Scenario for the birthday of a girl 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, years old - the best selection

Scenario for the birthday of a girl 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, years old - the best selection

A selection of ready -made scripts for the girl’s birthday.

Short script of the birthday of girls

Short script of the birthday of girls
Short script of the birthday of girls

Short script for the birthday of girls:

Presenter: Today for small and adults,
For thin and thick,
Obedient and naughty.
Funny and sad
Our most beautiful entertainment
Under the name of the birthday!
Birthday is glorious
It's wonderful and funny!
The birthday person is forward
Skip, honest people!

The birthday man comes out and stands on a chair.

Well, guests, don't yawn.
Smile, in chorus, help.
Happy birthday to congratulate!
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter: And, of course, we wish ...

Guests:Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter: Growing Milan more!

Guests: Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter: Be sure to be thicker ...

Guests:No no no!

Presenter: To be beautiful, kind, sweet ...

Guests: Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter: Both loud and drury ...

Guests:No no no!

Presenter: Strong, healthy, bold ...

Guests: Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter:Neat and skillful ...

Guests:Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter:So that mom loves ...

Guests: Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter: The strap beat more often ...

Guests:No no no!

Presenter:Okay! So that she fed candates ...

Guests: Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter: Maybe enough to congratulate? It's time to raise the glasses!

Guests: Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter: Today, such a gift has been prepared for our cute birthday.

The presenter pays attention to a large flower in a pot, on the twigs of which multi -colored homemade empty sweets hang.

There are many miracles in the world,
But go around the whole world -
Such a miracle as ours
There is no in the whole world.

Look, guests.
After all, here on every branch
In the wraps of bright, gold
Swap of sweets!
And in sweets those secrets -
Will we guess or not?

The first candy
We remove from the tree.
What will we find in the candy,
We do not know yet ...

The host takes off the candy from the tree, carefully unfolds it and reads the note:

“There is a gift of everyone more wonderful.
He is called a friendly song! "

The birthday girl stands on a chair and everyone sings for her the song "Happy Birthday to you"

Second candy
We remove from the tree.
What is in this candy,
We will find out now ...

"A birthday girl (to say how many years - compliments to her bouquet!"

All guests tell the birthday girl compliments.

Now another candy
We remove from the thin branch ...
“Interesting riddles
They prepared fairy tales to you. ”

1. He treats birds and animals,
Heals small children.
Looks through his glasses
Good doctor ... (Aibolit).

2. The fat man lives on the roof,
He flies higher than all,
The jam loves
And plays with the baby. (Carlson)

3. On sour cream, he is heated,
The window is cold
Round side, ruddy side.
Rolled ... (Kolobok).

4. Grandma loved the girl very much.
Red hat gave her.
The girl has forgotten her name
Well, tell me her name. (Red Riding Hood)

5. The father had a strange boy:
Unusual, wooden.
On the ground and under water
Looking for a golden key.
Everywhere the nose sticks its long.
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Another candy
I take off the tree,
In this candy,
Now we will all find out ...

"More fun in the world
We note the birthday.
We know a lot of games

And now we will play them! " The game "Chamomile".

Flower with five petals is made from paper. The name of the game is written on the back of each.

"Find out the fairy tale"

Tongue Twisters:

The bull is stupid, a dull bull bull.
The bull of Bela lip was dumb.

Tell us about purchases.
About what about purchases?
About purchases, about purchases,
About your purchases!

The hedgehog spruce is similar -
Spruce in needles, hedgehog too!


Birthday script - Games for the holiday
Birthday script - Games for the holiday

The guests really liked this competition. Everyone participated in it: both children and adults.

There were a lot of sweets here,
Each was hidden secret.
We sang and danced,
Happy birthday congratulated.
But now on a thin branch
Only one hangs candy.
And in the candy of that surprise -
The birthday man is waiting for the prize!

A large cake is made for the birthday man.
Everyone made a desire and blew the candles.

Scenario - Birthday to the girl at home in roles

Scenario - Birthday to the girl at home in roles
Scenario - Birthday to the girl at home in roles

Scenario - Birthday to the girl at home in roles:

Music sounds. Arriving guests are dressed caps and ties

Children are happiness, children are joy,
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
They cannot be earned, this is not a reward,
God gives them by grace to adults.

Children, oddly enough, are also a test.
Children, like trees, do not grow themselves.
They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.

Children are frequent risen at night,
Children are nipples, colic, pots.
Children are disputes in matters of education,
Mom’s prayers, dad's posts.

Children - these dads are often not at home,
Children are mom at home all day.
Children are often a narrow circle of acquaintances,
Own plans move into the shadows.

Children - it was as if life went first:
The first smiles, the first steps,
The first successes, the first failures.
Children are experience, children are us!

(Everyone drinks)

What number is today - 15
And Coca today is a month - February
Dear guests! This little girl on February 15 at 17:30 will turn a year!

Competition "Sun"
Here is the sun - questions on her rays. In turn, we tear off and answer!


Contest "Lopny ball"
Tie a ball to the leg. Your task is to burst someone else's ball and save your own.

I ask all the players to go into place.
-Lorovo for congratulations is provided to the great -grandmother

Dancing (vn. Barbariki music - happy birthday)

Congratulations on the first year
Happiness and fun in the house
We wish you health
After all, Krochi has a birthday!

Mom shines with happiness
Dad is very proud of you
And hardships and misfortunes
Let them bypass.
(Pour, drink)

Competition "Riddle"

From the palm tree down, to the palm tree again
Districtly jumps ... (Monkey)

In raspberries, he knows a lot about
The owner of the forest is terrible ... (Bear)

In the threshold
Howls with hunger ... (wolf)

A ray went out over the forest of the sun
The king of animals is sneaked ... (lion)

Who loves to rush about the branches.
Of course, red ... (squirrel)

He knocks like a drum
Sits on the pine ... (woodpecker)

Kukarika is a consumption
Cute, kind ... (pig) rooster

Who will take off from the flower about?
Multi -colored ... (hippo) butterfly

Who mumbles in the stable in the morning?
I think so ... (Kit) cow

Lace web
Weoned skillfully ... (Pinocchio) Spider

Very slowly and quiet
A snail crawls on a sheet ...

Drinking quiet in the morning
Sells in the grove ... (mouse) Nightingale

I like to frolic in the river,
Swim in a flock, because I - ... (bird) fish

Between the snags arranged a house
Thorny ball - kind ... (gnomik) hedgehog

Medal "For the right answer"


Questions are over, friends!
And praise everyone, guys, I am.
The end came the end.
Who was not mistaken - well done!
And who was mistaken at least a bit,
Not well done, but a hammer!

The word for congratulations is given to the grandmother!

And now everyone is dancing!

The word for congratulations is given to grandfather.

And now we will have competitions.


The word for congratulations is given by aunt and uncle.

Competition "Take the prize"
A package with a prize is placed on a chair. Around the chair are participants in the competition. The host reads the poem "One, two, three!" Those who tried to seize the prize are untimely from the competition.

I'll tell you a story
One and a half dozen times.
I just say the word "three" -
Take the prize immediately!

Once we caught a pike
Gutted and inside
Small fish counted -
And not one, but two.

The boy is hardened
Become an Olympic champion,
Look, at the start is not cunning
And wait for the team once, two, seven.

When you want to remember poetry,
They are not tuck until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once, another, and better five!

Recently train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
But why are you a prize, friends, did not take,
When was there an opportunity to take?

The word for congratulations is given to the godfather.

Competition "Wandering lottery"

I propose to participate in a win -win lottery, lower our hand in a bag, we take out a number:
Even the old man Koschey himself swept away the dust from his ears. (Brush).
Tulle yesterday ate moths, torn to pain, we give in return (package) - there is nothing else!
This ball will stop children's crying. (Balloon).
Yes, your ticket is happy, so hold (pencil).
Oh, what a good fellow you are, get (lollipop, chupa-chups).
I will not refuse for any the benefits of the world (kefir).
If you want to be strong like Gene, get, brother, vitamin. (Carrot).
It will help you remember the subject of past childhood. (Dummy).
You were lucky for fame: a neighbor’s kiss on the right!
Let you be warmer in life from the gift of Prometheus. (Candle)
Dear comrade, get (candy),
Only do not eat yourself, treat the neighbor.
You got this prize to bite in the evenings. (Nuts, lambs or crackers).
This is a sticky little thing, you will help you not get drunk (tape)
Portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror).
In the evenings, do not be bored - fragrant drink you (tea).
At least to anyone - not to me - please. Hang on the ears of noodles (spaghetti)

The word is given to spouses.

Contest "Vegetable diet"

Contest "Vegetable diet"

The word is given to friends.


Well, we got to the part of the main thing,
There are wishes from dad with mom.
For this little girl,
For daughter Diana.

Congratulations from dad and mom are accepted.

And here is a festive cake!
You are exactly a year old today
The toys are full of the house,
And your mouth smiles,
And the eyes glow with fire.
Chanterelles, bunnies and tinsel
Everyone came to congratulate you
And to please the baby,
A huge cake was brought!

Girl's birthday - script for the holiday "Forest Tale"

Birthday girl - script for the holiday Forest Fairy Tale
Girl's birthday - script for the holiday "Forest Tale"

Girl's birthday - script for the Forest Tale holiday:

Good afternoon you all guys,
We are always glad to see you!
We are rich for surprises
Starting a holiday?

To celebrate birthday
They invited you here.
A performance is waiting for you now
Will we have fun?

The holiday will be, just a miracle -
Ira, competitions are waiting for you,
All participants from here
They will not leave without gifts.

I promise this to you
Well, it's time to start,
I announce the first competition -
"Find your" game.

Stand next to you with each other
In the center in the line one,
I'm a name in my ear
I’ll whisper all the animal.

Tie your eyes tightly
Here we need dressings,
The sounds of their animals
You must portray.

If ducks, then, grunt,
If buffalo - mumble
All frogs will be
(CHILDREN) croak,
No one can be silent.

All go around the room.
Despite the noise and din
You are looking for "your" yours,
To get together you

Thus, the victory gets
Who could solve the problem,
Those who will get together before
Handing hands, into the circle.

(Game "Find your")

Well, girls and boys,
We can play again
But now-in the "cat mouse",
You need to get into a big circle.

It is necessary tight, but not too much
Take hands all of you
The birthday person will be the mouse
He will choose a cat himself.

You will have to be careful -
The cat cannot be allowed into a circle,
Where the cat is torn to the mouse,
You need to lower your hands.

If a cat runs into a circle,
The mouse can run out
Raising your hands
You must help her.

(Game "Cats-mouse")

And now your talents
It's time to show.
We will play with you in the phants -
Interesting game.

You are loving animals all,
You can quickly cope with the task
It will be just for you
Nickname Five name the dog.
To always play together,
And do not quarrel friends,
You often need to be counted.
Tell us the count to us.
It will be necessary to try
Show three animals
So that everyone can guess
And call everyone right.
Come on, try,
All guests to surprise
Try to everyone
To portray the robot.
Both boys and girls,
Everyone should know this
And five nicknames for a kitten
You can call it now.
You will show with this phantom
The depth of your knowledge -
You will tell us a proverb
And perhaps not one.
In the center of the hall you need to get up
And a poem
You need to read loudly
Only with expression.
This Fant is very simple
You will cope with him, we know
Wait on one leg,
We will count in unison.
So that we have fun to all,
You need to sing you
The song of the crocodile genes,
We will all sing along.
There is a good fant for you -
Call us all to the round dance,
And under clapping in your hands
In the center of the circle to dance.


And now it's time
We will tell us a fairy tale
But riddles you first
It will be necessary to guess.

The one first, without a hint
Will be able to guess the word
The hero of our fairy tale
About animals can become.


I growl and bark loudly,
My nose smells,
I dream of becoming a dog
But so far has not grown.

My paws with claws,
I love playing with balls

I have few enemies,
After all, I am the owner in the forest
I sleep in the winter in my den,
The paw until the spring is suck.

In summer gray, and in winter -
In a white fur coat fur.
I am jumping deft
I like to gnaw a carrot.

Yes, I am cunning, well, let it be,
I don’t see any trouble,
I'm proud of my tail,
He is long and red.

When I am hungry - evil,
In summer and winter,
At night my howl is heard
I fight on the moon.

So that the heroes of our fairy tale,
We could distinguish
The first to guessed the masks,
We need to hand it now.

We all have to be together
In the fairy tale "Forest" to portray,
We need to raise our hands up
They download them to the sides.

As I say about the forest, I am in a fairy tale
You must be prepared
To immediately, without a hint,
Forest densely portray.

They lived in the courtyard near the house
And a kitten ..., and a puppy ...,
All the guys loved them
The cat was Murzik ..., the dog was a friend ....

They walked together in the yard ... (walking hands)
They jumped together .... (jump on the spot)
And they caught up with each other ... (run one after another)
So the days passed.

Once they were invited
Birthday to celebrate,
And they decided to go
In the forest, bouquet of flowers to dial.

After all, they are not rich -
At the kitten ... and a puppy ...
There are ears (show ears),
tails (show tails)
and paws (show paws)
And there is no wallet at all.

They walked for a long time, tired (they go, holding hands)
And a kitten ... and a puppy ...,
They walked until they saw
Very fast stream

We sat on the spot
It's time for us all in pairs,
In a brook we will play together,
Everyone will like the game!

(Playing a stream)

Though small, but brave
And a kitten ..., and a puppy ... -
The path continued their important,
Jumping the stream.

Heroes walked, made their way
Through dense forests,
And with a fox ... I met
The fox was cunning ...

I wanted to deceive and eat,
And the kitten ..., and a puppy ...,
But when I saw them,
I changed my mind so far.

If the chicken, chicken
She came across - yes! (Fox licks)
And a puppy ... or a kitten ....
For a fox ... not food.

Scared in earnest
And a kitten ..., and a puppy ...,
Without losing a moment
They allowed the offset.

So as not to get lost in the forest,
So that there is no trouble
All guys learn
Traces should be distinguished.

Well, we know with you
What should you know from an early age?
We declare a quiz
Called "whose trace?"

(Quiz on cards with traces)

They walked the paths of the deaf,
So as not to meet with a fox ...
Suddenly from the thicket in front of them
The hare ... jumped out with a scythe.

Also saved from the fox,
And when I saw them,
Very much scared
Even the tail trembled. (trembling)

Calm off their panty (they strok a hare on the head)
And a kitten ..., and a puppy ...
Asked to make a bunny
They helped them to find flowers.

The hare immediately agreed
He nodded his head, (nods his head)
Together with them, he set off (the kitten and puppy continue to go)
He rode everyone ahead. (Hare jumps)

Heroes need to help,
To relax on the way,
We should sing a song together
"If a friend went on the road"

(The song "If you went out with a friend")

Little time or there is a lot
The three of them went forward
Suddenly, a bear ... to them from a den
It crawls out and roars.

"What kind of noise, what is it!" -,
Began to roar even louder,
Resters of peace
The bear will not tolerate here.

Bear ... was very angry -
And he shook his head, (shakes his head)
He stomped his paws, threatened, (stomping, threatens with a finger)
So that they go home now

Everyone was frightened, terrible
And the puppy is not scary, no,
He, although dangerous, is a bear
He told everything about the bouquet.

I immediately understood that, of course,
What in vain screamed here,
I hugged everyone with a bear ... cordially (hugs a puppy, kitten and hare)
And showed a clearing. (shows a hand)

In this clearing of this distinct (flowers are taken out on a tray in bulk and put on the floor)
And they found flowers
Unusual shape, color,
Unprecedented beauty.

Collect all the flowers (collect flowers in bouquets)
A lot of people got out of the venture
Only early to put an end to -
A terrible wolf appeared ...

With him a fox ... his girlfriend,
And they came not in vain -
The hare is seen on the edge
His friends hid his (a kitten and a puppy block a hare)

The claws put the kitten ... (puts the claws)
The puppy growled on them ..., (growls)
Only a little hare
I could not do anything.

But the enemies were not scared
Neither a kitten nor a puppy
Slowly but approaching (the fox and the wolf are approaching the kitten and puppy)
I would like to eat for sure

But tropino forest
A bear left the forest ...,
And on the wolf ... he is with a fox ...
He began to roar so terribly (roars)

That they were immediately scared
Trembled, waited tail (trembling)
They rushed into the thickets of forests
And friends, collecting a bouquet,

Misha thanked
And hugged with a hare (a kitten and a puppy hug with a hare and a bear)
They invited him to visit
And they gathered back

They hurried to us for the holiday (they run, holding hands, with a bouquet)
To reveal their secret to everyone -
The birthday person was handed
Wonderful bouquet (give flowers to the birthday)

It all ended beautifully
But I want to warn -
Babies alone are dangerous
To go to the forest without adults!

Scenario of the cool birthday of the girl based on the cartoon "Cold Heart"

Scenario of the cool birthday of the girl based on the cartoon
Scenario of the cool birthday of the girl based on the cartoon "Cold Heart"

Scenario of the cool birthday of the girl based on the cartoon "Cold Heart":
A snowman Olaf with a basket of flowers appears to the music, dancing. It seems.

The game "Yes and no"
We will open the holiday now,
We will arrange miracle games here.
Turn all to each other
And press your hands to a friend.
Raise your hands up
And move at the top.
We shout merrily: "Hurray!"
Games it's time to start !!!
You help each other
Answer questions
Only “yes” and only “no”
Give me the answer together:
If no, you say
Then tap your feet
If you say, “yes”-
Clap your hands then.
An old grandfather goes to school.
Is it true, children? .. (No - the children knock their feet).
Does he take his grandson there?
Answer together ... (yes - clap your hands).
Is ice frozen water?
We answer together ... (yes).
After Friday - Wednesday?
We will answer together ... (no).
Always green spruce?
We answer, children ... (yes).
Birthday - fun day? .. (Yes)
Games and jokes are waiting for you? .. (Yes)
With humor are you all right? .. (Yes)
Now we are doing exercises? .. (No)
Congratulations to the birthday girl? .. (Yes)
Or will we send to my grandmother? .. (no)
Give her a chocolate? .. (Yes)
Kiss sweet and sweet? .. (Yes)

- What are you well done! So you answer together!
Today we celebrate our birthday. Only whose? I forgot something.
Guys, whose birthday is today?

Leading. Happy birthday, we congratulate the beautiful girl!
And we wish to be loved, everyone in the world likes.
We also wish happiness and toys the house is full.
So that joy and fun live together in Tom’s house.
For you to be able to be friends, it was very affectionate
And in the family, like a flower, you grew up with mom and dad.
Now let's shout three times: happy birthday!
- How many fields are now?
- Six!
- We stomp 6 times with a foot! More fun!
We will clap your hands 6 times! Girlfriend!
Well, field, turn around!
Well, field, bow!
Well, do not yawn and you get a medal from us!
(put on the medal)

Olaf. Like Pauline's birthday
We baked a loaf
He is both sweet and tall
Browned tank
Loaf. loaf
Accept congratulations!

The round dance "Karavay" is executed

Attention, we declare attention in honor of the birthday

Ball Princess Paul!
People of a fabulous country
Should be at that ball
Cavaliers and I will give them
We are waiting for a holiday to visit us!
The game "walked the king in the forest!"

Olaf. I was in a hurry to you for a holiday with my friends snowfields, they brought us magic snowflakes with trials, but they don’t want to give them back until you treat them with something tasty, but what? Snowballs, but first we need to blind them

The game "Brave the Snowballs" fabric. Snowballs toss up
Game "Feed the Snow -Jacques" "

Olaf. Here are my friends and reinforced, you can start our journey to the ice kingdom

The birthday girl removes 1 snowflake-test:

Riddle about Christophe - ice ax
Who cuts the ice and sells?
Who is not afraid of the cold?
Who is about the deer faithful
Does it take care of hunger?
Who is the bold Anna Path
Find helped the snow storm?
Who is all obstacles in the way
Will be swept with a fire of hope?

Riddle about Prince Hanse
Who wanted to destroy Elsa,
Raising a huge sword over her
But he did not succeed in anger,
Faced with the younger sister?

Riddle about the snowman Olaf
Who dreams of a cloud
On a hot day of spring?
Who does not lose heart in winter?
Who saved Anna from trouble?
Who has a carrot nose, hands - branches,
And the stomach - flooded from snow?
Who is going to walk in the cold,
Run around the snowdrifts?

Deer Sven.
Like a royal crown,
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen, green moss.
Loves snow meadows.

Riddle about Princess Anna
Who is ready to save the sister,
About yourself completely forgetting?
Who could love Christophe,
Having conquered his deer?
Who is daring and cheerful
Full of life, love, warmth and kindness?
Who thought over everything, weighed firmly
And gave life for his sister?

Poems-Hasters about Queen Elsa
Who knows how to release
Jews of ice and snow?
Who cannot play with my sister
And run around the puddles?
Another riddle about Elsa:
Who is afraid of magic?
And is locked up alone?
Who does not remove gloves,
Doesn't he play with Mila Anna?

Olaf. You know, it seems to me that we need to call the help of Princess Elsa. (Children call Elsa)

Elsa. I wish you a happy birthday!
I wish her fabulous adventures.
How the lights shone. To the eyes.
And so that miracles are happening in life.
I want to invite all children to a cheerful dance.

Olaf. Princess Elsa You must help us find a magic crystal to return spring to Endell
Elsa. We continue our path further (2 snowflakes - test)
You need to go through the snow blizzard
(Blue or white fabric, children run under it)

Olaf. In order to undergo all trials, you need to show ingenuity and quick wits.

1. To go to the hall is almost ready,
Elsa measures updates:
In the new shoe barely
Placed ... (not a head, but a leg).

2. Endell has completely frozen -
Dress that there is strength!
If the frost is so cracking
Put on the hat on ... (not on the nose, but on the head).

3. Anna with Christopher sits in a tavern,
Oksen-host tells her so:
“We meet all guests so cordially,
We will treat you with freshly ground ...? (not tea, but coffee).

4. So that in the winter hands do not freeze,
I, Christophe, put on ... (not trousers, but mittens).

5. Here are the kings family portraits.
On their heads they all have ... (not berets, but crows).

Olaf. 3 snowflakes - the test "Snow makeup",
You are not afraid of frost.
You are attentive in everything.
I will say "snowdrifts" - you are sitting down
I will say "icicles" - we all get up.
As I say "snowflakes" - we are spinning.
"Christmas tree" - clap our hands.
Which of you is attentive. We will find out now ...

The game "Snowworms, snowflakes, Christmas trees"

Elsa. The following test awaits us
4 snowflakes
Game "go through ice snowdrifts"
(White and blue balls are tied on a long stick, you need to pierce the ball, the gymnastic stick at the end with tape is glued toothpicks)

Elsa. 5 snowflake - test
Build "Snow Castle» 2 teams for each player on a paper cup
Everyone runs to a chair and builds "a snow castle"

Olaf. Here are what dexterous guys we have, and what a good birthday! It will be necessary to expand the candy in the mittens and eat it.

Elsa. Reinforced, well, what are the deer awaiting us

The game "Prophery on deer" (attached horns and arranged an obstacle strip "

Olaf. 6 Snowflake "Pass the Snow Portal"
We sink through the children's tunnel, and find the magic crystal, using the crystal we find a gift for the birthday girl and treats for children.

The game is dance.

Olaf. Fields, Polenka, Polina
You are beautiful as always!
You have a holiday today
Do not count your years!
Let them bring happiness
Joy, strength and success
You stay the same
Good, sweet for everyone!

Free birthday script for a girl

Free birthday script for a girl
Free birthday script for a girl

Free birthday script for a girl:

Presenter: Attention attention! In our sunny meadow!
We collect all insects, we invite them to the holiday!
We promise you not to offend, sing, play and dance with you!

How many guests came to the ball
From different volosts.
Butterflies, flies, dragonflies
Ants for grasshoppers, bees.
Hello, friends.
Let's all hello together with the sun together.

Dynamic pause "Sun"

The sun, the sun, shine in the sky! (Stand on the socks, stretch up, extending your hands.)
Bright rays stretch to us. (Stretch your arms forward, palms up.)
We will put your hands in your hands. (Children take hands.)
The circle, tearing us off the ground. (Circle.)
And the insects woke up
Also reached to the sun (arms stretched up)
They work all day
Having forgotten about sleep and laziness (fists are knocking on fists)
Together we drive a round dance. (Holding hands, calmly pace with a "round dance")
The sun is with us in a circle (the same.)
Our hands clap joyfully. (Respectively.)
The legs are walking quickly. (Steps in place.)

Leading: I solemnly declare the ball open! And here is the mistress of our ball, the beauty of God.

Ladybug: Hello guys.
I am a ladybug
Black head,
Aunt's pretty -
Nice to the pea
I am bored with alone to fly
There is no one to knead with the wings!
I put a samovar.
I invited you to the ball.
I wish I were friends with you.

Leading: God's cow we enjoyed your invitation.
See how many guests gathered.

Ladybug: Glad, I am glad to see you, insect friends.
Do you know how to fly?

The game "flies, does not fly."

I will call words, if I know how to fly, then you will show how it waves wings, if not, then you will clap your hands. (Butterfly, spider, bee, grasshopper, dragonfly, snail, beetle, mosquito, fly, caterpillar and so on).

Ladybug: How much I see my girlfriends
Butterflies of multi -colored laughter.
Go out butterflies to the center of the circle,
Tell us how you live in the district.

Butterflies fly out tell a poem.
A miracle in the forest clearing -
On the flowers of bows
These butterflies settled
Like colored candy wrappers

The presenter conducts the physical education of the "Butterflies"
In the morning, the butterflies woke up,
They reached out, smiled
Once they washed with dew
Two gracefully circled
Three bent down and crouched
Four flew
They stopped by the river
They circled above the river.

Leading: Guys, do you know what butterflies eat? (answers)

Moving game to music: “Flowers and butterflies” (girls)
A group of children depict butterflies and perform movements for the text.

Leading: The morning begins - the flowers bloom ...
"Butterflies also wake up, and go to the flowers"

And fly and fly, flutter over the flowers.
Nectar is collected.

(Music sounds, music ends, and each child stands next to the flower, the number of colors is less than the number of butterflies by 1.)

Leading: An insect flies, we are well familiar
Large wings and eyes
She is called .... (Dragonfly)

Dragonfly: There was a dragonfly
Long wings, big eyes
Wakes up in the morning, he will flatter
In the mirror he will smile sweetly
How beautiful I am the right to say
Neither convey nor with a pen to describe

Leading: Guys, guess my riddle:
On a flower, buzzing, sits down,
To enjoy the nectar,
He is shaggy, like a spruce
The bee is similar. (bumblebee)

Leading: Here is a furry bright bumblebee.
At the ball we have now.
I invite him to the circle,
I do not sting, I promise! "

Bumblebee: The bumblebee is heavy, striped
All day in the garden flew
I didn’t just fly
I thought flowers in the garden.

Ladybug: Children you recognized Bumblebee, and let's try to catch it.

Game "Catch the Bumblebee"

Leading: Music plays, but about whom, who knows?
Playing music in the grass was a grasshopper.
This is the right grasshopper.
He was in a hurry to the ball
And he almost lost his way.

Grasshopper: I am a grasshopper - mischievous!
I'm used to jumping since childhood
I was set by the coach five
So the reason to jump!

Leading: Guys, let's play with a grasshopper

Physical education:
Raise your shoulders
Jump the grasshoppers
Jump-jump, jump-skok,
Stop, sat down.
The grass was eaten,
They listened to the silence.
Higher, higher, high,
Jump on your feet easy.

Ladybug: And here the ant is in a hurry to us.

Ant: I am a real worker
Very, very hardworking.
Under the pine tree in the forest thick
From the needles I am building a house.

Leading: Guys, what do you think, where are the ants live?
Our boys will now build their anthill.

Game "Build an anthill" (sticks)

Leading: “The household mistress, flew over the lawn.
He pats the flower - he will share the honey! ”

In summer bees all day
Collect nectar is not lazy.
We will take it later.
In the hive-swea wonderful house.

The bee buzz over the flower
And the nectar is in a hurry to assemble.
All nectar, which will collect,
Turns the bee into honey.

Guys, let's help the bees collect nectar.

Relay "bees"

Ladybug: You all surprised me
Oh, how fun they played!
I got up to the instrument -
I baked a lamb.
I called everyone for tea.
The samovar is puffing
And it burns in the sun.
I invite you to a tea party.
Hey you guests, come, crawl and fly.

(Tea party in the meadow)

Ladybug: Thanks to the sunny meadow for meeting friends,
Today - we all recognized you, had fun, played
Goodbye, friends, until imminent meetings

Let spiders, butterflies, dragonflies live,
Flies, mosquitoes, midges -
In nature, they are all important
Our nature is needed!
Take care of insects
Do not press your hands
Do not trample your feet.
Insects in the forest will bring a lot of benefits!

Birthday scenario girl cheerful

Birthday scenario girl cheerful
Birthday scenario girl cheerful

Presenter (in a clown costume): Today we have a cheerful birthday (name of the child).
01. MP3 "Barbariki. BIRTHDAY"

You (name) today congratulations,
And from the bottom of your heart we wish you -
You grow up as soon as possible
And continue to please us,
What is conceived - let it be fulfilled,
All good - let it be remembered.
May your eyes glow with your happiness,
Good people in life will meet.

I opened the window, and 7 of God's cows flew to us. The bugs said that they flew to the "Birthday" holiday and want to play with the children.

I can fly deftly,
God's motley cow.
Red wings at points,
Like in black circles.
In a bright festive shirt
I save the crop.
I am a useful bug,
Do not offend me!
Author: Nadezhda Smagliy

02. MR3 "God's cow"
See how much God's cows flew to us. Let's see what God's cows love to do.

In turn, we take off the bugs from the wall and read what they love.

1. The first ladybug on the belly had the inscription “I love riddles” we find the guesses in the pictures.
On a birch leaflet
Someone is red.
The back of the wing-in black dots ...
She froze, as if sleeping.
I sat, sat ...
Upside down and flew away.
Cute rogue,
This ... (God's ladybug.)

Though it has many legs,
It still cannot run.
Creers along the leaf,
The poor leaves will gnaw.

Insect - in high esteem,
She is in flight all day,
Pollinates all the flowers
So that you tasted Medka.

He flutters above the flowers,
Who does not know the beauty?
Her wings are painted,
Her dances are grooved.
Only very defenseless
Absolutely harmless.
Do not rush to scare her,
The weak must be protected.

Wings seemed to be made of glass
And huge eyes.
Curls near water.
Who is she? - (Dragonfly).

2. The second buger loves to draw. We lay coloring on the tables in advance with the image of God's cows and pencils.

03. Mr3 "Here we took the colors in our hands+"
04. Mr3 "Here we took the colors in our hands-"

3. The third buger loves flowers.
We play the "flowerbed": colored hoops are laid out on the floor - these are "flower beds". In each “flowerbed”, the child is squatting - “flower”. To the music, children imitate the growth of flowers, run out of hoops and dance. As soon as the music stops, you need to return to your flowerbed and not confuse!

05. MP3 "Solar Song"

4. The fourth buger likes to play the game "Forward-Nazad"

06. MP3 "Game forward-to-hazard"

5. The fifth buger likes to play the game "Gifts"
The game "What can you give?"
Tasty candy?
Real pistols?
Multi -colored toys?
soft pillows?
Mobile phones?
dirty shoes?
air balloons?
callous crackers?
With pictures of a book?
Live gray mice?
beautiful flowers?
From rain umbrellas?

6. The sixth loves to give gifts.
A box tied with a bow is made.
What is there! Is our long -awaited gift?
(get pots and spoons)
This is a gift, how unusual. On pots, you can also play, as on musical instruments. And it will be very fun!

07. MP3 "Barbariki. "Friendship"

7. And the seventh, fashionista, loves bright colors.
We will make ourselves to the memory of God's cows.

08. MR3 "God's cow"

The cows are different:
Orange - yellow, red,
Like buttons, in black specking,
On the grass, like red droplets.
And I am that cow of God
Summer day, good weather,
I'll take it quietly on my palm
To take the track.
And the lady will understand the ladybug
From my palm it grows.

Presenter: All the tasks of our bugs are completed, the time has come to say goodbye.

Congratulations to the traitor again.
Birthday, birthday!
This is joy and fun!
(Name) Congratulations, congratulations.
We wish today:
Be like the sun beautiful.
Be like a ringing brook
Be like a butterfly playful,
Be always hardworking.
Never quarrel with mom
Dad, grandmother, friends.
And grow big-big,
That's how it is so-takim!

Girls children's birthday script in five scenes

Girls children's birthday script in five scenes
Girls children's birthday script in five scenes

The script for children's birthday girls in five scenes:

Scene 1

A grandmother appears on the screen - he runs, fusses.

Grandmother: What to do, what to do
What to give a granddaughter?
After all, Mashenka has
Today is a birthday.
I'll give Mashenka
A jar of jam.
Oh, maybe fungi?
Or salty cucumbers?

Narrator: No, grandmother. I know what to give your granddaughter.

Grandmother: Well, what? Speak soon!

Story.: Kolobok

Grandmother: Where to get it?

Story.: Bake

Grandmother: Of what?

Story: From flour

Grandmother: Yes, there is no flour!

Story.: And you scrape along the susks, mark on the barn, maybe there are two handfuls, and it will be typed!

Grandmother: Oh, and really, I’ll run, I’ll look for me.

Story:. And we guys, now we will help the old grandmother, pour milk, embroider flour, and we will mix the dough. Puts the dough on the screen. Well, the grandmother will come, but the dough is ready!

Grandma runs out, pours flour into the dough, is surprised:

Grandmother: I carry, I am flour
I'll start to knead the dough,
I'll bake a bun
And the gift is ready!
(the dough puts on a shovel and carries in the stove)
I'll put it on a shovel
I will put it in the oven,
Let the sides blink
Well, I'll sleep for now! (leaves)

Scene 2

Mashenka: There is no more wonderful holiday
Friends will come to me for a day!
And I'm waiting for an old grandmother
I love my birthday the most!
I still need to do a lot of work: wash the floor, lay a tablecloth, set the table (leaves)

Story.: Something delicious spirit pulled from the furnace.

Kolobok: Oh oh :

Story.: Guys, but the bun is alive.

Kolobok: Let me go rather, I need to go to visit me.

Story.: So that you do not cool down, bun, I will tie a scarf: my grandmother will wake up, slowly get it.

Scene 3

Kolobok: “I, Kolobok, Kolobok,
On the SUSCAM Meten,
The barn is scraped,
On sour cream bags. "

Story.: He rolled along the path, he was in a hurry to visit.
Suddenly, at the old Christmas tree he met a wolf.

Wolf: Hello, a glorious bun!
Where are you in a hurry, friend?

Kolobok: I swing along the path, I’m in a hurry for a day.

Wolf: I didn’t eat at all in the morning
Now I will eat you now!

Kolobok: Today Masha is waiting for guests
Let's go soon with me.

Wolf: I have no gift

Kolobok: Narvi Mashenka Bouquet!

Story.: Here they run a bun and a wolf along the road. And to meet them a bear from the den.

Bear: Hello, a glorious bun!
Where are you in a hurry, friend?

Kolobok: I swing along the path, I’m in a hurry for a day.

Bear: I didn’t eat at all in the morning
I will eat you now!

Kolobok: Today Masha is waiting for guests
Let's go soon with me.

Bear: I have no gift

Kolobok: And give her honey.

Scene 4

Hare: Hello, a glorious bun!
Where are you in a hurry, friend?

Kolobok: I swing along the path, I’m in a hurry for a day.
Today Masha is waiting for guests
Let's go soon with me.

Hare: I will definitely go
I'll take a sweet carrot!

Scene 5

Kolobok: We run along the path
We are in a hurry for a day of birth ...

Fox: A fox - red tail
Will you take a visit with you?
How much I lived in the forest
And she was not visiting
I'll give for Masha
The fur coat is red

Mashenka: Oh, how many guests! How glad I am, go through, go through!

Kolobok: Do you not eat me?
After all, at the bottom of your birth
I must be a gift!

Mashenka: You came to visit today
You will be a welcome guest!
And the best gift for me
These are you - my friends!

Kolobok: Let us sing a birthday song and give it to Mashenka!

Mashenka: There is a wonderful holiday in the world,
And all the children love him very much,
On this day we invite guests
We decorate the table with pies.
This is such a birth,
This is all without exception,
This is waffles and cookies
Chocolate and jam.
If there are birthdays here
We sing this song in their honor!

The holiday ends with a tea party in the hall.

Birthday script for a year old girl

Birthday script for a year old girl
Birthday script for a year old girl

Birthday script for a year old girl:

Toast from mom
The time flew quickly,
It seems that she gave birth ...
My daughter has matured
She went on her legs early.
It seems to have just worn
Her in her belly,
She spoke to her and sang,
And dreamed day after day.
And I dreamed that I would see
And as I take it in my hands.
And I will say: "I am your mother",
And to your chest is squeezed.
This is the first moment
I will never forget.
I am the love of our creation
I loved forever.
I fell in love with our lump,
Our sweet child:
These eyes, this nose,
And serious and joking.
You grow to joy, dear,
Be a smart, be yourself.
And without any troubles,
Be happy, mischievous!

Can read the book
Can heat the soup
Can look at the cartoon
He can play checkers
Can even wash the cups
Can draw cars,
Can collect pictures,
Can ride me
Instead of a quick horse.
Maybe he can fish for fish,
Crane in the kitchen to fix.
For me there is always a hero -
My best dad!

Toast from dad
How big in a year you have become
She said the first words
At first sat down, then got up
And slowly went.
You only have a year now,
But you are smart not over the years
Look around the gifts how much
And smile at big balls.
You, we love a bunny
And we tell you loving
Your fairy tale will be,
Milashka, Happy holiday to you!

I sat down and sit
And I don't go out for a walk,
I don't turn on the TV,
I refused tea
I don't want to eat or sleep -
I will wait for my grandmother!
Why didn't you come
Maybe urgent affairs?
Maybe she's tired
Did you lie down and got over?
All! I decided: I'll run
I will help her all myself!
Suddenly, I hear: Nask- Tuk- Tuk!
This is the doorbell of Babulin!
Hello, my dear,
I will hug her, loving!
Let him know all the white light,
No one has such a granny!

Toast from grandmothers.

Toast from grandfathers.

My grandfather is with me,
And that means the main ones in the house - we,
I can open the cabinets,
Water flowers with kefir,
Play Pillow Football
And clean the floor with a towel.
I can eat a cake with my hands,
Deliberately slam the door!
It will not pass with mom.
I have already checked.


Letter to the future
All guests write wishes on separate leaves.

Competition for grandparents
1. Riddles
So that trouble does not happen to the skin,
There should always be in the first -aid kit ... (series).
In removing the evil eye and damage is not bad
A flower called ... (thistle).

Remove any inflammation without missing
It is possible with the help of ordinary ... (chamomile).

Good for a infant delicate body
The decoction that contains the extract ... (celandine).

You do not need a therapist and leather,
When at hand dry ... (plantain).
2. Compose the daily daily routine (cards)

Oath of grandparents
I swear to be grandfather-Babka exemplary!
For shops, a march for milk, for children's porridge,
I swear to accomplish without missing.
I swear to get up late at night and download it with a cradle.
And if necessary, quickly change the diaper at any time.
I swear to wash the diapers and iron the swing.
I swear to read fairy tales when he wants to play hide and seek.
Dethe lessons to perform so that he studies at five.
Then I swear to supply money so that I do not ask my dad and mom.
Then I swear to the car for him to accumulate a money.
In general, from the first day to plant him on the neck!
And if I violate the oath, get tired, maybe or a hub, -
Then I can’t write brandy and pineapples!
Do not go to Lexus-Auto, do not go out in a mink mantle.
Do not travel around the world and have not to have a villa at sea!
Do not sunbathe in Miami! I swear to fulfill the oath!
All together: I swear! I swear! I swear!

Diplomas to grandparents.
Quiz-bromine "Who knows the birthday girl?!"

Congratulatory telegram

The game "Who am I like?"

The first thing you pull the pens and your fate will be!

Cake and blowing a candle.
Salute and Chinese lanterns.

Birthday script for a girl 5, 6, 7 years old

Birthday script for a girl 5, 6, 7 years old
Birthday script for a girl 5, 6, 7 years old

Birthday script for a girl 5, 6, 7 years old:

Birthday girl (trying on outfits).
I'm waiting for the guests today.
I try on the dresses, skirts.
What is better for me to put on
I decide all day.
Maybe overalls?
Not! Not at all my style!
Staying on a skirt with a topic.
Skirt, topic and lipstick ...
What else does the girl need?

Mother. Nastyushka!
You, like Barbie, are good
High, slender, beautiful,
You bloom everyone in a marvel ...
You help with the household
And everywhere you have time:
And read and draw,
Dance and embroider.
On your seventh you are a birthday
Grounded surprisely.
Everyone calls you puppet
And I agree with them here.

Everyone came to visit you
I am very glad that they came in.
All with gifts, flowers
And balloons!
We will relax together,
There are sweets and dance!

Showing the decoration of the room.

We call Nastya Barbie,
Here is her beautiful house.
Here is a floor lamp and chair.
Really interesting?
Barbie loves to sit in him -
And look at everyone out the window.

Turning to the birthday girl.

We ask we to take it
And to accept congratulations.

Music sounds. The last gift is presented to parents.

Our doll, happy holiday you!
So that you have enough strength and health for everything,
It is necessary that one more hobby is.
You, like Barbie, are carried away by sports,
Become even more elegant, laugh, have fun!
For this, you get a bicycle from us,
Cathed on it and Katya's friends.

To the applause of guests, parents present a gift.

The table is already calling guests
Invite them as soon as possible!

Barbie loves to treat
Parties to visit,
Sandwiches, cake and sweets,
That will be the "dolls" of joy!

Music sounds. Guests take places at the table.

Dear friends!
Music plays for you,
The appetite raises you.
Eat, guests, do not be shy,
Help ourselves sincerely!
Enjoy your meal!

There is a festive feast.

On name day to Nastya
Friends came, girlfriends.
They brought with them
Favorite toys.
Here are dolls and cowboys,
And the heroes of different cartoons.
Everyone will be happy
See a toy parade.

Children pick up toys. Against the background of music, a parade of toys, which is taken by the birthday girl. Mom announces the name of the guest and the name of his favorite toy.

To greet each other
We will get up in two semicircles.

The boys get up opposite the girls.

Hello hello today kenam,
As excellent supermens.

The girls shout to the boys "Hello!".

Girls with dolls "Hurray!"
It's time to shout.

The boys shout to the girls "Hurray!"

The birthday girl is rightfully
We will say together together: "Bravo!"

Girls and boys shout to the birthday girl "Bravo!"

You noticed everything for sure -
Our daughter has a talent!
She dreams of becoming a star.
We ask, Nastya, sing for us!

The birthday girl performs a song with a Barbie doll in her hands.


One two three four -
A new doll was bought.
Here is such a small
Barbie doll is mischievous.
This doll is not a toy
And the child and girlfriend
Kaprizul, Balovennya,
She will have to tinker with her.
I went out with Barbie for a walk -
The doll is asking for a bed.
Laid Barbie to sleep
I want to walk a doll.
Barbie jumped through the puddles,
I missed a delicious dinner.
Ah, you, a doll-roster,
Being hungry is not good!
Ah, you, duplicate doll,
Here is a bed, here is a pillow.
If you want to listen to a fairy tale
Close your eyes rather.
Well, but Barbie does not want to sleep
Merring and laughs.
Jump and bracket, jump and bracket,
So the lesson ended!

Throughout the song, children applaud the birthday girl.

There can be no doubt here -
Nastya and Barbie are so similar!
Maybe ten times in a row
Change the outfit per day.
Would you like girls,
Change your skirts?
I say without extra words
Our material is ready!

The competition uses napkins in the form of dolls, the skirts of which have several cuts for napkins. The task of the participants is: to fill the cuts with napkins as soon as possible.

Your outfit will not be catchy
Without an intricate hairstyle.
The competition will be very simple:
Tie a tail at Barbie.

On the wall, a poster with the image of Barbie. Children are given a strand of hair for building. Participant's task: Using a needle, fix a strand of hair on the head of Barbie.

Ah, what a beautiful look!

Who says this there?
Where are the earrings? Where are the rings?
There are no shoes on the leg.

We can fix it!
We will help children in this!

Dad takes out clothes and accessories for Barbie. Children dress and decorate Barbie alternately.

Now I am satisfied with -
Well done you are all friends!
Only hotly became here.
Is there a fan for Barbie?

This is also fixable!
We will make a fan on a marvel!
To cope faster,
We will connect all guests.

The task of the players: divided into two teams, make two fans from colored paper. The game is held in the form of a relay.

We have boys -
Well, just masters:
Showing circus numbers.
Decoration of the arena
Kenya toys also serve.
I think they will be beautiful
These "air gymnasts".

Attaching the ropes to the legs and hands of Kenov, the boys demonstrate “circus numbers”.

Kenya's dolls were conquered
They invited to ride.
The car is already at the door
Take the places as soon as possible!

Two boys take part in the competition. Their task: by putting Ken’s wheel, deliver one of the dolls to the assigned place, then return for the second, etc., until all the dolls are transported.

It's time for cars in garages ...

Well, dad, don't tell me!
I would want to allow
They visit the supermarket,
To make purchases there ...

I will give them money for this!

Dad gives children chocolate coins. Participants in the competition are divided into two teams. The game is held in the form of a relay. Whose team will make purchases faster?

All of you have fun, gloriously,
Barbie sought to please.
Entertainment is waiting for you:
Cake, sweets and cookies!
This is all from Barbie to you.
Nastya, bring the cake to the guests!

To the music, the birthday girl stands a cake with candles, invites guests to tea party. After it is a festive disco.

Birthday script for girl 8, 9, 10 years old

Birthday script for girl 8, 9, 10 years old
Birthday script for girl 8, 9, 10 years old

Scenario for a birthday girl 8, 9, 10 years old:

Birthday for a girl with a clown of first!

(music, a clown of Proshka with balls runs out) runs out)

Ooo ... how many children? Both girls and boys?
What noisy fun? Is it really a birthday?
I am a clown Proshka I am a little here!
Namedays are glorious, it is wonderful and funny
Congratulations to receive and receive gifts!
Where is the culprit of the occasion? I don’t see her something!
Maybe suddenly lost? Maya is all calling us in a circle!
Congratulations on birthday.
What do we wish Maye? (Children congratulate children in order)
How old are now? (children answer)
We will stomp 5 times with a foot! More fun!
We will clap your hands 5 times! Girlfriend!
Well, Maya, turn around!
Well, Maya, bow!
And once again we will stomp! One two Three!
And again, clap your hands! One two Three!

Guys, let's go with you to the most wonderful Sweet Wincam. We will fly on the most amazing aircraft-on a laugh-h-te-tech!

Presenter: Something we do not know such transport.
Clown Proshka: What do you know at all? Here I am! .. I know! And even pump you on a laughing-“Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! " We will rehearse!

Children try together, and most importantly fun, say: “Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! ”
Fleet on a laugh

Clown Proshka: Wings to the sides!) We go into flight, we are lucky to get a laugh!
Proshka: We are flying funny
CHILDREN: Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Proshka: And we laugh in flight!
CHILDREN: Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Proshka: In Schoolkin, the country!
CHILDREN: Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Proshka: We will fly. Ah, well!
CHILDREN: Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Proshka: The country flew to Schweykina!
And who is sweet for us? You?
Proshka: And who is the birthday girl today?
Children: Mayan!

Proshka: Then let's start the sweetkin birthday with a cheerful and delicious song “Karavay”!

Song "Karavay"
(birthday girl in the center of the circle)

Proshka:In the Sweet -West Country, guesses of games are very fond of.

Presenter: What are these guessing games?

Clown Proshka: Well, these are games where you need to solve riddles.

Sweet quiz
(Proshka asks questions to children)
1. What medicine loves to be treated by Carlson? (jam)
2. What sweets inside have a small toy? (Kinder Surprise)
3. What did Winnie Poo love? (honey)
4. What is the name of a round lollipop on a stick? (Chupa Chups)

Proshka: And you are almost the same sweet tooth like me! Let's see if you guess what sweets are hidden in my magic bag!

Congratulations on birthday! (Yes Yes Yes!)
All bad mood! (No no no!)
Be, you are Maya, kind, sweet! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Naughty and precious! (No no no!)
So that mom loves! (Yes Yes Yes!)
And fed ice cream! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Be healthy and smart! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Like a green crocodile! (No no no!)
May success await you! (Yes Yes Yes!)
You, Maya, are the best! (Yes Yes Yes!)

Clown Proshka: We finished congratulations.
I suggest dancing!
And now for all the guys the dance of little ducklings!
Dance of little ducks.
Feast of cheerful ours and firewood
But where is our sweet gift?
We count everything up to ten,
Bend a birthday cake! (Children count. Cake appears)
We have fun gloriously. Played, frolic.
It's a pity to part with you, but it's time to say goodbye.
I was glad to meet with you. Goodbye friends!

Girl's birthday - script "Star of the Beautiful East"

Girl's birthday - star of the Beautiful East
Girl's birthday - script "Star of the Beautiful East"

Birthday of the girl - the script "Star of the Beautiful East":

Fairy -tale oriental music sounds. Guests gather near the doors of the Palace. Leaders begin the holiday.

1st host.
Under blue sky
Gorgeous tents
Stands in the sea from sand
The palace whose door is so close to us.

2nd presenter.
It has long been languishing in it
Five -year -old girl.
From guests on your birthday
Waiting for the door of that plow.

1st host.
But it's not easy to open the door
We must hear very wise.
If there is a sage here,
The torment will be the end.

2nd presenter.
We can see in both
This young person.
We will arrange for the whole world
In honor of the liberation of a feast!

The presenters read the tasks.

1st host.
Remember what magical words Ali Baba said when I wanted to open the door of the cave? ("Sim-Sim, open the door!")

2nd presenter.
Now, when the answers to all questions have been found, we can repeat this magical spell in chorus, and the door of the palace will open.

Guests pronounce magic words in chorus. The door of the palace opens. The birthday of all guests appears as a birthday girl under the arch of a bright tent.

1st host.
It has long been sad here lonely
The star of the Beautiful East.
But we give her without doubt
Freedom on this day of birth!

2nd presenter.
And, as it should be for ladies,
Gifts are all at her feet!
Let the congratulations sound
From all guests now in a row!

Congratulations to the guests. Giving gifts to the birthday girl.

1st host.
Dear guests!
Now the feast is in your power.
Try all these sweets!
Zephyr, Halva and Kazinaki -
East of spicy all signs.
Let everything be at your hands:
Lukum, Shcherbet or Uryuk.
Help yourself, please!

H eastern music is witch. The festive feast begins.

2nd presenter.
Already noticeable in the palace of the vanity,
And the guests, apparently, are all full.
We will perform the dance now the abdomen,
We will open the talents that are hidden!

1st host.
Let the first princess
His dance will begin.
She is behind her
All guests

Children perform a pre -learned eastern dance with scarves in advance.

2nd presenter.
From the dancing of the Eastern
We are all in admiration.
Let's continue ours

Musical pause. Suddenly, interrupting one of the dances, an evil sorcerer appears.

What is this noise, fun?
Everyone is dancing and singing?
Who removed from the background
The one who is named Nastya?

Who broke my will?
Who went against me?
Not afraid of an evil share
Do you test like fire?

I will arrange a test
To kill you all.
Here is the first task for you:
The sweet to the taste to determine.

Who will not tell me the name
He will lose everything:
I will sharpen everyone in punishment
The guard will run away now!

Those who call everything right,
I will certainly note!

A game is held.
Task: Determine the name of the oriental delicacy with closed eyes. Participants who correctly called him,
receive tokens.

Let's check in practice
Not in words,
How fruits you wear
On the heads.

A game is held. Participants need to carry a basket with fruit dummies on their heads. Who will cope with this task better? The winners are awarded tokens.

I think that none of you kept
A sharply sharpened dagger is on the chest.

A game is held.
Exercise: Bending slightly back, carry a plastic dagger on the chest to the chair and back. The winner will be the one who can quickly cope with the task without dropping the dagger.

Without explaning the reason
I want to check the men.

A competition for boys is held. Task: to get a dart in the apple lying on the floor. Each participant has 3 attempts.

I will release the snakes of poisonous twice
Not everyone can tame them.

A competition is held. Having reached the snake (soft toy 1.5 m long), you need to lay it with the “rings” in the basket, sit next to the carpet, taking the lotus pose, and blow it up 3 times on the pipe. Who quickly?

Busfins for a different taste
I scattered from your beads.

Participants must collect as many beads as possible on the floor. Which of the participants will fulfill the task faster, receives a token.

I could not defeat you all,
But your Nastya should not be!

1st host.
How so, an evil sorcerer? Let's try to agree with you: if you find out the birthday girl among the girls hidden under the bedspreads, so be the captive left with you, and if not, then you free her from your captivity.

Okay, I agree! Only you can immediately say goodbye to the princess, because I will find her the first time.

The sorcerer turns away. The presenter hides under the cover of any guests: both adults and children, and the birthday girl leads to an inconspicuous place.

2nd presenter.
Well. The sorcerer, the first attempt.

The sorcerer is trying to guess the birthday girl, but to no avail. Similarly, the second and third attempts pass.

It cannot be! I would recognize her among a hundred beauties!

1st host.
But today nothing came out even from three attempts. Apparently, you begin to lose your strength. Remember, the contract is more expensive than money!

That's it! But you still have to pay me a big ransom for your birthday!

2nd presenter. As you wish! Now on yours! The eyes are still the tokens earned by the guys in competitions will turn into gold coins. And you will get your ransom in full!

Children are given chocolate coins in foil in the number of tokens.

1st host.
Guys, if you agree to redeem our birthday girl, you will have to give all this wealth to the evil sorcerer. Do you agree?

Children. Yes!!!

2nd presenter.
Then fill in the monets of the evil sorcerer, and he can never get out of them.

Children show off the sorcerer with coins. He screams: “Ah! Save! " And disappears from the room, leaving coins on the floor.

1st host.
Now this wealth rightfully belongs to you guys. The main thing is to dispose of them correctly.

Children share coins equally.

2nd presenter.
Be always so friendly and responsive, and then no trouble will take you by surprise!

1st host.
In honor of our victory
Let the pipes sing,
We will arrange Nastya
Bright salute!

Children arrange a salute of crackers. A birthday girl enters the room. Guests welcome her with friendly applause.

2nd presenter.
All adults, children
Let's call for a circle now,
After all, we are soon cake
We bring with candles.

Parents take out a cake with candles, performs a round dance "Caravay", then - a festive tea party.

1st host.
Having tried tea and fruits, we will play oriental games.

2nd presenter.
What a wonderful birthday!
How much joy, fun!
We visited the east
From the sorcerer, the princess was helped out.
To complete the holiday,
We will thank everyone.

The birthday girl says the response to the guests, parents. Seeing guests home.

Video: Mega Funny games and contests for the children's holiday. Cool ideas for a children's birthday

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