for an anniversary man

Tamada script for an anniversary man
Tamada script for an anniversary man

Tamada script for an anniversary to a man:

Smiryo! I'll tell you all now
Well, ka guests quickly in places
Pour! Execute the command,
And I order a toast to wait!

(everyone fills the glasses)

And I ask the birthday man to step to me,
The fact that he is the main one must prove
You need to squeeze exactly so many times,
How much is performed now!

(The birthday person is squeezed out)

Now we take a glass of wine
But we do not drink everything to the bottom,
We make exactly so many sips,
How many years are!

(drinks sips)

It can be seen right away - you are a brave soldier,
Let everyone be happy for you here!

(everyone drinks, meals)

We will go to reconnaissance soon,
Only the enemy then immediately recognizes us,
I propose to hold a competition,
Who will win - receives a prize immediately!

Competition "Draw a neighbor at the table."

Well, now you can safely for reconnaissance,
But before there is much more important matter,
I need to fulfill my team again,
Under the simple name - pour!

(everyone fills the glasses)

And again, we check for the strength of the birthday,
Now we measure its strength,
We will need to raise the lady on the chair up,
And drink wine from her hands!

(The birthday man chooses a lady from among the guests, she sits on a chair, picks up wine, the birthday man lifts her up and drinks from her glass during this time)

Applause is worthy without doubt
But in the army, other incentives,
We will shoot today in your honor
I give all the weapons right now!

(the presenter gives out the flap in the form of pistols and on her command all guests shoot)

Well, now we fill the glasses,
We drink for a real man!

(everyone drinks)

In the meantime, there is a meal
Congratulations came to the festive turn!

(a congratulatory song is a passage to the motive of Leonid Agutin's song “Border”, several people perform)


Truck No. 1
It is necessary to congratulate
After all, this is a festive date,
The guy of the fighting
There are a lot of guests today,
And let it pour
Wine in a glass will rather splashing
For you (name),
So that you live not the same way as everyone!

Money above the roof,
Dreams to be closer
Health of one hundred percent,
And without experiments!

Truck No. 2
With relatives, with friends,
They took everything away in Very,
Not a simple holiday
The table is teasing,
And again,
We are both glasses in our hands
And let's say the toast again.
To live not like everyone else!

Money above the roof,
Dreams to be closer
Health of one hundred percent,
And without experiments!


And now the word to the rest!
(everyone congratulates the birthday man)

And who said to set aside my order,
I do not see whole glasses at this hour,
We quickly perform everything at a time,
And for our general (name) we drink!

Funny scenario for the anniversary of the man's post -wool night

Funny scenario for an anniversary of a man postponed night
Funny scenario for the anniversary of the man's post -wool night

Funny scenario for the anniversary of the man's post -wool night:

Dear birthday!
Your fatigue will perish away
And the life of a fir -up will become
When it comes today night
Post -wounded!
Meet, the night has already come,
I found it early!

(The post -wool night comes out - this is a woman in a blue cape with yellow stars, and says):

I came from a good fairy tale
I will ask, close the eye,
Sit down more comfortably
Enjoy the lullaby!

A tired birthday is sleeping
He noted his fifty dollars
On a weekend!
Yes, and you are very tired
Want to sleep, by the way!
Close your eyes
Bai, Bai!

Birthday man, honestly,
Dire straits!
After all, you are all that is edible
They knew how!
He worked hard for a year
And I earned a holiday!
I fed you all

Do not spare unnecessary piles
He is not drunk something
I do not understand!
To enjoy life,
We must keep in tone!
Open the eyes,
(The birthday person is brought a glass)

Although not at all evening
But we will drink for our meeting!
In your beautiful anniversary
I also pour me a pile!

Scene for the anniversary of the man "Corobey"

(sings the quatrains on the motive of the songs “Boxing”)

Oh, the box is full
The one who came to us!
He will offer the goods with a walker,
For that, he went in!

Really really
Here is the anniversary today?!
So, again, I am in business,
I will offer him a product!

(approaches the anniversary with his tray)

But my goods are encrypted,
I say that right!
In this case I am savvy
And I love surprises myself!
However, I will still tell
What a secret I keep!

(takes the goods from the tray in turn and, showing them to everyone, says what this product means if the hero of the way eliminates it):

There is a gold medal-
If you choose it,
There will be life then-
You will get a buzz from her!

If you choose comb
You will become a well done right away!
You will be with a fashionable hairstyle
And beautiful, like a cucumber!

If you choose a bill,
I'll tell you then:
Your lip is not a fool
You will always be like that!

If you choose a means
To protect yourself,
I will tell everyone without coquetry:
You will live happily!

And now I ask you bolder
Use a chance in the lottery!
Choose your number
And get a gift!

(The anniversary pulls the number, the box repeats again what this gift means for the hero of the day, and then tells him):

I'm not a businessman!
The hand will not rise
All of its beautiful goods
Do not give you from the tray!
So you take all you
Remember me more often!
And for your birthday
I want to drink with you!

(drink toast for the talents of the birthday)

A scene for the anniversary or birthday of a man "Song of a not dripping faucet"

Dear friends!
Our birthday master class!
He knows all the work!
And the new guest to him now
Recognizes devotes!
From all the plumbing of the apartment
Sings not dripping tap
And this guest is corporate
He will not be shouting with his soul!

(Not a dripping tap comes out - this is a man who can be tied to a large tap tap on the front in front)

Not dripping
(on the motive of the song “Not Kochegars, we are not carpenters”))

Not a stoker and not a physician
You were born to the white light, white light!
And even in general not a plumber,
But there is no problem at all!

You know all the work at home
You are in the plumbing Mastak, Mastak!
And you show the caring
When suddenly something is wrong!

I'm sorry, I often drip,
Mon Cher Ami, such a life, oh, life!
And at least with what big salary
Implay do not attack me!

I am grateful to you, my dear,
For the fact that I don’t go wet, I go!
And therefore all day- DBL
I hold a carrot crane!

And where, where is my grammole-
I want to congratulate you, you!
You are my savior, my revenue,
I tell you loving!

(pour a glass of a crane and he says a wish to the birthday man)

Wishes from a tap:

Let everything be in order at home
And the money will be in the provision!
Plumbing to you is excellent
And happiness in life certainly!

Scene for the anniversary or birthday of a man "Song of the Turtle"

Song of a turtle
(on the motive of the songs of the turtle from the cartoon)

I'm lying in the sun
And I look at the vovochka,
I am lying and lying
And I look at the vovochka!

I see Lyudochka sits
And he watches the vovochka,
Everything monitors and watches
Vova spoils your appetite!

I see he sits does not drink
All the dignity will observe
Lyud, you don't touch him,
Let him do whatever you want!

The anniversary today is he,
Cross the dry law!
Your Vova is so good
You won’t find better in the world!

And the guests are good
They rush from the heart!
Only I'm lying all
I only follow the process!

Everyone sits so modestly
They don't lie under the tables
I'm lying here alone
And I look soberly!

Guests are joking everything in a row
Lead on the salad,
Only I'm lying all
I just look at the salad!

I see a vodka drink everything,
Yes cucumbers chew
Only I'm all lying
And I look at the vodka!

Maybe they will give me
And they will give snacks,
Otherwise I'm looking here
I will fly on an empty stomach!

(They bring her to drink and eat, before drinking a turtle, sores):

I hold a glass in my hands
So I will say a toast now!
Be always young
The birthday man is dear!

After toast:
Harmful tips
Take care of your nerves
Do not take your grandchildren to yourself:
Grandchildren run and jump
Your vases will beg.
Say so to children:
If the grandchildren were born,
Let them be brought up themselves,
Without hope for grandfathers

If you are cunning your elbow
Or God forbid sneezed -
Call an inspection,
You have to go to the hospital!
Well, if not to the hospital,
Then rather under the blanket
Yes, shift louder,
Let everyone run away

If you meet a teenager,
Report it right there:
He does not understand anything
In life, this youth.
What is the music! And fashion!
It's just a quiet horror!
Instruct them day and night -
Your direct and common duty!

Close yourself in yourself,
Forget entertainment
Do not read new books,
Throat and without them:
Kitchen, market and economy -
That's all that is needed in life,
You can only allow
Series in the evening!

Do not follow yourself,
It's even somehow ashamed
You are not a muscular macho,
To lure someone!
There is a holey pajamas -
So what, what was licked,
But in the winter and summer
It is comfortable and warm!

"A house that
built Oleg (name of the hero of the day) "
Here is the house that Oleg built.
The house has a lined dining table,
Vodka, snacks, continuous dwellings,
In the house that Oleg built.
This is Oleg with his wife,
Loving, sweet, beautiful so
The one who set the dining table
The one on which is a continuous dwelling,
In the house that Oleg built.
Near Oleg are Olegov children,
The best children in the world
Those who are brought up by a good wife,
Loving, sweet, beautiful so
The one who set the dining table
The one on which is a continuous dwelling,
In the house that Oleg built.
This is a family class car,
The one that is passing through KAMAZ.
Children will get into the car of the Olegovs,
The best children in the world
Oleg will sit with his wife,
Loving, sweet, beautiful so
The one who set the dining table
The one on which a continuous wrapping
In the house that Oleg built.
This is the cottage, Oleg Otrada,
The reason to meet more often guys.
We are going in a family class car,
The one that is on the way Kamaz.
Of course, the Olegovs are going on,
The best children in the world
Oleg rides with his wife,
Loving, sweet, beautiful so
The one who set the dining table
The one on which is a continuous dwelling,
In the house that Oleg built.
This is a company of vigorous guests
(The host shows guests),
The one who arrived for the anniversary
The one who walked in the country with Oleg
The one that Oleg was everywhere,
Sitting in a family class car,
The one that is on the way Kamaz.
Here, of course, Olegovs are children,
The best children in the world
Here Oleg with his wife,
Loving, sweet, beautiful so
The one who set the dining table
The one on which is a continuous dwelling,
In the house that Oleg built!

Scene - congratulations from the indigenous resident of Chukotka:

(on the head a shaggy hat, on the shoulders - fur, speaks with a Chukchi accent)

In our camp, however,
Every dog \u200b\u200bknows
What is an anniversary
This is many guests!
So that everyone has enough
I wish to be:
A lot of fish, venison,
Bread with butter, sturgeon,
And, of course, milk!
Well, however, all, for now!
Ouch! However, I forgot
The document did not hand it!

Video: An interesting start of the anniversary cool script for a home anniversary

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