Eggs with two yolks: why are chickens carry them and can they be eaten?

Eggs with two yolks: why are chickens carry them and can they be eaten?

From time to time, each housewife has such an incident: it has broken an egg for an omelet, and it consists of two yolks. And many at the same time are at a loss, let it into food, or is it better to throw it away from sin?

What is this a miracle of nature, and whether it can be eaten - this will be discussed in this article.

Why do chickens carry eggs with two yolks?

There are different reasons why chickens carry eggs with two yolks. Consider them:

  1. The most common reason for the appearance of such eggs is in the ending egg production, mainly in old chicken, since their tone of the egg is significantly weakened.
  2. Carry eggs that have two yolks at the same time, can also young chickens, which only have recently came puberty. In this case, it often happens that the chicken, which was first gone, is hiding the hormonal background, and as a result - “two in one”!
  3. Failure in ovulation The chicken can happen even when she sharply begins to eat better foods with various additives, and at the same time the daylight hours are lengthened.
  4. Poultry farmers should not stimulate too actively the onset of puberty with chickens. If hormonal drugs are added to the food of chickens in high doses, then their egg -graining ability, of course, will increase. But at the same time, the bird may begin to get sick, and their eggs will not have to enjoy them, since excess hormones that are harmful to human health will accumulate in them.
  5. Appearance two yolks can also signal that chicken fabrics of the egg. In this case, in addition to two yolks, blood clots can form in the egg - the owner of the sick layout should pay close attention to this deviation, which must be urgently treated.
Solving a problem with two yolks
Solving a problem with two yolks

Can I eat eggs with two yolks?

  • If an egg with two yolks was demolished by a healthy chicken and not the one that was intensively stuffed with hormones, then it can be eaten without any fears - it will be as tasty and useful as the usual.
  • And even more: this the egg is filled with useful substances, Since they are mainly in the yolk. By the way: two yolks in the egg are not at all a curiosity, because even three -soil ones occasionally come across.

What chickens carry eggs with two yolks: breed of chickens

  • Far from poultry farming, people completely unfounded that eggs with two yolks carry hens only of a certain breed. Many are sure that it is yellow orpington.
  • However, this is just a mass misconception, so absolutely any layout, regardless of its breed, may well demolish such an egg.
We distinguish the eggs
We distinguish the eggs

Who will hatch from an egg with two yolks?

  • Some people believe that two chicken will hatch from eggs with two yolks. However, this is not at all so. If you put such an egg under the chicken or place in an incubator, then most likely the embryo will be very soon stupid directly in the shell.
  • And if, by some miracle, the chicks suddenly hatch, then they will die very soon, since they are not viable. That is why experienced poultry farmers will never lay eggs with two yolks in an incubator, since there will be no sense from this venture.

We advise you to read the following articles:

Video: Eggs with two yolks - danger or benefit?

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