Andaluz Blue Hens: description, pros and cons of the breed than to feed, where to buy in Russia, reviews

Andaluz Blue Hens: description, pros and cons of the breed than to feed, where to buy in Russia, reviews

The article describes the breed of Andalusian blue chickens. You will learn how to contain them, than to feed and how to play a herd.

Unusual and rare Andalusian blue chickens They differ in their beautiful color and good performance. For the first time, these amazing birds appeared in the 19th century in Spain, and the name is taken from its historical part. Then the chickens were first transported to England, after to Germany, where they took up their careful study.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Boarding of Broilery Chickens: Is the business profitable and how to deal with it?". You will learn how to grow broiler chickens at home, and you will also find a business plan for beginners, useful recommendations.

In this article you will find a description of this breed. If you want to breed these birds, then read how to equip a chicken coop, than to feed birds, whether they need a walk. You will find here reviews of other breeders. Read further.

Description of the Andaluz Blue Chicken: exterior and productive qualities, photos

Andalusian blue chicken They appeared thanks to the combination when breeding white and black minors, as well as blue fighting roosters. As a result, a graceful blue hue was obtained, while the layers give many eggs, and if necessary, meat. Here are a photo of such birds:

Andaluz Blue Chicken
Andaluz Blue Chicken
Andaluz Blue Chicken
Andaluz Blue Chicken

Here is a description, exterior and productive qualities of a bird:

External features:

  • The leash weighs no more than 2 kg, the cockerel more - about 2.4 - 2.7 kg.
  • The Andaluz chickens have smoky-blue feathers with a black bacon.
  • The males have a thick mane of dark plumage, as well as a lot of feathers and fluff on the back.
  • A medium -sized tail with smoky feathers, in a female - a straight line.
  • The crest is large, red, with high teeth.
  • Long earrings are also red.
  • The eyes are predominantly brown.
  • The skin is almost white.
  • The beak is small with a bluish tint.


  • Andaluzian chickens have a feature not only in appearance, but also in their own morals.
  • They go slowly, but with a threat they show aggression.
  • People are not scared - it is easy to get along with them, but they are not advised to settle with other groups of poultry.
  • They get used to the change of terrain well, although they first experience slight stress.


  • The offspring of the Andalusian chickens is almost no different from other breeds.
  • Spanish chickens are cursing after 3 weeks.
  • The weight is small, about 40 grams.
  • The body is covered with a short gray fur coat.

Product productivity:

  • In 12 months. The chicken brings no more than 170-180 eggs, each weighs about 56-60 grams, the shell is white.
  • The chicken grows quickly, to 6 months. Starts to rush.

Blue chickens are pleasant in taste and low fat. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of the breed. Read further.

Kura Andaluzskaya Blue: Pros and Cons of breeds

To the pluses of the breed chickens of Andaluz Blue The following advantages can be attributed:

  • Graceful appearance
  • Good egg production
  • Suscs are not prone to incubation
  • A rather large egg
  • Early maturity
  • Calmly tolerate moderate heat and cooling
  • Suitable for free maintenance and breeding
  • Roosters get along very well with other home feathers
  • Excellent survival of chicks - 93%, young animals - 87%
  • Exquisite taste of meat and eggs

There are also disadvantages of these chickens, although there are few of them:

  • Due to the underdeveloped maternal instinct (which explains the unwillingness to incubate) - the need to use an incubator.
  • Deformations of the ridge are possible, which is why they lose their decorative attractiveness;
  • An expensive planting material.
  • If the temperature is inappropriate, the chicks grow slower.
  • At low temperatures in adult birds, crests and earrings can freeze.
  • Expensive breed. Buy one egg or chick is worth at least 300 rubles.

Now let's look at how to properly contain this breed. Read further.

Andaluz blue breed of chickens: maintenance and feeding at home

Andaluz Blue Chicken
Andaluz Blue Chicken

Representatives of this family of birds in the care requirements are practically no different from caring for other chickens. Feeding of the Andalusian blue breed of chickens at home:

  • Particular attention must be paid to the nutrition of young individuals.
  • Chickens can eat a large amount of feed with a high percentage of protein.
  • Therefore, to their nutrition, you need to add grain waste, meat-utile, small pieces of potatoes, other roots, as well as green crops (stems and leaves).
  • It is important to calculate the number of plants for food: per day up to 30 grams Fresh greenery on the chicken.

Another important point:

  • There are frequent cases of pitching hens for reimbursing protein that has gone to hatch eggs. In such cases, protein is added to the diet of Andaluz chicken in the form of combined feed or adding peas, soy cake, meat -bumpy flour mixture, sunflower seeds to the aft mixture.
  • You can also feed milk production waste, handling or sour milk.
  • If the feathers grow poorly and the hens are fed for a long time you need to quickly give chickens a little stern sulfur.
  • Andaluzian chickens, like everyone else, have a considerable appetite. But this breed should not be feeding, because with a large amount of fat, their productivity is reduced.


  • Such birds need a chicken coop with a place for walking.
  • They are not recommended to be constantly kept in a closed room.

More information on how to equip a chicken coop is described below. Read further.

Equip a chicken coop for the blue breed of Andaluzian chickens

The Andaluzian breed of chickens prefers spacious warm rooms without drafts, but with good ventilation. So, equip the chicken coop for blue breed of Andalusian chickens:

  • Calculation of the place - 2-3 individuals at least 1 m².
  • With greater density, diseases can occur, with a smaller lack of heat.
  • Experienced poultry farmers advise building a chicken coop, adjacent to the heated economic building.
  • It is also strongly recommended to equip a place for a walk, the fence of which should be quite high, since this home feathered can fly very well.
  • The site for walking is planted with any greens in order to provide food for chickens in the summer.
  • It makes sense to make a grid over the site for fencing from predators and other birds, if any.

Turn the bottom of the floor in the room to prevent the appearance of rodents. Then cover with lime to avoid infections. Wood sawdust or chips will serve as a good litter. Read more:

  • Change her at least 2 times a year.
  • Experienced poultry farmers advise using bacter. litter.
  • It serves to maintain a comfortable temperature by consumption and transforming organics into heat.
  • Also, the litter of this composition does not allow poor and harmful microbes to develop and due to this the prevention of chickens is performed.
  • The advantages of this fermented litter are that it can last up to 2 yearsEasy to use (sprinkles and irrigates).
  • The developed material can be used as a component of compost for the garden and separate fertilizer.

For nests, choose the darkest and remotely remote wall from drafts, away from the feeder and drinkers. If desired, the nest can be divided by continuous partitions. Make ites not higher than 50 cm From the floor in order to avoid the risk of injury.

The room must be ventilated daily. For good performance, make daylight to work so that it works at least 12 hours a day. In winter, it is recommended to equip artificial lighting sources, such as incandescent lamps. Optimum temperature for chickens - about 25 degrees. There should be no drafts, otherwise there is a risk of disease.

In the case of the expansion of the chicken coop and the content of a large number of birds there, it is recommended to install a heat-fan in the room. It will create comfortable air conditions in the room and eliminate too much air humidity. If the premises for the maintenance of birds are small, in the warm seasons of the year the ventilation system can not be installed. For ventilation, windows that should be equipped with gratings are suitable. This is done in order to prevent predators in the house, as well as wild birds that can bring infection.

What should be the air temperature for the hens of the Senus Blue Susks?

Andaluz Blue Chicken
Andaluz Blue Chicken

As you know, the health of any agricultural animal depends on the temperature regime. With a large cold in conjunction with high humidity, Andalusian blue chickens With high risk can be caught up. First of all, this is manifested by damage to the respiratory system. What should be the air temperature for the hens of layers?

  • A comfortable temperature for content can vary within 18-23 deg.

You also need to understand that in case of too strong the heat, the release of Spanish chickens to the open sun must be limited, otherwise the losses of birds are possible.

Walking for Andalusian chickens: is it needed?

Of course, walking for the active breed of Andalusian chickens is necessary. Often some beginners and amateurs do not see the point of creating and arranging a site with fresh air.

A well -known fact - walking of any livestock and poultry improves their health and productivity. Due to the vitamins formed during ultraviolet radiation, rickets are prevented. With a lack of calcium, the appearance of eggs with a soft shell or without it is possible. When the chickens are not enough calcium, one of the main signs is to pull out feathers from other birds, as well as eating eggs.

How to feed the blue breed of Andalusian chickens?

Basically, the power of Spanish blue breed of Andalusian chickens It occurs according to the standard scheme, but there are some distinctive features:

  • During 3 weeks After the appearance of the chicks, they need a strict feeding regime, the growth and development of the bird depends on this.
  • Cutting foods: cereals, herbs, boiled eggs.
  • It is important to add protein to food, in order to avoid growth defects, for the same purpose it is necessary to add minerals, especially calcium, necessary for bone tissue growth.
  • You need to understand that for the full and correct growth and development of the young generation, protein is necessarily added to the diet. It is also necessary to think about the balance of minerals, especially calcium, which is needed for bone growth.
  • Add sour milk products, yeast, fish oil, glucose and vitamins, especially ascorbic acid to chicks for strong immunity.
  • Adult chickens can be given small pebbles to improve digestion. They are not suitable for young individuals, so it is necessary to prepare a container with sand. It is important to disinfect it by calcining in a pan.

Adult chickens are quite unpretentious in this matter, but with gross errors they may suffer. It is necessary to maintain the correct balance of the necessary substances in the diet. Here are some recommendations when feeding:

  • Spanish chickens need a lot of protein, for this add it not only to food, but also for insects separately.
  • Cook and fish waste can serve as good sources of protein, but they should be fresh.
  • You can cook broth from fish or meat, and add cereals or vegetables there. In cold weather, it is better to give warm form.
  • In the summer, the hens themselves find vitamins in the walking yard - they will pinch the grass, but in winter it is necessary to use hay stocks, as well as flour of grass or needles to maintain a balance of vitamins.

When adults complet their growth, transfer them to compound feed, in which there is less protein. The feed base for the Andaluz chickens is this:

  • 3-5 types of cereals
  • Weed plants
  • Compound feed
  • Food waste
  • Wet mixers

So, you already know how to feed the bird, where to maintain. Now you can learn to choose the right incubator. Read further.

Herd reproduction: how to choose a modern incubator?

Chick of Andaluz Blue Chicken
Chick of Andaluz Blue Chicken

As mentioned, to resume the right number of birds, you need to purchase an incubator. The reproduction of the herd is a complex process that needs to be approached with all responsibility. Chickens have practically no maternal instinct, which is why their chicks and eggs need additional care. There are many factors that must be taken into account when choosing incubation eggs. For example:

  • An egg with two yolks is not suitable for incubation, it is advisable to choose the eggs of the correct shape (calculate the form index: height/width).
  • If an egg with cracks or a transparent, marble shell, then it should also be removed. Dark spots on the egg indicate its unsuitability and the presence of mold.
  • To obtain similar eggs, the eggs are selected by approximately the same size.
  • For the period of the first week, the incubator maintains the temperature 40 degrees. After that, every week the temperature is reduced by one degree.
  • A small plywood box is suitable for newborn chicks, which maintains the temperature regime 25 degrees.
  • This box is carried out in the fresh air in warm weather.
  • On the first day, the chicks need to be given boiled eggs. After 3 days, you can feed with low-fat cottage cheese, grass and cereals. First two weeks, food let's 5 times a day.

How to choose a modern incubator? All such devices in the market are divided into three groups:

  1. Household
  2. Professional
  3. Industrial

The simplest and cheapest are household incubators. They are designed for small farms. They can accommodate from 7 to 250 eggs.

It is worth knowing: In the incubators there is a device for the revolution of eggs, it can be carried out by both a person himself and a special device automatically. Cheap devices do not have any strong differences. Therefore, the choice is due only to the taste of the buyer.

Professional devices They are used mainly by people who are specially engaged in poultry farming, but on a relatively small scale. In general, this is the same household incubator, but with improved equipment. The equipment already has a programmable controller and an automatic coup.

Industrial incubators They are already used on a large scale, mainly for poultry farms. They can accommodate from 900 eggs.

Those who just want to start engaging in birds may have a question: “And which incubator is better to take? Cheaper or more expensive? ". The answer to this question is ambiguous, because it all depends on the goals of the buyer:

  • If an incubator is bought for interest or at once it is better to take inexpensive.
  • To withdraw a large number of birds or on an ongoing basis, it is better to take an automatic digital incubator.

But, if you do not want to play a herd yourself, you can buy chickens. Where can this be done, read on.

Where can you buy Andaluz blue chickens in Russia?

There are several places for buying eggs for incubation, chickens or even adults in Russia Andalusian blue chickens:

  • Farm "Kurkurovo". Address: Moscow region, Lukhovitsky district, village of Kurovo, D 33. Other breeds of chickens are also sold there. You can get relevant information about the value by phone +7 (985) 200-70-00.
  • Economy "Merry Ryaba". Address: City of Kurgan, at Omskaya Street, 144. You can clarify the information of interest by phone +7 (919) 575-16-61.
  • Farm "Bird Village". Address: Yaroslavl region, 140 km from Moscow. You can find out the cost of chickens today by phone +7 (916) 795-66-55.

In one of these farms, you will select for yourself not only the chickens of such a breed, but also others. By the way, at Andalusian blue chickens There are analogues. Read further.

Analogs of the blue breed of Andalusian chickens

Analogue of the blue breed of Andalusian chickens - minor
Analogue of the blue breed of Andalusian chickens - minor

Choosing analogues Andaluz Blue Chickens, you need to pay attention to the minor. They were used to remove these chickens. They were bred on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea. High chicken growth and good performance is compensated by the complexity in the content. The Mediterranean breed does not tolerate cold, so it needs a good poultry farm with heating.

Andaluz blue breed of chickens: reviews

If you decide to breed Andalusian blue chickens, then read the reviews of other people who do this just for their households or professionally. They talk about the character of the bird and when they begin to rush.

Elena, 41 years old

Good day! I recently had this wonderful breed. They brought me 30 eggs, of which 27 pieces were displayed. Fortunately, the long road and the flight on the plane did not ruin the good half. It turned out 11 Petushkov, and the remaining 16 chickens. They grew well, like all egg breeds. They are very active, rushed around the site at an incredible speed. Now they are 6.5 months old, but I have not seen the eggs from them yet, but we will wait for anything. I really like them with my unusual color.

Julia, 34 years old

We now have several dozen chickens at 2 months of development. In the past, the brood of pure blue chickens came out only a third, many black, somewhat dirty white, one cockerel with black and white feathers. The bird runs quickly, active, can take off high and climb onto the hill. Ryaby cockerel grew to significant sizes, the rest of the small, similar to the Italian chicken. Chickens are very funny and quite large, very sociable. In general, the bird is interesting and useful. I advise novice poultry farmers, and the eggs are also tasty.

Sergey, 45 years old

Somehow for a long time at the exhibition, I noticed these blue beauties. I decided to get it, and still has not regretted at all - such beauty is walking around the yard, and they are constantly provided with eggs with meat. Both children and grandchildren come to me for the summer. They really like my birdhouse, where silver roosters and beautiful chickens pray to royal gait. And a sonorous cock a wake helps me in everyday work.

Video: Breeding of the Andalusian blue breed of chickens as a business idea. Poultry farming. Chickens of Andaluz Blue

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