Torn and old things: Feng Shui value. Is it possible to wear, sew up, sell old and torn things? What things can not be sold and thrown around Feng Shui?

Torn and old things: Feng Shui value. Is it possible to wear, sew up, sell old and torn things? What things can not be sold and thrown around Feng Shui?

Rules for the disposal of old and damaged things on Feng Shui.

Each person strives for well -being, regardless of the financial situation. However, some people, despite a fairly high level of salary, never have money. In Feng Shui, it is believed that with the right arrangement of housing, the surrounding world, we can attract wealth even with relatively small income. That is why any holes on clothes are considered a abyss where all the positive energy falls. Thus, these are holes in which all the best follows.

Why can't you wear torn things?

A person who wears damaged, leaky clothes attracts only the negative. However, now jeans with holes are very popular. It is believed that it is very fashionable and modern. But also such fashionable trends of the master Feng Shui are negative. Any hole on the clothes, even if it is made specifically, is negative. You can smooth out the situation if you put holes on the naked body, but on the nylon tights. 

Why you can’t wear torn things:

  • Even in ancient times, exclusively old men wore torn clothes, poor people who could not afford to buy good things. The nobles, high -ranking persons, have always wore exclusively new, high -quality clothes. Since then, a belief has gone to succeed, you can not wear torn clothes. Therefore, in business circles, among which there are businessmen, it is not customary to wear jeans with holes or other torn clothes.
  • Despite the trendy of fashion, this can really cause a deterioration in health, financial situation. Many girls are very fond of sewing up torn nylon tights, wear them under trousers or closed clothes. It is not worth doing this, because such clothes are in contact with the skin, it is its second layer. Any destructive energy is dangerous, causes problems.
  • Therefore, socks, panties, tights, as well as clothes that no one sees, underwear cannot be sewn. People with sewn socks or tights feel uncertainly. If they are invited to visit unexpectedly, they are embarrassed to undress, refusing to go into the house.
  • This changes their attitude towards people, a person becomes depressive, uncertained. Thus, the number of friends and acquaintances can gradually decrease. After several failures, many people will not invite you to visit again. Watch your things, live in harmony with you. 

Is it possible to sew old torn things?

The opinion is ambiguous. It is believed that if the product bursts along the seam, you can carefully sew it, wear it as before. However, the followers of Feng Shui believe that such clothes are saturated with the energy of destruction. Therefore, it will not be able to restore it with a patch.

Is it possible to sew old torn things:

  • It is believed that such things must be thrown away, since the energy of destruction will spread to almost all the clothes, family and lifestyle of a person. Such clothing constantly concerns the body, so negative energy will adversely affect human health. 
  • Psychologists support the followers of Feng Shui, do not advise wearing torn or sewn clothes. It is believed that in such things a person can feel uncomfortable, uncertain, which gives rise to pessimism, a negative attitude to the world around him.
  • Accordingly, this can cause depression and longing. This applies not only to things in which we go outside, but also to those that we use as home clothes. Therefore, even home dressing gown and pajamas should be clean, neat, beautiful, purchased in a fashion store.
  • Indeed, a person in such clothes feels more confident, which improves his life, stimulates mood, prevents depression. Do not save on yourself, it should not be expensive. It is enough to purchase a new set of clothes at a low price. The main thing is that it is comfortable, convenient in it, and the person feels confident. 
Stylish onion
Stylish onion

Where to put old things on Feng Shui?

If there is no way to throw out the thing, now you are in a very difficult financial situation, you can conduct a certain ritual. To do this, a special magic rite is carried out, which will prevent the flow of energy into holes. After you torn your clothes, you need to chop the edges of the hole with a pin. After that, you need to take a little Thursday salt, pour into a hole. Leave the little thing for 3 days. Then it is necessary to remove the pin and throw it away, and the thing is repaired, that is, sew up. Such manipulation will improve the state of the thing, remove all the negative, attract positive energy. 

Where to put old things on Feng Shui:

  • Feng Shui adherents believe that energy in the house and around a person should constantly be updated. Old, torn, dirty things accumulate negative, which leads to a deterioration in the situation. Therefore, all things that you do not wear for more than 1 year are recommended to be thrown away.
  • They are the very place on the "garbage", despite the fact that they are dear. Even if a thing is connected with pleasant memories, it cannot be stored. However, you can do as follows.To do this, you can purchase a box or cabinet that needs to be stored in a garage or on the balcony, but not in living rooms. It is necessary to add the trash there. If you can’t say goodbye to old things, you can do it exactly so.
  • Unnecessary things include not only the trash, but also ordinary clothes that you no longer wear or utensils. Be sure to throw or sell things that you do not use 1-2 years. If old things are nearby, negative emotions arise. This happens with things, against which not very pleasant events occurred.It is also worth getting rid of such things.
  • Clothing and utensils that violate harmony. If it stands out very much against the background of the interior with its color, the size and in general does not fit into the style of the room. It is necessary to throw away things that cllate the space. If you believe the Eastern philosophers, then the ideal option is a built -in dressing room, not a large closet. 

When you can’t throw out old things?

Eastern philosophers believe that things are able to accumulate energy and give it back. Therefore, if you are good about things, they cause pleasant emotions, from them you can make amulets or talismans. However, the trash, clothes are recommended to be thrown away, no matter how valuable they are for you. According to the theory of Feng Shui, be sure to replace old things with new ones.

It is believed that old clothing blocks the development of financial situation, worsens health. It is things that absorb old energy that cause trouble at work, provoking stagnation of energy. To get rid of old things, it is not enough to just throw them away. There is a special ritual. Some of the things that served a person faithfully for a long period of time, and then broke or broke, contain positive energy. If you throw away such things, then a person can feel malaise. 

When you can’t throw out old things:

  • Do not throw out furniture and clothes that you can sell 
  • Things are in good condition, products that can be processed into some crafts, inhale a new life into them 
  • Items that can be transported to the country 
  • Children's fun that you can give out to all those in need or relatives 
  • If you are going to give things to friends or sell, it is necessary to clean the products from your energy

What old things can be sold and how to do it?

If for a year and a half you did not get the clothes from the cabinet, feel free to throw it away.Be sure to get rid of trash regularly.Do not leave dried flowers, as well as dust. Feel free to send them to garbage. 

What old things can be sold and how to do it:

  • You can not only give clothes to people who need. Feel free to accept gifts used from people who are much more successful than you. This will attract better energy, material well -being. However, before accepting gifts from someone else's shoulder, it is necessary to clean them. It’s not easy to wash things. Special rituals need to be carried out. 
  • One of the methods of cleaning is the use of fire. You can use a consecrated candle by breaming near the thing. It is best to carry out the ritual early in the morning. Be sure to drive a flame on the subject if it does not burn. If this is ordinary fabric clothing, then the distance should be such as not to spoil the clothes. The ideal option is to clean with fire for home, apartments, jewelry, jewelry and kitchen utensils.
  • You can clean things with water. Holy water is ideal for this. If it is not, water is suitable in the source. She must constantly be in motion. It is impossible to collect water from the lake, as well as reservoirs, with standing water. It is necessary that the energy of the water is constantly updated. You can rinse things out of the shower, under a strong stream of water, so that the energy is thoroughly washed off from clothes. You can pre -salted water. Salt and water are an excellent symbiosis that will help clear things from both positive and negative energy. 

How to treat Feng Shui things?

Some people do not want to throw out old things, motivating this that old jeans or a shabby skirt will soon wear. However, according to the adherents of Feng Shui, this is a sign of poverty psychology. Typically, such people do not make poorly or incorrectly manage money. In the end, this will lead to the fact that exclusively torn things will be stored in the closet, since a person will not be able to acquire new ones.

How to handle things on Feng Shui:

  • You can not hang clothes on the back of the chair, be sure to use shoulders, hangers, store in the closet 
  • Wipe the dust from the mirrors, as they distort the image, which can adversely affect health 
  • No need to remove at once in all rooms, do it gradually
  • Before you buy a new shirt, throw the old one 
  • Be sure to throw everything away that you do not wear, and also do not use 
  • Throw away what does not look very pretty, outdated, does not fit the color or styles 
  • Be sure to throw away all things with spots, holes, damage 
Old things
Old things

Can I sell your things?

In order for new things, wealth to come to the house, it is necessary to throw everything the old, freeing space for him. To constantly update energy in the house, from time to time it is necessary to rearrange things, furniture, thoroughly wiping the floor under them. Thus, furniture, as well as things, feel that someone needs them, the energy of life rotates around them. Any spots are materialization of unresolved problems. All old things attract energy, taking it from the owner. Therefore, any things that you do not wear a long period of time must be thrown away. 

To clear things of energy, you need to fulfill several simple rules: 

  • Free oneself from love for the thing itself 
  • Do not think about a person to whom you give or sell clothes 
  • Do not treat yourself as a good person who is doing good deeds 

Is it possible to sell your things:

  • Typically, things are given to those who are in the worst financial situation. Therefore, no one wants energy to mix, reflected on the donor. No need to take other things from poor people, because it was they who led to a deterioration in the financial situation. Do not take anything in return, do not take money. Especially among relatives, people who really need things. Remember that any clothing is just a thing, not your part. 
  • If you intend to give clothes, be sure to say goodbye to it. Be prepared psychological terms to accept that the thing does not belong to you anymore. It is necessary to transfer absolutely neutral clothes to another person so that he charge it with his energy. 
  • If among things there are those that are sorry, then they should not be given. Such things save energy, it is best to burn them. Good energy will go to another person. Flame is a great way to dispose of both positive and negative energy, which will clear any things and space around.
  • Do not be frivolously treat the new owner. It is necessary to clarify a few points: do not wait for gratitude, reproach a person for not saying thanks to you. No need to regret a person.
Old clothes
Old clothes

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If you are waiting for gratitude, then you buy it, but in return you do not give money, but clothes or some things. Therefore, very often, stretched relationships arise between people. Be sure to give things to people who will be grateful. Do not expect praise, words of gratitude from them. In no case do not take money from poor people. 

Video: Old and torn things in Feng Shui

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