Feng Shui at home: how the rooms should be equipped. Rules for organizing Feng Shui at home: tips, recommendations

Feng Shui at home: how the rooms should be equipped. Rules for organizing Feng Shui at home: tips, recommendations

In this article we will talk about how to equip the interior of the house in the teachings of Feng Shui. According to the beliefs, adhering to his recommendations, you can attract prosperity and drive out failures.

We all heard a saying that our house is our fortress. How to make a home a place of spiritual restoration, rest, a source of harmony and inspiration? Will help to achieve this goal of Feng Shui at home.

Earlier in our articles we wrote about how according to Feng Shui properly divide housing into zones and which color to choose, how   select and install bed and table, pick up plants for the bedroom, select amulets for housing. Today we will discuss each room of the house in more detail.

Feng Shui at home: tips, recommendations on the design of the hallway

Feng Shui at home begins literally with the hallway. According to the beliefs, through it enters the house qi energy - In other words, vitality. But what will be further with this energy depends on the room:

  • Small, cluttered hallway with a lack of light It will push out energy, interfere with its good circulation in the apartment. A similar phenomenon of chronic fatigue, malaise will affect the household.
  • Excessively big hallway, Surprisingly, it is also not in the best way reflected in a person. An excess of qi energy in it can be awarded with aggression, a tendency to suppress.
A large hallway, according to Feng Shui, sometimes inspires a feeling of uncertainty into a person
A large hallway, according to Feng Shui, sometimes inspires a feeling of uncertainty into a person

Important: probably, the origins of such a impulse are that a person, finding himself in a huge hallway, begins to feel his insignificance. Therefore, subconsciously is ready to defend, attack.

Be sure to create in the hallway an emphasis that will instantly cause positive emotions. It is recommended to place such an emphasis at the point at which the eye is first focused when entering the apartment. For example, on the wall, on the contrary, you can hang a picture with a still life, landscape, animals. Or install a table with a beautiful figurine in an extensive hallway, put a flowerpot with a large beautiful plant.

It is believed to delay good luck in the house rug at the door. It is better to choose one that would corresponded to the style of the door, but at the same time contrasted with the flooring. Feng Shui prescribes to hide under the rug 4 gold coins - They will bring financial well -being.

Necessarily the presence of the mirror in full height - It perfectly copes with the task of visual expansion of the room. If the mirror has sharp corners, they should be smooth out simple frame without drawings.

Important: to place such an interior detail opposite the door is a bad idea. It is believed that as a result, financial well -being may suffer.

Round mirror in full height perfectly on fengh for the hallway
Round mirror in full height perfectly on fengh for the hallway

Feng Shui at home: tips, recommendations on the design of the living room

Feng Shui at home takes a special place for the living room-it is considered The "heart" of the dwelling. It has energy Yan, What is not surprising - there are mental communication with friends, family leisure is held. That is, the connections of people with each other, with the outside world are strengthened.

Such strengthening is necessary highlight the center - They most often serve the table. Let the table be small like a magazine - this will be quite enough. Chairs, chairs, sofa should just concentrate around such a center.

By the way, all seats should be located in such a way that all the audience had the opportunity to see each other. The location in a row for convenient viewing of the TV is a common error.

Important: if there is a lack of qi energy, it is worth installing more decorative plants. It is believed that they improve qi circulation.

According to the reviews of Feng Shui practitioners, it is in the living room that should be concentrated the maximum number of items giving energy. These are paintings, aquarium, music center.

It is recommended to hang, arrange in the living room photos of loved ones. Even if a person lives alone.

According to Feng Shui, photos of family members are best placed in the living room
According to Feng Shui, photos of family members are best placed in the living room

Feng Shui at home: tips, recommendations for bedroom design

Feng Shui is impossible to imagine without talking about the bedroom. According to research, people spend in this room about a third of life! She must pacify, help rest - that is, to nourish energy Yin.

The beams hanging over the bed, cut ceilings can prevent this. But open book shelves located nearby, mirrors, contrary to common opinion, do not harm. Especially good mirrors are located in the dressing room so that they do not reflect the bed.

The window, according to numerous reviews of fans of Feng Shui, is better to hide behind curtains. Moreover With soft drapery - It will bring romance, peace.

Important: it is better to attach the blinds to other rooms.

Water tanks too. This refers to fountains, aquariums. Contrary to the established opinion, flowers are also better to keep in another place. They will definitely not add energy.

Under the bed must be clean! Many people keep various things under her - for example, shoes in boxes. According to the reviews of Feng Shui practitioners, such a solution will lead to stagnation of energy and banal accumulation of dust.

It is recommended to decorate the room with paired things. For example, two sconces, two chairs, etc. This is especially true when if the owner of the room is lonely.

According to Feng Shui, the bedroom should be symmetry
According to Feng Shui, the bedroom should be symmetry

Feng Shui at home: tips, recommendations on kitchen design

Feng Shui attributes to the kitchen at home Energy of abundance, prosperity. In order for it to enter the room freely, you need avoid When planning the room Levels. That is, catwalks, steps, ceiling beams are not suitable categorically.

A chandelier or lamps are recommended to pick up the lungs. Massive will create a feeling of discomfort in the kitchen. As well as massive shelf with dishes, Hanging over the dining place.

Important: mirror tiles are also undesirable. It is believed that she breaks well -being.

Heat plates, According to the teachings of Feng Shui, symbolizes prosperity, wealth. Therefore, it is better to install it away from the window. Otherwise, prosperity will "fly out the window."

It is preferably that in the kitchen to be all elements are water, fire, metal, earth. If there are no three problems with the first, then the Earth often causes bewilderment. But everything is easily solved by adding fruit to vases. Or you can hang A picture with trees, flowers, various landscapes. The image of food is not the best solution if there is a goal to save the figure.

According to feng ghost, you can and even need to hang pictures depicting flowers
According to feng ghost, you can and even need to hang pictures depicting flowers

Feng Shui at home: tips, recommendations on the design of the children's room

Feng Shui at home does not allocate a children's room as a place of accumulation of any particular energy. The fact is that In a different period of life, she is her own. If the kids spend time actively, then for older children, personal space is mainly a recreation area, study.

In any case, the child’s room should be divided into two zones - study and rest. This will help him better concentrate, study productively and rest fully.

As for the resting place, Feng Shui experts advise to install next to the bed bedside table. It is advisable to select the nightstand that its level was above the level of the bed - This will contribute to the best circulation of energy.

Important: furniture with rounded corners is ideal. It is not only safe, but also allows you to create a more comfortable emotional environment.

For shelves You can choose almost any place. The only thing to hang them There is no need over the bed - This will be psychologically pressed on the child.

Perfect place to accommodate desktop - closer to the window. The table moved close to the wall will create a feeling of presence in a closed space.

The table by the window in the children's room fits completely in Feng Shui
The table by the window in the children's room fits completely in Feng Shui

Feng Shui at home: tips, recommendations on the design of the office

In the Feng Shui at home, it is worth allocating the office separately, since there should circulate quite strong energy- Yan. That is, it is necessary to create conditions for self -discipline, perseverance, inspiration.

It is recommended to select as a cabinet decoration pictures with landscapes. Landscapes should inspire, And what exactly will be captured on them depends on the owner of the room.

If you are supposed to receive guests, they cannot do without chairs. Wherein Guests chairs should be just below the chair of the owner of the office. By the way, the last option should be representative.

Important: in the office you can often find a paper mess. This should be avoided by all means, remembering the main rule of Feng Shui-the less garbage, the better.

The table should also cause association with reliability. It is preferably that it is located against the wall. If nature will work at the table pragmatic, the corners should be sharp. If the owner - creative person - It is preferable to purchase furniture with rounded corners.

It is recommended to decorate the desktop figurine, which will attract success. Feng Shui recommends for this purpose dragon or turtle.

It is preferable to choose for an office brown furniture. It activates the brain at full power. But it is better to avoid black color - it will lead to barren efforts. Preferred material - leather.

Brown furniture is ideal for a feng shui office
Brown furniture is ideal for a feng shui office

Feng Shui at home: tips, recommendations on the design of the workshop

Feng Shui at home does not include some tips for the design of the workshop-a favorite place of people who are enthusiastic about something. In this room you need to create energy Yanwhich would inspire new achievements.

Important: all fans of Feng Shui unanimously claim that bright colors should prevail in the workshop.

The room should also be well lit. This is useful to the eyes, and for the formation of Yan energy.

Naturally, there should be no garbage. Despite the fact that in a fit of creativity it cannot be avoided, you need to get rid of such things right away. The accumulation of garbage prevents attracting success.

It is desirable that Desktop was located in such a way that the master of the workshop could at any moment see. But at the same time it is preferable to slightly move it in such a way that the door was not located directly opposite the table.

If it is possible, it is better to approach responsibility and the choice of the location of the room for the workshop itself. Its perfect direction - West, southwest. It will help to balance creative impulses, add practicality the necessary even for creative natures.

Example of the Feng Shui home workshop
Example of the Feng Shui home workshop

Feng Shui at home: tips, recommendations on the design of the bathroom

Feng Shui at home usually describes the bathroom and toilet as One room. Firstly, often they are really located together. Secondly, the energy is identical- relaxation, purification.

It is recommended to choose tones blue, green, white, Which purification just symbolize. Various are appropriate underwater motifs.

Important: some fans of Feng Shui believe that the yin in the bathroom is too strong, so it is useful to balance a little by Yan.

Suitable for this purpose some bright accent. For example, a halogen point lamp. This is especially true if the owner of housing loves take fees In the bathroom - shave, apply makeup.

If the bathroom is combined, it costs Divide it into zones. Great for this water -repellent curtains some pale shade.

A huge number of jars and bottles scattered in the bathroom are not welcome. Often this is sinned by girls who suggest that they greatly facilitate their life, exposing jars within accessibility. From the point of view of Feng Shui, such a pile of circulation of qi energy interferes. Therefore, it is recommended to make an audit and remove rarely used funds in the locker.

According to Feng Shui, the bathroom should be spared from cluttering with jars, so the cabinets will come in handy
According to Feng Shui, the bathroom should be spared from cluttering with jars, so the cabinets will come in handy

Feng Shui can be treated differently-indifferent, enthusiastically, skeptical. But in any case, it is worth trying to put some advice into practice. Who knows: maybe the centuries-old wisdom presented in the teaching of Feng Shui will help to bring harmony?

Video about errors that should not be made according to Feng Shui:

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