What does the symbol of the owl for the cash inflow, in Feng Shui, in the form of a tattoo are the symbolism of the owl

What does the symbol of the owl for the cash inflow, in Feng Shui, in the form of a tattoo are the symbolism of the owl

Owl is a very meaningful symbol. Let's learn more about the meanings.

The symbolism of the images of animals and birds was incomprehensible to man for a long time, since many representatives of the fauna had the abilities not subject to him. The night feathered, an owl, moving on the wings absolutely inaudibly, could distinguish objects in the darkness, turning her head by already 360 degrees, thereby causing people in primitive fear, bordering on worship.

She attributed the opportunity to change the guise, use magical skills, bear death, separation, cause a sense of lust, and, at the same time, have wisdom and the gift of foresight. To find out what the owl symbolizes and how its image is perceived by the modern world, we will get acquainted with the material below.

Magnet for a monetary influx in a house in the image of an owl

There is a belief, according to which the placement of an owl figurine in the house attracts money. Especially if the figure is in the immediate vicinity of the storage place of funds, thus ensuring a reasonable order of finances, the influx of perception more than the waste.

The next home mascot for finance is very popular - owl figureSushing on a monetary tree. Here the value is double - the monetary tree brings prosperity, the owl - protects funds from an unkind look and ill -conceived acts.

For well -being
For well -being
  • The Slavs worshiped the Slavs, considering it the guardian of treasures and values \u200b\u200bfrom the bowels of the Earth.
  • Having placed a statuette of owls and a cash frog next to each other, compressing a coin in the mouth, the action of the talismans will double, providing the housing and the family with greater prosperity.

The amulet is also useful for the younger generation: the statuette of the Owl, "settled" in the nursery, will set up the children to the desire to use money reasonably and economically.

Owl in Feng Shui

The symbolism of Feng Shui, with the image of an owl, is strongly recommended to be placed in the northeastern region of the room or on the desktop. The best option is Troika Owls - He will protect the dwelling and family members from everything unkind.

The white northern owl takes care of family traditions, as a rule, the figurines or drawings of the white owl have in the place of the greatest accumulation of households - the living room or bedroom. This amulet has the ability to absorb the positive or negative energy of others, and then return it to its owners. Therefore, you should not arrange a chipper near the symbol, otherwise they will return, as well as leave a “bird” in the deserted corners of the room, where heat does not penetrate.

In Feng Shui

The influence of the amulet placed in the working room, where cash expenses and income, on the owner of the finance, is discussed, will be favorable. The owl figurine with open wings made of white or transparent material will help in lifting the career ladder and guarantees achievement of success.

The symbol of the owl is the gift of wisdom and protection against mischief

The ancient Greeks identified an owl with Athena-Pallas-the goddess of wisdom, the patroness of art and healery. The same tradition found its response in Russia, which is why the image of the owl on a stack of books is considered a symbol of knowledge, erudition and wisdom; The same meaning is the Owl with an open book. A lot of educational institutions elected an owl as an emblem.

North America's natives worshiped the Totem of the Owls - the creatures of the wise and the perspicacious; For a powerful beak and sharp claws, the birds were compared in strength even with an eagle. It was believed that owl feathers stuck in a headdress are able to protect his host from troubles.

In families where there are students, a place on a desk or a book shelf is solemnly standing out, you can hang a feathery drawing on the wall, thus providing children with a persistent craving for knowledge, success in their studies and the desire for common sense. Taking a small statuette of owls or putting on a bird with the image of a bird into the exam, we can expect that the amulet will contribute to the concentration of attention at the right time.


Misorganists who do not want to study diligently, as well as obey parents, will set in the desired way the figurine of the white owl with folded wings. It will help to develop perseverance, reveal the secrets of knowledge and give wisdom. A similar amulet in the form of a keychain, pendant or bracelets will have a beneficial effect on the fidget within the school.

For wisdom
For wisdom

If the whole family has already managed to get an education, a symbol of owls with an open book or over a bookste will contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and use for themselves.

Owl is a sign of witches and death

An ancient man experienced a reverent fear of the owl. There was no state who would not consider this night beveled by the envoy from the world of the dead, possessing secret knowledge and the gift of divination.

  • In medieval legends, sorcerers and witches had the ability to take the appearance of owls and create their dark things at night.
  • In the cultural traditions of China, India, Egypt, America and Japan, the Owl is the personification of death.
  • The Chinese people are convinced that the night bird is able to bring evil, to encourage a dishonorable act, to cause a feeling of disrespect for children, to call on death. Therefore, her image is often present on the funeral vessels.
  • In Europe, there is a belief that an owl is the patroness of dark magic and hermit.
  • In America, the symbol of the goddess Rubbli and poverty, Astarts - an angry owl with horns on the head - is placed on a dollar bill.

The Egyptians depicted an owl like a messenger of night, cold, passivity and even death. Modern perception of owl symbolism is more inclined to the positive beginning of the sign. For example, the owl figurine brought into a dwelling or decorating the body of a person provides him with protection from evil entities and evil spirits. The big eyes of the owl shine in the darkness, symbolizing the spiritual radiance - this is exactly what the otherworldly scares.

The presence of owl symbols will help to develop intuition, feel insincerity from others, predict their intentions and actions. The owner of the amulet also helps to understand their own character, to work out his negative features.

The northern shamans used the symbol of the white owl to cure patients. So the oak figurine of the Owl will protect from any ailment of the one who once a day touches her with his thoughts about a healthy life.

The amulet is underwear: what does the tattoo of the owl mean?

Today, the symbol of owls is applied not only to interior items or jewelry, but also directly to the human body.

The tattoo of owls or its feathers is considered a reliable talisman, which simultaneously means wisdom and fears, joy and sadness, loneliness and mind, asocial and judicious behavior.

Male tattoos of owls, depending on the application site, mean the following:

  • The back is for those who prefer night to day;
  • The neck is a tendency to restrain oneself in statements and actions;
  • Legs - the desire to be a leader and appreciate life; caviar or feet - the desire not to succumb to pain;
  • The right hand or shoulders are suitable for decisive men, with highly developed intelligence.

A tattoo on the body of representatives of the fair sex means the desire to know the world around us, to study all mystical, interest in esotericism. Lovers of night parties often depict a night bird on the body. An unusually executed drawing indicates the shocking of the beauty, her attempt to express herself.

For women
For women

If the image is located:

  • On the left leg - a girl is prone to self -knowledge, the search for hidden internal resources. She is not satisfied with the current order of things, she wants to change her life.
  • On the right leg - the girl has already chosen her way in life and firmly intends to advance on it.
  • On the hand - the girl plans to do what she likes, without attaching the meaning of the opinion of others.
  • On the wrist - the tattoo protects its owner from negative energy;
  • On the neck - the beauty is confident in her exclusivity, chosenness, the presence of a unique gift.
  • On the chest - the owner has her own opinion on any expense, she will not accept the norms of society, challenging the outside world.
  • On the back is an attempt to protect yourself from others, and, at the same time, a desire for power. Her main desire is the activation of her inner potential and demonstration to others.

Symbol of Owls and Feminine principle

The owl patronizes women, and jewelry in the form of this bird can protect their owners. The female amulet in the form of an owl means “yin”, crawling and sexual attractiveness, its effect depends on how often the trinket with the image of a bird is in the immediate vicinity of the beauty (pinching on the hair, clothes or in the handbag).

  • In the Slavic tradition, the symbol of the owl means loneliness, celibacy for a woman, widowhood or profligacy.
  • The owl cry was familiar that the married woman would give birth to a child, and unmarried - will be born to Bastard.
  • French women are sure that, having heard an owl scream, a girl will have a girl.
  • The image of an owl in marriage symbolism is also relevant: in Ukrainian tunes that sound on the eve of a wedding night, a young wife is called owl.

Although the Middle Ages remained far behind humanity, many technical and cultural revolutions were experienced, now, in the 21st century-the century of the latest technologies, the old symbolism and amulets in the form of an owl have still retained their relevance in people's lives. Wearing a coin with an owl or placement on the desktop of a night bird of night is not at all meaningless. After all, it was not without reason that the past several hundred years left us the right to trust ancient traditions or follow modern trends.

Video: owl value as a symbol

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