Feng Shui talismans: meaning

Feng Shui talismans: meaning

Feng Shui elements have long been considered effective talismans. Let's analyze how and where it is better to install such talismans in the house.

Chinese philosophy Feng Shui believes that the energy of a residential building affects all spheres of the life of its owner. A house is a reflection of everything that happens. It is not enough to have a luxurious interior in the room, limited to material benefits.

For well -being and prosperity, you need to know how to properly control the energy of the house: redirect energy flows, in case of improper location or strengthen to expand a certain zone of exposure. Talismans will help this, their correct location in the house, can balance energy, thereby creating the desired atmosphere for the prosperity of all residents of the house.

Meaning and use of feng shui talismans

  1. Phoenix - The bird is symbol of endurance and the patron saint of flying creatures. Such a talisman helps in solving complex life problems, eliminates obstacles and problems. The phoenix of red color has special energy - gives happiness, health and prosperity. It is necessary to place a symbol in the southern sector at home. The talisman also helps those who wish to have a child. Phoenix does not like closed space - you cannot have a symbol in the neighborhood with a large accumulation of things. The talisman can influence the nature of all the inhabitants of the house - to cause an increased desire for career growth or power. If such changes are unnecessary, you can limit the effect of the talisman by establishing a symbol of the turtle, tiger or dragon nearby.

    For career growth
    For career growth
  2. Elephant - capable to attract good luck and financial well -being. This is a symbol of stability. An elephant trunk raised up in the fulfillment of desires and is an amulet for the house. Such an elephant copes well with the harmonization of space in the house, so it is most often customary to give it to the housewarming. Four huge paws of elephants - symbolize stable home life: in such a house, things will serve for a long time, and the money given for acquisitions will not be wasted. For activation - the talisman is placed in front of the window or output. It is important that the trunk of the elephant is directed to the street - it is believed that he will attract wealth and success from open space into the house. It is allowed to use the symbol of the elephant made of any material, including drawings, toys - this does not affect the strength of the talisman. You can also decorate the talisman with beads and bracelets. The restriction is ivory beads - this can cause a negative reaction and the elephant talisman will become a destructive energy. The symbol of the elephant is able to enhance the zone of influence in which it is placed, for example: in the zone of wealth - will strengthen financial flows, in the cooperation sector - will help in finding the patron. The elephant will not allow you to spend money unreasonably - its task is to attract, not distribute it. Therefore, people prone to waste - the elephant will help get rid of this and stabilize the accumulation.

    For good luck
    For good luck
  3. Horse or horse - located in the sector of influence and career growth. It is recommended to choose a figure or image with a playful horse seeking up - symbol of resistance and recognition. Such a talisman will attract success and new positive events to the house.
  4. Mandarin ducks - The talisman denoting fidelity and love. It is always acquired in pairs - symbolizing an inseparable pair. The location is the sector of love and marriage-the southwestern part of the house. The symbol helps strengthen mutual understanding and love in the family, For lonely - Find a life partner.
  5. One turtle or three turtles - symbolizes the patronage of heavenly forces and longevity. One turtle is a talisman of the water element and is located in the northern zone of housing. You can also place a turtle in a bowl of water. The exact establishment of the location of the talisman can be found if you become your back to the door and determine the northern zone behind your back - this will be a favorable place for the talisman. It is necessary to set the symbol in the singular, since the northern sector corresponds to the number - 1. It is not recommended to keep the talisman in the bedroom - not a paired symbol of the turtle can destroy the balance of harmony in family relationships. The three turtles talisman is necessary for a home in which family members live - he is able to bring more mutual understanding and love, health and prosperity into their relationship.

  6. Fan - The talisman serves as a talisman from the influence of dark forces. It is widespread among Asian peoples. It is placed in the zone of greatness and glory - the southern part of the room. It attracts positive energy to the house, but when choosing a fan, you should take into account the size of the room in which it should be: do not hang a large -sized fan in a small room - this will increase the energy flow, and the people in it will feel the alarm and loss of a sense of comfort. If you place a small fan in a large room, we will notice a lack of energy.
  7. Jab on three paws - One of the most common talismans. Symbolizes well -being and prosperity in the house. In order to realize the function of the talisman, it is necessary to place a toad in the water element: at the entrance to the room, install a bowl of water or a fountain. It is good to place such a design in the wealth sector. Choose a symbol one who has a coin in the mouth. It is important to ensure that the coin has the right direction and does not stick.

    For wealth
    For wealth
  8. Red flashlight - A symbol of wealth, good luck and love. It is located in the corresponding sector - love or wealth. Always hung in pairs. To attract positive flows - it is necessary to install such flashlights at the entrance to the house.
  9. Pumpkin Gorlyanka - Talisman capable of reviving the warmth of the relationship between the conflicting parties: Spouses in a quarrel, who have lost mutual understanding by parents and children. The symbol also helps improve health: The pumpkin is suspended above the bed of a sick person before his recovery, then the pumpkin is washed under a stream of water and cleaned with a candle flame. Only after energy cleaning - the talisman can be used again. It is believed that the pumpkin pumpkin absorbs all the negative energy as in a vessel - it is preferable to use natural pumpkin or cut out of wood.

    For the revival of heat
    For the revival of heat
  10. The fountain - It is also an integral symbol of the Chinese philosophy of energies in space. If you translate the value of the Chinese teaching literally, it turns out “water - wind” - all this is combined in the fountain. Mascot personifies the vital streams of energy And is located in the eastern zone of the house - contributing to the development of the personality of a person. To gain financial stability-it is better to choose a southwestern sector. If it is necessary to promote the service or employment, place the fountain in the northern part of the house. You can not use the south side of the house for this talisman - the fire zone conflicts with the water element. It is also not recommended to place any water talisman in the bedroom - this will create a leakage of positive energy. When choosing a fountain, it is better to give preference to that in which it is possible to add various aromatic additives, essential oils, crystals and natural stones - the effect of energy flows will increase many times. The same values \u200b\u200bhave the same values \u200b\u200bin the form of a waterfall.
The fountain
The fountain

Installing such talismans in your house - it is necessary to ensure that the water in them is always clean and does not stagnate. The state of water reflects the energy of the room - dirty water is a nursery of negative energy. The same applies to broken fountains and waterfalls - you cannot keep such things in the house.

Video: Place of Talismans Feng Shui

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