How to put a bed on a hair dryer, what it should be: recommendations. Feng Shui bed and surrounding objects, the location of a bunk bed

How to put a bed on a hair dryer, what it should be: recommendations. Feng Shui bed and surrounding objects, the location of a bunk bed

Since a person spends a huge part of his life in a dream, it is very important to properly arrange a sleeping set. The first thing you need to think about is where the bed should stand on Feng Shui.

The favorable meaning of the teachings of Feng Shui is most often used for a harmonious organization of space. The location of furniture in the apartment is important for attracting luck, prosperity and well -being. The location of the bed According to Feng Shui Reinforcement of design solutions to a certain set of rules.

How to put a bed on Feng Shui?

The correct placement of the bed will be the key to a quality vacation. Several simple rules will help to make a decision.


For favorable family relationships and a healthy lifestyle when the bed is located on Feng Shui, you need to take into account the following points:

  • Behind the head of a sleeping person should be wall. It is completely inappropriate to sleep the head to the window or doorway.
  • Feng Shui bed It cannot stand the exit. This arrangement has a negative effect on health.
  • Wall over the head of the bed on Feng Shui must be exempted from all interior accessories. Various objects violate a positive flow of energy.
  • The dream between the door and window opening can lead to poor health. Constant air circulation will add discomfort. The straight line between the window and the door should not cross the bed. Vital forces will go through it.
  • The center of the bedroom eliminates the support for the headboard, therefore it is not considered as a place for the bed.
  • A whole sleeping bed should consist of one mattress, not two halves.
  • Marital bed should have access on both sides. Feng Shui bed It is undesirable to place in the corner.
  • Try to put the bed at the maximum distance from the door. It is advisable to leave the exit from the room in sight.

The location of the bed in the bedroom on Feng Shui In relation to the cardinal points, it has a favorable effect on certain emotions and feelings. Feng Shui bed in the east He will bring harmony to your life, the south will add passions to relationships, the West will fill in joyful moments, the north will strengthen health.

  • Electricity sources should be placed at a distance of a meter from the bed. In places of rest, it is better to minimize the number of equipment.

Choosing a Feng Shui bed

To enhance the influence of positive energy, you need to take into account not only the location of the bed, but also to choose its design correctly.

Feng Shui Rules:

  • According to the recommendations of Feng Shui, the following details are of great importance A big plus for the sleeping place is added by the presence hearts. The form should be whole.
  • Under the bed on Feng Shui must ventilate the air. The legs help to cope with this task.
  • Side sides are an obstacle to positive energy flows.
  • The size of the bed must correspond to the social status to the owner. A married couple should sleep on a double bed, but for a lonely man this is too big a bed.
  • Choose bed From natural natural materials. The tree will provide its owners with comfort and tranquility.
  • Provide lack of built -in elements In the sleeping bed. Additional boxes, lamps and other elements will become a drive of negative energy.
  • When choosing a color for a sleeping bed, exclude blue and blue shades.

Feng Shui interaction with surrounding objects

The objects surrounding the berth have a direct impact on the quality of human life. Before decorating the room, you should familiarize yourself with important recommendations. Feng Shui zones must harmoniously interact with each other.

  • Mirror over the bed on Feng Shui In no case should you hang. Mirrors reflect bad energy, returning it to the owners. The constant reflection of the married couple in the mirror leads to discord in relations and the appearance of a third person.
  • When choosing between blinds and curtains for windows, give preference to soft fabrics. The refraction of daylight should be soft.
  • Free space under the bed It is undesirable to fill in things. Flapping will become an obstacle to energy flows.
  • In the rest room, you need to hang paintings depicting positive emotions and natural elements of the world. The main rule is do not hang paintings over the head of the bed.
  • Items related to the water element are not in the bedroom. Aquariums, fountains, an image of reservoirs, blue shades of bedding are poorly affecting the health of the owner.
  • Take care of the choice of indoor plants. The flower can act as an energy vampire, especially if it is placed closely with the bed. Rest places cannot be reinforced with a flower greenhouse.
  • You can not put a bed under the ceiling beams. Above the body of the sleeping one should be a whole ceiling, without holes and outputs.

The location of the bunk bed on Feng Shui

Feng Shui bed should consist of one tier. A double -tier bed has a negative effect for several reasons:

  • On a person in the lower plane is energy and psychological influence from above. The child falls under the oppression of the upper tier.
  • On the second floor, in most cases, a more energetic and strong child is placed. The strong energy of one child can clog the viability of the sleeping below.
  • Natural energy forces proceed differently on each tier. For uniform distribution of the positive energy of the bed of several children, you need to place in one plane.
Double-tier bed does not give a haw feng shui
Double-tier bed is not approved by Feng Shui

Children love beds in the form of various game items. Parents should consider that the round shape of the bed is extremely undesirable.

The location of the bed in the bedroom on Feng Shui: General recommendations

Before you buy furniture in the bedroom, use the tips for choosing a bed on Feng Shui:

  • If you order a bed according to individual preferences, then you should take into account its parameters. According to Feng Shui, the following dimensions contribute to the favorable energy of the bed: 2.2x1.5 m, 2.2x2.2.2 m, 2.2x2.4 m, 2.2x1.9 m.
  • Do not save on the quality of material for the bed. A person should sleep on a stable and strong design. A staggering bed will not be able to fasten the marriage.
  • The rectangular head of the bed fills the relationship with passion and emotions.
  • The dimensions of the bed should have the correct ratio with the size of the room. A compact bed should be in a small room.
  • When placing a bed and desktop on one territory, protect a berth with a special screen.
  • The corners of the bed Do not be sharp, give preference to streamlined forms.
  • The back of the rods at the head of the bed carries adverse energy.
  • It is undesirable to purchase a former bed. Items accumulate the energy of their owners and can become a source of trouble.
For sleep and health
For sleep and health

Properly located objects are able to accumulate positive energy. Performing simple recommendations will improve the quality of your life.

Video: The perfect place for the bed on Feng Shui

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