Scenarios of ecologically fairy tales - for preschoolers, schoolchildren, roles: Best selection

Scenarios of ecologically fairy tales - for preschoolers, schoolchildren, roles: Best selection

A collection of environmental fairy tales for children in roles.

Ecological fairy tale for children in roles - "Moth and a living droplet"

Ecological fairy tale for children in roles - moths and a living droplet
Ecological fairy tale for children in roles - "Moth and a living droplet"

Environmental fairy tale for children in roles - “Moth and a living droplet”:

1. Living droplet
2. Moth
3. Forest animals
4. Author
5. Planet Earth

Ecological fairy tale
We offer you
Environmental heroes
Immediately imagine.

The music “Little Country” sounds.

A living drop is our main hero.
Good, brave, fair,
And in the matters is tireless.

He meets in the way
Different obstacles,
But he will be able to overcome
Enemies of all without mercy.

(A living drop appears)

Moth is his assistant.
Everywhere nearby, everywhere with him.
Like Sancho Pansa - a faithful friend,
So moth is always on the road.

(Moth appears)

Action 1

Living droplet:
I went down to you from the clouds
Stained, utterly,
Seeing the earth, I was surprised
That the world of earthly has changed so much!
Large pipes are smoking around,
Throwing harmful gas,
Closing all the sun from us.
We, droplets in the sky is bad.
We have become dirty, we are sad,
That the clouds are less and less moisture
More and more sulfuric acid.

When the rains come from heaven,
“Acid” calls them people,
And once it was mushroom rain,
And once there was a blind rain,
Now one acidic.
From these rains around
The herbs are getting more and more.

Living droplet:
And how are the flowers? And how are the meadows?
And how are the meadow and forests?


It became not easy for them too.
After all, instead of droplets of the living
That everyone brings joy,
Such muck flies on them,
That leaves, herbs and flowers
Lose the charm of beauty,
But only dry, melt ...
And the green in the middle of the summer is brown.

Living droplet:
But this cannot continue
Here it is necessary to take measures.

How to be the mind I can’t know! (grabs the head).

Music (“If for a long time, long, long!”).

Living droplet:
And I'll tell you now:
Let's go on the road.

But, Chur, we walk only in the leg,
And I lay the way!

They go to the music. (Sounds of twitter of birds, forests).

Action 2. In the forest.

Living droplet:
In the forest at first glance, calmly
Birds chirp, everything blooms.
The trees lined up harmoniously,
Their stream flows in their roots.

Do not rush to draw a conclusion.
Let's see further what's what.
Such grace is only a reason
Check the forest, and what to it
In the district, it is closely attached.
Moreover, the river proceeds here.

Living droplet:
Let's go further, moth. (Leave)

Friends held hands tightly,
The further path, outlining aptly.
Suddenly in the clearing of a stalk
Attracted attention with a sad look

What are you sad, a forest friend,
Hanged the petals sadly?
What did you think about?
Tell me rather, do not be sad.

Oh, be trouble! In our forest,
In a sunny clearing -
The fire is on fire!
Around him - and the garbage is full - full.
Tourists did everything.
They did not clean the place,
Fall asleep with fire, fall asleep,
With a cheerful song gathered
And they got home.

Living droplet:
Oh, moths, we fly soon, we extinguish the bonfire.

But there are very few our strengths.
What will we do together?!

Living droplet:
What are you together!
After all, there is a river, it is full
Assistants- drops.
I'll call all my sisters
Fire will instantly shut up.

The sounds of wind, thunderstorms are heard.

A drop of clouds took off
And the foliage suddenly rustled,
The wind rose with a thunderstorm
The rain poured a stormy wall.
The fire went out. All saved.
The beast and the bird are rejoiced.
And in the clearing all the flowers
Suddenly they began to have fun!

Flower dance is performed

Action 3. On the river, the sounds of the murmur of water.

Ah yes, sisters! Well done!
We came to your aid.

Living droplet:
Yes, they themselves are not easy.
Have you seen the river? Shores?
This is not a fairy tale where the river
Completely consists of milk
And where are the jelly shores ...

Nearby, the plant stands.
One pipe smokes all day,
And from another pipe with might and main
The waste is poured, and pour and pour.

Living droplet:
But how do the fish live there,
Not seeing pure moisture?

What are the fish? They really are not.
For a long time everyone was poisoned.

Living droplet:
And people decided to do so
That this vile pipe
Will the river destroy the river forever?
And the birds have nowhere to nest.
Where to withdraw your chicks?

Nature must be helped
We'll have to take measures. (Leave).

Music "Beautiful far ..."

(Forest animals run out).
Friends called all animals;
Birds, insects, swans,
Owl, bear and moose.
They raised me to my feet
And the whole world is pouring around
The plug was screwed tightly,
And the path of poison blocked.

Planet Earth comes out.

In distant space rushing,
Blue planet flies.
She blooms, fragrant,
Sparkling with pristine purity.
She laughs, enjoying
The sun of the sun, bathing in the smiles of children,
In bird's singing, in murmur
Forest stream!

So what to do to us, this
To transform this world?

Living droplet:
To transform this world,
His friends must be loved! (Chorus)

Music. "Do not tease the dogs." All the heroes of the fairy tale sing, holding hands.

Environmental tales for preschoolers - "Forest Assembly"

Environmental tales for preschoolers - Forest Assembly
Environmental tales for preschoolers - "Forest Assembly"

Environmental tales for preschoolers - “Forest Assembly”:

Wolf hungry wandered through the forest
Half a day, half -hot,
And buried his gray muzzle
In the ad on the pine:

Wolf: (reads)
“You need to discuss the problem -
Our death on the nose
Get ready, animals, together
At a meeting in the forest! "
By the way, to the same way, with a clubfoot
I decided about the meeting
Something urgently needs to be done,
There is no strength to live so anymore:
On the tail of a shirt news
The forest flew around in an instant
Causing the animal of the forest
Unknown interest.
The poor fellow reached out
Who is lame and who is sick,
Dragging legs through the forest
In a clearing under a pine tree.

I gathered you here, animals,
To solve together,
How can we be and what to do,
How can we live with you.
Our people cut down the forest,
Slips to the sides fly,
They do not remove it,
Everywhere they are litter, dangled.
We are destroyed,
They kill from a gun
All living things are exterminated
You can’t live like that.
Since it will continue
Comes, relatives, a chance
In the Red Book to be
Soon each of us.
Speak, animals, boldly,
Speak everything as it is
Maybe people will hear us
And finally will wake up.

So on the heart was painful,
I will not find words from grief
My nest burned down
Together with the brood of chicks.
A man will throw a cigarette butt
And he will not look back
That behind him is a high bonfire
The forest is burning and burning.

About the edge of the tin can
I cut off yesterday
This is in a forest clearing
The kids were resting.
Banks, bottles scattered,
Scattered here and there,
And now you will find it hardly
The place where we should come.

I got into the trap again,
He could barely break out.
All to the blood broke up,
Miraculously, I remained intact.
There is no living place in me
It aches and hurts everywhere
There was once a thunderstorm of the forest
And now I am a disabled person.

You even, gray, survived,
And the fox is more offensive than everyone
In trouble, mine got
I have a fluffy redhead fur.
Every day you are afraid of all,
After all, in any wonderful moment
Or you will turn into a hat,
Or in a red -haired collar.

And they shot me yesterday,
They shot on the run
I have a crazy bullet
He still sits on his side.
Who will I leave for
Their little guys -
Newborns and glorious
My lovely boar.

The oak of the native was cut down yesterday
Together with the squabble hollow,
There were grown -ups,
Sitting in his nest.
No mushrooms and nor cones
I will not bring them,
I'm a place for myself
I will not find in my native forest.

I have a wound from glasses
Blood oozes on the grass,
It is still so early to die
And from pain I roar.
People have lost conscience
The forest was pledged around
Broken bottles everywhere,
Garbage and scrap metal.

Almost yesterday I was poisoned
After drinking water from the stream,
Someone washed the car in it,
Is it possible, friends?
Pour sewage
Oil, waste and fuel oil,
Soon in rivers and lakes
All fish will disappear.

Dies everything from greedy
Human hand,
Soon from the native forest
There will be only one hemp.

Man in his desires
It is not considered anything.
It destroys everything around
Without thinking - why.

We, animals, decided
Turn to, people, to you -
To human, reasonable
The highest creatures.

Really completely cooled
The kindness of your hearts
You are also part of nature, too,
Remember, finally!

Kill without looking,
All living things on earth,
Everything that feeds and nourishes
Life gives you and me.

To do so unreasonable
You can’t with nature,
Otherwise it will be too late
And the whole earth will die.

We ask you - awaken
And wake up from sleep
And, in the end, understand -
That our land is alone.

- Take care of the earth, people,
- The land where we all live,
- After all, we will not have another,

ALL: Earth is our native home!

Environmental fairy tale for school -age children

Environmental fairy tale for school -age children
Environmental fairy tale for school -age children

Ecological fairy tale for school -age children:

1. Plastic bag.
2. A rag bag.
3. Guy.
4. Girl.
5. Sellers with products

The first scene. Acquaintance.

Package: Helou! Bonzhur! Ola! Hello!
I am a fashionable plastic bag!
I stand a little! I am accommodating a lot!
I wear purchases from the store to the threshold!

Bag: Hi all! I'm smart -
A rag bag!
I do not mate and do not heavier.
I give the hostesses comfort!

Package: Oh my god, what a boredom -
Rush with a village bag.
You, dear, have long been not in fashion!
Potatoes are collected in you in the garden!

Bag: You are a brother, right, too strict.
Do you often go behind the threshold?
As soon as the purchases are taken out of you,
So immediately they throw it on the trash.

Package: I'm sorry, what?! Dare?! Then we will arrange a dispute -
Which of us will be faster to sign the verdict!
Bag: I agree. Deal! Let a person decide
Which of the two of us he trusts more!
They beat hands and diverge in different directions.

The second scene. Package and the owner.
The guy enters, the package runs joyfully and helpfully Semen.

Guy: Bread, milk, sausages, chips, cheese -
Eh, I’ll download a feast to the glory today.
Bring the bolder, package, moved faster.
Yes, only on the road do not break.

Package: Yes, you will not please you, the owner to worry.
I can manage anyone with a burden.
I am dexterous and strong, beautiful and very fashionable.
I will remove any cargo and in any weather.

Guy: Well, they came. Rather, unload.
Yes, you will go to the landfill.
Package: Leave me. I will come in handy.
After all, I am still strong, and for a long time I do not break.

Guy: Store you? Yes, it's funny.
Such as you around are full.
I will buy a new one in a new store.
And you rolled out into the street, Razin.

Dive in different directions, the guy, cheerfully singing, and sobbing the bag.

The scene is the third. Handbag and mistress.

A girl enters, leads a handbag and begins to choose purchases.

Young woman: Bread, coffee, milk, sausages, cheese -
Tonight I will arrange a parish feast.
I boast, what a mistress I am.
Hey, handbag, buy purchases.

Bag: Do not worry, dear mistress.
I can handle work, I'm not a lazy person.
After all, we are friends - do not spill water.
I'm ready to serve you always.

Young woman: I will wash you tomorrow and stroke
I will decorate with new beads on top.
And let them search a whole continent -
There are no more people in the world.
They take hands and leave together.

The fourth scene. New meeting.

Bag and bag come out of different wings. A handbag with new bows, the package is dirty and in some places torn.

Package: Oh grief to me! But how to live further?
Twist to the homeless through the streets?
I am chased by Zabiyak-Veeter,
They scold the wipers, the children kick.

They tell me - I'm to blame for everything.
They tell me that I am both dirt and poison.
That I poison the earth, air, water,
And from me neither a smoke nor go.

You won, congratulations take.
Bag: No! I just have a mistress.
She comes up with different methods,
In order not to destroy nature!

Turns to the hall:
Friends, remember not to produce garbage,
Know how to cherish the package.
So as not to wallow at a dump,
Try to dispose of them wisely.

Package: I could bring more benefit.
Ah, if you could save me.

Here all participants in the performance go on stage:

Together: Extending life to the usual package,
We solder the planet from pollution.

Ecological fairy tale "Gray hat" - script

Ecological fairy tale gray hat - script
Ecological fairy tale "Gray hat" - script

Ecological fairy tale "Gray hat" - script:

- Gray hat
- Red Wolf
- Flowers
- Droplets
- Zaychat - 3 children
- Butterfly
- Bee
- Photo monkeys

A gray hat appears:
Music "Sounds of Forest"
How glorious is always in the forest!
What a beauty!
I'm in a hurry to my grandmother,
I carry pies,
A piece of olive in a package
I'm walking boldly along the path
No one is terrible to me
And the song is beloved
I always sing everywhere

Music "Sound of Rain"

Oh, something frowns,
The cloud is approaching.
We must stand under the umbrella,
The rain begins ...
Dance of droplets.
While droplets are dancing

A gray hat sits on a foam under an umbrella eats sweets and rubbish.

Gray hat:
Here the rain has stopped
A clear day has come again
Rest so good here
I'll be in the forest
For the grandmother of flowers I will tear off

1 hare: We love to run and jump.
Play each other's hide and seek

2 hare: Wander, laugh laugh
And never lose heart

They jump to the music, play catch -up.

3 hare: Oh trouble, quickly save!
Call the doctor here
I stepped on something
My paw is poor!

It turns out, the gray wolf:
Good afternoon, animals,
Lovely bunnies!
Why not download
And what are you crying about?

1 hare: We injured the paws
About tin cans!

3 hare: Someone broke the glass here,
It crashed into the foot!

Red Wolf: Oh, how disgusting! Ah how badly!
Someone is very angry, probably
I visited the forest,
I scattered garbage everywhere!
We will bring the doctor to the doctor,
And then we’ll remove it together!

Everyone leaves. A butterfly flies, a bee

Butterfly: Ah, have you found at least one flower?

Someone visited the forest here,
Garbage, fantics scattered,
Here and there he tore flowers there,
The rest - trampled!
We will not find anything here,
We don't stock up on honey!
A gray hat comes out on one side, a red wolf on the other side.

Red Wolf: Who has visited the forest here,
The garbage scattered everywhere
Here and there I tore off the flowers
The rest - trampled!

Gray hat: I walked in the forest
I rested under the birch
I drank juice and ate sweets,
Why do you need all this?

Red Wolf: How not a shame for you a gray hat
Our forest is so good
And you do not protect him!

Gray hat: Why protect it?
Think one candy wrapped ...
But the flowers cannot be counted, there are how much it is.

The music sounds includes 2 boys and a photographic girl, a gray hat hides a slingshot.

Gray hat: Hurray, hunters! We have extra wolves in the forest!

Photo monster: We are not just hunters - we are photo mores.
2 - oh - We are looking for a forest in which plants and animals are still preserved.
Red Wolf: So you are from the program “in the world of animals” - the wolf was delighted - let me take a picture with you as a keepsake.
3rd - With pleasure we will show you on TV.
Gray hat: Oh, take a picture of me and me, and I am a red cap of a red hat!
1st - We photograph only those who are friends with nature!
You give you a gray hat with the book "Rules of the conduct of guests in the forest."
Gray hat: But if I am a guest, and then who is the master of this forest?
2nd photo more: The owner is the one who protects it, for whom the forest is a native house.
Photo monkeys handed the Wolf the medal "For the Protection of Nature" and presented the Red Book.

Gray hat (removes garbage):
Forgive me!
I will guard the forest!
To remove garbage everywhere!
And I will not tear flowers
I won't forget about animals

A butterfly, bee, bunnies come out.

If you go for a walk
Go across the field
And weave the wreath so far
You are not in a hurry.
Look around, grow
Basilka, chamomile.
You are not in a hurry to disrupt them
Libe with the heart.

Flowers give us medicine
They are doctors of the Green Kingdom.

1st: In our forest
Nice to relax
But garbage after all
Do not forget to remove!
Then in the forest everywhere, always
There will be comfort and cleanliness!

2nd: We will love nature
We will live together with nature.

3rd: And then at any time of the year
Nature will please us!
Photo monkeys take pictures of everyone.

Environmental tale about garbage - script

Environmental tale about garbage - script
Environmental tale about garbage - script

Ecological fairy tale about garbage - script:

Characters:Butterfly, ants, garbage.
Decor: Music, image of forest, garbage, broom, scoop, garbage bags.

Ant 1: Our favorite forest -
These are pines to heaven,
Birch and oaks,
Berries, mushrooms ...

Ant 2: Silver lily of the valley
The air is clean - clean
And spring with lively
Key water.

Ant 1: From dawn to dawn
Ants follow the forest
Lumberjacks all day
They disassemble the old stump
And the construction detachment
Gathering chips in a row.

Ant 2: Like doctors, forests of the Earth,
The ants are cleared.
We will quickly remove the garbage,
We will put the forest in order.

(Music sounds, a butterfly appears on the stage)

Butterfly: I wake up early in the morning
I smile at the sun.
I wash myself, wipe it
I always eat right.
I dress carefully
I'm going for a walk.

(Butterfly drinks nectar, eats sweets and throws candy wrappers. Garbage appears)

Trash: I am Sir Muser famous,
I am cheerful and rich
And about me everywhere, they say everywhere.
My clothes are gold, silver boots,
My possessions are great on land and in the water.
Everyone who throws garbage everywhere,
Health and joy gives me.

(Ants come, in their hands they have brooms and scoops, garbage bags)

Trash: Oh, oh, oh, ant!
They came to clean me!

(Ants begin to remove garbage)

Ant 1: And we remove the garbage,
We do not throw pieces of paper.
We will carefully remove the forest
And cleanly - purely, we get out.

Ant 2: We like cleanliness
We have beauty in the forest!

(Notice garbage that hides behind a butterfly)

Ants: We are cleanly, we are friends with the order,
(And we do not need garbage at all.

Ant 1: We will undress it now
And we will not regret at all.
Well, Sir Muser, hold on-
Better do not fight with us.

(Ants take off clothes from garbage and put in a garbage bag)

Garbage (in horror): Oh, don't touch me!
Where are you my friends?
Neither helping or support -
Lost his clothes.
Lost his wealth -
How can I be, where to go?

Ant 2: You, butterfly, are no longer trash here.
The forest is our common house, it must be protected!

Butterfly: We live together on the planet ...
This planet is our common home ...
Fast rivers and the blue sea ...
Forest and clearing, and distant mountains ...
House for a hare, a deer house ...
House for a dolphin, whale and seal.

Together: Our planet sheltered everyone.
Only for garbage there is no place here!
Our natural house will not destroy,
Sir Muser drive in the neck!
Let's all say goodbye:
Goodbye, goodbye!
Forest, grow to the joy of people,
We will love you, after all,
Dark forest, wonderful forest,
Full fairy tales and miracles!

A fairy tale on an environmental theme - "Rowan" for a theatrical production

A fairy tale on an environmental theme - mountain ash
A fairy tale on an environmental theme - "Rowan" for a theatrical production

A fairy tale on the environmental theme is “Rowaning” for the theater production:

Berries I don't eat tastier
I was afraid, I will not have time
Without me forest people
The whole mountain ash will wrap.

Leading: She cried, groaned in pain as a mountain ash. (Crying.)

They heard the forest animals that the mountain ash was crying, and hurried to the rescue.

Who cries so bitterly?
Hedgehog, what does all this mean?

There you know better from the branch, but ask the neighbor,
Maybe she knows what
All day in the forest flies.
(Squirrel screams forty.)

Hey Magpie, Taurka,
From high you see vigilantly
Who is jealous there plaintively
Is he calling us to the rescue?

I see, I see, there is a mountain ash
Rolon tears on the grass

Forest is our house.
We live together.
You need to help each other.
In a hurry, friends, we can’t hesitate.

(Run up to the mountain ash, the bear hides behind the bush.)

Oh, poor mountain ash.
Wipe the tears soon.
What happened, tell me? Who offended, show me?

(Rowan is crying, Magpie wants to sit on a twig, notes the broken one.)

Carrraul, Skorrray, Skorrey
The branch is broken in her.

You need to inspect the wound
Who broke it?
Not you, Bear?

No, maybe this is a hedgehog?

You won't spend me
There is someone's wool of Klok,
Who has side to the side? (Tries.)
How not embarrassed, clubfoot
The side covered with a huge paw.
Did you break the mountain ash? Answer! (The bear nods.)

Hedgehog: I knew that.

I am accidental, so insulting.
I myself am very ashamed.
What to do, what to do
How to treat mountain ash?

I live in the forest all a century
I saw how a person
The branch treated the tree,
I cut off the twig,
So that the tree does not dry
I put clay to the wound.

You need to ask the bunny
Excusely bite the branch.
You run the bear for clay (threatens with your finger)
Do not go long long.

(Animals treat the wound in mountain ash)

Pock: Thank you, friends!
Now I am in order
And you are like this:
“Love your dear forest.
Do not break the trees
And don't offend the birds
Do not destroy the animals
Protect the flowers. "

A fairy tale in the ecological way - "Living water"

A fairy tale in the ecological way -
A fairy tale in the ecological way - "Living water"

A fairy tale in the ecological way - “Living Water”:

Against the background of the sounds of nature: the ringing of a stream and singing of birds. On the screen are shots from the cartoon "Ruchek". Beasts walk in a clearing, by the river.

Zaichikha: And the heart will clog tremblingly,
Hearing the ringing of a stream at noon.
We are for nature - just children
We are daughters and sons.

She is children, like a mother,
The care of tender is surrounded.
Pamper: feeds, saturates,
Pures pure water.

Bunny: I love to walk around the grass
There are cabbage sheets ...
Drink transparent water,
Run, jump by the river.

Bear: Well, I like to fish,
In quiet wands of streams.
Collect and there is raspberries,
Among raspberry bushes.

Bear: It's good that our river
And transparent and pure ...
And around the river, everywhere,
Reserved places.

A boy comes to the clearing, he has a net in his hands. He looks at the clearing with curiosity. Then he sits on a stump, opens a bag with chips, eats.

Leading: Lived and there was a boy Vova,
In appearance, the guy was intelligent:
The girls did not offend
And he managed to study.
He was an artist at concerts,
Well, he came to the forest by a tourist:
Go over the river
And fry the barbecue.

(After the words: “He came a tourist,” Vova throws a bag into the water.)

Bear: How much garbage is a boy
I drowned in our river!
I restrained myself barely-
There was no strength to growl.
And in truth, I wanted
Scare the bully!
From now on, so that he does not even try
Flaw our water.

Zaichikha: See how a boy
He cut off all the flowers!
It would be necessary to teach him a lesson
It is a pity that you did not grow up.

Leading: An hour later, the prankster Vova was at home again.

(Vova at home. In the room is a bed and a sink with a tap.)

Vova: I came home from the forest
As I am interested in the forest:
You can catch butterflies
You can take the fish in the river,
Can be in a forest clearing
In the summer to breed a fire.
There are firewood everywhere,
The beaver prepared them.
And pick up flowers.
The beauty! And grace!
Well, I'll go, I’ll wash my hands
And it's time to go to bed.

(Vova washes his hands. Lies in the bed.)

Ouch! I dreamed something
I forgot to close the water crane.
I'm tired! I'm lazy guys,
Get up and go to the bathroom.
And besides, I noticed
That the river is full of water!
Well, let it flow from the tap
After all, there will be no trouble.

(Vova falls asleep and sees a dream. He is again on the banks of the river. Fish splashes in the water. Fishermen sit in pajamas and fish) sit on the shore)

Song: "Fisherman Fisherman"

Rybaks instead of fish catch garbage from the river. Horrified and leaving.
Vova is left alone and sees the terrible consequences of not a respect for water: the river narrows, turns into a thin stream and disappears.

Presenter: If we open the taps
And forget to close them,
Then there will be no water in the river:
There will be nowhere to take fish,
There will be nowhere to swim,
There is nothing to water the beds,
There will be nothing to wash,
And rinse the linen ...
Without water will dry out: steppes,
Both lawns and forests ...
Everyone will die: fish, animals ...
Bird voices are silent.
Everything will turn into a desert!
And the trouble will comprehend everyone!

The dance of fishing from thirst for fish.

Frog: I, a frog-jumper,
But I need water.
If the whole river dries,
My kids are trouble!
They will not leave this river -
They have no legs like fish
Without water, they will disappear.
(The frog faints).

Zaichikha: Oh, trouble! Trouble! Trouble!
All animals need water:
And get drunk and wash,
And protect against heat.
If you do not pour cabbage
The garden will be empty!
How do I feed the rabbits,
My little guys?
(Bunny falls in tears)

Bear: We love fish, we are bears
We love: raspberries, honey ...
Without water, not only fish
And raspberries are not growing.
(The bear cries, bowing his head and closing his face with his paws)

Leading: What have you done, Vova?
They were all healthy yesterday:
The fish swam in the rapids,
Funny in the abyss.
And a frog, on a bump,
I watched my son:
The tadpoles are young
He jumped into the pool head.
Bunnies ate, with a crunch,
Very juicy cabbage.
And the bear bathed the children,
Thick bear cubs.
The forest woke up with a smile,
Did good deeds
And today, at the birch,
The foliage crumbles.

(During reading poetry, Vova approaches each character, strokes, sympathizes, tries to help).

Vova: I did not close the valve of the crane,
And now the wound is on the heart.
They suffered from me:
The whole family is frog
Both a hare and a hare,
And the bear and the cubs,
Both trees and bushes,
And cabbage and flowers ...

Vova wakes up in horror. Runes and closes the valve of the crane. He goes to the river and removes all the garbage. On stage, everything begins to come to life in the reverse order.

The song "And the river runs along the pebbles."
On the screen are shots from the cartoon "Ruchek".

Presenter: Admire, old -timers,
Our fish came to life again.
Vova cleaned cleanly
There is no garbage anywhere.
Fish swim, dive
In pure sunny water.

Frog: KVA! They returned to us back
Our river and water.
KVA! I am happy, kids!

Zaichikha: The side passed the trouble
Hello, good water!
The river will give water to clouds -
The rain will pour a lot.
There will be a generous crop
Hare cabbage.

Bear: We will swim again
With cubs in the river.
We will collect raspberries
And walk on Zhezhk.

Presenter: See how birches
They started up by the river.
And under the bright summer sun
Shine like beacons.
Apparently, they turned on again
In the world cycle:
Absorb dust and gases,
Release - oxygen.

Vova: Oh! Friends, I give you a word
That there will be no longer Vova
Clog your river -
To take your happiness.
I will not turn it on more crane
For full force, without need.
I will try, earth
Do not leave without water.

Leading: We need to protect the cleanliness of the river,
The stream that proceeds in the neighborhood.
“Living silver” is an invaluable gift!
So people often call water.

Children's ecological fairy tale - "Lukomorye"

Children's ecological fairy tale -
Children's ecological fairy tale - "Lukomorye"

Children's ecological fairy tale - "Lukomorye":

A frustrated cat comes out, sits on a stump with his back to the audience.

Oak comes out:
- At the Lukomorye oak green;
Golden chain on oak Tom:
Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything walks around the chain around.
- Hey cat, it's time to tell a fairy tale!

The cat brushes away:
- What fairy tales are there, do not see what is going on? Everyone hid.
A goblin appears in the background. He collects garbage.

- How nobody? There is an oak. There is a cat. There, the goblin wanders. Everything is like Pushkin.

- At Pushkin: "The mermaid is sitting on the branches!" Where is she? In the hollow she hid.

Calls the mermaid:
- Come on, peep! Tell me what happened?

The mermaid peeps out and hides again:
- the herd of the guys ran
Exactly 10 times in a row.
So shouted. So shouted
The nests from the branches all fell.
Disco! Well well!
I don’t understand anything!
The goblin is suitable, shows garbage, sighs:
- Traces of unseen beasts.
Oak and cat are examined, nod sadly.

Goblin continues:
- I live here for almost a hundred years-
I guard the forest from troubles.
I am a man - at least where.
And in our forest - trouble!

It turns out, leaning on a ski stick, a woman - Yaga.

- Well, again ... (angry) with Pushkin: “There there is a stupa with a butter - Yaga goes, wanders itself - what is it? (shows to the stick) Where is the stupa?

Baba - Yaga:
Where will I get a miracle?
Our forest is all in smoke!

Something pulled smoke ....
The barbecue smelled slightly! (stroking the stomach)

Baba - Yaga:
Apparently, people were here,
They did not remove it!
How much garbage around!
Our green friend is sick!

Yes, it seems not sweet here
Oh, look, right there!
Banks, bottles and paper!
You need to do something urgently!

Baba - Yaga:
Wow, now we will turn around.
In our forest, we will take it.
Come on, help. (Goblin leaves with Baby - Yaga.)

- The unclean force is busy with a useful business. Who else do we still have?

“The king of Koschey over the Zlata is getting sick.”
I sold part of the forest for a chemical plant.
Now the trees dry out
Beetles, midges disappear.

Together with them, even birds:
Woodpeckers, nightingales, bits.
All the beast has grown.
So many lives have ruined!

The oak shakes in fear:
- A person will be boldly destroyed by what is created by labor.
He does the job first, but he thinks later.
The wolf runs.

- And this is where? Probably, the princess from her tower saw something terrible.
Korolevich with the king appear. (Korolevich drags a barely moving king.)

Oak with a cat together:
- Who are you?

The king puts a crumpled crown on his head, and Korolevich puts a fragment of a sword to the king:
- And so who is similar to?
Oak with a cat help to put the king on stumps.

- The legs barely carried away from the fire.
But many were not saved:
Insects, ptaska poor,
A lot of larch and cedar
I killed a forest fire.

- And the fault is bonfire,
Divorced him once
On the dry grass are guys.
The cat breaks up to run.
- I can't sit here.
It is urgent - to save the forest!
The wolf runs out, rests:

- Everything, I managed, I called for help: Uncle Black Sea with his squad is stewed, they pour the sorcerer with a hero from above.

The mermaid looks:
- Living here it became scary.
You need to do something urgently.
All the heroes appear.
- Cat, you're a scientist. What to do?

The cat is conceived, and then pronounces with enthusiasm:
- I am an urgent decree:
I forbid fires
Tear flowers and spoil the herbs.
Factories- turn into flower beds,
To a person is to be!
We will take hands, friends, so that happiness lives on the planet,
And we will make to ourselves everything that everyone dreams of.

- So that the forest and the sea do not score.

The river was teeming with a fish.

- So that the birds sang over us.

- And the clouds were clean.

Baba - Yaga:
- You need to think about the future, trying to implement innovations

- Human, kind to be reasonable, using, not to ruin.

To step in life is subtle, smart, because an echo carries every step.

- And who did not think about the future, that, alas, does not wait for that.

Speaking of an ecological fairy tale - "Romashkino Happiness"

Speaking of an ecological fairy tale -
Speaking of an ecological fairy tale - "Romashkino Happiness"

Speaking of an ecological fairy tale - "Romashkino Happiness":

Heroes of fairy tales: chamomile, bees, river, wind, earth, eco-squam.

On the hill near the ravine,
Where a stream rustles below,
The chamomile was going to bloom
Among sunlight.
Thin stem, leaflets
It pulls thick from the grass.
The petals are tightly compressed
In a small bud tight.

How beautiful! How wonderful!
How interesting everything is!

(bee dance)

You rather bloom!
And give nectar bees!

Mother, the earth is damp,
My roots are eating
Help me blossom
The joy of bring bees.

How I would like to help.
Only yesterday is idle
Here the picnic was arranged.
Someone poured the stake here,
The packages were scattered
And the car was washed.
All the muck has gone into the ground.
What would I give now?
A bunch of pesticides?
Believe them, do not!

I will open the petals!
River, river, help!
Give me the water cool to me.
I will become beautiful, okay.

I would give you water.
I am bad.
Trutty waters flow
In them, both garbage and fuel oil.
Chamomile! Such
Your bud will not blossom.

It's a pity! How to be? What should I do?
Who will help me in trouble?
Wind, wind, quickly
Owl with fresh air!

I would be glad to help the flower
Only, apparently, I can’t.
There, in the forest, a fire in the forest.
I am caring in myself
Smog. My air will be poisonous!

The fire runs along the branches.
To die a flower is visible.
How scared I am! How insulting!

(falls to the ground) (dance of the tongues of flame, they are driven away by the guys from the eco -detachment, watering from the the thekle)

The fire is extinguished! The forest is saved!
Nature is damaged.
Poor chamomile. Look!

I beg you, you will help me!

Tell us, what is the problem?
You, my friend, will save you.

To dissolve the petals to me,
The flower is real,
We need water and soil strength
And so that everything was clean around.
Let the wind wears clean air
Let the sun shine brightly in the sky.

Well, then, let's get down to business.
And then the work boiled.
(tidy to music)

The fire is extinguished, the garbage is cleaned.
And the rain helped us in work.
Look, chamomile, how beautiful!
There are fish splashing in the water.

(chamomile blooms)

What a beauty!

Thanks to everyone!

(song, music from the song of the cat Leopold)

The rain went barefoot on the ground.
Maples clapped on the shoulders.
2p. When everything is clean, this is good.
And when, on the contrary, it is bad.
For nature, you are a best friend, be,
Protect her boldly.
2p. Let the gardens bloom. This is good.
So that with joy the earth sang.

Final words:
The beauty of nature depends on us.
The earth is beautiful! Only save!
Crystally clean will be in the rivers of water,
And freshness blows from the earth.
Let the flowers dissolve the flowers
And they delight with their beauty.
Let every resident on the planet know:
Much depends on you and me.

Funny environmental tales for children - "Fairy Tale about the city of wonderful"

Funny fairy tales environmental for children - a fairy tale about the city of a wonderful
Funny environmental tales for children - "Fairy Tale about the city of wonderful"

Funny environmental tales for children - “The Tale of the City of the Wonderful”:

1 child, 1st buffoon
2 child, 2nd buffoon
Tsar red fish
Queen, people (3 ribs)

Children come to the stage.

1 Reb. On the planet year from year
Man harms nature
And he did not understand, eccentric,
That nature is not a trifle!

2 Reb. He is used to conquering everything
And he cannot understand:
After all, he harms himself.
The fairy tale speaks of this.

Fanfares sound. Buffoons appear.

1 buffoon: Attention! Attention!
Dear viewers!
Boys and girls,
Do you want a fairy tale?

2 buffoon: There was a land near the sea
She was called Astrakhan.
All in green spaces.
Oh! What a pleasure
In the wonderful those fields for a walk,
Breathe in clean air!

1 buffoon: Wandering along the shore,
Drink pure that water.
Volga fish is seething there,
Red fish is teeming.

2 buffoon: The city ruled the city,
Hardly sovereign.

The king comes out with the queen.

1 buffoon: He ruled for a long time, but soon
The river began to dry,
Money was missing.

The king and the queen sit on the throne. Buffoons become on the sides.

Tsar: What to do? That's how grief!
So we are impoverished soon!
How to increase income?

Queen: Maybe the factory is jammed?
Let oil pumps out of the ground
Yes, he refuels in cars.

Tsar: And the day of the day
They will flow to me as a river!

The queen and the king are dancing.

1 buffoon: The king makes his decree:

Tsar: "To build a plant this hour!"

2 buffoon: And the whole city is shocking,
There was a drill!

Queen: Oil from the bowels of the Earth is pumping,
They send abroad.
And the day of the day
We flowed into the treasury of the river.

Tsar: The king believes everything,
He is watching the farm.

The king counts the coins.

1 buffoon: There would be a fairy tale and finish
Yes, the people are very alarmed

2 buffoon: And come to bow,
They beat the king with a brow.

The people come in - 2 girls and 1 guy dressed in village sundresses and shirts).

1 girl: Oh, you are our wise king,
A crime sovereign!
The core is a wonderful city, a miracle,
It became very difficult for us in it.

2 girl: Groves spent day after day,
Pouring a reservoir with dirt,
Sour rain knocks on the roofs,
The stump of birds has not been heard for a long time.

Guy: All living things die.
Tsar! Our city is disappearing!

1 buffoon: And behind them
The fish will bow to him.
Red fish appears.

Red fish: Dirt is drained into the rivers,
Everything dies from her.
If you do not get into the network,
So you will choke in the waste.
It became very bad to live here
We must swim soon from here!

The fish "floats".

Tsar: What to do, what should I do?
How not to destroy the city?

Queen: To save your city,
Go to the sage soon!

Music sounds. The king goes to the sage.

Tsar: Dear you are my sage,
Tell me, finally
The city so as not to ruin
What should I do? What do i do?

Sage: Close a drill!
The sewers here build,
Limit fishing,
Increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe forest!
Follow the discharges, follow
So that air and water
They were always clean!

1 buffoon: Since the king was very wise,
Our city remained wonderful!

2 buffoon: A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint,
Good fellows lesson!

1 buffoon: It sounds over the whole planet:
"Take this land!"
All the characters of the fairy tale come to the music.

All: We must protect all nature!
If we do not protect it,
We will destroy ourselves!

The song "You take care of nature!"

Ecological fairy tale "Teremok"

Ecological tale Teremok
Ecological fairy tale "Teremok"

Ecological fairy tale "Teremok":

Before you is a clearing clearing,
All beautiful, at least small
Admire, what flowers!
And the trees are big, big!
Birds of songs love to sing here
Maybe a butterfly, a beetle to fly.
And frolic in this meadow
Bear, wolves, chanterelles and bunnies.

And not far from the Polyanka Teremok;
He is not low, not tall, not tall.
All around clean meadows, near a clean river
And there is a forest around
Garbage in it is a great vice.
Then the frog walked past, went to the tower.

(Frog output to the music).

Frog: What is this tower, tower?
He is not low, not high.
Who, who lives in the tower?
Who, who does not live in high?
Kv-kva, silence! I am alone in the tower!
And from this window the pure river is visible.
Living here is just a sight for sore eyes:
Air is clean and birds singing
I stay here, there is no doubt!
Presenter: Only the light lit a frog,
There was a mouse-norushka.

(Mouse exit to the music).

Mouse: What is this tower, tower?
And not low, not high.
And around is clean
Frankly to say: “Beauty! ""
Who, who lives in the tower?
Who, who does not live in high?

Frog: I am a frog-ahead! And who are you?

Mouse: And I am a mouse-norushka!
Let me go into the house
We will live with you together.

Frog: I am glad to let you go
Only I don’t need to get dirty!
Around the marvelous beauty.
Let her remain.

Leading: A mouse with a frog settled
Luoplazo by a girlfriend.
Together, they live cheerfully
Dance, sing songs.

(Mouse with a frog perform a dance).

Leading: They go to the forest with each other
They take the entire district
Where will they find which bank
They will immediately take her instantly,
Stick, even pick up
Idle did not lie here.

(The chanterelle runs to the music).

Fox: So wonderful tower
And not low, not high.
How it arose in a clean field
Fresh air and expanse.
Who, who lives in the tower?

Frog and mouse together:
Here we live two girlfriends
A mouse-norushka and frog.
Frog: In an open field, they found a house,
And from the dirty swamp
They could run away now.
And who are you?

Fox: I am a fox-sister.
Let me live here,
I will honestly serve.

Mouse: So be it, we let you into the house,
Only take care and you are nature.
Do not throw garbage into the water.
Protect from different troubles.
Do you agree or not?

Fox: Oh, I love nature!
I'll try to save!
I will help you to clean the forest from dirt.

Leading: They live - a fox,
Non-mouse and frog;
You can’t spill them with water.
Suddenly a wolf wolf appeared.

(Wolf exit to the music)

Wolf: So marvelous places
Silence and purity, there is a tower
Who lives in the tower? Come out rather my friend!

Frog, mouse, fox together:
We are funny, animals.
In the clean field they found a house.
And who are you?

Wolf: I am a wolf-sister-shred
I came from the forest to you
People do not respect us
Very noisy rest
All animals were scared
Garbage was scattered everywhere
I couldn't live there anymore
At least where to go to the wolf!
Let me live here?
I will guard the tower.

Fox: So be it, perhaps, to the house,
We will live four of us.

Leading: They live, play.
And they do not know sadness.
They do not threaten them with noise and din.
Sleep calmly at night.
The air is fresh and so pleasant.
No from smoke and trace.
Animals live well-
Satisfied all guys.

Leading: Then the girlfriends came running
And they sang a ringing song.

(Girls of the middle group perform the song "Spring Song")

Leading: Girls-girls woke Mishka,
Did not give sleep, angry
And of course from the den
A thick -legged bear came out

(Bear exit to music).

The bear growls loudly:
Oh, I’ll go there now, I’ll break my sides!

Leading: That's why he began to growl
Did not give, Mishenka, sleep
And besides, at the den he hurt his leg heavily.
Someone left the glass here
Bear paw and injured.

The bear approaches the tower and tries to dump it.

Fox: Well, you do, Mishutka,
I walked in earnest.

Wolf: Do not break, you, our house.
We will treat you, Bear.

The bear sits on the stump, the animals bandage his paw.

Bear: You will forgive me animals
I didn't want to offend you
If people loved everyone
They would respect animals
Mishka Brown would not go
House break the kids

Leading: So our teremok lived,
Not hanging on the door.
All unhappy and sick
They accepted as their own.

Frog: And let the Earth be a single house -
Will become all of us with a tower ...

Mouse: Where everyone will be comfortable:
Both animals and people!

Fox: Where no one is offended
And they help defenseless.

Bear: We will not pollute the house,
We will protect nature ...

Top: And protect flowers, and herbs,
And green oaks ...

Mouse: Air, river and fields
This is all our house - Earth!

Leading: We will save it alive,
So that it was suitable for everyone.

All: Then our common house
Will become the best tower!

Ecological fairy tale "Kolobok"

Ecological fairy tale Kolobok
Ecological fairy tale "Kolobok"

Ecological fairy tale "Kolobok":

Actors and performers:
2 buffoons
Old woman

To the sounds of a cheerful Russian folk song, buffoons appear.

1 buffoon: Get ready, kind people!
The performance will be here!

2 buffoon: Hello, dear guests!
Yes, and you, owners are relatives!

1 buffoon: Health to you, yes good luck!
Patience and joy in addition.
Would you like to listen to a fairy tale?
And where to listen, and see there.
And our fairy tale is not simple,
At least everyone is familiar.

2 buffoons: Guess - ka riddle:
Rolled without looking back
Through the field and forest
Our rosy ....... (Kolobok.)

1 buffoon: A fairy tale - a lie, but in it a hint,
Look and you will understand.

Buffoons run away. The Russian folk song sounds. Grandfather appears.

Grandfather: Do you see, the smoke comes from the pipe?
That old woman Kolobok will bake me today.
I scraped it on the suski, in the barns of the pomel -
Supported to the bell there, I found tormented there.

And then I sang everything in the morning:
- Grandfather, a lot of it, considerable.
-Wow, but what a smell!

(An old woman appears, she has a bun in her hands)

Old woman: Everything, ready, baked!
Cool the need now.

Grandfather: And it’s good, but a useful one. So I would eat!

Old woman: Well, do not touch!

Grandfather: Yes, do not touch, do not be afraid.
And poor, and rosy.

Rolls the bun in his hands, but he falls and rolls, and continues to walk through the forest.

Grandfather: Here is an armless, nonsense!
Wait, where are you, wait a minute!

Old woman: Yes, hold it, hold it!

Grandfather: Oh, catch it, catch it!
Uselessly, will not catch up!
Forces, mother, are not the same.

Old woman: What jumped up, a devil.
She said, do not touch!

Grandfather: What to do? Moil, will it come back?
Takes a walk and will come.

Old woman: No, old man, he will not return.
Look how good he is!

Grandfather: Okay, grandmother, don't grieve!
Don’t cry, for God's sake!
Oh-ho-ho! Go home!

Grandfather and the old woman go to the music. Buffoons run out.

1 buffoon: Baba cries, grandfather cries,
Kolobok and there is no trace,

Rolled down the path
Subtings will not catch up with the frisks.

2 buffoon: Rolled without looking back
Only the heels flashed.
Through the field and forest
Our ruddy bun.

1 buffoon: Not soon the fairy tale affects, but soon the main thing happens.

Music sounds, a hare appears. His head is bandaged, paws are bandaged.

On stage trees (Christmas trees, birch rowan)

Hare: Oh oh oh! God forbid!
What kind of smell is appetizing?
Kolobok?! So eat!

Wait, not from a place!
Oh oh oh! (groans).

Kolobok: What are you, scythe?
And beaten and lame?

Hare: I will ask you not to call me!
Do you know who the scythe?

Kolobok: Am I?

Hare: No, not you! We have such a circle, we have such
Who was resting here yesterday,
And then empty bottles
On the bushes, aiming, shooting.
And I was just under the bush,
Well ..., culturally rested.

Kolobok: That's the trouble! And then what?

Hare: What? You won't even believe it!
Garbage, dirt, fragments, jars,
Cellophane, paper, bottles.
Well, you just have to think!
Were these people?!
After all, animals will be injured,
Unintelligent guys.
And here there were tourists by the river,
Our river was polluted
All the water lilies lost
And the shells trampled.

That's the trouble!
What's next?

The inhabitants of the river
Fish, crayfish and fry
They moan from resentment,
But they cannot say.
They suffocate in the mud
Miracles are waiting.
You go further, friend!
All warned around.

The buffoon comes out. The Russian folk melody sounds.

2 buffoon: Our rosy bun rolled without looking back,
And towards him ... wolf.

Kolobok: Hello, gray!
Al is not happy?
U- y- y! Do you drag your legs?
Have you brought you anxiety?

Wolf: This is true, bun, round and ruddy side.
I was frozen and cheerful,
I have never been hungry.
I got the food myself
I briskly ran through the forests!
And then contacted him!

Kolobok: With whom?

Wolf: Yes, with a ram that he pulled.
And he walked the lamb
In the meadows, yes in the fields.
And grass on those fields
Sprinkled from the plane,
Process something.
Herbicides, pesticides ...
In general, there is only one chemistry.

Kolobok: Well, then what?

Wolf: All for you, what!
I ate that lamb
I shouted everything -and here ...
The stomach flows, the paws hooks,
He takes his teeth, the skull tears.
Everything - I need to be treated.
There is grass in the clearing further,
What do I need to eat

Kolobok: You are treated, wolf, as soon as possible,
Come on now smarter now.
In the meadow, more carefully:
There are bottles, jars, bottles,
Do not cut your paws for yourself.

Wolf: Thank you, round side.
They also drive, beat us there and hie!
If a predator, then a villain!
So they think in people.
We are also doctors:
We treat entire herds
We save from diseases,
We extend the life of animals!
Well, roll and be healthy!

Kolobok: And you health too.
What is happening! Oh my God!
Dear people!
In vain, do not exterminate wolves!
Explore animal life!
Different animals are needed,
The animals are different important!
May you know
About ecological balance!

The Russian folk melody sounds.

1 buffoon: Kolobok rolled,
He has already helped the wolf.
It’s not a shame to help.
Look, it’s going here ... a bear.

The musical screensaver sounds, a bear appears.

Kolobok: Hello, Misha General!
Is it too, did he get stuck?

Bear: Hello, Hello, Kolobok,
Round and ruddy side!
I, my friend, did not get sick
I'm in my native forest
A little alive, brother, did not burn.

Kolobok: How, Misha, it happened?
You need to know the rule
That in the forest you can’t be bears
After all, play with matches.

Bear: Yes, not me! I'm so stupid
To be naughty with matches?
There was a mushroom picker, he threw a cigarette butt,
There is no mind to put out!
The forest broke out, the jacket crashed,
I barely took my legs, but I wanted to build a den, yes ...
Do not argue with the troubles.
It’s a pity for birds, sorry for the squirrel, and the hedgehog ...
That's the trouble ...! Bye then!

(Anthill is in the clearing, fire is selected for it. Forty is running out onto the stage and screams)

Here, Skor-Roy!
Save the animals from the fire!
On the way he will sweep everything!
The forest will not come to life soon!

Help, help,
Save our anthill!
We will come in handy for you, people!
We will not forget kindness.
We vigilantly guard the forest.
We eat bad larvae.

Kolobok: Against the wind is faster
Take away all the animals!
We’ll take all shovels at once -
The way to fire we jam!
The land must be healed,
Ivan-chim to plant.

Kolobok shows a flower of Ivan Chi:
I rolled on.

Buffoons appear. The second is crying

1 buffoon: The forest is saved, the fire is extinguished! (Crying)

2 buffoons: What are you?

1 buffoon: Animals are sorry.

2 buffoon: We can't, brother, lose heart,
We will continue the fairy tale!

Kolobok rolled,
A breeze blow in the back.
Well, roll, if you don't sit,
Look, runs here ... Fox.

A musical screensaver sounds, a fox appears.

Kolobok: Ba! Fox! That's so wondrous!
Where are you in a hurry?
You don’t look at me!
I didn't find out that I had me?
Kolobok I look here!
And the box is scraped,
I am a meten on a barn
I am involved in Smetanka,
Cook on the window.
And he left his grandmother,
And he left his grandfather.
Here is a rogue, in
Kolobok does not recognize.

Fox: Kolobkov no longer eat,
On the diet I am now!
I wouldn't eat it for a long time
Yes, I'm afraid to get to the best.
You haven't been to Selmag,
Didn't you see the chicken there?
There were no birds in the forest at all,
I was a little starving.

Kolobok: I myself have not been in Selmag,
And I heard from the grandmother
Her conversation with a neighbor,
What are lying, they say, a year like in a shop
The legs of the launch of the counter.

Fox: Fun! How can you!
There are even impossible to eat!
There is no smell or taste
Do not destroy my soul!
Every day in the forest is getting worse
They even poisoned puddles.
It’s scary to drink water in the river,
Life is not a beast anywhere!

All the animals come out ...

Kolobok: No, not in vain I took this walk!

Forests without birds,
And land without water.
Less than the surrounding nature,
More and more the environment!

Hare: How scary it is - a pacify family,
All without exception, all to one.
When devastated nature
There is no longer able to do anything!

Wolf: And will crawl out the leprosy,
And the threads of water will dry out,
And the birds will die out
And the plants will fall
And the beast will not bypass its trouble.

Bear: And how much self -interest are you not looking for,
What excess you are not owned
The land of protection requires protection.
She asks for salvation for people!

Buffoon 1:
The day is over, but for the future
We must repeat the lesson!
If I say about you,

Answer now:
»It's me, it's me
These are all my friends! "

Buffoon 2:
I disagree - so shout,
All the guys are informed:
»It's not me, it's not me
These are not my friends! "

1 buffoon:
- I do not divorce bonfires in the forest, the shore of it is beautiful!
- I love to walk in the forest, tear different flowers!
- We love to play in the forest and breed bonfires!
- We throw from the shore into the river, then packages, then newspapers!
- To pick the berries, you need to break the branches!
- We will plant young trees at the porch!
- On the weekend we go to the forest, we take the music with us,
To shout enough and sway on the branches!

All participants in the fairy tale are built:
- I want to have a lot of light in the world,
- I want to have many summer in the world,
- in which - the sun, bird voices,
- And on the grass - green dew.
- I want to have less crying in the world,
- And more laughter, joy, good luck.
- Smiles of children's, like flowering are unsteady.
- Flowers comparable to the childish smile.

All: Take care of your planet,

After all, there is no other such in the world!

Environmental fairy tale is a careful attitude to nature - "Soul of the forest"

Environmental fairy tale careful attitude to nature - the soul of the forest
Environmental fairy tale is a careful attitude to nature - "Soul of the forest"

Environmental fairy tale is a careful attitude to nature - “The Soul of the Forest”:

Heroes: two souls of forests (storytellers), an old man-Lesovik and an old lane, a magpie, squirrel, a hare, bear Masha and a bear Fedya, tourists (3-4 people), guys-forest rescuers (3-4), mocking.

1 shower of the forest. We are the souls of the forest, we see everything, we know everything,
We observe everything that happens.
We will tell you the story of one
About what happened recently in the forest ...

2 Souls of the forest. Among pines and fir trees in a small hut
There lived an old man-Lesovik and an old lace.
They lived together, guarded the forest.

1 shower of the forest. And all around beauty - you will not take the eye!
And you will find mushrooms and berries as much as you want!

2 Souls of the forest. Beasts and birds lived peacefully in the forest.
The old people could be proud of their forest ...

Musical sketch: Birds and animals appear because of the trees, then old men's old men come to them.

1 shower of the forest. They had assistants, two bears:
District Masha and Grunty Fedya,
Yes, other animals and birds.
It would seem that what could have happened?

2 Souls of the forest. And all of it was fine
But somehow suddenly in the morning is clear.

Suddenly high from the top of the Christmas tree. The forty screamed anxiously. Alarming music sounds. Magpie peeps out from behind the Christmas tree, waves its wings.

Magpie. Carraul! Trouble! Trouble! Strange people walk here!

1 shower of the forest. The forest was filled with a rumble, and a scream,
Both anxiety and great noise.
With baskets, buckets and backpacks
People came for mushrooms.

2 Souls of the forest. Cars were buzzing until the evening,
And the old man-Lesovik and the old lace,
In a hut, hiding, sitting.
Forests come out, slowly walk, look around, shake their heads.

1 shower of the forest. And in the morning they came out and stunned:
The forest is not a forest, but some kind of landfill,
Which is a pity to call the forest:

2 Souls of the forest. Jars, bottles, pieces of paper and rags
They are scattered everywhere in disorder.
The old Lesovik shook his beard.

Old Man-Lesovik: Why is this doing this?
Let's go as soon as the forest to take away,
Divide the garbage to clean up!

Old woman-Lesovushka: Let's go, otherwise no animals, no bird
They will not be found in our forest!

2 Souls of the forest. Watch: bottles and banks suddenly gather together,
They are closer to each other.
And the beast grew out of garbage, incomprehensible
Terribly nasty, dirty, untidy,
Shakes, rumbles, laughs throughout the forest:

Muddy. Along the road along the bushes -
Trash, trash, trash, trash!
On paths and hills -
Trash, trash, trash, trash!
I am plastic, iron,
I am paper, useless,
I am rubber-glass,
I am damned, cursed!
If I settle in the forest -
I will bring a lot of grief!

1 shower of the forest. The foresters were frightened, the bears clicked.
The troublesome Masha and the Grings Fedya came running.
Growled menacingly, stood on their hind legs.
And what about the monster? And he does not think to drape.
Evil grinks, screams, shouts:

Muddy (ominously). Along the road along the bushes -
Trash, trash, trash, trash!
On paths and hills -
Trash, trash, trash, trash!
I am plastic, iron,
I am paper, useless,
I am rubber-glass,
I am damned, cursed!
Where I settle in the forest -
I will bring a lot of grief!

Old men-Lesoviki:
Rather, birds, animals rush to the rescue,
Protect the forest from a terrible monster!

Magpie: Carraul! Trouble! Trouble! Skorr-Roy, Skorr, here, here, here!

2 Souls of the forest. Beasts are in a hurry, birds fly.
They look in fright: what could this happen?

Squirrel: Get out of here, we did not call you!

Hare: You spoil our forest, you bother us all!

Beasts, birds: Flowers will be faded, rivers will poison,
Over time, the birds will get wet forever!
Garbage is poison for our forest.
People! Why are you so careless!

1 shower of the forest. Everyone is fighting with muddy,
And he is not afraid and evil grins.

Musical sketch: Battle with a mock.

2 Souls of the forest. How to damn it off from the forest?
You need to call friends to help.
Not far from the forest, the guys live,
The forest is protected, they take care of troubles.

Beasts and birds (to forty):
Faster than wind, forty, fly,
Call our friends quickly!

Magpie: Skor-raid, guys, here, here!
A big trouble happened in the forest!

2 Souls of the forest. And now the guys run to the rescue.
Shovels, bags for garbage carry.

The guys run out to the music, carry garbage bags, shovels ...

1st of the guys. Let's collect all the garbage sooner
We burn, bury, take it with us.
2nd of the guys. Ah, well, we’ll take the comrade-in -ity friends,
Learn the muddy!
After all, this is just a bunch of trash!
A good hole is crying for him!

Musical sketch: Battle with a mock.

Old Man-Lesovik: Thank you, friends, helped
From the misfortune, our forest was saved!

Old woman-Lesovushka: From the muddy and they delivered everyone,
And they did not leave the trace of him!

Beasts and foresters farewell to the guys with their hand. The guys are leaving. Music sounds. They go forward

1 shower of the forest. Grace has come in the forest
You can only hear the leaves noise.
I can only hear the birds sing,
Yes, streams on ravines are noisy ...

2 Souls of the forest. The forest is our breadwinner,
Our common house!
Nobody never
Forget about that!
To the music of the forest of the souls, the forests go for the trees.

Video: Ecological Tale for Children "Forest Fairies"

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