Scenarios for the holiday "Dedication to first graders" - at school, class, in a playful way

Scenarios for the holiday

Variants of scripts for the holiday "Dedication to first graders."

Scenario "Dedication to first graders" in verses

Script dedication to first -graders in verses
Scenario "Dedication to first graders" in verses

The script "Dedication to first graders" in verses:

Musical screensaver.

We are very happy for all guests!
The holiday knocked on our house!
Guests, go to class soon!
We are looking forward to you!

Musical screensaver.

Today is a solemn day with us,
He know that he will never happen
At least a lot to study,
But the most important thing in life is the first grade!
Meet students 1 "A" class!

Under the applause of the guests, the heroes of the celebration are included.

Look, guys, how many guests came to us,
To congratulate the holiday
You, talented children!

Fanfares sound.

Here they are - my amazing children!
We are exactly in the classroom ... and everyone is so different.

Read children:
1. Fidgets, brawls.
2. Silents, talkers.
3. Who is shy and modest, and who is quite the opposite.
4. Funny, beautiful, and moderately playful.
5. Funny, happy, and not at all lazy.
6. The school collected us all, gave us the key to knowledge.
7. We help each other, we sing voiced songs.
8. We read, we play - in general, we live cheerfully!
9. We welcome all of you! Look at us.
10. What they wanted, they said everything! Now let's sing for you.

The song "First graders" is performed

1. We did not climb the alarm clock
They themselves gathered their backpacks.
Nearby are with a new mobile phone,
Graduates rush to school.
Hey, look at us, we go to first grade.
The first means the upper class, miss us!

First -graders, everywhere first -graders,
On the steps of the school of vanity.
We are not scared by the handle with moms,
It’s scary to meet a black cat.

2. Call soon. The noise of the voices will subside on the streets and the lesson will begin.
It's time for us in class, we are only worried,
A black kitten ran to the threshold.
We are the main ones here now, we are leading to first grade.
This means the upper class, miss us!

Funny pigtails, short forecasters, curious eyes are the smallest citizens of our school country, and what they are today, look.

Read children:
1. Like ours at the gate
Miracle - the building lives
Miracle, miracle, miracle,
2. Future scientists in it.
3. Maybe astronauts?
4. Chemists, athletes,
5. Dancers and singers.
6. And just good people!

First grade! First grade!
I invited you to the holiday!

1. Today we play for you for the first time.
Today we represent our cheerful first grade

2. We will show you today
And we will tell you all about us.

3. The letter "A"- for us honors
And of course good,
To study at school
I need a letter not one!

And what is the motto do we have?

The motto of the class.

Read children:
1. and girls in it.
And the boys in him.
And the teacher in it ...

TOGETHER: For - me - cha - tel - naya!

2. Together we draw, read, sing.
We solve problems,
We live together!

3. We develop our talent.
To the joy of us!
And the pride of mothers!

4. We waited for a long time to initiation,
All relatives are surprisingly.
We will go to the right way
We will collect all the five.

5. To whom knowledge is important!
Hurry up to our school!

The song "Now we are first -graders" are performed "

1. So autumn has come,
It's time to gather
The house is huge, which is called the school.
It ended yesterday
There is a game in kindergarten.
Everything went and will not return.
It ended yesterday
There is a game in kindergarten.
Everything went and will not return.

Earrings and Natasha,
Now we are first -graders
And we look at friends yesterday.
They stayed in the kindergarten:
Marina, Sasha, Vadiki.
They have not heard a school call yet.
They have not heard a school call yet.

2. They don't sleep in the lessons,
Only pens creak
Above the notebook by calligraphy.
We only write like this:
Everything is awry.
Well, why are we such suffering!?
We only write like this:
Everything is awry.
Well, why are we such suffering!?


3. Soon we will know
How to read and count
How to put experiments in chemistry.
After all, to learn from you
We came to first grade.
You can congratulate each other with this.
After all, to learn from you
We came to first grade.
You can congratulate each other with this.


We all love dancing, jokes, songs,
We are ready to perform all day.
We are very interested in today,
How the audience will meet us.
So clap your hands
We will dance for you.
Such a concert is good
On stage for the first time.

"Musical warm -up" is performed

1. We are guys at least where -
Nimble and noisy.
And we will study a little
We will become very smart.

2. Every day is our first grade
"The granite of science is gnawing."
The program is complex with us,
We need an eye and an eye behind us.

3. palm in the palm of your hand -
Squeeze your hands!
We are a friendly family
We live in school!

4. On the holiday of sunny, cheerful
The heart is joyfully knocking.
"Pupil of primary school" -
It sounds great!

The scene "Petya goes to school" is executed

Petrushi today has a holiday:
Our Petrusha is a first grader!

He walks along the street
Surprising the whole people.

Only ... Petya is not alone.
Who is Petya? Let's look!

Children all together:
Let's look!
Adults and children watch
And for Petya ... the train is going

They appear: Petya, followed by a mother with a bouquet, behind mom dad with a briefcase, after dad’s grandmother with pies, after grandparents a grandfather with a wand.

TEACHER: Who is in a hurry for Petenka?


TEACHER: Who is running after Petenka?

Children: Daddy!

TEACHER: Who hobbies for Petya?

CHILDREN: Grandmother!

TEACHER: Who grunts, does not catch up?

CHILDREN: Grandfather!

Tell us why
Clung to him?
Is the steam locomotive
What did the wagons bring?

MOTHER: And who will fasten the shirt?


DAD: And who will carry the portfolio?


GRANDMOTHER: Who will anoint a bun?


GRANDFATHER: Who will tie shoes?


MOTHER: But he is still small!

DAD: But he is still weak!

GRANDMOTHER: He is so pampered!

GRANDFATHER: He is so painful!

MOTHER: You pity it,
My first -grader!

DAD: I got out of work
To take his worries!

My granddaughter squeezes -
I'll give him a pie!

GRANDFATHER: Skip the lesson -
I will tie a lace for him!

TEACHER: This is just nonsense
Not good!
Let's take it from you
Come on, Petrusha, to class!
Petya will soon be soon
Answer everything:

Children in chorus: I myself!

Who learned the story,
He wound his mustache!
Not similar, be children
On that of Petya!

Musical screensaver.

TEACHER: It is difficult to educate children,
A lot needs to be known for this.
Do you know polite words?

The game "Agreement Word" is held

1. Even an ice block melts
From the word warm (thanks)

2. The old stump will be green,
When he hears (good afternoon)

3. If there is no longer able to eat
Let's tell mom (thanks)

4. The boy is polite and developed,
Says, meeting (hello)

5. When we are scolded for pranks,
We say (sorry, please)

6. Both in France and Denmark
In parting, they say (goodbye).

- So well done. Caled! Hooray!


Our school is known to many,
Studying at school is interested in everyone.
There are a lot of traditions in it,
And we give a word today,
We will not forget them either,
We will continue and multiply.

The signal sounds.
CHILDREN: This time!

2. Get up awake in the morning, at eight at school it is time to be.

CHILDREN: These are two!

3. Do not bubny and do not scream, answer, and not be silent.

CHILDREN: These are three!

4. Do not forget! Pure and neat!

CHILDREN: This is the point!

5. The student must know:
You need to write slowly
So that there were no blots and there were in notebooks ...


6. Be healthy, there are fruits.

CHILDREN: This is six.

7. You need to be kind to everyone.

CHILDREN: This is seven.

8. And also try to be friends, play more, play more,
Fighting school to love ...

That's how I should be!

. We have guests at the holiday today: high school students, excellent students. For you, they have prepared poems.

Reads a high school student:
What is happiness?
We will find the answer.
Happiness is mom,
A gentle dawn.

Happiness is the sun
Pink sunset,
Blue sky
Good -natured look.

Happiness is children
Their cheerful laughter
Blue river,
Rest without interference.

Happiness is a school
The one that teaches us
Happiness is true
True, without embellishment.

Happiness is dad,
Grandma and grandfather,
And my sister
What runs to the ballet.

Happiness is peace and friendship,
My motherland.
If everyone needs you
Happiness, mom, you and me!

The dance "Mom" is performed

Reads a high school student:
On the way carefree
Our children walked and walked ...
Suddenly terribly surprised:
The signs found!
Who will go to the left-
Leni will fall into the country.
Everything is simple and easy there
Instead of a soup, Eskimo!
No study, no charging
No regime, no order!
You will not become smart there,
The choice is for you!
Who will go right-
Knowledge will fall into the country!
There are cheerful calls there
All the kids will meet the school!
Do you like books? Do you like the score?
Well, then bolder forward!
What to choose for us?
To study? Or maybe be lazy?

Children in chorus:
To study!

Dear guests! What do you think are worthy of my children of the high title “Primary School Pupil”? Answer applause. Thank you!

- The solemn moment of the oath has come. I ask all first -graders to get up!

Fanfares sound.

The oath of the first grader:
(reads the teacher)
Learn letters, learn to read ... We swear!
Learn to the summer to write and count ... we swear!
In the lesson, try, and do not count the flies ... We swear!
Protect the textbook, do not throw and not to tear ... We swear!
Fulfill homework ... We swear!
Come to school without late ... We swear!
To become smarter and grow up for a year ... We swear!
Become the pride of parents and teachers ... We swear! We swear! We swear!

Be bolder, first grader!
Look: around friends.
This day is a wonderful holiday
For relatives and for you!

We wish you never to be lazy
At school, study, work, work.
We wish you to go into the world of knowledge,
To learn everything and meet friends!

Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to first graders"

Festival script dedication to first graders
Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to first graders"

Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to first graders":

The music “Let the Sun always sounds!” Sounds!

The host comes in:
Our most young
Our first graders
The holiday is dedicated!
First graders enter.

Today we have a holiday, solemn and important. "Dedication into students"

Song. "Song about the first grader"

Here are two months passed,
We are not kids now.
Everyone is glad for you -
We are not a kindergarten at all.

We came to school to first grade,
Farewell to the preschool!
We are at school brotherhood now
We want to join, guys.

They put on new clothes on themselves,
Brand new handle in a brand new portfolio,
New books, account sticks,
New notebooks, new worries.

The song "Everything is new with us"

The students are now calling us
And there is no more important and honorable title.
For us, study is the most important work,
And the best reward is knowledge.

Dear mothers, dads,
We want to promise
So that you do not flutter your nerves,
We will only study for five.

In this hall, we are with you
We declare a fight to deuce!
And stand in our diaries
There will be four and five marks.

Everyone will have books
Let's read, we will know
All that adults know!

We will be reinforced
Diligent and diligent.
And we will study
Just wonderful.

Let his family glorify his own
Our new school people,
So that you are proud of us,
Our favorite dads and mothers!

The song "If there were no schools"

Game 1. Clap.

The host calls the words. If they have sounds [z], [z ’], then clap, and if not, then stomp.

Game 2. "Collect a portfolio"

Leading: I ask everyone to get up! To make an oath to get ready!

The oath of the student.

I swear to everyone to try to be healthy,
We regularly go to our school.
I swear!

I swear to write and read decently.
And in the satchel to wear “good” and “excellent”
I swear!

I swear that I will try very much
From now on my friends no longer fight.
I swear!

I swear by my child to be educated,
Do not run around the school, but walk with a step.
I swear!

And if I violate my oath,
Then I give my tooth to my tooth,
Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,
And I will not play on the computer!
I swear!

I will always be perfect as a child,
And I will never forget my oaths.
I swear! I swear! I swear!

The order from high school students to first -graders:

Stand up awake in the morning -
At eight at school it is time to be two.

Do not bubny and don't scream
Answer, and not be silent - these are three.

And four. Do not forget!
Pure and neat!

The schoolboy must know:
You need to write slowly
So that there are no blots
And there were five in notebooks!

To be healthy, there are fruits - these are six.

You need to be kind to everyone - it's seven.

And also try to be friends,
Play more.
Love your school for everyone -
That's how you should be!

Vedas. Children will try to be healthy. To do this, they are engaged in charging every day.

Charging to music.

You are standing on the site
Start charging!
Hands up raised above,
We lowered - we breathe clearly.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - repeat everything again /2 times /

Exercise second:
Hands up, legs apart,
It happened so long ago.
Make three tilts down
Four - rise. /2 times/

Everyone needs flexibility in the world,
We will bend down, children!
Once to the right, two to the left,
We all do skillfully /2 times /

Squats every day
Drive sleep and laziness.
Squat lower -
Grow higher! /2 times/

1, 2, 3, 4 - you will be the most
Strong in the world. /2 times/

In conclusion, in good time,
We are stepping now.

1, 2, 3, 4 - we will be in friendship
Live in the world! /2 times/

Grade 5: What are you well done! You are worthy to wear the title of “student”. We congratulate you!

Hoora performance /5kl./

1. Song about the homeland.

2. Georgian song about mom.

Hoora performance /1kl./

1 class:

In our school lives here
Wonderful people
And draws, and dances,
Sings wonderful.

We also know how to have fun
In the dance, it is fun to spin,
And we want to show you
How can we dance.

Dance "Chimbi-Rimbi"

Solo performance of songs.

1. Clouds from plasticine. /5kl./

2. Cactus - hedgehog. /1kl./

3. A small country. /5kl./

4. Song of friendship. /1kl./

5. Old house. /5kl./

Pupil 1 Grade:

We know how to craft
Glue, draw, sculpt.
We will be happy to show
Our work is our work.
We are still kids
But they tried from the heart.
We will grow together
To catch up with you in everything.

The kitten will grow up with a cat
The same as everything in the world.
The chick will turn into a bird
The same as everything in the world.
And the children read, and the children dream
And even their mothers and dads do not know,
Who will the children grow up, who will grow up.

We are now not just children -
We are now students!

The student’s anthem is executed. On the motive of the song "I love you life"

Now I'm a student
Which in itself is not new.
From now on heart
I repeat my favorite word
In the ringing of each day,
How happy I am
That I have no peace
Bit science from scratch -
Life, you know,
What it is.

Vedas. Our holiday will continue in the classroom. We invite all guests to tea!

The script "Dedication to first graders" is interesting

Script dedication to first graders interesting
The script "Dedication to first graders" is interesting

The script "Dedication to first graders" is interesting:

Leading: Hello, dear guys, dads and mothers, guests of the holiday. So the long -awaited day has come. And I wonder if everyone has gathered here? Let's check! Diligent girls are here?

- Here!

Leading: Smart boys are here?

- Here!

Leading: And the caring mothers are here?

- Here!

Presenter: Skillful dads are here?

- Here!

Leading: Now let's see what our first -graders say. How do they want to study?

1. Look at me!
That's what a happy I am!
I am already going to first grade,
I wear school uniforms.

2. I have care now:
I do not know what to do-
Dad with mom at work,
And who to wear the portfolio?

3. Dad invented the alarm clock,
So that I do not sleep a lesson,
I attacked the bell firmly
Hefty hammer!

4. We came to our school
In a spacious bright house,
Where are many days funny
We will spend together.

5. I matured, entering this house,
Here I am learning to read and write.
But stealthily under his desk
I continue ... play toys.

6. We come with bows.
Pants are stroking now ourselves!
Look, there are arrows.
Maybe - 5, or maybe - 6.

7. The class is busy in the whole thing
From the call to the call,
Only a pity that the change
The school is very short.

8. We are very good here
I went to the dining room
Well, and there, attention!
Everything is like in a restaurant.

9. Here are such rooms -
Beauty, as in space!
There are such toilets,
Just like in McDonald's.

10. Well, I would say so:
I liked the gym.
They say he is new and ready!
Sports are there
They are waiting for the guys for lessons!

11. And we will also learn
Sing beautifully, dance,
So that in all, in all concerts
Take part here.

12. We will learn until the summer
Draw, write, count,
And then in all subjects
We will receive “five”.

(Song "What is taught at school")

Leading: And now we will find out what difficulties our students meet in different lessons.

(Rings a call.)

Leading: They learned to read in this lesson.
First, by syllables, and now we want.
We teach easily poetic lines,
We distinguish the story from poetry ungroces,
Inspiration itself comes to us with the book,
And what is everything in the lesson? ... (reading)

Leading: Collect the leaves of your tree and make words from the letters written on them.

(To the music, children on command collect 1 - maple, 2 - oak, 3 - linden, 4 - skeleton leaves)

And now each team will read in chorus the words that they composed

(1 - ABC, 2 - student, 3 - book, 4 - school.)

Student: This is not just a deuce.
Works, works, how much!
Two as they say,
We must also achieve!
There is a lot to spin,
Chat and not listen to the lesson ...
And if you hear a little -
So that there is no trace in the head!

Leading: And now the time of the next lesson, which, you will find out by guessing the riddle:
In first -graders, instead of Russian, it is.
And the subject itself is called briefly - ... (letter)

Scene No. 1: What is written in a notebook?

- And I can already write!
And I can write!

I can show a notebook
And even flip through

Yes, you have become scientists!

Tell me, what did you write about?

How do I know this?

I myself would like to know!
After all, I said -
I can write!

And not read!

Scene No. 2: What are you doing?

- I wash the deuce.
- I do not approve of this!
- And what do you do?
- I'm just pulling out the whole sheet!

Leading: These stories sometimes occur in letters lessons.

The game with the parents "As I say the word" three ", Keglu quickly take you."

I'll tell you a story of a dozen phrases,
I’ll just say the word “three”, you quickly take Kaglu.
Once we caught a pike
Gutted, and inside -
They saw small fish
And not one, but whole ... two.
The boy is hardened
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, at the start is not cunning
And wait for the team: “One, two, ... march.
When you want to remember poetry,
They are not cramped until there was a lot of night
And repeat them to yourself
Once, another, and better ... five.
Recently train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, why didn’t you take Keglyu,
When there was an opportunity to take.

Leading: What next lesson will we get to?
Want to know, then guess the riddle.
The lesson is interesting, on it we think,
Together, examples, problems are solved.
Circular, all for sure - without any romance.
Well, what kind of lesson? That lesson ... (Mathematics)

Leading: What are we doing in mathematics lessons? Listen to the first task:

Forty, sparrow, butterfly and bumblebee flew across the sky. How many birds were there?
(only 2 birds, since the butterfly and bumblebee are not birds).

4 legs and 4 paws are visible from under the fence. How many living creatures behind the fence?
(Behind the fence there are 2 people and 1 dog.)

Scene No. 3.

Ira cries, do not calm down,
Very sad Ira:
“There were exactly five chairs,
And now ... - Four ... "
The younger brother began to count:
"One, two, three, four, five!
Do not Cry! - said the baby. -
After all, on the fifth you are sitting! "

Leading: We solved all the tasks in the mathematics lesson and go to the next lesson.

We study the nature and seasons of the year,
Birds, animals, insects, local weather.
Maybe we will become agronomists, let's go to the botanists,
We will not be lost with our knowledge anywhere.
("The world")

Leading: The poem "Living Corner" will read to us ...

Well, what should I do with her,
All time
Petrova climbs into the pencil case to me!
Then the eraser will take
Then a colored pencil -
Well, how is a desktick
Can't you give it?
Yes, I don't feel sorry -
When I returned!
I will be completely soon
Without a pencil case.
And now, on Monday,
To the first lesson,
I brought in the penalty
Pets' corner:
It has three worms
I added sensiblely ...
Does not love
Living nature

Presenter: And now the game "Prove the word." Be careful!

In the threshold, lifting his head, howls with hunger ... giraffe (wolf)
He knows a lot about raspberries, a clubfoot brown ... Wolf (bear)
Daughters and sons teaches to grunt ... ant (pig)
Who loves the branches rushes? Of course, red ... fox (squirrel)
The faster of fear rushes ... Turtle (hare)
On the mountain cooler passed, overgrown with wool ... Crocodile (ram)
In his warm puddle loudly croak ... Barmaley (frog)
From a palm tree down, on a palm tree deftly jumps ... a cow (monkey)
The hay of the trunk takes a thick -skinned one ... (Elephant)

Scene No. 5.

Settle the guys on a log in a row
And they are talking quietly about the three of them.
“I like the school,” Irina said.
- All my life I have been about school, guys, I dreamed "
“I like the teacher,” Sasha said.
“He is strict, I have not seen such people yet.”
“And to me,” Lena said a little thought.
-I like the most change most

Leading: Put the ears on the tops, at our change we will sing ditties for you! 6 ditties

1. We will pass ditties to you,
Please do not laugh
We are young artists
We can fasten.

2. First -graders studied
Different numbers write
Either 7, or 5
Nothing to make out.

3. How the change will begin,
In the corridor of the crush,
Well, what do I care,
Just would not have shot down me.

4. Our teacher was waiting for an answer
From Natasha for a long time,
No answer, no greetings,

No sense.

5. Nikita and I love to fight,
A kindergarten cried from us.
Dear teacher, hello!
We see you are very happy for us!

6. We will overcome all sciences,
Everything will work out for us
Because our mothers
They learn with us too.

7. We sang ditties
Is it good, is it bad
And now we will ask you
So that you patted us

Presenter: So, the change ended and the next lesson ...
We are very pleased to work together, we are very pleased
To sculpt, cut, glue something-entertaining.
In this lesson, fantasy is with us,
We will make everything with our own hands. (Labor lesson)

Leading: The scene is "thin work".

- Hooray! From plasticine
I pulled out the cat
- Wonderful! Well done!
What a beauty!
How right! How thin!-
My father praised me -
What a pig
You blinded! Well done!

Leading: And in another lesson ...
We learn to write and read notes
And to distinguish a waltz from the melodies of others.
We listen to arias and sonatas.
What kind of lesson, tell me, guys? (Music lesson)

Leading: Do you think there are many sounds at school? I suggest guessing school sounds. Attention!

(brush in a glass; scissors cut paper; sharpener and pencil; pages of the textbook; paint with a pencil; the knock of plates in the dining room).

Leading: Well done! You know what students are doing at school. And here is the time of the last lesson for today.

On the desk of paints and a set of gouache,
Portrait, landscapes - then our drawings.
Needlessness and diligence are needed here,
And the lesson itself is called ... (drawing)

Leading: Now I will guess riddles for you, if you guess them correctly, our magic brush will help to see them.

Who am I, if directness -
My main line? (Ruler)

If you give him a job,
In vain, a pencil worked. (Eraser)

You talk to her more often
You will - four times smarter. (Book)

Her sheets are white-white,
They do not fall from the branches.
I make mistakes on them
Among strips and cells. (Notebook)

Your pigtail is without fear
She dipped in paints.
Then a painted pigtail
In the album drives a page. (Brush)

Leading: Well, after all the lessons, we have "extended day"

In our school, the day was extended.
I love the extension of the day -
Write me down too!
Recorded. Immediately we
They led to the extended class.
There is extended in the window
The sun is surprised.
And then - lunch extended,
Borsch with sour cream owl.
And then, attention, -
In the yard is a walk!
Surprisingly, on time
Everyone has learned a lesson.
Only the evening is very - very
It was as if shortened!

Presenter: Well friends, mercy, we ask, to become members of our big and friendly family.

"Dedication to first graders" - the script of the holiday of modern

Dedication to first graders - the script of the holiday of modern
"Dedication to first graders" - the script of the holiday of modern

"Dedication to first graders" - the script of the holiday modern:

"Visiting a fairy tale"

1. Kind the name of the literary hero ....

Dad ... (Carlo)
Cat ... (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin)
Grandfather ... (Frost, Masai)
Baba ... (Yaga)
Uncle ... (Fedor, Stepa)
Crocodile Gena)
Postman Pechkin)
Dr. Aibolit)
Red Riding Hood)
Koschei the Deathless)
Fly Tsokotukha)
Winnie the Pooh)

2. Determine which of the fairy -tale heroes these telegrams came from.

A wolf came and ate 6 of my brothers. I hid. Help.

I will, I will wash myself in the morning and evenings.

The fox took my house, and kicked me out.

Thank you, Swallow, for a wonderful salvation.

3. Fairytale heroes have lost their belongings. We found them.

a) a golden key (Pinocchio);
b) crystal shoes (Cinderella);
c) Stupa and broom (Baba Yaga).

4. Guess from what fairy tales these phrases:

"Sim-Sim, open the door!"
(Arab tale "Ali Baba and forty robbers"; Ali Baba.)

“Kiri-ku-ku. Reign, lying on the side! "
(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".)

"Do not drink, brother, you will become a kid!"
(Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka; Alyonushka)

"Do not be sad, go to yourself with God!"
(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish; Fish.)

Entertaining mathematics

Under the bushes by the river
Live of May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother -
Who managed to count them?

I, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda -
Volleyball team.
Zhenya and Igor for now
Two players.
And when they get sunk,
How much will all work?

Earring fell in the snow,
And behind him - Alyosha,
And behind him - Irinka,
And behind her - Marinka,
And then Ignat fell.
How many guys are in the snow.

Eight brave kids
They are overwhelmed by a stream.
One fell behind: "I want to go home!"
How many came to the stream?
Our school…

If you hones it, draw everything you want
The sun, sea, mountains, beach. What is this?

There is a cheerful light house
There are many guys in it.
They write and think
Draw and read.

The birds sat on the pages,
Know the past and fables

I love directness
I myself am straight.
Make a flat line
I help everyone.

The order of the queens of sciences - mathematics, the Russian language, the surrounding world, literary reading ....

“Here has come the desired hour
You are enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us
We will give you the order.

1. Tell everyone about the school,
The honor of the school of the road.
Keep in order
Books, notebooks.

2. Correct, polite to be.
Do not forget to be healthy.

3. You must know "excellent":
Fighting at school is indecent!
So that you have always been cheerful
More good songs!

4. If you perform the order,
In the second, get ready class.

Now - we are students! Now - we are schoolchildren! We are a class!
But what does the class mean? Let's decipher the word class, come up with a definition.

K - creative/cool/adhesive
L - the best
A - active
S - Super
C - smart

Presentation of a first -grader certificate. We make an oath.

“We, first -graders of the school, solemnly swear:
Never go to school with unacceptable lessons ... We swear!
Never end a quarter with bad estimates ... We swear!
Never open the textbooks with dirty hands ... We swear!
Never show the diary to parents a diary on holidays ... We swear!
Become the pride of parents and teachers ... We swear! We swear! We swear!

Scenario "Dedication to first graders" at school

Script dedication to first -graders at school
Scenario "Dedication to first graders" at school

Scenario "Dedication to first graders" at school:

Sing a song: "The first time in the first grade ..."

First graders:
In the briefcase of the new alphabet is new,
It’s not just to find us among friends,
We are first graders, we are classmates!
We have fun to go to school together!
We write sticks, hooks, ticks,
We can already find everything in the word syllables,
We are first graders, we are classmates
We have fun to go to school together!

1 Vedas. Guess the riddle:
He has big children:
Two Volodya and two Petets,
Three Seryozha, three Natasha,
Two Christines and three Sasha.
There is Nikita, there is Olya,
There is Julia, there is Kolya.
Two Masha, two Gali,
Three Tanya, three Vali.
There is even a boy Vlas,
In general, the full first class.
He is a large family.
Have you guessed? He - …. (teacher)

2 Vedas: Today we will travel around the country of knowledge.

The fabulous music about the scientist cat sounds. To the music, dancing, the cat enters.

Scientific cat.
The Lukomorye has green oak,
Golden chain on oak volume.
Everyone is known - I am a scientist cat.
I saw the most educated cat.
I am going to the right of the song.
I'm going to the left - I'll tell you a fairy tale.
I am very interesting with me.
You make friends with your studies the way I am friends.
I am a cat is a master, I am a cat - a professor,
Learn diligently patiently, do not be lazy.
You will recognize letters, dances, songs,
You become like me, become a scientist.

The scientist cat holds the game "Polite words"

Cat scientist: Guys, do you know how to read? Do you like fairy tales?

2 Vedas: And now we will check how you know fairy tales. And you, cat, watch.

I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather.
Guess without a hint
What fairy tales did I get from?
(Answer: "Kolobok")

And the road is far away,
And the basket is not easy
Sit on a stump,
To eat a pie ...
(Answer: “Mashenka and bear.)

Opened the goat door -
And all disappeared somewhere!
(Answer: “Wolf and seven goats.)

The red girl is sad,
She doesn't like spring
She is hard in the sun!
The poor thing pours tears ...
(Answer: “Snow Maiden.)

Now give the name of the literary hero. I'm starting, and you continue.
Cat ... (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin)
Grandfather ... (Frost, Masai)
Baba ... (Yaga)
Uncle ... (Fedor, Stepa)
Crocodile Gena)
Postman Pechkin)
Dr. Aibolit)
Red Riding Hood)
Koschei the Deathless)
Fly Tsokotukha)
Winnie the Pooh)

The scientist cat holds the game "Collect the numbers"

I suggest you solve funny problems:
The hedgehog dragged three apples from the garden,
He gave the most ruddy to the squirrel.
I was happy to receive a gift from a squirrel.
Count the apples at the hedgehog in the plate. (2)

There are 5 mushrooms in pennies
And under the Christmas tree - 3.
How many mushrooms will be?
Well, look! (eight)

In the clearing, at the hemp,
The hedgehog saw two fungi,
And away, at Osin,
He found one more.
Who has the answer is ready
How many hedgehogs did the fungus find? (3)

One birch grew,
There are 8 branches on it.
Each on the orange.
How many oranges were there on a birch? (0)

1 Vedas: Well done boys! And now I propose to listen to the poems that you have prepared.

First graders:
I entered the school in 1 "A" in the fall.
I am considered a schoolboy from the first day.
I really like to study
I'm not afraid to answer.
I can deal with the task
Because I do not lazy.

I'm in a hurry, I'm rushing to school!
Hooray! I am a schoolboy! I'm studying!
And here is my class, my 1 "b",
I will study in him!
I give you a word: from me
The scientist can turn out!

We came to our school
In a spacious bright house,
Where are many days funny
We will spend together.

We are very good here
I went to the dining room
Well, and there, attention!
Everything is like in a restaurant.

Here are such rooms
Beauty, as in space!
There are such toilets,
Just like in McDonald's.

Well, I would say so:
I liked the gym.
They say he is new and ready!
Sports are there
They are waiting for the guys for lessons!

And we will also learn
Sing beautifully, dance,
So that in all, in all concerts
Take part here.

We know a little letter
We learned to count.
We will count on the fingers:
one two three four five.

May we call us "seven -year -olds",
Let them not put us marks!
Still, we are students!
First -class friends.

We will learn until the summer
Draw, write, count,
And then in all subjects
We will receive “five”.

Cat scientist:
From today you are real first -graders! I congratulate you! I ask you to take an oath of a first -grader.

The oath
Guys, repeat the word in chorus: "We swear!"
Always come to class for the first lesson
Even before the call wakes up.
We swear!
To become literate and smart,
We will diligently read and write.
We swear!
Be in an active and friendly lesson
Remember and teach everything you need!
We swear!
Textbooks, books, pencil case and notebooks
Always keep in perfect order!
We swear!
I swear that I will try very much
From now on my friends no longer fight!
Good friends, faithful to become
Always and help each other and in everything!
We swear!
I swear by my child to be educated,
Do not run around the school, but walk with a step.
We swear!
And if I violate my oath,
Then I give my tooth to my tooth,
Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,
And I will not play on the computer!
We swear!
The child is always perfect I will be
And I will never forget my oaths!
We swear!

First -graders tell poetry

Pupil 1:
Now life is different
Will come with me.
Oh, dear mom!
What an adult I am!

Pupil 2:
No, at school it is better than in the garden!
I'm going to school with joy.
After lessons you leave the class,
And no quiet hour!

Pupil 3:
On the holiday of sunny, cheerful
The heart is joyfully knocking.
"Pupil of primary school" -
It sounds great!

Pupil 4:
Becoming smarter and older
We conquer all sciences.
And for this holiday this cool
Thank you all.

Sing the song "Teach at school ..." The presenters are playing games

"Dedication to first graders" - script in the classroom

Dedication to first graders - script in the classroom
"Dedication to first graders" - script in the classroom

"Dedication to first graders" - a script in the classroom:

Scientific cat.
The Lukomorye has green oak,
Golden chain, golden chain on the oak volume.
Everyone is known - I am a scientist cat.
I saw the most educated cat.
I'm going to the right - I sing a song,
I'm going to the left - I'll tell you a fairy tale.

I am very interesting with me.
You make friends with your studies the way I am friends.
I am a cat is a master, I am a cat - a professor,
Learn diligently, patiently, do not be lazy.
You will recognize letters, dances, songs,
You become like me, become a scientist.

If you want to answer, do not make noise
And just raise your hand!
Deal? So, the first test.
Both beautiful and strong
Mathematics country.

Music sounds. The class includes mathematics.

We will add the number to the number,
Between them we put a cross.
Wrap yourself on a mustache:
This sign is called ... (plus)

From the number we’ll deduct another,
Put a straight line.
I am a dash in grammar,
And who am I in mathematics? (minus)

Live in a difficult book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world.

Zamarashka is a mischievous
Suddenly sat on the page.
Because of this balloonist
I got ...

The neck is so long,
Crochet tail ...
And not a secret:
She loves everyone lazy people
And her lazy people - no.

I don't look like a nickle,
Not like a ruble.
I am round, but not a fool,
With a hole, not a bagel.

Guess the guys,
What is the Acrobata number?
If it stands on your head,
Exactly three less will become.

I have no corners
And I look like a dish,
On a plate and on the lid,
On the ring and the wheel.
(a circle)

I am not an oval and not a circle,
I am a friend to a triangle
I am a rectangle.
And my name is ...

We are funny marks.
And we often meet
At the diligents in the diary.
Who receives them more often,
Never bore.

Once a circle and two circles,
What is the number, my friend?

Maths. Now solve my tasks.

Lying on a plate
Four beautiful delicious pears.
But our task is not to eat, but to listen.
If one of them goes to a friend,
How many pears will remain on the plate?
Children (answer). Three.

In Africa on the Nile River
Lonely crocodile lived.
And he completely lived hard -
After all, he was alone, poor thing.
He understood that he was not suitable for living alone,
And once I decided to make friends with someone at least.

Near the river in the meadow
Three monkeys somersaulted briskly.
Jumping, huts,
Funny eared monkeys.
We saw a crocodile
And they said: “Very nice!
So as not to swim light,
Rent us along the river. "

They made friends since then
After all, you can’t find more fun the game.
You count it,
How many of them are there, all friends? (1+3)

Music sounds. The class includes a letter.

Live on one page
Glorious sisters.
I hope you have already managed
With them, guys make friends!
A, b, c, g, d, e, f
Reded on the hedgehog!
H, and, k, l, m, n, o
Correctly crawled out the window!
P, p, s, t, y, f, x
The rooster was saddened
C, h, w, s, e, yu, I -
That's all, friends!
You are familiar with them, children.
Here they are - stand in a row.
Very bad to live in the world
Those who are not familiar with them!

Now guys guess the riddles.

Looking for a husband for a sheep,
Handsome, which is curled in rings.
We traveled a lot of countries
Only one such ... (ram)

The enemies had to retreat!
I met them with horns ... (moose)

In thorns of the hedgehog and ruff,
But you will immediately get it:
Who is driving, he ... (Hedgehog)

And who fidgets - ... (ruff)

Where does the underground passage lead?
Only knows about this ... (Mole)

Scientific cat. Well done boys! And now I will call for help reading.

Reading. Then determine what fairy tale we are talking about.

The magical evening approached,
And the long -awaited hour has come
She is in a gilded carriage
I went to a fairy -tale ball.
No one in the palace will know
Where does she come from and what her name is.
But as soon as midnight comes
She will become a seal again.
(S. Perrault "Cinderella")

In one comfortable house
Name days were noted.
In the midst of the holiday
Suddenly a villain appeared.
He wanted to kill the mistress
And scared the guests.
Good housewife
He almost ruined.
But the insidious villain
Mosquito cut off his head.
(K.I. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha")

In one wonderful house
The hostess lived happily,
But unexpectedly the trouble came -
And her house burned to the ground.
(S. Marshak "Koshkin House")

A pretty girl
A little more a nail
Appeared unexpectedly
In a cup of flower.
In a walnut shell
The girl was asleep.
A sick swallow once
She saved from death.
Which of you read this book?
Tell me, what is the name of this little girl?
(G.Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina")

In one of the bookstores
There is a fruit and ogorine country.
An interesting hero lives in it:
The boy is brave, fair, mischievous.
(D. Rodari "Chipolino")

The nose is round, a heel,
It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground.
The tail is a little crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(English fairy tale "Three pigs" in the processing of S. Mikhalkov)

And from what work are these lines taken?
The house has eight fraction alone
At the outpost of Ilyich
There lived a tall citizen
The nickname "Kalancha".
(S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa")

The cook is angry in the kitchen,
Cries at the Tkachikh machine,
And they envy
Sovereign wife.
(A. Pushkin "The Tale of King Saltan ...")

Suddenly from my mother’s bedroom
Crooked and lame,
The washbasin runs out
And shakes his head.
(K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr")

Scientific cat. Well done boys! Let's dance with you.

Music sounds, they all dance together.

The right leg forward,
And then back,
And then forward again
And a little shocked.
We dance boogies-wool
Turn in a circle
And clap your hands
So: Clap-slap!
Left leg forward,
The right hand forward ...

Scientific cat. How I like you in the class! Fun, noisy! Will you always learn this way?

Children (answer). Yes!

Scientific cat. So, in the see you are enrolled in a school brotherhood! And now - "solemn promise."

Always promise:

Core the honor of the school!
Children (in chorus). Yes!

Scientific cat.
It is polite and neat.

Children (in chorus). Yes!

Scientific cat.
Keep in order
Books, prescriptions, notebooks!

Children (in chorus). Yes!

Scientific cat.
Learning the lessons is not slightly,
And as expected - for sure!

Children (in chorus). Yes!

Each first -grader is awarded a small key to the country of knowledge.

"Dedication to first graders" - script for the game program

Dedication to first graders - scenario of the game program
"Dedication to first graders" - script for the game program

"Dedication to first graders" - script for the game program:

Light and elegant now in our hall!
Everyone has a lively, excited look!
Today we celebrate a big holiday:
We see the guys to our school!
They are seated on chairs.

Our first competition is called "vice versa."

I will say the word "high"
You answer "low."
I will say the word "far"
You answer "close."
Understanding is understandable?

Words for the "Knowledge" team:

Young - old,
Fast - slow,
The beginning is the end
Ceiling - Paul,
Wet - dry,
Quietly loud
White black.

Leading: The team "Snow" played perfectly!

Words for the "Why" team:
Night Day,
Good bad,
Hard - soft,
Hot Cold,
Fat - thin,
The sky is earth,
Small big.

The host sums up the contest.

1. Very soon, very soon
I will go to study at school.
And for the first to the lesson
The call will call me!

2. I really want to study
I promise not to be lazy.
I'm always by eight o'clock
I will wake up myself.

3. I will keep in order
All albums and notebooks.
I will be a student
With a real diary!

4. Growth in the summer,
To make everyone noticeable
It's time to go just
I can study in first grade.

Presenter: I see you really want to study at school! Tell me, what is needed at school? (Children's answers - shape, notebooks, pencils, paints ...). Well done! But the most important and necessary thing at school is a portfolio! Without him, you cannot imagine the future schoolboy!

Here is a satchel, we carry it behind our shoulders!
Hands are free, play at least with balls.
The gait is beautiful, the posture is straight,
The model will envy even any!

Presenter: Yes, a portfolio is a very important thing of a student!
Do you all know what to put in the portfolio? ..
Now we will check !!

Game "Collect a portfolio"

So, if I name the item that needs to be taken to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, you stomping your feet. Ready?!

Textbooks and books,
Toy mouse,
The train of the groove,
Plasticine color,
Brushes and paints,
New Year's masks,
Eraser and bookmarks,
Stapler and notebooks,
Schedule, diary.
A student is assembled to school!

Leading: Well done!

I take out the first envelope from the portfolio ...

Envelope number 1.

From whom is the task?
I live in a flower city
Shorty with a smart skin.
I wish you to carefully teach everything,
To create everything good in life!
What is my name? Guess?
Inventor-Korotsya by name ... (Znayka)
Znayka offers you to read the words.

Game "Chain"
The host calls any word you need to continue the "chain" of words.
For example: watermelon, hare, heron, hawk, brother ...
Well done! Correctly completed the task!

Game "Read the Word"
Read the word by the first letters. (smoke, wasp, carrots - house; bump, snail, drum, aquarium - fur coat)

Game "Name the Fairy Tale"

To this academic year
I haven't brought you worries
So that you are not upset,
And he laughed incessantly
So that his talents could
Show everyone, my friend!
Be fun, don't lose heart,
Hello hello to you! ...

So that the chemistry is successful,
So that you go to visit more often
So that you have this whole year
It was clogged with sweets.
I wish you a great mood,
Mount of sweets, pies and jam,
After all, this is the best medicine!
Hi! Happy New Year! ...

Do not be afraid for the right
It's a matter of fighting!
And if with friends
The trouble will happen
You don't leave them.
Love freedom
And, I beg you,
Protect the environment!

And I guys guys
I wish you health
More expensive than him
Nothing happens!
And to be diseases
Don't be afraid at all
Friends with sports
And how to temper steel!

I am all the fidgets
I want to wish
Shift wind,
Seven feet under the keel,
Strive forward
And always win
So that the storms of all you
The side was bypassed!
(Captain Vrungel.)

To find yours
The miracle key is golden,
Interesting adventures
And less grief!
So that your dream comes true
Behind the canvas, behind the web!

Guys, I wish you
So that all dreams come true
And so that good friends
They met you everywhere.
You still do not have to lose heart,
Hope for the best.
Why sigh and grieve?
You rejoice and laugh!

People are known for a long time:
The world is better than any fights and quarrels!
I wish everyone to live peacefully,
Do not start enemies for yourself,
Friends to love and respect
And do not offend anyone!
In short, you do not need to be at enmity,
Let's live, guys, together!
(Cat Leopold.)

Forget about laziness -
It's very embarrassing to be lazy!
I wish you friends,
Study on five.
You can yourself
Everything is fine
Hope for fairy tales
Very dangerous!
(Vovka from the distant kingdom.)

I take the next envelope from the portfolio ...

Envelope No. 2.

We wish you to bite the nuts for a whole year without interference,
It is fun to play the burners.
Forest proteins write to you.
From squirrels for you mathematical tasks.

So guys, listen to the tasks carefully.

1. In the meadow, at the hemp,
The hedgehog saw two fungi,
And away, at Osin,
He found one more.
Who has the answer is ready
How many hedgehogs did the fungus find?

2. Reded one birch,
There are 8 branches on it.
Each on the orange.
How many oranges were there on a birch?

3. In a clearing by the river
Live of May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who managed to count them?

4. Six fun cubs
They are in a hurry for raspberries in the forest
But one baby is tired
He lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer:
How many bears ahead?

5. Given the hedgehogs,
Eight brand new boots,
With the enthusiasm of the hedgehog, scream
How much did dad are in the pope?

Leading: Well done!
You learned to solve problems!
It is good to be able to count
One, two, three, four, five!
It is good to be able to count!
If you want, you can
Count your dreams
Add a hundred friends to yourself
The world to rid the world,
Study all sciences,
Get all the five!
The numbers are all easy and simple
Build children in height:
One, two, three, four, five,
Six, seven, eight, nine!
Together we learn to count
Together fun!

And now we will check if you can consider examples?

The game "Compare"
Set the sign "more", "less", "equal"
4 ? 5 7 ? 6
3 ? 1 2 ? 2
8 ? 8 3 ? 5

Game "Silence"
The host gives different examples on “+” and “-”, and children consider and show the answer.

We got a job, and now the change!

The game "It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!" (game of attentiveness)

1. We will ask everyone now: who loves dance, laughter here?

2. Who is going to the school with a vatago cheerful every day?

3. Answer in chorus in the heart: who is the main bearer here?

4. Who is used to your order, does exercises in the morning?

5. Which of you, tell the brothers, forgets to wash?

6. And one more question: who does not wash his nose?

7. Which of you stores in order of pens, books and notebooks?

8. Which of you has so good to sunbathe in the galoshes?

9. Who is in bed all day and who is lazy to study?

10. Who promises not to be lazy, but only to study well?

11. Which of you, I want to know, will pat me now?

I take the third envelope from the portfolio ...

Envelope No. 3.

The lumberjack welcomes you and offers to guess what kind of beast will be discussed.

The game "Prove the word."

The hay of the trunk takes a thick -skinned one ... (Elephant)
Who likes to rush about the branches? Of course, red ... (squirrel)
In the threshold, lifting his head, howls with hunger ... (wolf)

Who will take off from the flower about?
Multi -colored hippo ... butterfly

Lace web
Weoned skillfully ... Pukewino spider

There is a big fight in the chicken coop!
Who are the instigators? Two ... cancer of the rooster

Very slowly and quiet
A snail crawls on a sheet ...

I like to frolic in the river,
Swim in a flock, because I - ... bird fish

I swear the earth with a beak
But I do not build a house for myself,
I am looking for a worm, here!
Guessed who I am? ... Mole chicken

Kv-kva-kva-what a song!
Which may be more interesting
What could be more fun?
But sings you ... Nightingale frog

Leading: So the first tests have been completed. Friendship won!

Presenter: It is difficult to educate their children,
A lot needs to be known for this.
I want to wish my parents:
Children always help in everything,
In the morning to collect a child in the morning,
The parting words in time give good ones,
Smart book will have time to read
And on the weekend, do not forget to take a walk,
To avoid diseases of everyone,
We need to temper more children,
Meetings also visit everything,
The school is helping as much as possible.
And most importantly - without doubt -
I wish you patience!

Leading: We invite everyone to see the presentation "soon to school!"
See you in the new academic year!

"Dedication to pedestrians of first -graders" - script

Dedication to pedestrians of first -graders - script
"Dedication to pedestrians of first -graders" - script

"Dedication to pedestrians of first -graders" - script:

The vocal group sings. (The phonogram begins with a verse).

In our city a huge
Or in the village of Small
People know people remember
An important life law.
It helps pedestrians
And drivers everywhere
And the law is called
Abbreviated "traffic rules" (2 times)

About the aisle and passage,
What each sign broadcasts about
Where to go the bike,
And about serviceable brakes,

We are allowed, prohibited
And inform people.
These each know these laws
At any end of the planet all! (2 times)

Commander Yuid:

—Tom, friends, it's time
Tell you and show you
What without hesitation and doubt
Every student is obliged to know!
Not only like your fingers,
Or there, computer, monitor.
And more, deeper, better! Means,
We have a serious conversation!

The traffic police inspector enters.

I wish the children of health!
The school year has begun,
And "first" I allow
Assign the title "Pedestrian!"
After all, danger awaits us
At the intersection, around the corner,
At the stop, for a tram,
On the highway, behind the yard!

Commander Yuid:
It will not be superfluous to remind us
Which is given by all costs
Ignorance of pedestrians:
The cost of life is young!
The road does not forgive a prank!
You can’t slow down at a time!
I, as an inspector, broadcast to you:
Let's appreciate life!
Let our holiday open
View the readiness of the guys.
Are you ready to become a pedestrian?
And who will come to the Yuid squad?

The performance is the first classes.

1 "a":
Every day to a native school
On the way we are walking!
Pedestrian - by the transition,
And the car, and the bus
On the way straight!
We already know a lot
How and where to cross
Let us be a little late
But we don't run ahead
Rushing where the car is.

They say father and mother:
"Hurrying, do not rush!"
I fulfill the rules
I save, save
They will peace, and life!

Traffic lights, transitions
Signs of different complex series -
At the SDA school laws,
Basics security
Study, they say!
Well, and you and me will teach you,
Explain the laws of the arch.
To live in the world better,
Each traffic rules will study
Who is called (all) a pedestrian!

1 "B":
Red, yellow and green -
Very important colors!
They should remember them all our lives
With them - just beauty!
I went to the traffic light.
Red light caught fire.
I am running over the transition!
And what?! There are no cars!
Is it possible to?! After all, the light is red
Everyone in the world says:
“Wait and wait! Running is dangerous!
Take care of health, life! "

You are in a hurry in vain.
You will run to the red light,
Suddenly - the car rushes! Scary!
Look, and “white” is not!

The Svetik yellow caught fire.
Everything went to be in time!
And drivers are after
Give out crab crax!

Yellow light is not for movement,
For attention, we are given!
With yellow we stand still
Get ready for now!

And when, tell me, you can
Will I go?
The light will light up green,
Do not yawn now, go!

We know these rules
All from the kindergarten.
And well we understand.

All: Children need rules!

D. la "singing" class. Song instead of greeting, the song "Fun friends":

We walk along the roads,
Both to school and home.
And, as one, remember
We are the rules with you.
If you want to be healthy
To live to old age,
Go by transitions,
Do not forget to teach
What? (someone one asks)

Yes Yes Yes! Yes Yes Yes!
This is traffic rules, friends,
Signs and markings,
Cell traffic lights,
How do we cross the road?
These rules will help
They will help children all the earth!?

And if you are a driver,
Or just a pedestrian
Assistant and teacher
The laws of the Code to you!
And very, very soon
We will study them,
Just grow up a little,
Learn to read!


Well, well done guys!
I have to tell you
That some of the rules
I can show you!

And they will help me with this
My assistants.
Meet a traffic light!
He burns all day!

But not just signs,
And signs for children!
And let them show
The whole truth, without undertaking!

The phonogram of the song "Border".

Traffic light:
Signs! Build! Swear the song

Everyone is singing:
People created us,
Color and shape indicated!
As on guard, on the road,
We will help pedestrians!
You look, schoolboy,
On this triangle,
To the circle red,
And a square!

We are simple signs
We guys for you
Adults created
So that we help!

(The chorus is repeated again)

Cross the road,
Without broken the leg,
So that you go
Not for cars!

Traffic light:
What is this mood?
Why such singing?
You were created for help,
So that there is no sadness
From the fact that the children suddenly
Not there they will cross the road!

Sign "Underground transition":
This is how to say
What I have to indicate.
Bright blue and square.
True, visible to everyone guys?
Here he is, a white man,
Here it is, the stairs run!
I say clearly, loudly:
Under the ground is the road for you!
So, tell me why
Do people spit on me?!
Why did everyone hurry?
Climbing under cars?
Maybe they forgot about me?

The sign "The movement of pedestrians is prohibited":
That's for sure! Here it is:
"Movement Prohibition!"
I'm not for cars!
So that pedestrians do not go!
I forbid in red
And I broadcast with a red line:
“Wait, man, wait, pedestrian!
Give me like a car, back! ”
I'm so prominent
It's right right away,
What is dangerous to go under me!

The sign "Caution, children!":
And I stand, and I am silent,
Although I want to scream in full
That in front of every school
You will find me, friends!
My triangular shape
I will remind you warning
Car drivers,
So that they slow down here.
After all, there are boys and girls here
Run in a crowd for lessons.
And when the kids run,
I know, not to the rules here!
How mad, hurry!
Cars rustling with tires,
Drivers - for brakes!
Sodom, Gomorrah and Bedam!
Why am I here, I don't know myself!

Pedestrian crossing sign:
Enough for you, friends, to grumble!
So I have to indicate everyone
So that the people do not run by,
What is a ground transition.
I'm here for everyone. And look,
Disciplined driver
He will not hurry before me
Having reduced speed, it slows down.
Miss if suddenly on a zebra
Both adults and children go!

The sign "Caution, children!":
And pedestrians should know
All the rules, fulfill them!

The sign "The movement of pedestrians is prohibited!":
Then you do not have to remind,
That there will be only order there,
Where everyone is clear, no doubt

All signs: Traffic Laws

Traffic light:
This is a joyful note!
Remember, we have work
Who moves, help everyone!
Stand on guard of traffic rules!

On the phonogram of the song "There is a soldier around the city":

On the roads of the whole country
Million car!
That's why we must
Help with you
To everyone who goes and goes
In business in a hurry,
Store health and
Keep everyone life,
Save life to everyone!

We are roadside signs,
And we will help everyone!
We have one duty
What you need, prohibit!
Hey, young pedestrians,
You need to remember the signs,
So that it is safe for you
Walk the streets!

The traffic police inspector:
Well, pedestrians, is everything clear?
Although, wait, because the guys
Not received this title!
First, let them pass the exam!

Commander Yuid:
I will ask questions.
A traffic light will help me
Assess the kids of knowledge.
So, here are the first tasks.

A traffic light gives out the classes green cards that the guys will raise if they know the answer to the question or riddle.

First competition: "Understand me"

1. They walk and drive. (Road.)
2. An old vehicle for princesses. (Coach.)
3. Two- or three-wheeled vehicles. (Bike.)
4. prohibiting, informing and preventing images along roads. (Road signs.)
5. The place where the roads are “found”. (Crossroads.)
6. They do not drive him. (Sidewalk.)
7. It can be on Earth, and underground, and above the ground. (Transition.)
8. The driver drives him. (Automobile.)
9. Both a car and a bird have. (Wing.)
10. It determines the speed of the car. (Speedometer.)
11. Place of rest and storage for vehicles. (Garage.)
12. Road controller. (Traffic police inspector)
13. A big fan of speeds. (Likhach.)
14. Stop remedy. (Brake.)

Second contra-victor

1. What is the movement in Russia: left or right-handed? (Right -handed.)
2. Is it possible to go to the pedestrian if the yellow light has caught fire? (No, you need to stand.)
3. Where can you cross the carriageway? (At the traffic lights, where the “Pedestrian crossing” sign is installed, there is a road marking of a pedestrian crossing (zebra), according to the underpass.)
4. What does this sign mean? (In turn, signs come out - actors, and students talk about the appointment of everyone. You can add several more signs.)
5. If a traffic light burns at the transition, and the traffic police inspector also leads the movement, then whose signals will you listen to? (Traffic police inspector)

Third competition - riddles

1. On the wheels of a miracle house,
They go to work in it,
And on vacation, to study.
And he is called ... .. (bus.)

2. I rush along the street, I famously,
But the driver holds the steering wheel tightly.
I do not eat porridge, but gasoline.
And I am called ... (car.

3. Red circle and triangle,
Blue quadrangle,
Help, forbid,
We all know about the road,
Where is the danger, where are the ravines.
And we are called just ... (signs.)

4. On the asphalt road
The cars are shod on the legs.
Let the rubber too much
Very strong ... (tires.)

5. does not fly, does not buzz -
The beetle runs along the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.
The beetle has a motor and wings.
His name is ... (car.)
6. They know everything for sure
Three road lights.
Red, yellow and green
We are burning on ... (traffic light.)

The traffic police inspector:
Well, guys, well done!
Congratulations from the heart!
In conclusion with congratulations
Putting a certificate,
That every class will become
Pedestrians now!

They are awarded to each class of passports of pedestrians.
The phonogram for the song "If a friend has gone on."

We are the streets, friends,
We are the streets, friends,
We go without fear
Because you and me
Because you and me
They studied cool

Traffic light, transition,
Where back, where forward
The young pedestrian knows everything!
How to go on a zebra,
So that the trouble is not to find
SPDs will help on the way!

Commander Yuid: On this, dear first graders,

The traffic police inspector: Young pedestrians,

Commander Yuid: We are finishing our holiday! We hope that on the way you will always burn only the green light!

Traffic light: I am safe for you!

Video: Flashmob first graders

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