Scenarios for the birthday of the boy - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old: Best selection

Scenarios for the birthday of the boy - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old: Best selection

A collection of scripts for the boy’s birthday.

Birthday script for a boy at school, class

Birthday script for a boy at school, class
Birthday script for a boy at school, class

Birthday script for a boy at school, class:

What months are considered winter?
- December January February.

And there is a famous child
The day that was prepared with a wave:
Those who were born in December,
We congratulate today on birthday!

Birthdays born in December come out.

Winter month,
Monthly snowy
Opens the first year,
And with snow and frost
January is on a visit to us.

Who was born in January,
All here come here
Quickly children
You show yourself!

Birthdays born in January come out.

February walks in the yard
And the ears pinch the children,
And paints cheeks is reddened.

February will leave - spring will come!
Birthday man, come to me rather,
And show yourself to all your friends!

Birthdays born in February come out.

Congratulations to you cordially,
We wish you happiness, joy!
Study well at school,
Honestly, from the heart to work.
Friends with physical education,
Core strong friendship!
Do not get sick, do not lose heart.
Help the elders at home.
To leave the bad weather
The kingdom is forever
We wish everyone the sun, happiness
And smiles for years!

We will carry out a small warm -up: "Let's all do as me."

Let's do all like me (2 cotton) 2 times,
Come on all together, all at once (2 cotton),
Everything is done together with us (2 cotton).
Let's all stomp, like me (2 tributaries) 2 times,
Come on all together, all at once (2 tributaries),
Everything is done together with us (2 tributaries).
Let's all say how I (cheers!),
Come on all together, all at once (cheers!),
Everyone does it together with us (cheers!).

- Hooray! Our dear birthday!

Winter again, again white,
Again, the snowdrifts were there.
As if with white fur,
The houses are covered with snow.
The Christmas trees are crown
In a silver edge.

Andia on the birches,
Like holiday sparkles.
Let's continue the holiday
Let's sing and dance.

Children perform the "loaf".

Like Nastya, Dima, Kolya, Lisa Nameday
We baked a loaf
Here is such an embodiment,
Here is such a Nizhina,
Here is such a width
Here is such a dinner.

Caravay, loaf,
Who do you want to choose.
I love almost everyone
Well and …. most.

On a birthday, it is customary to give gifts.
1. "Riddles for the birthday."
It grows upside down
It grows not in the summer, but in winter
The sun will bake it a little
She will cry and die. (Icicle)

The white bedspread on the ground lay,
Summer came, it all came down. (Snow).

Walks in the field, not a horse.
Flies in the wild, but not a bird. (Winter storm).

And not snow, and not ice
And silver will remove the trees. (Frost).

“I lived in the middle of the courtyard
Where the kids play, but from sunlight
I turned into a stream. " (Snowman).

He entered - no one saw
He said - no one heard.
Blew out the windows and disappeared
And the forest grew on the windows. (Freezing).

In the new wall, in a round window,
In the afternoon, the glass is broken, and inserted during the night. (Hole).

Peas scattered at seventy roads:
No one collects it. (City).

Pisces the winter live warmly:
Roof: thick glass. (Ice.)

Rutered the paths
I decorated the windows
I gave joy to the children
And on the sled rolled. (Winter).

Name - ka guys,
A month in this riddle:

His days - all days shorter,
All nights are longer than the night.
To the fields and in the meadows
Snow lay down until spring.
Only our month will pass
We celebrate the New Year. (December).

We are agile sisters,
Run the craftswomen quickly,
In the rain - we lie
In the snow - run,
We have such a regime. (Skis).

First you fly from the mountain,
And then you pull them uphill. (Sled).

What a beauty!
Standing lightly, sparkling
How magnificently removed ...
Tell me, who is she? (Christmas tree).

There are guys, I have
Two silver horses.
I go right away on both.
What kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

2. Game for all children. Musical game.

3. Game for the birthday. Make a picture.

4. Game for all children.

Leading. And now it's time to “treat” you with “delicious” words, what, guess for yourself.
1. The long -term boasts:
Am I not a beauty?
And the whole bone
Yes, a red blouse. (Cherry.)

2. Gather in a basket
Fatty matryoshka.
In green scarves,
Sarafans at points.
And the nesting dolls are all red
Very sweet and tasty. (Strawberry.)

3. Round, rosy,
Juicy and sweet,
Very aromatic,
Infant, sweet,
Heavy, big,
What it is? (Apple.)

4. Bright, sweet, bulk,
All in the cover of the gold.
Not from a candy factory,
From distant Africa. (Orange.)

5. Blue uniform,
Warm lining,
And in the middle is sweet. (Plum.)

6. Red beads hang,
They look at us from the bushes.
These beads are very fond of these
Children, birds and bears. (Raspberry.)

7. On a handle at hemp
A lot of thin stalks.
Each thin stalk
Holds a scarlet light.
We extend the stems -
Collect the lights. (Strawberries.)

8. The caftan on me is green,
And the heart is like a kumach,
It tastes like sugar is sweet,
And he looks like a ball. (Watermelon.)

5. Game for the birthday. The game "Figure with closed eyes."

6. Game for all children. The game "Who will open a gift faster?!"

7. Game for the birthday. Who knows more words about winter! (list in turn)

8. Game for everyone. The game is "funny."

What a birthday if there is no fun. I suggest playing the game.
I want to ask a question
Your business is to answer.
If you agree with me,
Answer in chorus:
"It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!"
If you do not agree, then in response are silent,

Better stomp your feet.

I'll ask everyone now:
Who loves songs, laughter here?
Answer in chorus in the heart: "Who is the most mischievous here?"
Who is used to our order?
In the morning it is charging?
Which of you, tell me,
Forgets to wash?
And does not go to lessons?
Which of you likes to play?
And one more question:
Who does not wash his nose?
Who is the smartest here?
Who had fun here today?
Well done !!!

Presenter (to the birthday):
-And you know what is your zodiac sign?

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
You are our little Sagittarius,
Well done and a strangler!
You grow happy, baby,
Get in the Ten aptly!

Capricorn (from December 22 to January 20)
You are our native crumbs,
Our favorite Capricorn!
Never combine
Kind, soft, always be!

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)
Our dear Aquarius!
Tears are more often than lei!
Be beautiful like a rain
Like a transparent dew!

Fish (February 20 - March 20).
Cute, native fish,
Have a smile always!
Be happy and skilled
And swim in life boldly!

Leading. And now we will all perform a song together.

Let run clumsily
Pedestrians on puddles,
And water along the asphalt by the river.
And obscure passers -by
On this day, the Nergotye,
Why am I funny?

And I play the accordion
At passers -by in sight.
Regret, birthday
Only once a year.

The wizard will suddenly arrive
In a blue helicopter
And the movie will show for free.
Happy birthday to congratulate
And probably leave
I am a gift for five hundred.

- And now the time has come for gifts for our birthday (commemorative gifts are presented).

Like a sunny day
Like a wonderful fairy tale
May your life be
All the time beautiful!
Be good
Be beautiful
Be fun
Good, sweet.
So that happiness and joy in a smile shine.
So that all the wishes come true!

Stormy applause to our birthday!
We invite everyone to a festive tea party.

Birthday script for the boy at home

Birthday script for the boy at home
Birthday script for the boy at home

Birthday script for the boy at home:

1. Setting the fairy tale "Teremok".
You need a house - you can make large sheets of cardboard or thick paper.

2. Tea drinking.
Menu: ice cream with fruits and nuts, a birthday pie, soda, sweets, cookies, fruits.

3. The game "Cat and mice."

The rules are simple: the cat catches, the mice run away who was caught, that cat.

The cat goes around the yard.
Looking for mice Vaska-Kot.
The mice in the house are sitting.
They look at the cat.
They see the cat is sleeping.
Mice left once
See what time is.
One two three four -
The mice pulled at the weights.
Suddenly there was a terrible ringing.
(Call into the bell)
The mice ran away.

4. The game "Guess what is in the bag."
Tie eyes, and the child must guess to the touch what lies in the bag. If correctly, a prize.

5. Merry relay.
2 teams of 2 people.
Prizes to the winners.

jump over the rope,
Sleep around the chair,
Throw the ball into the bucket.
Need: 2 stools, 2 ropes on pegs, 2 buckets, 2 goals.

6. Riddles.

Toy puzzles

Empty itself.
The voice is thick.
The fraction beats.
The guys are convening. (Drum)

The funny beast is sewn from Plush.
There are paws, there are ears.
Give a honey beast a little
And arrange him a den. (Bear)

Round, smooth, like a watermelon.
Any color, to a different taste.
If you let go from the leash.
He will fly away to the clouds. (Ball)

I received these miracles of bricks as a gift.
What I lay out of them - I break and first collect. (Cubes)

He is both harmonious and beautiful.
He has a thick mane.
Sorry, you can’t rush on it.
You can only swing.

You will knock on the wall, and I jump.
Throw it to the ground, and I will bounce.
I'm flying from my palms in my palm.
I don’t want to lie quietly. (Ball)

Fairytale riddles
Heals birds and animals.
Heals small children.
Looks through his glasses
Good doctor ... (Aibolit)

The fat man lives on the roof.
It flies higher than all.
The jam loves
And plays with the baby. (Carlson)

The nose is round, a heel.
It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground.
The tail is small, crochet.
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and what are the friendly brothers are similar.
Guess without a hint, who is the heroes of this fairy tale? (3 piglet)

Grandma loved the girl very much.
She gave her red hat.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name! (Red Riding Hood)

On sour cream, he is heated.
On the window he is cold.
Rumper side by a rosy side.
Rolled ... (Kolobok)

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are 3 chairs and 3 circles,
3 beds. 3 pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (3 bears)

Road puzzles

Running, buzzing
Looks in two eyes
And it will get up.
A bright red eye will look.

Vigilantly looks at the guide
For a wide pavement.
As he looks with a red eye,
Everyone will stop at once.
And the green eye looks
He tells you - go.
(Traffic light)

The instrument is under the window
Knock and ringing, and Kuter.
On straight steel tracks
Blue houses go.

Mathematical riddles

The hedgehog was walking through the forest.
I found mushrooms for lunch.
2 under the birch.
2 under the aspen.
How many of them will be in the wicker basket?

6 funny cubs
They are in a hurry for raspberries in the forest.
But 1 of them is tired.
He lagged behind his comrades
Now find the answer.
How many bears ahead?

7. The competition "Who will collect the most bumps?"

8. The game “Balls on Balls”, who will not burst longer. The winner of the prize.

9. The game "Funny Fanta".

10. Cutting the prizes from the rope.

11. Lotto or cartoon, or any other calm game (so that the children calm down while they come after them).

Birthday script for children, boys - "Fairytale letter"

Birthday script for children, boys -
Birthday script for children, boys - "Fairytale letter"

Birthday script for children, boys - “Fairytale letter”:

What kind of holiday, for fun?
Does anyone have a birthday?
Congratulations came to you
And they brought sweets!

In this house are kids,
Carapus, kids,
They all came to visit
Girls and boys!

(A knock is heard, the postman appears)

Tuk-tuk, where are the culprit of the holiday?

(Children show on the culprit of the celebration)

I have a letter for you, but not easy, but magical! (Rummaged in a bag).

Approximate content of the letter:
Are the kids ready
Find a gift?

I suggest you,
Search start!

The first task is
Now I will read you
Fulfill it to you,
Of course I'll help!

So, now we will be,
Jump, dance,
Legs are needed
Mark you a little!

The task is simple
Stand together
Let's dance a round dance,
Without lowering your hands!

And to make it more fun
We will dance
And the movements are behind me
We will repeat!

(The presenter becomes in the center of the round dance. Mobile music sounds, children dance and repeat movements behind him)

While you rest,
I will ask the task,
I will make riddles,
I will give you prizes!

(I guesses riddles. After this task, you can give out symbolic prizes: gingerbread, sweets)

1. She ran away from Karabas,
And she started friendship with Pinocchio!

2. She walked behind the samovar,
I landed in spider parans!
(Fly Tsokotukha)

3. Heals all animals in the world,
Even children love him!

4. All devices will instantly subordinate,
After all, they live in them,
They can turn into a bolt,
Adventures are waiting for them!

5. I put a red fur coat,
Cunning, beautiful,
And she lives in a hole,
Honey, dear!

6. He lives in the den,
The forest protects everyone!

7. Lush tail,
Love nuts,
And lives on a tree,
Jumps and jumps,
Everything is hollow!

8. He is the main forest as a sanitary,
The gray coat is dressed.

9. Juicy, red,
I matured on the ridge,
Sweet, plowing,
In May, she ripened!

10. Inside the bone is large,
Velvet skin,
Bright, juicy and odorous, (...)!

11. Green bangs on the bed sticking out,
The girl sits in a dark dungeon!

12. A hundred clothes were put on,
She covered her beauty,
It is added to borscht,
You will definitely call her!

You are so well done
They guessed all the riddles,
I'm proud of the kids,
I will collapse with you!

There is a task for you,
We will sculpt
We will create with you,
And play toys!

(Each child receives plasticine and sculpts a given figure.)

All closer and closer
We approach the gift
Soon we are,
We’ll find exactly.
In the meantime, dear guys,
We will read the birthday to the birthday!

(The guys in turn congratulate the culprit of the occasion)

And let's be together with you
Sing the song,
There will be fun guys
At the same time and rest!

What amazing
The kids gathered
They sing so loudly
Like nightingales!

(Children sing any children's song to choose from)

Let's guess
Who will I show
Simple task,
I want to ask you!

(The host shows cards with the image of animals and cartoon characters, and children guess.)

The last task,
Left for me
It is necessary to fulfill it,
Ready guys?

(Small quest. All leading movements are performed with children)

Sample tasks:
1. Go to the right two steps, take
And clap your hands,
You jump on one leg,
See, not difficult!

2. Then three steps,
To the left, and a jump follows,
You are already close
Almost a friend came!

3. We will take a step back
And two more forward
We will pat your hands,
We are confident!

4. Now we go to the right,
And we are spinning in place
And we will sit down quickly,
How wonderful everything is with us!

5. Let's dance a little,
And then we are dead
And we will jump together together
And sing a song!

(Singing a chorus of any children's song)

6. And here are three steps to the left,
Another step forward
And here is behind this ball
A gift is waiting for us!

(Behind balloons, the main gift for the birthday and small gifts for his guests are hidden)

We coped with the task
We found a gift
Waiting for a lot of sweet
We are well done!

(Children go to the table)

Boy's pirate birthday script

Boy's pirate birthday script
Boy's pirate birthday script

Boy's pirate birthday script:


Ha! I see the whole gang assembly.
How is the pirate mood?
And who has a birthday today?
So we will have fun and play? (Yes)
The mood is even higher! (Yes)
Well, birthday, this is your day
And we will not be lazy to congratulate you!
We wish you great happiness
And shouting loudly and pure: Congratulations!
Oh, something you are not heard,
Well, louder, again!



And today in honor of the birthday
We are starting a large sea adventure!
"You and I are one family!"

The host offers to repeat the text and movements to it all together.

You and I are one family:
You, we, you.
Touch the neighbor's nose on the right,
Touch the neighbor's nose on the left
We're friends!
You and I are one family:
You, we, you.
Hug a neighbor on the right,
Hug a neighbor on the left
We're friends!
You and I are one family:
You, we, you.
Pinch the neighbor on the right,
Pinch the neighbor on the left,
We're friends!
You and I are one family:
You, we, you.
A neighboring neighbor on the right,
A neighbor's kiss on the left
We're friends!
So that everyone is happy today
We will go in search of a treasure!
To go on the road and rather find a treasure
You now need to go through our physical examination!

1 pirate puts on a bathrobe
1. We measure the growth of each (slippers, chocolate, spoons, etc.)
2. The number of teeth (according to the widest smile)

We continue the physical examination
Now we will all learn about you
Let's check you for jumping.
Then flying and buoyancy,
And of course to crawl!
Who can easily cope with the test
He is immediately enrolled in the team!

Obstacle course
All sailors must be able to listen to the captain and follow his orders:

Left steering! - Everyone runs to the left side
The right of the steering wheel! - Everyone runs to the right side
Nose! - Everyone runs forward.
Stern! - Everyone runs back.
Raise sails! - Everyone stops and raise their hands up.
Cannonball! - Everyone squats.

We see that with jumping, buoyancy and flying in order everything is with you,
The team of treasure hunters - well, the highest class!
We see that you are guys what you need,
And everyone prepared for the search for the treasure.
But before you look for a treasure,
A pirate of the present must become!

If you want to become real pirates, then you must learn a real pirate scream. Repeat after me.

Wow! - Wow!
Wow! -Wow!
Chiki Riki-Lumba! -Chiki Riki-Rumba!
Mumba la Columbus! - Mumba la Columbus!
Shirli-Mirli Karabas! “Shirley-Mirli Karabas!”
Ball Amba Honduras! - Ball Amba Honduras!
Musi-Pushi well done! -Musi-Pushi well done!

We almost learned a screamer, but can you dance a pirate dance?

"Apple" "Pirate ingenuity" on the card

Dedication to the pirates.
Devotes in pirates-puts on a bandage in turn, or a hat on his head, or draws a “fingal” under the eye or a beard-mustache. In the hands of a gun.

1 test.
Competition "The most well -aimed pirate"
And if you meet dragons, brothers!
Then we will not be afraid of them!
The sailor needs to be a well -aimed
To defeat all dragons!
Are we the most daring? (Yes)
Are we the most accurate? (Yes)

2 test. "The most resourceful pirate"

Riddles - tricks.
Do you like riddles? (Yes, guess them then.
And in the riddles there is a secret - give the correct answer.
1. On the fence in the morning, Kukarika Kangaroo (rooster)
2. He sleeps in the den in the den, guessed, this is a whale (bear)
3. Grits loudly in the pond, ducklings bathing cocoon (duck)
4. A long trunk is a nose, in front of you is a good dog (elephant)
5. Eats flies, mosquitoes and healthy, cow croaks in the swamp (frog)
6. He is fat as a tub, horn on the nose is a frog (rhino)
7. You are injected - you can’t hurt, our bear is very very prickly (hedgehog)
8. The ears are long, he was hiding along the bush of the goose (hare)
9. He knows a lot about Malina, of course, this is a wolf (bear)
10. He barks on the street, and is called chicken (dog)

3 test. "Aboard"

Tie ropes to the toy ships - cars and wind them on pencils at a signal (we had 2 ships).

4 test. "The most talented"

Summer has come.
Butterflies fly in a clearing.
A girl with a clock in her hands and trying to catch butterflies come running.
But the butterflies flush in different directions.
A boy is coming past.
He thought about something and did not notice how he crashed into a tree.
The boy rubs his bruised forehead and cries. The girl holds out a coin, the boy thanks and puts a coin to his forehead.
Children take hands and skip from the forest ...

6 test. "The most dexterous pirate"

You need to feed the fishing team. Who can catch fish faster and more (pelvis, fish, juice)

We collect a map, magic words - the map becomes whole, search, cake.
Hooray! You found the treasures of the pirates of Barabulia! Gift.

Tips on pieces of paper - Treasure search

1. Here is the first hint for you:
Mom keeps my note.

2. Where many palm trees grow,
In their leaves, a hint awaits you!

3. There the note will bury
Where do you warm up pizza ...

4. In the room "Snow Ship" is worth
He has a helmet.
I greased him a little ...
Do not want to look?

5. I joked a little -
I put a note in the boot ...
Only here is a secret, guys,
In whose boot is a hint?

6. Where is the sea-ocean,
Where is the water tap ...
The teddy bear is sitting there -
Your hint is watching.

7. Look at the table,
Do you see a clue there, my friend?

Treasure and pirate ship in an abandoned snow castle

Birthday script for a boy 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old

Birthday script for a boy 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old
Birthday script for a boy 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old

Birthday script for a boy 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old:


What is the fun of?
What kind of holiday is here?
All in a good mood
On this day and at this hour.

The song "Whose birthday is today."

1st verse.
Whose whose whose whose, whose
Whose birthday is today?
Who, who, who, who, who
Accepts congratulations?
Who will receive from the guys
And drawings and gifts?
Who has the eyes shine?
Bright blush on the cheeks?

Children answer and invite the birthday man to sit on a specially decorated high chair in the center of the hall. They drive a round dance and sing.

2nd verse.
Everything, everything, everything, everything
We (the name of the child) congratulate!
With her (with him), with her, with her, with her
We have fun and play.
La-la, la-la, la-la-la,
We (the name of the child) congratulate!
La-la, la-la, la-la-la,
We have fun and play.

Birthday boy.
I am exactly six today,
I want to dance and sing.
(I am exactly five today,
I will sing and dance)
I am four years old)
On birthday, once a year,
I really look forward to congratulations.
I am now very big -
Look, here!

A sorceress appears.

Dear guys, I accidentally heard that today you have a birthday.

Children in chorus.
Yes, today we congratulate on your birthday (name of the child).

Someone can explain to me what a birthday is?

Let's ask our guys about it.
What should we do on the birthday?

Children take turns calling pre -learned phrases.

We invite guests.
We congratulate the birthday.
We give the birthday gifts.
We play various games.
We eat a lot of sweets.

Well done boys. Now let's congratulate our birthday on his birthday.

Children in turn congratulate the birthday.

On his birthday, it is necessary to congratulate the birthday man and give him gifts.
In addition, you can eat a lot of sweet on your birthday.

That's right, a sorceress. I think all the guys like to celebrate their birthday?

Children (in chorus).

He asks the birthday man.
... If you want to celebrate your birthday in a fabulous country.
To do this, you need to say magic words and turn around you several times.

Fairytale music sounds - "The song Pierrot Malvina."

Repeat the magic spell behind me:
The pendulum is swinging,
The fairy tale begins.
Crilies, crawls, boom!

And circled:
Riddles path
Sports dark
Fairytale kingdom

Sounds the song "There on unknown paths."

On the floor under one of the traces lies a letter with the number 1.

1 writingabout.
“There on an unknown path
We have prepared fairy tales
The riddles are interesting.
Guess as soon as possible
Our fairy -tale friends! "

1. He treats birds and animals,
Heals small children.
Looks through his glasses
Good doctor.

2. The father had a strange boy:
Unusual, wooden.
On the ground and under water
Looking for a golden key.
Everywhere the nose sticks its long.
Who is this?

3. The fat man lives on the roof,
He flies higher than all,
The jam loves
And plays with the baby.

4. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,
And there was that girl a little more a nail.
That girl slept in a walnut shell,
And the little girl saved from the cold.

5. Who has left the grandmother,
Who left grandfather.
Meten on a barn,
On sour cream bags.
Well, do not yawn children,
And guess the riddle.

6. Near the forest at the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three circles,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three Bears)

7. Grandma loved the girl very much.
Red hat gave her.
The girl has forgotten her name
Well, tell me her name.
(Red Riding Hood)

8. Round nose, a heel,
It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground.
The tail is small, crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves
Three of them - and to what
Everyone is similar to each other.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three pigs).

Here is 1 letter. (Raises the letter under one of the traces).

So as not to get bored,
We will play now.
I will read the riddles for you
You need to guess them.
The sea is warm around, we bathed in it,
And suddenly all the friends blown away as a wind, swam to the beach. (Shark)

I forgot about flights, turned its wings into fins,
The fish catches the Antarctic among the ice floes. (Penguin)

A pond came out of the shores, scaring away all the fishermen.
Clumsy jumped into the water and floats. (Hippopotamus)

He lives in a quiet backwater, walks backwards and
At the bottom among the snags, everything dreams of whistling. (Crayfish)

In fairy tales, he is always a villain, attacks people
And in the goat knows a lot - an insatiable gray. (Wolf)

His ears are funny, his legs are thick, large,
He is proud of the trunk, good -natured, wise. (Elephant)

The gardens often wander, he catches different insects,
A small prickly is similar to the needle. (Hedgehog)

He is almost the king of animals, a close relative of the kings,
The claws sharpen a striped predator for games. (Tiger)

In hot Africa walks, it surprises with a long neck,
Himself tall, like a closet,
Yellow, in spots. (Giraffe)

Someone wanders in the ice water for the whole evening,
And it is not cold in a drop of sadness. (Heron)

Twice a year he is in new fur coats, he is terribly afraid of everyone in the forest,
Fashionable plush handsome long -eared timid. (Hare)

Can swim in the ocean, can crawl along the savannah,
The shell in the cage is like a shirt.
Who is this? (Turtle)

He is inconspicuous at all, but sings for envy to everyone!
Glovy is hiding among the branches. (Nightingale)

Do not let the thieves into the house, bark, drive, bite.
The nazum knows all science smart. (Puppy)

A log swims in the river, it really wants to eat.
The mouth of the toothy opened the evil green. (Crocodile)

You can only wonder why they are afraid of her?
Everyone squeals, shout: “Kysch, Kysha!”
If they suddenly see. (Mouse)

Who carries reserves with him, does not ask for weeks and
Loves work so much that it has become hunchbacked? (Camel).

How great you know how to solve such complex riddles! And we are passing
The path of puzzles, and our next obstacle called the musical river.

(Finds a letter under the note).

2 letter.
You must find out by the melody a fairy tale and a hero from this fairy tale.
The backing tracks are turned on and the guys guess.
-The crocodile of the crocodiles "Let them run awkward",
-Kot Leopold "We will survive this trouble",
-Antoshka is a sour,
-MESNY Cheburashki "I was once strange",
-Dsnya a hedgehog and a teddy bear "Clouds of the White Horses",
-Senka Winnie-Pooh,
-The mesente of the mouse "What a wonderful day",
-MESNY of the red cap,
-"Two merry geese lived with granny".

For good knowledge of songs, the music river prepared a gift.
“This gift is more wonderful.
He is called a friendly song! "

The song-game is performed by the birthday girl (birthday) “Karavay, Karavay”.

And where did our letter hide the task? (Children are looking for a letter 3). (Find behind the Christmas tree).

3 letter.

“You got into a sports forest
There are many secrets and miracles in it
Play, dance
And you quickly run the forest "

1. Color the picture.
You need to take turns to run and colorize one of the parts

Well done, the guys managed.

2. Snowballs.
You need to get "snowballs" into the buckets.

3. Competition "Soap races".
To cheerful music, children try to blow a soap bubble so that it would reach as far as possible, ideally to the line.

4 Letter.
So, we came to the castle with the open gate in the "fairy -tale kingdom."
And we will ask our birthday to climb the ladder.
- And now, as in a song,
Walk around the ladder.
One, two, three, four, five!
Isn't it tired of walking?
There is another step.
Now there are exactly six of them!

The birthday person stands on the highest step.
Look how big it became!
And not a drop is tired.
And further along the ladder, boldly walk.
Healthy grow and do not lose heart.
Happy birthday, we congratulate
We wish you the best.
His birthday
We devote this song.

The song "Congratulations on the day of birth" is performed. "

1st verse.
Happy birthday to congratulations
And ... we wish:
Like a birch in the field,
Grow in the wild -
We wish from the heart.

2nd verse.
Be fun and beautiful,
Be healthy and happy
Smile more often,
Stay good
And loved ones.

We will start a round dance
We will still sing for you.
And you dance with us!
We ask you from the heart!

Or the song "The Sun stood up" is performed.

1st verse.
The sun got up
Shone in the sky
With our …
It became fun.

2nd verse.
The birds flew in
They sat on the porch.
... ours
Songs sang.

3rd verse.
We went to the forest
They wandered stitches,
... ours
Colors gave.

Children give flowers (real, drawn or application).

All children shout loudly and cheerfully: Happy birthday!

Birthday script for the boy 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old

Birthday script for the boy 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old
Birthday script for the boy 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old

Birthday script for the boy 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old:

Today for small and adults,
For thin and thick,
Obedient and naughty.
Funny and sad
Our most beautiful entertainment
Under the name of the birthday!

Birthday is glorious
It's wonderful and funny!
The birthday girl is forward
Skip, honest people!

The birthday man comes out and stands on a chair.

Well, guests, don't yawn.
Smile, in chorus, help. If you agree, then - yes! If not, no!

Happy birthday to congratulate!
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. And, of course, we wish ...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Growing Diana more!
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Be sure to be thicker ...
Guests. No no no!

Leading. To be beautiful, kind, sweet ...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Both loud and drury ...
Guests. No no no!
Leading. Strong, healthy, bold ...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Neat and skillful ...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. So that mom loves ...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. The strap beat more often ...
Guests. No no no!

Leading. Okay! So that she fed candates ...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Maybe enough to congratulate?
It's time to raise the glasses!
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Salute + to the table!

Today you are ... years old, but this is just the beginning.
We will raise all the glasses for you!
We want to wish so much - I can list all day!
Both smart books and sweets, whose tastes in the world!
Toys - mountain to heaven, cartoons, fairy tales and miracles,
And adventures and friends ... Let everything come true soon!
Happiness, health, success, prosperity!
Money, so that the lollies to the hands and heels!

Testing for godfathers.

1. For lunch, son Van
Mom cooks soup in ...
(not in a glass, but in a pan)

2. Papa bass tells us:
“I love sweets with ...
(not with meat, but with nut or jam)

3. asks grandmother Arkash
To eat from a radish ...
(not porridge, but salad)

4. Mom asked Julia
She pour a seagull into ...
(not a pan, but in a cup)

5. Both in Voronezh and in Tula,
Children sleep at night at ...
(not in a chair, but on the bed)

6. I could pick up myself
A couple of mittens for ...
(not for the legs, but for hands)

7. Frost is cracking in the yard
You put on a hat on ...
(not on the nose, but on the head)

8. Birthday on the nose
We baked ...
(not sausage, but a cake)

9. None of this dispute
Take it to cut the fabric ...
(not an ax, but scissors)

10. We meet the guests of everyone together:
We eat them freshly ground ...
(not tea, but coffee)

11. Hockey players heard crying
The goalkeeper missed them ...
(not a ball, but a puck)

12. For vaccinations and injections
Moms of children lead to ...
(not to school, but to the clinic

13. Fruits, snacks, drinks, wine
The table is set for lunch in ...
(not in the cinema, but in the restaurant)


Dear guests!
Since we are at the children's birthday, it is probably appropriate to play a countless one now.
Well, everyone got ready ....
One, two, three, four, five!
Who will we congratulate?
Whose dreams will come true?
For whom do flowers burn?
Who will be proud today?
Will there be a huge cake?
Will candles blow out?
And open gifts?
For whom is this verse?
And in the eyes of the fun - whose?
Who is ahead today?
Come out!
And the day is so good
Let the cold scary world
Will remain in the distance.
Always happy ........ Be,
Like Sunny Sveta!


Let your palms-shirts
Like a ray from heaven
Will fall and there will be a holiday
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
Five of you today, baby,
Happy holiday meet!
Clap fun in your palms
And get your cake!

Under funny and bright music, the mother takes and puts a cake on the table on which the figure flaunts.

Applause We give friends.
Cake from childhood, this is a dream!
So that you ... always remembers him
Well, you will blow out a candle with dad and mom

On the team "Time and two" - you will be prepared first,
The team “Three, four” - you need to smile wider,
As we say, the figure is “five” - you can blow out candles!

(All guests, along with the host, are counted, parents and the birthday person have made a desire, blowing a candle)

But the time has come
And for our cake.
He is a yummy - just a class.
All the best guests are for you.

The very first and sweet piece we will certainly give ...
Slowly, on a teaspoon,
Reveal the cake
So that a little longer,
Stretch your birthday
Cake and tea, yes!
This is a holiday, gentlemen!

Enjoy your meal!

If you are parents -
Casterators, praise.
If you are parents -
Farewells, amateurs.
If the resolutions,
Buckers, donors.
Then you are not parents
And just lovers!
And if you are parents -
Grinkling, angry.
And if you are parents -
Cutters, involved.
Walk not releases,
Dog receivers ....
You know, parents,
You are just crocodile!
“There is a gift of everyone more wonderful.
He is called a friendly song! "

Everyone sings for her the song “Happy Birthday to you” (meow, grunt, shove)

Fun entertainment "played a rattle."

Adult alone: \u200b\u200ba rattle played,
Together with children: Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! (clap their hands)
Adult alone: \u200b\u200bsuddenly Marfushka flooded,
Together with children: Top! Top! Top! Top! (stomping with their feet)
Adult alone: \u200b\u200band the frog was starting up,
Together with children: KVA! KVA! KVA! KVA! (Depict frog and croak)
Adult alone: \u200b\u200bthe "chatterbox" answered her,
Together with children: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! (nod their heads in agreement).
Adult alone: \u200b\u200bthe block pounded,
Together with children: Tuk! TUK! TUK! TUK! (knock on the knees knock on your knees)
Adult alone: \u200b\u200bthe cuckoo echoes her in response,
Together with children: Ku-ku! Ku-ku! Ku-ku! Ku-ku! (fold your palms with a mouthpiece)
Adult alone: \u200b\u200bthe gun spared loudly,
Together with children: Bach! Bach Bach! Bah! (raise their hands with spread fingers up)
Adult alone: \u200b\u200band an old woman got into,
Together with children: Ah! Oh! Oh! Oh! (grab the head)
Adult one: I ground a body,
Together with children: Mu! Mu! Mu! Mu! (show horns)
Adult alone: \u200b\u200bsquealed with her,
Together with the children: Evat! Drugging! Drugging! Drugging! (make a snub -nosed nose - Piglet)
Adult alone: \u200b\u200ba grunted, rang,
Together with children: Bryak! Bryak! Bryak! Bryak! (depict a rattling rattle)
Adult alone: \u200b\u200bjumped a jump,
Together with children: jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (jump)
Adult alone: \u200b\u200bhere is a toy,
Together with children: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! (clap your head)

Merry script for the boy’s birthday - a fairy tale for entertainment of guests

Merry script for a boy's birthday
Merry script for the boy’s birthday - a fairy tale for entertainment of guests

Merry script for the boy’s birthday - A fairy tale for entertainment of guests:

Leading: Mukha-Mukha-Tsokotuha
Nicknamed Katyukha
She walked around the field slowly.

Fly: Ah, the weather is good!
That's my jam day has come!
Eh, buy a treat,
I will call the guests' house.
Ten is the anniversary.
So the money was found,
The basement waited.
Time to go for food!
Hey, taxi, minibus, stand!

Leading: A fly went to the bazaar
And I bought a samovar.
Well, to tea, treats:
Nut cupcake, cookies,
Chocolate and marmalade ...
I bought everything in a row
Do not shove into the truck.

Fly: Cool picnic will be!
Hey you guests, come, crawl and fly ...
By three o'clock I sit down at the table,
In the meantime, I’ll get it.
Today, the Fly-Tsokotuha birthday!

(Fly sings a song on the motive of the song "I will remain ash on the lips ...").)

The song of the fly

My birthday has already come, and here
Gifts from friends, and how much trouble.
Already twelve, at three o'clock friends will come,
And I can’t get together
And I still have a little left:

It remains to crumble the salad,
Boil hot chocolate,
And a sandwich in the microwave.
Put a festive suit,
When will all have time?
Oh, the punishment burns in the oven!

I became an adult, finally ten years,
How quickly the years flashed, there is no doubt.
And we must think about what is waiting next
Go confidently forward
After all, how much is still there:

It remains, as last time,
I go to the fourth grade,
There is a certificate, by itself.
Remained in college, to the institute,
And if they don’t take it right away,
I'll go to the factory, a star.

It remains to fly into space,
A well -known sambo wipe to become,
But you have to deal with sambo.
It remains only to want
In the meantime, it’s enough to sing
It's time to get for a matter.
Presenter: The guests were not dressed for a long time,
Everyone dressed up in fashion
And barely struck three,
They crowded at the door.
A cat came to a fly ...

Cat: I was a little late
I have business in the morning:
At six zero-zero went into the gym,
The press shook a little
Two hours - completely tired.
After - manicure and haircut, breakfast - fried mouse,
And behind the dress in the store.
I examined a hundred windows,
The most festive outfit
It is great, then small.
But now I'm with a parade
And you, girlfriend, for the sake
Murmuric song
I will certainly sing.

(Sings the song on the motive of the song "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.")

Cat song

At the flush-teddy, at the flush-teduh,
The fum of the yard has an anniversary today.
Imagine, imagine
She lies on the belly,
Imagine, imagine
And waiting for his guests.

A cat, elegant clothing, came to that fly,
Fluffy a little and began to congratulate
Imagine, imagine
A pretty cat
Imagine, imagine
And hum.

I congratulate you, I wish you happy.
And I correct the cat mustache with my paw ...
Imagine, imagine
And I already dream to eat
Imagine, imagine
A piece of sausage.

Be smart, energetic, great girlfriend,
Success in the life of a personal and small mouse.
Imagine, imagine
Travels overseas,
Imagine, imagine
Both to London and Paris.

Leading: A butterfly flew ...

Butterfly: Hello, my paw!
Happy birthday to congratulations
And I devote you to you
This little surprise.

(Butterfly plays a short work on the guitar.)

Fly: I am delighted, bravo, bis!
Eat sweets,
You will like them.

Butterfly: Harmful to the diet.
Unhealthy food -
Chips, Kirieshki ...
You will be like new
If there are nuts.

(Hands nuts.)

Leading: Mol arrived at the holiday,
I almost ate a fly to a fly.

(Mol sings a song for a guitar, a folk melody.)
Song of Mol

Mol, mol, moth - a poisonous bug,
Mol, mol, mol - a poisonous cockroach,
Mol, mol, moth - a poisonous worm,
Which eats everything along and across.

Moth, moth, moth ate a fur coat and hammas,
Moth, moth, moth ate a hat of a coat,
Mol, mol, moth ate all your little things,
And now he will eat the curtain so that no one will see.
(Flies to the fly and enthusiastically grabs her by the skirt.)

Mol: Eh, delicious knitwear!
Salinka flows already.

Fly:The table is full of everything.

Mol: I do not like from
But the skirt is just a class!
Let me lick at least once.

Fly: Kysh, nosy gangrene,
This skirt is from Carden
Costs a thousand rubles,
And do not laugh there.

Mol: From Carden - I do not want to!
I will better fly to the curtains.

Leading: Grandmother-Yaga came to the fly ...

Baba Yaga: Here you have as a gift, fly, poker.

Fly: Thank you, girlfriend,
Well, where is your hut
Without doors and without glass?

Baba Yaga: Yes, she came with me.
Necaled ditties
For our beloved fly.
But she sings fake
That's why I decided
Give her a hunger today,
Better we sing with you.

(They sing along with the fly on the motive of the song “Childhood, childhood where are you running”, the first verse sings a fly.)
Song of Baba Yaga

Childhood, childhood, where are you going?
Childhood, childhood, where are you in a hurry?
We haven't played enough of you with you
Childhood, childhood where are you, wait!

And I want, and I want again
Run on the roofs, fly on a broomstick,
Tease Koshchei, evil old man
And drink a bottle of milk at night.

You have an anniversary today
Full house of girlfriends and friends.
And everyone wants to congratulate Katyuhu,
Well, I want to hide what to hide.

And I want, and I want again
There are so many warm words to you.
Give a gift in the house,
And to get a sweet prize, of course.

Girlfriends squinted at us,
Probably, they also want a sweet prize.
And you and I will outwit them together,
And we’ll fly away on a broomstick with prizes.

Yes, I'm joking, and I want again
You will wish great happiness
Be beautiful and sing like a nightingale
After all, summer is coming soon, it means everything is okay!

Leading: Cockroaches resorted to
Congratulations read out.

First cockroach: Our dear fly,
You are already completely big.
You can not go to school,
Beat the whole day to beat.

The second cockroach: What did you say this?
Well this is only we
We are looking for breakfast on the floor.
Tarakanov to the table
Very rarely invited.
More often they throw a slipper at them.

First cockroach: Oh, I'm sorry, not that piece of paper.
It is hard to be illiterate.

The second cockroach: You read already, come on.
If you want a loaf.

First cockroach: Our dear fly,
Be beautiful like a pampushka!
Not pain and not lazy,
Learn in five
Songs sing and do not miss.

Fly: I will ask to the table, for tea!

Cockroaches: We wish to dance first!
Congratulations on the Day of Congress!

(Dancing cancan.)

Leading: Oh, who is this?
All so water
As if just from the bottom,
All transparent, green ...

(Water sings the song on the motive "I am water ...")
Water song

On the anniversary, for the anniversary,
Where there are many fairy -tale guests
And where is my girlfriend
A pretty fly

Eh, fly, congratulations,
On this birthday!
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Good luck! And good luck! And good luck! And luck!

In the deep kingdom of water
We often think about
Here we became flies,
And flew in the clouds
With you.

Eh, ten years old, Katyukha,
It's so beautiful!
Be cool, basement!
And albeit always, and albeit always,
Everything will always be cool!

Water: Hello, good girlfriend.
Congratulations to you, flush!
My greetings from the sea!
You, I look, are not alone here.
Buses are stylish from where?
Where did you find such a miracle?
And we have at the bottom of the sea
Everyone is cracking only one
That the fly has a birthday
Songs, dances, treats ...
I decided to look and I decided.

Fly: Very wisely acted!

Water:Happy birthday to congratulations!
I wish you happiness, joy
ESM-EMS and flowers,
The most kind of warm words ...
Let dreams come true
And you will become happy!

Fly: Well, thank you, treat yourself
Here, talk to friends.
Well, I'll go, open the door.
Who came to me now?
Hello, witch-girlfriend!

Witch: Glad to see you, fly!
How I conjured yesterday
In the mirror I saw a curve
Like a marvelous paradise,
Sweet table for a hundred people.
There is a nut roll,
Five kilograms, five sweets,
Pears, peaches, grenades,
And fruit salads,
Chips, fantas, Coca-Cola ...
I decided to joke
Read the spell
And try to find out
Whose birthday is this?
And, without any doubt
I received the answer at once:
This is a fly for ten years!

(Sings Valeria’s song “My Tenderness” on the motive and gives a bottle of a blue drink.)
The song of the witch

Love lit up again
In my witcher eyes, Flies,
I see you again
I want to congratulate, my girlfriend.
Do not pour tea yet
After all, this is all to you, you know.
Today is your birthday,
And great mood,
Happiness, good luck, luck,
I can find for you, you hear.
I won carefully
So it will come true
You will be sweet, attractive
And only five to study.
Give me your palm
How many lines are there, even enviable.
I see your fate
I see you with a cocktail on the beach.
Sea surf and you and I
And this is all to you, you know.
Wise potion of the wonderful
I am only known to me.
The colors of the azure-non-human,
I can weld for you, you hear.
How much happiness and joy are there
And tastes sweeter than sweets,
There are no sorrows and nasty things there
You may not thank you very much ...
Presenter: Well, who is sneaking?

Kikimora (quietly):
What should I eat?
I was a little late
I selected all the gifts.
I am a forest kikimora.
By nature - very angry.
I love nasty things,
I have not tolerate flies since childhood.

(If desired, the song “And I am Little Byak” can sing with the original text.
Then approaches the fly.)

Kikimora (loudly):
Hello, dear girlfriend!
Congratulations to you, flush!
Here is a gift, hold it.
There are vipers and owls
Worms, grogs, frogs
And other trinkets ...
Ah, films, good!

I tried heartily.

(Submits a fly with marmalade snakes, spiders ...)

Fly: Well, thanks, dear.

Kikimora (loudly):
Where is my big mug?
(quietly) I want a hundred devils.
I will eat both fly and guests.

(Kikimora sits at the table.)

Leading: Suddenly some kind of spider
To our fly, Skok and Skok ...

Spider: Time to include music,
I invite you to dance!

(Sing on the melody "40th Symphony" Mozart)
Fly song and spider

Fly: Let go, let go, let go.

Spider: I do not want, I can’t do dearly.

Fly: You don't press my hand so much.

Spider: I don't squeeze it much.

Fly: nasty, vile, ugly,
It smells so bad from you.

Spider: I drink cologne, triple cologne.

Fly: Dear guests, help!
In the spider, run a boot!
He is a lazy and mischievous
He has such a diary
There are only solid deuces!
Waiting for a long time of the headlight.
Presenter: Only the guests were scared,
Only the guests ran away
On the cracks and in the corners
And they sit quietly there.
After all, everyone is afraid of the spider
Only Kikimora is brave.

Kikimora: I will save you, girlfriend!
(quietly) You’ll get into the net, Flip.
You knit it stronger,
And then catch the guests.
Oh, and the glorious will be dinner!

Spider: I don't need an assistant here.
I can eat a fly myself
Enough space and guests.

Leading: Suddenly flies from somewhere
Little mosquito,
And in the hands is not dynamite,
Not a balloon ...
Komarik: I'm not afraid of a spider,
I will spray it slightly.

Leading: Flies to the spider,
The fly takes away
And then on the whole gallop
The button presses.

(A mosquito sprinkles a spider from a cylinder with dichlofos. The spider falls.)

Komarik: Good old dichlofos,
I brought you as a gift.
Amazing remedy
From such natural disasters!

Leading: He takes the fly by the hand
And leads to the window.

Mosquito: I ruined the villain?

Fly: I destroyed.

Mosquito: I freed you?

Fly: Freed out.

Mosquito: And now, the soul-girl,
We will continue to have fun.
Where is Kikimora?

Kikimora: I'm afraid,
Oh, I'm shaking all of fear.
I am very ashamed of myself.
This is, obviously.

Fly: What are the guests, come out,
Sleep, look
On a wonderful loaf.
Swear a song together!

(The song "Caravay" and a cake removal with candles.)

Home script for the boy’s birthday - “Kingdom of Tales”

Home script for the boy’s birthday - “Kingdom of Tales”
Home script for the boy’s birthday - “Kingdom of Tales”

Home script for the boy’s birthday - “Kingdom of Tales”:

Presenter 1:
Hello kids,
Hello, parents!
Happy Happy Beautiful,
Bright, amazing.

Presenter 2:
What holiday is it,
What will tell us?
I am very glad to him
Our children.

(Guests answer in chorus - birthday)

Presenter 1:
That's right, guys!
We gathered here
So that with friends is nearby
Spend the whole day.

Presenter 2:
It is fun to note
Feast of all children,
Wonderful day, summer
It will become warm with him!

Presenter 1:
Childhood is a joy
Bright time
Time to listen to fairy tales
In the morning.

Presenter 2:
We invite you
On this day and hour
To the kingdom of fairy tales -
Start a story!

Presenter 1:
In the Trill kingdom
What time is the term
Rules the state
Good king peas ...

(Tsar peas appears on the stage, he is sad)

Tsar peas:
I have a gold
There is silver
Good salary
Yes, and herself is healthy.
Just not enough
Something, apparently, to me-
Tales scattered
Mine all over the country!

Presenter 1:
Be healthy, King Batyushka!
How are you?
Well, you can’t see joy
Do you have today?

Tsar peas:
Are you behind fairy tales? Sorry,
I have no fairy tales
I am a bad overlord for them
They scattered, who was where.

Presenter 2:
How did this miracle come out?
How did everyone run up?
What will we tell
Children, and adults to everyone?

Tsar peas (sighs):
I am to blame, in general, myself
I was a bad example.
I haven't read fairy tales for a long time -
And he offended them, probably ...

(Leading 1 and presenter 2 consult)

Presenter 1:
Tsar peas! Can I help you
We want everything as soon as possible
Let it leave at least a day, at least a night -
We will be able to find fairy tales!

Presenter 2:
We know a lot of fairy tales, we
We will certainly find them
Without a special kuter
We’ll return home soon.

Tsar peas (with a cheerful voice):
Well, then - another thing,
I ask me mercy,
You already have ideas
Where will I find fairy tales?

Presenter 1:
There is a good idea:
Let the game help us,
So that the guys do not miss
It’s time for us to start!

Presenter 2:
We guys will make you
We are many different riddles,
And they will be answers
The characters of our fairy tales!

Game "Fairytale riddles"

There is a princess in one fairy tale -
Without a smile, tears in the eyes,
It's easier to accomplish a feat,
Than the princess to laugh.
(Princess Nesmeyan)

The snake is green, three -headed,
He built the intrigues of new ones,
Fire-breathing dragon,
Well, what is he called?

There is an egg, in an egg - a needle,
She is not at all simple,
Whose death lurks in it?
Bares the needle ...

They fly around the sky
White, magical,
Small children will be seen -
They will definitely grab it!
(Swan geese)

Everything comes to life from her
And grows and blooms,
There are such water in fairy tales,
Called ...

On the forest edge
She lives in a hut
Western, laughter,
Merry old woman!
(Baba Yaga)

Presenter 1:
Ino-oh, they collected a couple of fairy tales,
So, they started well.
We will continue without hints
We gather on the road.

Presenter 2:
And our road leads
To a new joyful game,
Guess as soon as possible
Where is the fairy tale, but where - no!

(The presenters hold the game for children "Fairy Tale or not?")

Game for children "Fairy Tale or not?"

Examples of the passage:
1. “The hunchback cones shook,
He stood on his paws, started up,
Slammed with a hryvnia, snored
And the arrow flew ... ” - a fairy tale.

Presenter 1:
So ... a few more fairy tales
We could return home ...

Tsar peas:
So happiness! That's the joy!
I bow to me.

Presenter 2:
We need more, I think,
To sing and dance to fairy tales,
So that they return more -
Dance with us!

(Leading 1, Leading 2 and Tsar Peas hold the contest "Start like ...".)

Sample tasks:
Strong like a Baba Yaga.
Start like Winnie the Pooh.
Strong like a Sivka-Burka.
Start like a hedgehog.
Start like Nesmeyana.

Presenter 1:
We succeeded
Play, dance,
And more cunning fairy tales
They helped the king collect.

Presenter 2:
I think you can
Return home
In order not to disturb fairy tales.
They need peace now!

Tsar peas:
Oh guys, grateful
For everything, with all my heart,
And for help, for a gift,
What brought today ...

Presenter 1:
What is this gift?
You messed up, king peas,
M with empty hands,
Without gifts. What's the catch?

Tsar peas (laughs and takes out a book of fairy tales):
How, how, without gifts ...
Come on, listen now:
"Summer day of June, hot
The king opened the door.

The king twisted in sorrow,
He lost all fairy tales
And the guys walked, did not know
What awaits them there is a lot of work!

I had to try, think
And solve the riddles,
It's good that smart children
Do not get used to difficulties.

And they collected all the tales -
There is an end, not a catch,
Wrote down about this fairy tale
In his book Tsar peas! "

Presenter 1:
Well, well, so the fairy tale
Did we write together?
Well, now it’s clear with a gift
Without a special kuter.

Presenter 2:
We thank you thank you!
Happy Protection of all children.
On this day you were able to
Make a holiday more fun.

Tsar peas:
Let happiness promise
Every day yours, every moment,
And you are in a fabulous glow
Waiting for victories full of big ones!

Scenario of a birthday to a boy in the style of chip and Dale - "Rescuers are in a hurry to help"

Scenario of a birthday to a boy in the style of chip and Dale -
Scenario of a birthday to a boy in the style of chip and Dale - "Rescuers are in a hurry to help"

Scenario of a birthday to a boy in the style of chip and Dale - “Rescuers are in a hurry to help”:

Props: an envelope with a letter, pictures (images of animals or cartoon characters), plasticine for sculpting figures, a table.

We hear a cheerful sound.
And the lifeguard is right there!
What, do you have an adventure?
Name and fun!

How without a chip or nut?
We are a solution to all problems!

(Enters the postman)

Knock-Knock! Does the birthday live here?
I chose guys to him,
Is the route correct now?
I brought him a letter.
Walked for a long time
Hearing hard.
But I will give it when he answers
To one simple question.
Does the friend know the poem?
(Here everyone to help - congratulations)

Mouth, guys, on the castle!
Let the birthday be tell
We need a poishest, long.
Or short - anyway!
So we ask him!


Well, what a good fellow you are!
Dear, little man!
Then get an envelope.
Who sent you hello?

Hello good,
My amazing friend!
This is the brother of PAPPA pigs,
Remember? His name is George.
Happy Birthday!
You will have fun!
The kids will gather
They will bring pencils
And sweets and gifts,
You will remember this bright day.
Only be always obedient
Pour flowers in the house.
Help mom more often,
And then you will get right
You are a gift from me!
Let his friends find him.

(Put off the envelope, the postman leaves)

What if it's not easy?
He hid far.
We will fulfill the tasks
And we will fill the house with fun.
We will dance in a circle,
To knead the legs to everyone.
We need to take the first step
To find a gift.
To be more fun -
Repeat me soon!

(Dance "Dancing ducklings")

Fu, the elasticity was dank.
Where could the gift be abyss?
We will find it then,
If we sing a song.

(Sing a song about a gift or any other)

Has the gift has fun?
To solve the riddle now
We will try, guys!
Well, there is he once?

(Chip and nut in turn make riddles. Children answer)

Ku-ka-re-ku, he screams
As an alarm clock, he rings.
He is for chickens - shepherd,
What is his name? ...

He is not often silent,
Barking it more often,
He has a cold nose -
Who are the guys? - ...

In the meadow, the grass is pinching,
She loves this
Loves to grunt by minute
Who is she? It - …

Loves dirt
Lies in the middle of a puddle
Fat accumulates together
I have a girlfriend
What is her name? - ...

The hive is her house.
She is always comfortable in him
I scored from Nectar
Honey. Who is it? - Yes …

If you need milk,
After drinking, you will be healthy.
Who gives him? - ...

Gray, kind and big,
The trunk carries
On large, thick legs.
Who am I about who? ...
(about elephants)

The house is his den.
He sleeps in her, guys, for a long time
And he will wake up - tear
We call him - ...

He lives in a bright cage,
Cerens always peck.
If not enough, he asks: give me!
Who is this? - ...

Like the rope is long
She crawls on the ground.
I have a terrible poison.
Who am I? This is indeed - …

He counted the grains
I collected for an inch.
He lives under the ground.
Who are the guys? - ...

Go-Moh and ha-ha-ha
In the red shoe leg
He is a bully and not a coward.
Who are the guys? - ...

To distract the gift,
We need to entertain him.
We are now from plasticine
As if from magic clay
I will extract all the figures
Blind, we bake in the stove.

(Everyone sculpts figures - a nut and a chip teach how)

We will not bake it,
Suddenly, everything is very tired.
Closer, we are closer to the gift -
Soon we will get it!
And now the task
For you I will offer:
Guess the animal (picture)
What I will show.

(Shows the image of animals or cartoon heroes)

There is another task!
It will be the last.
The glorious path to the gift -
Such is magical with us.
We will fulfill it together,
Then we’ll sing more
And for the birthday
We will find a gift.

We will choose the right thing
Our direction.
The main thing is to a gift
Let's make a movement.
We’ll build even
One by one in a row.
Sweet and Zadoi you
Baby detachment.

We jump. Who is higher?
Let the gift hear us:
Clap in your hands.
A gift, good!
Jump out and appear!
Children, you have fun!
Step to the right, turn.
Who will find a present?
We have a little left -
He will appear about!

Like we are nesting dolls
What is on one leg.
We jump cheerfully
Further - along the path.
Stop! We are standing, a detachment!
Turn. We go back.
Where, where did you disappear?
Who took our gift?
Before us magical cache
Who guys found?

And let's see here.
The kids will sing a song.
Together, together, from this note:

(Everyone is singing, the chip quietly puts behind the guys. A box with a gift for the birthday and small surprises for guests)

And now - forward again!
Who lives under the box?
Now we will open it!
Well! He found, people!

Well done you are all guys!
They guessed all the riddles,
They danced, the songs sang.
And now - they sat down to the table!
To you for the holiday of treats
Tasty arrived!

(Everyone sits down at the table)

Video: Boy's Birthday Script

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