Rare meat and vic breed of Polver Kurvera: feeding, content, analogues

Rare meat and vic breed of Polver Kurvera: feeding, content, analogues

The hens of Polver is a special and rare breed, but excellent in egg production. Read more in the article.

The oldest breeds of poultry include Italian, popular, and at the same time, rare meat and iva kur Polver. Farmers like egg production and delicious meat. At the same time, hens stand out with luxurious crest, which distinguishes them from other breeds.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Andalusian blue chickens". You will find a description, pros and cons of the breed than to feed, where to buy in Russia, and find reviews of other farmers.

It is worth considering in detail what they are chickens of Polver, their features and how to feed them? This article describes the exterior features of such a breed, as well as what analogues exist. Read further.

Description of the rare meat and ovary breed of Polver Chicken: exterior features, photo

Hens of such a breed often have white plumages, smooth and dense in themselves, so birds Polver They can transfer any cold. The roosters of this type have a strong body that has a rectangular shape. However, many farmers notice that the body has rounded shapes and the neck is long. She goes into the back, which has a slightly dazzling angle. The shoulders are narrow, the wings are always tightly pressed against the body. At the roosters Polver The tail is highly planted and mowers grow on it, which are also painted in a white gamut. Look at the photo of the breed as it is beautiful:

Rare meat and ovary breed of Polver
Rare meat and ovary breed of Polver
Rare meat and ovary breed of Polver
Rare meat and ovary breed of Polver

Here's another description of the breed kur Polver - Exterior features:

  • The chest of the roosters has a deep landing and is not wide enough, the stomach of such a breed is large, but the male birds are drawn.
  • The head is small and a white plumage grows on a reddish face, the roosters have no crest, instead of it “horns”.
  • Earrings at the roosters Polver Small, scarlet, eyes are red, and the beak is light and highlighted.
  • If you consider chickens, then they are practically different only by the color scope of plumage.
  • It is worth noting that the legs of this breed of birds stand out brightly, because The legs are long with the thumbs, which are arranged widely.
  • The chicken also has a horizontal back and they have a more massive belly, of course, with large breasts.
  • The comb looks like roosters in the form of small "oxes".

Chickens of the Polver breed You can easily distinguish by color and some signs that are indicated above. At the same time, the birds look noble enough, which distinguishes them among other types.

What are the chickens of Polver in egg production?

Birds Polver Good at the same time in egg production and meat, this is one of the features of the breed. But it is worth taking into account the fact that chickens may not satisfy the requests of some farmers. Egg productivity does not quite resemble modern requests, because the breed is quite old, because Bred several centuries ago. However, Italian farmers believe that the layer is productive in egg production and will be able to stably ensure 155 eggs Every year for four years.

  • Stable one kura can postpone the maximum up to 150 eggs per year, 40-53 gramsBut the quality of the breed meat is considered the best among other types of birds.
  • This is one of the most important advantages for farmers who want to conduct a good household, which will benefit.
  • Many Italian farmers still grow Polver, because Demand for their carcasses is growing every year.

Also, do not forget that Polver - This is a free bird that is used to regular walking. It is this factor that will be able to contribute to the formation of satisfactory masonry of eggs.

Growing Chickens Polver at home

Rare meat and ovary breed of Polver
Rare meat and ovary breed of Polver

For birds Polver Comfortable conditions and microclimate are needed so that you can fully provide important qualities of genetic potential. For the productivity of chickens, it is not only necessary to take into account feeding, but also the content, which depends on the genotype. The fact is that:

  • Modern scientists have established genes that show productivity in quantity, as well as quality.
  • At the same time, the conditions allow you to create a good immune status.
  • Also in the modern world, marker -dependent selection is actively developing, which allows the use of a parental form with a suitable genotype.

Therefore, each breed of birds and animals has its own individual characteristics of cultivation and content.

A place in which you can install a house (requirements for it):

  • A hill with a small bias, there should not be a swamp during rainfalls.
  • Underground waters should be low.
  • Wind protection.
  • A lot of grass that is rich vitamin E, the reproductive qualities and egg production of birds depend on it.

If you create home favorable conditions, the system will work efficiently for farmers. Birds also need regular walking, therefore, from the south, they enclose a site for walking. Equip the aviary will be the best solution to competently maintain chickens at home. Along the entire perimeter, where the walking area is located, you need to dig into the slate, stretch the grid on top one and a half meters.

Some newcomers do not even start walking kur PolverHowever, such a factor will fiercely play the productivity of birds. Therefore, the requirement should be observed so that the breed brings good fruits.

Characterization of the content of Polver Chickens: Let's look into the chicken coop

Birds Polver Actively grow with humidity 60 percent, this requirement also needs to be taken into account. Low temperature with high humidity will cause pathology, and the bird cannot be productive. The growth of young chickens is influenced by the temperature of the water, so its value depends on the life of the bird.

Here is a characteristic of the content kur Polver - Let's look into the chicken coop:

  • To properly contain a bird, the floor is chosen wooden.
  • Be sure to be impregnated with a composition from mold, finished with tin. Thanks to this, the rodents are prevented, which can violate the process of keeping chickens.
  • Poultry farmers, which have long been farming, prefer to use a bacterial litter. Thus, it achieves temperature on an ongoing basis. The litter must be changed once every six months, at this time it is worth cleaning, repairing, disinfecting the chicken coop, replenish the inventory.

The house must be done with 2-slot roof, You can even make the attic and store hay. The premises should have a place of rest for birds, high in 50 centimeters. If the farmer wants to engage in the reproduction of the herd on its own, then an incubator will be required.

The nests are placed remotely from the door, the light should not constantly fall. One nest is enough for three chickens, sometimes even on four, it must be covered with a continuous partition and installed on a ten centimeter stand. In each nest, make a straw substrate.

To maintain egg production qualitatively during the year, you need to ensure 14 hours daylight day. Therefore, artificial light is used in winter, for example, a light bulb at 75 watts. In the summer, farmers cost the installation of ordinary windows.

It is worth noting that for the growth and development of chicks, the water temperature is of great importance. Thanks to compliance with all conditions, chickens will develop healthy and will not be subject to disease - remember this. The value of the water temperature depending on the age of the chick:

  1. The first day is 30 degrees
  2. From two to seven days - up to 25 degrees
  3. From 21 days - 17 degrees
  4. 60 day - at least 10 degrees

If the owner can create optimal conditions for the maintenance of birds at home, he will see good productivity.

Feeding Kur Polver: how right?

Feeding Chickens Polver
Feeding Chickens Polver

Young birds are most often recommended to feed with grass, vegetables and feeds with vitamins. If the owner does not use purchased feed in the diet, then the grain should be four types. So, feeding birds of this breed - how correctly:

  • In the nutrition of the bird, you need to include boiled eggs and crushed shells. The first product gives amino acids, and the second is rich in calcium.
  • In addition to grain, adult chickens should be given root and tuber -fruited plants, for example, nettles, it is also worth adding mineral top dressing, bone flour to the diet.
  • Some farmers advise giving fish giblets that they love Polver.
  • Experts advise using their own feed and add purchased to them to support a high -quality diet of birds.
  • The feeder should be replenished by two -thirds, be sure to follow this. The owner will reduce the loss of feed, because if you overfill, then it is lost 30% of food.
  • For example, summer - up to three times, and in winter up to four, depends on the season of the year.

When the chicken takes off the first egg and before 48 weeks age, norms increase. The daily diet is 125 grams. Per 12 months One layer can consume more than 30 kilograms mixtures, if you give juicy food and greens, the consumption becomes less. The cost of buying grain begins to satisfy farmers who care and engage in the cultivation of birds Polver.

It is worth knowing: So that the birds do not hurt often, they are given a solution with potassium permanganate, prevention helps to protect chickens from all kinds of parasites.

Choosing the most modern incubators for breeding Chickens Polver

If you decide to engage in the reproduction of the herd, then you will need an incubator. Now you can choose the most modern models. These will be such devices, thanks to which it will be possible to withdraw healthy chicks in the right amount. So, we choose the most modern incubators for breeding kur Polver.

Such devices are divided into several types. For example, by power supply, there is equipment:

  • Functioning from the network
  • With a car battery
  • Which works for hot water energy

With a car battery, the incubator has an independent transition to the backup. However, this is not the only criterion according to which a similar device for chickens is selected.

Models by type of coup:

  • Manual - Each egg is turned over 6 times a day
  • Mechanical device - with a light movement you can turn all the eggs at once
  • Auto - independent revolution of eggs, which allows farmers not to be distracted

Farmers advise you to choose modern automatic incubators that allow you to do work efficiently and quickly, without using hands, in order to do other important business matters.

Analogs of the breed of Polver

La Flash - analogue of the breed of Kur Polver
La Flash - analogue of the breed of Kur Polver

Analogs kur Polver Count the breed La Flash, because she also has distinguished “horns”. From the name itself it follows that the type was withdrawn by the French many centuries ago. Chickens have high -quality meat and an excellent level of egg production, but productive Polver They are quickly replaced. Experts distinguish another breed - Appencelller, which was displayed in Switzerland. At the moment, these chickens are rare and their number is constantly declining.

Appencelller - analogue of the breed of Kur Polver
Appencelller - analogue of the breed of Kur Polver

If the farmer wants to engage in growing kur Polver, then it is necessary to comply with the requirements under the condition of content, as well as feeding. Thus, you can get good productivity of birds and have a rich economy.

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