Scenario for the anniversary of a woman - incendiary, with humor, cheerful, cool: the best selection

Scenario for the anniversary of a woman - incendiary, with humor, cheerful, cool: the best selection

A collection of original scripts for the anniversary of a woman.

Script for the anniversary woman cool

Script for the anniversary woman cool
Script for the anniversary woman cool

Scenario for the anniversary of the woman cool:

Host holiday:

Many years have passed since then
When a miracle happened.
You appeared on the white light
Where is it from.
There are only once in life
Similar phenomena.
We sincerely want to congratulate you
Happy birthday today!

And who knows the anniversary better:
1. Place of birth?
Parameters at birth?
What time of the day was born?
2. What marks graduated from school?
3. The most favorite toy?
4. What is your favorite flower?
5. Favorite dish
6. Favorite, hobby
7. Favorite drink
8. Favorite color
9. Favorite song
10. Favorite singer.

Who knows his child better than all, Kick is not parents.

The word to parents.

An anniversary - what it is!
This is a holiday, this is a celebration!
This is the day when there are so many friends
And the house is joy and warm!
You have to drink for this! And we do not mind!
Years fled like streams in the spring,
And life and across and along, flowed,
Our girl became great,
But she saved beauty and tenderness.

The word for congratulations is given to the sister.

You have to drink for this! And we do not mind!

Jubileesh - Russian soul,
In homeland is gifted with beauty,
And the king, whose name is from childhood,
The kingdom inherited her.
No matter what it cost, she
Solid in decisions and often
Rights. The character is strong,
And he knows how to sharply sharply.
Empty does not tolerate objections -
Weight facts, importance of them:
She is easier to build
With men with whom there are no problems.
In the middle of them, she is comfortable sweet.
Charming is full
All your artistry without a trace
She will show among men.
She's fiction fast
Like in Tamad, there is no flaw in it.
Like the sun on the warmth is generous.

Congratulations from the sultans for the motive of the song: "If I were a sultan, Ch B had three wives ..."

From a foreign side,
From the overseas countries
We came to you
To the country of Russians
Oh, ... - beauty,
Oh, the queen of the day
We dance, sing
Only for you!

At .... Today
big anniversary,
Well, sultans,
Dance more fun!

50 - it does not matter, only part of the path.
Look at you -
I give only 23.
Like the air is light
With a spark of the eye,
How is a slim birch -
Ah go crazy!

And it is true,
Do not lie sultans -
Look gratifying
Your spell!

Let's tell you honestly
Oh ... - Jean,
In your harem would
Everyone took the sultan!
Hands of such gold
Do not find in the world,
Let us let us
Kiss you!

At ... today
Big anniversary,
Well, sultans,
Dance more fun!

You have to drink for this! And we do not mind!

Fate brought two different people
In life life, everything happened:
There were joy and sadness
There were happiness and luck
There were tears by chance.
The word to the husband for congratulations.

So the word, work colleagues.


Our ... today is an anniversary.
We dressed up and all came together.
It’s time for us to congratulate the beauty - no doubt
In honor of our goddess, we will sing a fashion rap.
EU, all o-kay,
At ... today is an anniversary!

We congratulate you on the anniversary!
We wish you to live up to a hundred,
Happiness and good luck for you
EU, keep it up -
This is what we wanted to say!

We wish you to be healthy.
So that the days in calm and health flow,
To come true your cherished dream!
We congratulate you on your birthday!
EU, all o-kay,
... walks the anniversary!

We have to drink for this, but we do not mind!

Do not leave the anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, the cordiality of the particle.

Beautiful, tender and cheerful,
Charming, crazy,
Always beloved and in love
The soul is always young,
With fire in the chest, with a dream in the heart,
Incomprehensible, like a star,
And an unsolved mystery
You stay forever!

On this, the solemn part is over.

You can hold the following contests:
1. A connoisseur of human anatomy.
2. Lottery.
3. Riddles.
4. The most sober
5. Dancing on the newspaper.

Incendiary scenario on the anniversary of a woman - a gypsy holiday

Incendiary scenario on the anniversary of a woman - a gypsy holiday
Incendiary scenario on the anniversary of a woman - a gypsy holiday

Incendiary scenario on the anniversary of a woman - a gypsy holiday:

For a long time we wondered
What will we surprise today
And now - they organized everything,
We call you to take a walk in the camp.
And here - as in the Tabor of the gypsy -
It will be comfortable and freely,
The whirlwind of the anniversary will spin us -
The gypsy fun here is expanse.
And we ask our plot to support you -
Once gathered for the holiday of birthday,
From the birthday girl, we present the gifts -
You try them on, not at all embarrassment.

Comic general congratulations to the birthday girl

Well, now they are ready to meet
Let experiments be held at Hurray.
We start our evening in the Tabor,
For the birthday girl, applause sounds! -

The "gypsy" sounds, a birthday girl appears in the hall.

Concerns and waves - useless
All Kurgan is having fun today,
And we are doubly, and therefore
We meet you in the image of a gypsy!
Well, the hearts are getting more joyful,
That long -awaited hour has come,
The feelings of beautiful starfall are ready here
And the place is prepared for you!
We will rightfully invite him to take him
And we’ll shout to everyone: “Congratulations!”

All guests are chanted “Congratulations!”, Balls with foil explode.

"Gypsy" General Cup for guests
I think it's time to come
And congratulating this day,
Let's now, friends-faces,
We pour a bowl of wine to the edges!
Bring the cup!

The solemn musical beat sounds, the Assistant girls make a huge glass of cache, stop near the birthday girl.

Life in the Tabor, let it be good:
The birthday girl has a wide shower!
And toast to be supported ardently,
Need a huge bottle!

A bottle of champagne with a capacity of 6 liters is made and opened to the music. To the applause of the guests, the bowl is filled. The birthday girl welcomes guests, drinks from the bowl.

So that only joy here is now a place,
So that we become in the Tabor we are closer to each other,
Let's all now, together, together
We will “let” this bowl here in a circle!

To the music of the assistants will extend guests with a stump. The presenter turns to the birthday girl.

Our holiday is beautifully started,
He boldly enters his rights,
The hostess of the camp is today, and therefore,
You have all the songs and the best words!
We raised a glass for our health, for success,
For the fact that the circle of friends is always cramped.
And you have not heard kind words yet,
But this evening will be interesting.
Come on, friends-faces,
The feast of time has now come.
We walk until the morning - the toast is time for us all!
Guests are seated at the table.

Caced "gypsy" gift to a birthday girl

A souvenir is awarded - an image or figurine of a horse with an accompanying text that the host reads.

We will not talk for a long time,
Hide the horse behind a high fence -
Suddenly, we’ll scold, and even with the fence!
Well, now - toast!
Gypsies with a noisy company
On holidays they have been wandering for a long time,
And with this noisy crowd,
Perhaps here they will go to ...
This is not the point, this is not the "salt",
Let there be a holiday and fun,
Each will play his role,
The gypsies are not scared of a hangover!
And therefore for a day of birth
We pour glasses to the top,
We are delighted with the whole camp
We are drinking toast standing here today!

Guests support a toast, a gypsy song performed by soloist sounds.

The years are running, changing generations,
But only joy in life is added!
And on this day - a wonderful birthday -
A friendly circle of friends here congratulations here.
But this toast is the most important today,
And we are raising the glasses again
So that on this holiday joyful and glorious
All drink together "For love!"
And let the husband say his word here,
We, Romalah, will send his eyes to him now.
After all, we are ready to support it all,
We will give a word to my wife with a Tabor!

The spouse of the birthday girl pronounces a toast, support everything, the song “The Shaggy Bumblebee” sounds performed by the singer or in the recording.

Comic fortune -telling for guests
Romalah! I ask attention!
All evening in the Tabor fortune -telling:
Who to receive gifts,
Who to proclaim a toast here!
You look under the plates
And find each card there!
The deck will tell us everything:
Who will congratulate the ladies
Which of the men here will say a word
The hostess of the camp will indicate!

Guests find cards under plates. “Fortune telling” is carried out throughout the anniversary, interrupted by dance pauses and game moments.

Well, you say a word
And we, Romal, drink a cup!

After toast - a gypsy dance performed by artists.

Second comic gift to the birthday girl
The day is full of surprise moments -
And again the camp congratulates you.
Among gifts, joyful presentations
One more ready! Let's hand him now!
This gift is “amulet”,
So that your house will save from trouble!
You will place it in the house
And peacefully, happily live!

Launch of pigeons and multi -colored balls

Remember, probably, that the gypsies are wandering people,
Constantly changing location, and therefore,
Friends-facilities, we will go out to the ground,
To fresh air, it rises where the moon
And the night has not found expanse yet,
Where the partial shade is mysterious, gentle.
We call you all "ventilate" a little,
To the entrance to make your way -
We will “turn it over” a little there.
So, Romalah, we are “wandering”!

All guests move to the entrance to the building. The presenter turns to the birthday girl.

Do you remember how it all started,
How did the eyebrow frown?
But everything that I wanted was done
Although it was first and again.
I only wanted to be happy
And believe in only miracles.
And that dream of a white -winged pigeon
You let go, looking at heaven.
Let me believe again and let him dream again,
Let it be bright, multi -colored new take -off.
And therefore - let the doves fly -
Let's take them into flight together!
And to solve new problems,
So that we live joyfully with you,
We certainly want today
Color the sky with bright balls!

The birthday girl and guests launch white pigeons and multi -colored balls into the sky. After returning to the hall, dancing time comes, and later they make hot dishes.

"Gypsy fire"
Let there are no fire yet, but it is very necessary
So that the reflection in all gaze flashes.
I think it's time! And we are all together
We will light candles here, the hour has already come!
Guests light candles at the table.
So the gypsies, around the fire, everything has been located,
They eat dinner, celebrating the meeting for an hour.
So we, here at the candles, sitting down,
The good news was cooked for you!
I will ask, Romalas, stood together,
The glasses were raised by a camp
Calling glasses of a moment we note
And we’ll meet a new treat here!

Under the gypsy song performed by soloists, barbecue are made.

Help yourself! Enjoy!
Let you remember this hour!
New forces, Romala, gain,
And the "gypsy" sounds now for you!

After the treats - a creative gift to the birthday girl, which is called "about gypsy love."

Costymic congratulations from gypsies

We ask us attention again -
Try to understand us.
About gypsy love
We want to tell you.
We announce to you right away
Preceding the whole plot
That the gypsy lived
Aza is not better and not!
Famously, passionately danced
Surprising everyone with an old
Azu together we, Romala,
We will meet with applause here!

Aza appears under the gypsy perky melody.

The braids of the basics - all on the marvel!
The chest is the envy of all gypsies.
And the eyes ... Oh, how played ...
From them - joyful and drunk ...
And in the Tabor neighboring, no less wild,
There was a gypsy and did not know the gypsies,
And the gypsies were a success, and the face, and
But somehow suddenly he met Azu ...
We continue our story,
And now we will meet the gypsy together:
He is in a hurry to us in a clearing, at this time
We will welcome his applause ...

The gypsies appear to the music: barefoot, a scarf on his belt, a hat on his head, under his nose, fake mustache.

Dashing, beautiful, with a black eye -
He "prank" so in life,
I have not met our azu yet
And he lost his mind instantly.
He kneaded his knee
And he disheveled the hair.
He said: "I love you, Aza!" -
And the exhausted fell!
The gypsy put the handle in the side,
And she corrected her chest,
And whispered with an aspiration of passionate,
Expressing your thought to him.
“Sighs in vain leave ...
If you do everything without deception
The dream will turn into reality
I will marry a gypsy.
You must deliver me the joy
And give me a horse! "
Our gypsy immediately started up,
He jumped from his knees to his legs strong,
And he looked around with hope -
He was waiting for help from the camp.
Realizing the love and passion of the gypsy,
They sent ... a horse ... not without a flaw ...
The gypsy opened his mouth in confusion ...
And Aza straightens the chest again ...
Meet, the horse has arrived with us -
But this is not a horse at all - a cow!

A fervent melody sounds, two guests appear in the image of a cow.

What was hinting at the camp, we do not know ...
But Aza clapped her hands loudly ...
We wish them two settled
Love is big, and bright, and good ...
And the Aza gypsy hugged ...
And the gypsy kiss sends ...
And at the end of the novel
The cow takes the horns.
And they all went together
In the camp, the wedding to celebrate
We need to thank them
And give them gifts!

All participants are awarded prizes.

The accompanying texts are the following:

1. A beer mug made in the form of a gypsy skirt.
You played well here
So that the camp is remembered for a long time,
How was everything beautiful with us.
Give a mug for beer for you!

2. Souvenir cards.
We are rooting for you all the people,
We are worried about the whole camp ...
We hand over the cards we are a deck for you,
In the morning, maybe we will play!

3. Children's guitar.
To sing songs under a clear moon,
We want to hand you a gypsy guitar.
Enviable to everyone, and even to me, I will not hide,
But - take it, so be it!

4. Video cassette with a movie
"Tabor goes to the sky."
About gypsy love
People have known everything for a long time.
Let him remind her again
This is a cool movie!

The host gives men table fireworks.

Here the men got into a circle,
Fireworks light up
And know the arms of hands
You are invited to dance!

Men alternately convey fireworks to each other, inviting the birthday girl to the dance.

Removing the cake "Tabornaya Polyana"

Well, Romale, got up again
And again they created a semicircle.
After all, in the Tabor today is a birthday,
It's time to make a skillful hand ...
This historical moment
We must all perpetuate everything,
And therefore we call us all to us,
So that the cake is solemn here!

All guests are located again in a semicircle so that the operator and the photographer are convenient to shoot.

So another year has begun,
May he give you seven wonders of the world,
Let only joy in life await you,
They lit seven candles - yes we will be forgiven!
Let the rainbow shine with multicolor,
And let the favorite seven notes sound,
And let the candles carry a perennial
Without painful thoughts and troubles.
And we want good luck to you
Let the “handle is golden” daily,
Love to you, health and happiness in addition,
And the cake is time to appear here!

Under the festive fanfares on the table “import” a huge anniversary cake, seven candles are burning on it.

We ask the hostess of the camp
Here to experience the strength of the spirit.
We present the cake as a gift -
She needs to blow out candles.
Romal, together, watch everything,
How candles go out - "One, two, three!"

Fanfar beaten sounds, light is lit, the hostess of the camp cuts the cake and treats everyone.

Merry script for the anniversary of a woman

Merry script for the anniversary of a woman
Merry script for the anniversary of a woman

A fun script for the anniversary of a woman:

(Calm music sounds. The host welcomes guests.)

News of this anniversary
The whole district was known.
Whose holiday we celebrate
The table is at the head.
This is a dear grandmother
I collected everyone today.
I will say one for the guests:
"This is all her success!"

(Applause of guests.)

Our dear grandmother!
We are very grateful for this
Unable to be silent anymore.
We love you, respect
Like a mother -in -law, grandmother and mother!
We’ll shift everything with a friendly family
And we will devote this toast to you this one!
(Guests drink.)

(Musical pause 3-5 minutes.)


Dear guests!
We want to say one thing about grandmother:
We are comfortable and warm with her.
And even if the windows are behind the window,
Here is a permanent climate from year to year.


For affection, for warmth of heat
We must raise more glasses!
(Guests drink.)

What does our grandmother like?
Perhaps chat
With all our relatives
What can instantly gather.
And what do everyone love?
Probably bake cheesecakes.
They are also attracted
Fucking ditties.
About what grandmother loves,
We think we guess
And on the anniversary day
We hand her gifts.

(Congratulations to guests. Giving gifts.)

(Continuation of the feast.)

(Guests are heard pre -printed songs of the song. A phonogram sounds. Mass performance of a song.)

Song to the motive "grandmothers-old"

Who will be treated with pancakes every time usually?
Who is in the hands of a ball to see us habitual?
Who knows so much by heart?
Let everyone here immediately guess. (2 times.)

Grandma, grandmother - not an old woman at all,
Grandma, grandmother, you are our girlfriend!
We love you, appreciate, respect.

Until the same years, we sometimes dream of living. (2 times.)
We all came to my grandmother for dinner today,
Because we all really need this day.
Conversations heart to hearts and memories.
They give grandmother and we only exclamations. (2 times.)

(Guests raise a toast for the "young" age of the grandmother.)

Probably, it is no coincidence that this year
The three horses stand at the gate.

Sounds music with bells

1st horse:
Rushed like that for the anniversary
That steam comes from all the nostrils.

2nd horse:
And the sweat is flowing rivers.
Mistress, give me water to get drunk!

3rd horse:
We beat off the hoof of the fraction,
They lost their horseshoe somewhere ...

1st horse:
Kohl dropped here - for happiness,
And if not, then here is an attack!

2nd horse:

On it all our wishes
Tips, facts, exclamations.

3rd horse:
So that we are not in vain in a hurry to you,
Find you to the horseshoe.

(Guests find in the room the souvenir horseshoe laid for a prominent place, to which cards with wishes are attached, and read them in a certain order.)

We want to wish a horse in the year of the horse
So that the birthday girl was frozen again.
Even if when left alone,
She will always accompany her forces
Endurance will be the same as before
Let him remember, our salvation is in the hope.
Let it ask us all better help,
And he is already carrying anyone on himself.
We hope that in the anniversary year
This happiness will bring horseshoe.
(Graduation to the birthday girl.)

1st horse: All guests successfully coped with the order, we will definitely fill the glasses!

2nd horse: For the horseshoe, for happiness from three horses, we ask us to drink all our guests!

(Guests drink.)

Leading: Our guests are replenished today

(The phonogram of the Sirens "Ambulance".)

Dr. Aibolit:
We heard about the anniversary for a long time
And the "ambulance" was immediately adjusted.
I will appear as education tells,
Before you is a good doctor Aibolit.
Two nips are nearby with me,
We call them in the ambulance we are “mouse”.
I have a trainee.
Meet a nurse!

Today they spun today,
But they managed to take the vaccine.
So as not to double the table in front of you,
Now we will give a prick to guests.

(The nurse takes out two syringes from the suitcase and handed them to the mice.)

And we already need a double dose,
So that prose to better fall on poetry.

(Mouse are served by medical personnel, not forgetting to themselves.)

Dr. Aibolit:
You, grandmother, like God's dandelion,
Always fresh and good.
Now we will look into our suitcase,
To support the image of yours today.
For ailments, we will exclude all the reasons,
When we prescribe these vitamins.

(The nurse takes vitamins from a suitcase and handed them to the birthday girl.)

So that you surprise the whole world with health,
Take a magical elixir from us.

(A nurse presents an elixir bought in a pharmacy.)

I'm sure you will dance the gopak,
When you get five -star brandy.

(Mouse bring a souvenir inflatable bottle of cognac from another room.)

Dr. Aibolit:
The diagnosis is accurate,
Called - anniversary.
There was an urgent exit to you,
So accept the guests!
(Continuation of the feast.)

A cheerful children's song about Carlson sounds. A housekeeper with a towel in her hand appears in the room.

I control this house,
Aware of all sorts of different things,
And for everyone I am friends
I notice lawlessness.
Dear birthday!
How I found out that there are mice here
I drove it off the roof
Conducted soon here,
To drive them away from you.


I'm a man in his prime
I am bored with all alone.
Therefore, to the gift
I brought a crowd with me.

(Shows the baby and the housekeeper.)

I know, treat you with jam
Cake, tea and cookies.
Because in the anniversary
You like to receive guests.


Congratulating Baba Anechka,
We will fill this jar
Only delicious words,
What we will remember about her with you.

(Guests, having received cards, write “delicious words” on them, belonging to the birthday girl, and lower the card in the slot of the lid at the can. Options of words: warm, sweet, tender, air, fresh, juicy (i.e. in the juice itself) , magnificent, fragrant, etc.)

Dear birthday!
Get this bank,
You treat all the guests!
What kind of horror is going on here!
Carlson decided to get drunk!
After all, a baby is with you,
Come on, from the bottle of Kysh!
Pour me 100 grams,
Not that I will avenge all of you!

(Carlson and the housekeeper fill the glasses.)

There are a lot of "lemonade" in the circles,
We need to drink for the anniversary!

(Guests drink. The feast continues.)

Finishing the holiday, I want to say now
That years, oddly enough, we have nothing to count.
The most important thing is how you will behave in life,
And whether your relatives will respect you.
We are ready to confirm our grandmother today
That we will, as before, idolize it.
Happy birthday, relatives! Happy anniversary!

(Music sounds. Tea drinking begins.)

Script for the anniversary of a woman with humor

Script for the anniversary of a woman with humor
Script for the anniversary of a woman with humor

Scenario for the anniversary of a woman with humor:

Hello ladies and gentlemen,
I meet you here with a bang,
The holiday to our forest, it came out for nothing,
It will be time to know the anniversary!
Forest Forest Birthday today,
And she looks just so incomparable
Well, what, you can’t wait to see her?!
Then I will ask her to call her in chorus!

(Guests on the command of the presenter call the anniversary, it enters into applause and solemn music)

Happy Birthday!

Well, here it is, our beauty,
She is beautiful and sweet
And also fabulously beautiful,
Her anniversary, how cute it is
We congratulate her on this,
And we complement the tender image,
A bouquet of fabulous flowers,
And kindness of the right words,
As well as a magical wand,
Such an extraordinary!

(A man gives the anniversary a bouquet of forest flowers, and the presenter gives a brilliant magic wand)

Now you are definitely a fairy
And for you this alley,
You take your place at the table,
And wait a good anniversary toast!

(Anniversary, in advance, you need to lay a track from rose petals, to its place at the table on which it will pass)

Presenter (toast):
We all gathered in the forest,
Set up with the mood
The occasion is big,
Golden birthday,
Our fairy notes
The anniversary gives her happiness,
And now we are drinking for her,
This is a sweet wine!

(musical pause, meal)

The best wishes on the birthday!

You drank, you ate
Talked, sat,
It's time for us to entertain the fairy,
We will set the competition!


The competition is called: "Squirrels and cones." Everyone should take the image of protein. The most dexterous gets a prize - a bag of nuts.

Squirrels are just great
They rode like daring,
And we will go to the table again,
In honor of our fairy, we all get up,
The glasses are full to the edges,
And we wish her love
And so happiness and good,
We drink everything for (name) to the bottom!

(musical pause, meal)

And what is going on in the forest,
That my friends are lurking?!
Now we will learn about everything,
And we sing the song together!

(The song is rehearsed in advance, performs several persons, in the image of hares, you can choose ears and tails)

Song-drive to the motive "Song about hares."

Truck No. 1
In the dark blue forest,
Toasts where they said
Where were the meal
On the holiday very large,
Anniversary one,
We all idolized
And they wanted life very much,
Even gold!

At this bright hour
You are a sorceress, a fairy at least where,
And we wish you to live not weather,
So that beauty is always with you!

Truck No. 2
And also ask
We know that you can do
That the desires are all,
To perform for a moment,
Since we are all hares,
The grass was bored
Then we ask you a little,
Give us carrots!

(The host takes out carrots to the artists, they begin to sing and dance with her)

I wish you on the birthday of joy and happiness!
Oh, thank you
You gave us carrots
And now we will sing together again,
At the anniversary hour
And all this, we will fix the wine now!


This was a speech
It is worthy of admiration
And as I had to say at the end of the hares,
We need to pour the wines,
And for our dear Fairy-Yublarsh, drink!

(musical pause, meal)

And now I ask you
All those present at this hour,
Go to a forest clearing,
And give the fairies a gift!

(Guests alternately congratulate the anniversary and give her gifts)

And so that all your wishes do not forget,
I suggest this what to do
I have a forest tree,
But it is not so simple
You write your wishes there to the anniversary,
And go to the table sooner
And the tree will remember everything,
And he will fulfill desires!

(The presenter points to the guests a tree of wishes, they sign their congratulations on it)

Everyone has excellent congratulations
But they have not drank for a long time
Dumb, some kind of in the forest,
What kind of quiet, I don’t understand?!
We celebrate the holiday
But we don't explode the crackers,
Well, look all under the chair,
And there is one surprise!

(in advance, under the chair of each guest, you need to glue it on the cracker)

And so, at a time, two, three,
Clap chloruchechki!
I raise my glass for you!

And now we drink everyone for you,
And then let's go to the dance!

(musical pause, meal)

Leadersand I:
Well, let's light
We will dance with you!

(good mobile music sounds, guests dance at will)

And now I am asking me to go out
I will hold a new competition!

The competition is called: "On the forest edge." Four people take part, each of them is given the role of one of the animal: hare, wolf, fox and protein. Who is guessed, that gift receives - a toy in the form of this animal.

And again we will go to the table,
For the anniversary (name), we drink!

(musical pause, meal)

I said my words
I helped you in everything
And now I'm flying away
My friends are dear to you, I leave!

(The host leaves, but the holiday continues)

Home script for the anniversary of the woman "Roses only for you!"

Home script for the anniversary of the woman
Home script for the anniversary of the woman "Roses only for you!"

Home script for the anniversary of the woman "Roses only for you!":

Leading: Who said that in this anniversary
Have you become Serdi and grow up?
No, you have become better and wise,
And more friendly and more beautiful!
Everything today is only for you
And in the solemn hour
Let me congratulate you -
Leave the roses to memory!

Leading: The first rose is love,
What drives through the veins raging blood!
We keep it, we cherish her,
And without it, we are sad and sick!
We wish you only love today,
Let the star shine on the road - the way,
Let it warm at night and through the years
She will stay with you forever!

(The host gives the birthday girl the first rose - love!)

Leading: The second rose is health,
It is like a weapon against all pains,
It is like fire, that you cannot blow down,
It must be protected and preserved!
Let health go with you,
And you do not be afraid of ailments, hardships!
After all, family and friends are next to you,
They will help in everything and always!

(The host gives the birthday girl the second rose - health!)

Leading: And the third rose is longevity,
It is like a symbol, you notice
You are a little today,
But you are like a bright sun.
You will conquer all young people
Blind your flicker,
We wish you less troubles
Live for many, many years!

(The host gives the birthday girl the third rose - longevity!)

Leading: The fourth rose is a beauty,
For many years she is near you,
You are proud of her and keep her,
We wish you to be beautiful and more ...
Beauty has more than once saved the world,
She is like a star or like an idol,
Leads us to the peaks and to the bright ones,
We once gave her heart to her.
So be always a queen of beauty,
And we will all admire it!

(The host gives the birthday girl the fourth rose - Beauty.)

Leading: The fifth rose is a family
For you, only she is most important,
She leads you skillfully in life
You are kinder and bolder with her.
Through all the hardships, any bad weather,
The family always brings only happiness.
You value her and she is known
Family is the path leading home!
Keep it and love it cherished
All those who love you and appreciate immensely!
And let your family only grow,
Replenishing the ranks from year to year!

(The host gives the birthday girl the fifth rose - family.)

Leading: The sixth rose is a success,
That the satellite is in business and the principles in all,
That he walked with you for many years,
Helping to solve problems, adversity.
At work, he never bother you,
And only in everything and always helped!
You have achieved a lot in your career,
Success was the crown of every business!
Well, let it continue to success,
Let him not forget you at work,
May your friends and colleagues appreciate you
And let the success be sweet in blur!

(The host gives the birthday girl the sixth rose - success.)

Leading: Rosa Seventh is prosperity,
He is like a law or as if order
But without him we can’t live in any way,
Without money, we all bother us!
We wish you to have under your hand
Money, even though they do not splash through the river,
But to grasp your manners -
Whether to buy a car or buy a turtle.
Let there always be only so many money,
How much is needed for life not bitter!
Then you cannot refuse us,
When we come to you for a new anniversary!

(The host gives the birthday girl the seventh rose - wealth!)

Leading: The eighth rose is harmony.
Who is she or what is she?
This is practical, skill,
This is the value of any moment,
This is when the soul and body
Do one common thing!
This is when love and peace
Weave in your life alone!
Love, appreciate, be kinder
Then life will seem more fun for you
And there will always be harmony with you,
And it will shine for you like a star.

(The host gives the birthday girl the eighth rose - harmony!)

Leading: The last rose is your anniversary!
May your life be only brighter!
Let friends and relatives also converge
They will gather again for your anniversary!
Let the heart knock faster and faster,
Let the love accelerate more nimble
Licked, beautiful blood through the veins,
Let the sun shine again and again!
Let it be so nothing else,
Let the luck live in your house,
Let the big family be in the district,
Let all your affairs go up the mountain,
Let the world be more fun to become a little,
Rosa Ninth - your anniversary!

(The host gives the birthday girl the ninth rose - the anniversary!)

Leading: We have collected a huge bouquet with you,
There was no more chic in the world - no!
He is characterized by only a secret -
He will not endure through a thousand years!
Keep it and read it more often,
All that is written! Remember, know,
That we are together on this day.
And only we wish you smiles today.
I'll tell you a couple more lines from myself
That you are like a flower, like a dawn for me,
I am ready to imitate you in everything and always
You are like a queen, you are like a star!
Blossom from year and on the New Year,
Let you always be lucky in everything!
And we will be there, we promise you!
On the anniversary today we congratulate you!

Congratulations to the anniversary from Yagushi

Oh, my broom, broom!
Where did you bring me?
That's because I got transport!
The navigator has broken?!
Oh tell me honest people -
The anniversary is not here?
(Guests answer)

I see _______ here sits
Only a strange look!
Pale, red nose,
And does not torment the diarrhea?

Here in the closet the Slomonal
Yes, I collected medicines!
Search all the white light,
Better the drug is not!

My first advice is
To stay young,
Smear your face with manure -
It will be smooth, like an egg!

Find the figure
Drive less - all go!
So that the forms do not sag
Especially in front!
To have a waist,
Fat, so as not to swim
At night, only horseradish and radish,
Yes, love business!

To support the tone -
Learn to fly on a broomstick!

(give a broom)

Equilibrium on a broomstick,
Not the same as in the saddle!
You will obey the advice,
Everything will benefit it!
You will be a symbol,
And in abundance there will be a house!

Here is from mold jelly!
Didn't drink his dossel?
So drink it when it starts
In the body is a carousel!

(bag of dry jelly)

It tastes not so good
But it takes off trembling!

And a cold is not a trouble!
Eat a bug from a pond!
No more reliable medicine
Than the natural environment!

(bag of dried squids)

If the heart is sick,
And in the chest it burns with fire,
This is ______
You have encephalitis!
Eat aspen bark,
And you will cheer up for the time being!
Tea is not chemistry!
Tea natural gifts!

(you can small chocolate)

And the pressure fucks,
Try the hare?
He is much more healing than honey,
Though in color like honey (Kirieschi)
It tastes, of course, cool
It happens from him!
Only those who survive -
Everyone lives to old age!

And blums in the back,
Do not sit on the ballot!
Nagish Sigay in nettles,
And roll at the moon!

And when you are a friend
Not to sleep at night
Drink a decoction of flein legs!
You will snatch like a groundhog!

(Green tea bag)

That's all my order!
How did you have fun?
Jubilee! Happy Birthday!
Until the morning you are fun!

Finally I will grind the cup,
And I will die on the road!

1. Song of Baba Yaga

Gop-stop, I came up from the corner,
Gop-stop, quietly poured “whiskey”,
Yes, and at the holiday managed,
Fly flew on a stupa
With a broom, the wind accelerated
I postponed all the things I
Sibche in heaven flew
That's just a stupa, the inspection did not pass.

GOP-stop, an infusion is cooked in a pot,
GOP-stop, I used to be young.
But I don't get old in my soul,
Every year everything is more cheerful
I have fun and young
And I will fall in love with Koshchei,
And he will be stunned by love
After all, magic and talisman are always with me, ohh ...

Gop-stop, put on Golden-I am a lady,
Gop-stop, all my friends Leshaki,
And here I can have fun
I see your face light
Vodka would now get drunk
And then dug
Flax with men
But I'm not so drunk yet

Oh, my broom, broom!
Where did you bring me?
That's because I got transport!
The navigator has broken?!
Oh tell me honest people -
The anniversary is not here?
(Guests answer)

I see ... here sits
Only a strange look!
You do not think that I came to you for free.
Not know you than to surprise you
I decided to give panties.
Our female appearance is decorated with earrings, rings and watches,
But not everyone probably knows that the most important cowards are.

Oh, you need to talk beautifully
I want to give "week".

Walking in the "week" you will be the one.
You will be a bitter woman.
Not just put them on
And drive under the case.

(child's underpants)
If nostalgia will torture
Childhood, youth, don't miss
Do not give in to me
Put these pants.

(red underpants)
Red color excites us
And calls for exploits
You put these pants
And boldly move forward.
So that the money was here,
You hang panties on the chandelier.
So that the flame flared up for love,
From the panties you make a banner
marching once or twice, once or twice,
Everyone around will go crazy.
income to stretch the train,
Put your underpants in a safe.
So that magic flows the river,
Hold your underpants at hand!

All work and work,
What are you naive -
You can decide in these
Their affairs are intimate.
To the resort, or in the sanatorium
You will buy a ticket
You put on erotica
You will be a cool chick.

(panties with a red cross)
If suddenly I did not look
And healthy health
You will put on white underpants
And like Aibolit herself.

(black underpants)
Suddenly stagnation with finances
No fat with sausage
In the Black Sea knee
Put on and sing songs.

(cowards sheathed with fur)
Warm panties will warm
Cold winter evening
Will be warm in them, comfortable
And the hardships are not so.

(elegant with ruffles)
And today is your holiday
Jokes, laughter, fun
Put on elegant underpants
So for mood.
And after the holiday you will put on
Walk for a walk in them
And, preferably, without a skirt,
Only Vilyai.

I hit Trusov
I cheered all the guests
At least you will go around the whole world
You will not find these anymore.
You have more fun with a gift?
Well, to all you pour a glass.

Scenario on the anniversary of a woman in roles

Scenario on the anniversary of a woman in roles
Scenario on the anniversary of a woman in roles

Scenario on the anniversary of a woman in roles:

To conduct our anniversary, I need very responsible assistants.

You need to choose: analysts and practitioners.
This is necessary in order for analysts to monitor that: "Have we all poured us?"
Practices to follow: "Whether they drank everything."

1. A glass
A narrow path curls
Today for your anniversary,
We hasten in the cafe we \u200b\u200bare at the feast
To take your places soon.
We gathered in this room in your honor
We left things in your honor.
We want to remind everyone to know
As you are always sweet and how you need it.

And the first words of greetings, congratulations, of course, are addressed to you, dear _____!
Prepared, started:
"Congratulations", "congratulations", congratulations. "
Now let's raise the glasses and drink for the anniversary.

2. Ryumka

The people have gathered marvelously today
And the celebration, apparently, began.
And not just a celebration, but an anniversary
Caring for the anniversary and friends.
Not a sin for this birthday
The glass filled to raise
And the jubilee to say a few words:
The wheel walks in life,
Now slowly, then a little faster,
And imperceptibly comes
This is the kindest day.
It is a pity that he came uninvited
And I would not want him
And, even, it’s a bit strange for us,
What have already survived to him.
You worked very nicely
She contributed to the country's affairs.
On this very birthday
You invited all your colleagues,
To drink good wine
For all good things.
Let your desires come true
Strong health for many years,
Be kind, sweet, troublesome
You are our good person.

Attention! The word seems to the head of the organization ______

3. The glass

They told us that you are 50 today,
But something is difficult to believe in it!
Eyes are still burning with fire
And the cheeks are still aleep.

Well, let's say this is so
Do not say: this is a lot!
After all, 50 is still a trifle!
There are still so many years up to a hundred years!

And let you always, as it is now,
And so that the years do not run,
So that the forces do not lose,
Everyone bloomed like that, did not fade!

The word is: _____

4. The grinder
Expensive _________!
Today you are fifty,
This is not to say that this is not enough ...
But even the word "elderly"
Glory to God, it does not fit!
Will yield to you in all respects,
Who is barely over thirty,
And at work you are like this
It’s just not good in the outlets!
With a margin of strength of such
And ninety - not the limit!
Let the next anniversary
The hey will be of strength and deeds!

And now we will listen to the head of the "Transport Workshop" _______

5. A glass
Dear _____!
You have an anniversary today.
Yes, not simple, but gold!
We could believe it soon
That you have it forty.

Lovely, tender, tender,
Well, how can I not fall in love with this?
In all matters you are good
And you can be proud of life.

I achieved in it only for "five"
And continue to strive
An example to be, light to radiate,
In business to be the first craftswoman.

It is too early to summarize the results,
They let us down more and more often ...
And you just have to live brightly!
You succeed.

Yes, be happy and in the future
In friends, work, longevity,
To wipe all enemies to all enemies
And, as always, there is a lady in everything!

The word is provided: ______

6. Ryumka
Dear ______!
You know how to be funny, alive,
Smile to friends and acquaintances
And you please such a young soul,
What warmly surround anyone!

Thrusted two wonderful children
And the grandson grows in surprise to everyone ...
We are on this anniversary day
We want to congratulate your birthday!

We wish to be just like that:
Charming, caring and tender,
So that never get old,
And to live, not reproaching fate for anything!

So that the River of Good luck flow
And happiness never flickered
Glowed brighter than a thousand lights,
Great joy brought you.

The word is provided: ______, which
She worked with the anniversary.

7 glass
Dear ________!
Do not leave the anniversaries in life
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, the cordiality of the particle.

You have an anniversary today.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And in the life of the main thing we wish.
Health, happiness, joy
And years up to a hundred without old age!

The team sings any song

Toast (you can give a colleague or relative):

Let femininity and beauty
As long as possible with you will be,
After all, what for the woman of the year,
When she is so appreciated, they love!
Toast for love.

8 glass
Not! The woman is not to blame
When this date comes -
Here the calendar is to blame.
And you, all the dates, contrary to
All the same young soul
Slender, elegant and easy.

We will not wish you much,
The advantages of your everyone cannot be counted ...
So stay, for God's sake,
Always what it is!
And age is not trouble
We will survive all the anniversaries!
Indeed, in life, the main thing is always.
So that they do not get old in soul.

The word is provided to our accountants - _____!

9 glass
Happy anniversary, dear!
It is unlikely that a woman is different
Maybe be the same sweet!
We wish to be
You are happy infinite
The young remained forever
Let your anniversary year
Only joy only carries

Toast (you can give a colleague or relative):

Everything that we see
What we live:
Labor, love, friends and home -
This is all of her fate -
Both the queen and the slave.
So that it is always true
For her my toast! To the dregs!

10 glass
Friends and employees, not sparing words,
They want to congratulate you on this day the anniversary!
You are light and joy, happiness are full
We are important and we need advice.
Your family loves and appreciates you -
Reliable, your faithful friends,
We all wish you health and strength,
So that youth, happiness, luck, success
Fate always gave you without interference!

The team sings one of the songs.
Further along the way, the words are presented to other colleagues, between whom they sing songs.

At the end of the evening, the word is given to the anniversary.

Scenario of the scenes for the anniversary of the woman - presenting gifts

Scenario of scenes for the anniversary of a woman - presenting gifts
Scenario of the scenes for the anniversary of the woman - presenting gifts

Scenario of the scenes for the anniversary of the woman - presenting gifts:

It is better that all congratulations are men.
Congratulating 1:
What a marvelous anniversary!
How many guests came,
You conquer a smile
Like the sun, shining.
So that you are beautiful,
To live in joy,
So that I did not know the troubles,
And the bad washed everything!
(Handing a washcloth)

Congratulating 2:
So that there is a brilliant life,
So that you live in abundance
So that dreams always come true,
All the bad was forgotten.
So that miracles happen
I have prepared a gift!
(PHOVES a bag of dry sparkles)

Congratulating 3:
Brightness to you, success,
I wish the valuable fur,
The woman is beautiful
And sometimes dangerous.
Decorate your life.
That's what I give you!
(Present a set of watercolor paints)

Congratulating 1:
In general, they wished a lot,
Let the road be even,
And don't be afraid of dirt, dust,
We defended from her!
(Presenting galoshes)

Congratulating 2:
Finally, I'll say
Or rather give it
What will bring good luck
This was given to me for change!
(Presenting five kopecks)

Congratulating 3:
He jokes, of course,
And from us, so that so honestly,
You accept, I ask, a gift,
It will be delicious and sweet!
(PHOVES a box of sweets)

Congratulations to the woman

Congratulating 1:
Fifty -five to you today,
Like a world again,
You shine, intrigue
You continue to surprise.

Congratulating 2:
So many people sounded,
Well, you accept ours,
Prepared a gift
We will embody dreams!

Congratulating 1:
Get ready and don't be afraid
I ask you to close my eyes
Most worthy of him,
Magic, what to say!

(Hand a toy island. You can just pour sand into a jar, insert a toy palm there, or try to work with papier Masha)

Congratulating 2:
And so that there is something to work,
There to collect coconuts there,
We took care of this
You must accept everything as a gift!

(Presents a toy bucket with a spatula and a rake)

Congratulating 1:
And so that life seems easy,
So that the problems fly away,
To make your days brightness
She filled everything without problems.
To return to childhood again,
To please the little things of you,
I give you a gift
Here, please, in my hands a dream!


Congratulating 2:
And there is still fashionable clothes,
Specially chosen for you,
You will be exactly the most stylish
Apparently to try on it!

(It awards a kitchen apron. Either a night cap, or even a rattles with bright drawings)

Congratulating 1:
And so that health is strong
And never failed
So as not to sneeze and do not get sick,
And in order to get younger!

(Presents lemon or ascorbic acid)

Congratulating 2:
And as the last gift
I want to give you today
To be always so beautiful,
To conquer the world with beauty!

(Persons a face cream. The standard label needs to be replaced with the inscription "Belarusive cream", or something like that)

Congratulations to the woman

In this case, a friend should act as a congratulator with whom the hero of the occasion is familiar for many years:

You are like a flower, beautiful, beautiful
So be you always loved
You are fifty today,
And they congratulate everyone in a row!
I prepared gifts
Now I will hand them to you,
Oh, something in the hall was hot,
Well, well, I'll start.
The first gift, the most necessary,
Wear it with you always
It will help get rid of stress,
And blow the bad forever!
(Presenting a toy fan)

So that she never forget
About your brightness, beauty,
Your copy today,
I want to give you!
(PRESS Barbie doll)

Another beautiful friend
So that you bloom like a rose,
To feel comfortable,
A gift brought you!
You can store coins in it,
Or maybe he just stand
I strongly recommend
In it, happiness is happy to plant!

And so that the pot is not empty,
I know you can forget
I took care of it
And that’s what I want to give!

Well, finally, dear,
I want to wish you
So that you smile more often,
You like a star to shine!
And so that you do not forget
About my wish,
I give you now to memory
What is most important!
(It presents a large star from foil, on which it is written: "Star of happiness")

Modern script for the anniversary of the Woman "The Jubilee of the Princess"

Modern script for the anniversary of the Woman
Modern script for the anniversary of the Woman "The Jubilee of the Princess"

Modern script for the anniversary of the Woman "The Jubilee of the Princess":

Once outside the window
It was in the evening
Our (name) queen
The coloring is a girl
Well, for the whole baptized world
I decided to roll up a feast!
Fifty of all she is
And she is like poppies color
Our queen called
All brothers and all sisters
I invited the king
His hero!

I only managed to invite
The door creaked softly
The king immediately appeared
(Name of the middle name of the husband)-Gosudar.
And as a true chapter
He said his words.

(Husband toast.)

Drink the guests of the Lord
Drink everything to the bottom
For (name) for the queen
The coloring is a girl.

(Table pause.)

Hing of that king
All relatives appeared
And the parent word
(name) to listen to
They arrived at her in the palace
Mother and father with a wish

(Parents toast.)

Drink the guests of the Lord
Drink everything to the bottom
For (name) for the queen
The coloring is a girl.

(Table pause.)

The weavers envy her
Accountant and cooks
Because here she is
Everything is also sweet and fresh
As if she is not fifty
She has a radiant look

Here are the darling of the sister
Wishes for the queen
Composed as much as three days
Praising our princess

(Sisters toast)

Drink the guests of the Lord
Drink everything to the bottom
For (name) for the queen
The coloring is a girl.

(Table pause.)

Merry people honest
Come out after me
Turn on the musical background
Dance marathon

(Held a dance competition.)

Princess has brothers
They dismounted from the horse
They parked their horses
Gifts from trunk were taken out
And now they are standing here
And they say loudly

(Brothers toast.)

Drink the guests of the Lord
Drink everything to the bottom
For (name) for the queen
The coloring is a girl.

(Table pause.)

Like an eagle over an eaglet
So the queen over the child
Everything was spinning and curled
Finally waited
Children grew up
Adults have long become
And they want to say the order
For mamuli they keep a fairy tale

(Toast of children.)

Drink the guests of the Lord
Drink everything to the bottom
For (name) for the queen
The coloring is a girl.

(Table pause.)

Everyone said a lot here
And no less ate drank
It's time for us
Go out from the table

(Any competition is held.)

A messenger brought us a letter
Let's read it finally
A telegram with a congratulation
With a verbal instruction
Wish for good
Full of gold of silver

(Reads a bundle.)

Here all the boyars are conducted here
No time for nothing
Pour complete glass
And drink everything to the bottom
For health for the years
So that the trouble does not touch
For good luck for love
So that blood plays in the person
One who listened to this decree
Performs at the same hour!

(Table pause.)

Stars shine in the blue sky
Waves splash in the blue sea
Musician let's play
Alive the fun of us
Here the princess suddenly gets up
Goes to his king
The pen is affectionately waved
The king invites to dance

(Jubilee dance with husband.)

The people to meet us to play
Our anniversary is praised
What kind of people to us here
Explain the Lord
Cults are dragging in front of them
One is a very large fucker
They rustle the bundle of noise
What do they want from us
Or all day - like this
There are poor things on an empty stomach
Or frozen under the walls
And now knock on their teeth

Ah Tsarevna, I see
These are all your friends.

(Tost of friends or employees.)

Drink the guests of the Lord
Drink everything to the bottom
For (name) for the queen
The coloring is a girl.

(Table pause.)

Our people are still walking
The glasses are full
Who is already on the waves
Who is on the swollen sails
Guys are marvelous
In the corner they crowd
They scratch their heads
A miracle is seen in reality

Women's gender is our golden -headed
Pier with a strong outpost
The peasants are drilled
They don't drive them much to drink
For alcohol distraction
They came up with entertainment
We will compete
Click with men.

(Conducted competition.)

What are you at the spore leading
Maybe you better show you
What a voice you have
Voil bright groovy
We turn on the musical background
Take the guests of the microphone.

(Song under the button accordion, you can karaoke.)

Oh you are the guests of the Lord
Have you traveled for a long time? Where?
How is it not bad for the sea?
And what is the miracle in the light?

Here we are not at all bad
And we have our own miracle
The tables are covered
Gostyushki are sitting behind them
The queen sits at the head
The coloring is a girl
Around the flowers
It is littered with gifts
Fifty today she is
She gathered friends.

And the glasses are empty
Men are idle now
We pour into vodka glasses
And we will drink together for her

(Table pause.)

Our people are honestly marveling
Tell us the queen
How could you achieve
So perfectly preserved
We look here we don't believe
We will check you now
Well, you can't in our opinion
You will celebrate fifty
Let's ask you questions
Dedicated to all of us noses
Maybe there is a secret
Tell us it secretly

He asks questions (how many years I have been married, how did you meet, where she studied, how much curlers wind up on her hair, etc.)

Our (name) is dear
Stay young
Be healthy, cheerful
To be beautiful
Always follow yourself
Husband carefully dish
Never relax
Smile at all of us more often
So that without sorrows and troubles
I lived another hundred years
Well, we are in a hundred years
I will knock on your window
So that you don't forget us
And invited to the holiday
We will find patience
And congratulate on birthday!

Universal scenario for the anniversary 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 years old for a woman

Scenario for the anniversary 35, 40, 45, 50 years old woman
Universal scenario for the anniversary 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 years old for a woman

Universal scenario for the anniversary 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 years old: to woman:

At the table, the birthday girl, surrounded by her friends.

Today everyone has gathered here
Mark your date
May your life be long
And it is gratifying

Let the joy in your heart live
Joy is a healthy health
That the day for a day was not like
So that every moment is good in life!

Stay inside the same children
Sever is the shell of the soul
Rejoice in the beam of the sun, flower
That brightly blossomed on the mege

“Be like children,” the Lord told us
The meaning is very large
That you have not forgotten how to live joyfully
Considering that it is sinful to have fun

The game "Broken phone" is held. The birthday girl comes up with a phrase or a whole offer and whispers to the ear to another. So to the very extreme person, and the latter must say this phrase out loud.

Be like children, sometimes stir
Laughter, calling around
The joy of a smile in response to us big
And this will appreciate your friend

Let's give more often
The joy of a smile to friends
And what would you thank for it
Joy will give you

The word for congratulations is given to a best friend (a friend, or an activist from all those gathered).

Live with your fate without arguing
Don't be angry with troubles
Rain today, and tomorrow the sun
So she and her life

(A cake or pie is brought into the room.)

Let the years go through a series
Only the soul let it be young
Let the eyes shine with light
And the melody in the shower sounds at the same time

The sounds of music are beautiful
Pour around
A series of memories
They spun suddenly

(The favorite song of the birthday girl sounds, you can make reproduction from an old plate. If there is a desire and an opportunity, then declare it with a “white dance.”)

-Once a beautiful woman
Laughing, staring at myself
Wrinkles like an old tree
I hide wilted foliage
I appreciate every day, surprised
What I see around everything in bloom
And again I am reviving with my soul
And again spiritually growing
After all, my spirit is still young
Still calls somewhere
All to new and new peaks
He extends his flight
Your beauty is young
I don't know in the mirror
Only in my memory I revive everything
My youth is my youth.

Musical pause

- They say that the song for the soul is reflected
And we are so happy about this joy
Do not judge us strictly
We will sing now for you.

(Sing a song of the choice of guests.)

In June, when the sun and many roses,
There are different amazing demand for the holidays.
Someone is glad of the day of the ecologist, someone's mood day,
Well, today we celebrate your birthday.
I sincerely welcome the gathered guests,
And I open my mother’s anniversary with joy!

(Fanfares of the beginning of the event are sounded. Applause of guests.)

Let this day go down in history forever,
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And the guests have fun, let it be careless,
No one will leave here sober.
To start the celebration, as expected,
It is proposed to fill all glasses.

(Music. Guests fill the glasses.)

Toast (general)
We will lift the glasses and glasses together,
Our first toast is to say we hurry:
For the happiness and health of the anniversary,
For the beauty and youth of the soul!

About congratulations, guests, I ask you not to forget.
You now have a minute to eat.

Toast (children)
Happy birthday, mom, with an anniversary!
You and I are together this evening.
And we will not regret good words
For you beloved and dear!

Sweet mommy, kind, glorious
In our fate you are the most important.
Thank you for living in the world.
With love for you, your adult children!

Pour guests, pour the glasses,
Drink for the anniversary to the bottom!

2 guests appear, dressed in angels.

First Angel:
And here we are, curly angels,
In our hands we have congratulatory leaves.

(Open scrolls, read.)

Second angel:
Dear birthday!
Congratulations on the anniversary
As before, we guard.
Save on different troubles
Another hundred years.

First Angel:
Folk rumor is lying,
That we are big musicians
Will have to show for you
All their hidden talents.

Angels dance for the birthday girl under the song of the disco of the accident dance "Aram deputy".

So that everyone is always lucky
We still pour all the grams of one hundred!

Dear Mom,
Do not leave the anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, the cordiality of the particle.
You have an anniversary today
And with all my heart we congratulate!
In the life of the main thing we wish you:
Health, happiness, joy
And years up to a hundred without old age!

(Pausa table)

Do not give in one's laziness
Let your health not have a hawstrite
And we will be all friends together
For all fate to thank

And in every age, beautiful
Let the years go slowly
And in seventy - as before
You look how good it is!

All those present congratulate the birthday girl on the anniversary and give her flowers.

Video: An interesting start of the anniversary cool script for a home anniversary

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