Chickens: meat, eggs, meat and yaic, fighting, decorative, rare and hybrid-photo, description

Chickens: meat, eggs, meat and yaic, fighting, decorative, rare and hybrid-photo, description

Most often, farmers try to breed chickens, because these birds have good performance. Thanks to the cultivation of chickens, you will be provided not only by delicious and low -calorie meat, but also with high -quality home eggs.

In the world, there are a huge number of different breeds of chickens that differ among themselves in egg production, appearance and performance. This article will consider the most popular breeds of chickens, which experimental farmers prefer.

The main types of chickens

There are several types of chickens that can be found on farms:

  • meat
  • egg-and-and-case
  • egg
  • broiler
  • decorative
  • fight

Meat breeds of chickens

  • Chickens that are bred to obtain meat have a large weight. They lead a more reinforcing lifestyle. Such hens consume a lot of food, But they do not run around the yard, like other species.
  • The drunks of the meat variety after the hatching of the eggs carefully monitor their chicks. If you create the right conditions for the content for the chicks, they gain mass very quickly and grow. There are different breeds of meat chickens, which will be discussed later.


  • The breed of the Kornish is bred not only in private areas, but also in the industrial sphere. The nature of these individuals is calm, so they do not conflict with other birds. The egg production is high. Every year, the laying lines give 120-170 eggs. Birds begin to lay eggs at six months old.
  • Males of the Kornish breed grow up to 5 kg. The chicken is slightly smaller. The mass of an adult rarely exceeds 4 kg. Often, females are sent to hatch eggs, which they cope well.
Kurochka and rooster
Kurochka and rooster


  • Langshan meat was bred in China. This variety is characterized by a low level of vitality. Therefore, the breed gradually passes into the category of rare animals.
  • Females of the Langshan breed grow up to 3.5 kg. Cockerels are more massive, so the mass of their body sometimes reaches 4-4.5 kg. The egg production of females is within 120 eggs per year. Each of them reaches the weight of 50-60 g.


  • The breed of brama is characterized by a pleasant and delicate taste of meat. One individual contains at least 6 kg of meat.
  • In addition to high meat indicators, Bram breed hens have good external data. If these individuals grow along with other meat rocks, then they are immediately distinguished by a bright color. The character is balanced. Also, birds quickly get used to a person.


  • The first references to the Faverol breed, which was bred in France, appeared in the 18th century. The weight of roosters and layers is only 3-4 kg. But, the meat of this breed is characterized by a pleasant taste. It contains a small number of veins.
  • The maturation of females is carried out quickly. They grow almost completely in 7-8 months. From a half -year -old age, the layers are already beginning to carry eggs (about 120 pcs per year). The egg shell is characterized by a dark shade and a dense structure.
  • The difference between this breed and others is that individuals have five fingers on each paw. Faverol breed easily tolerates severe frosts, because it has a fluffy and voluminous plumage.
With lush plumage
With lush plumage


  • One of the distinctive features of the breed is not a naked neck. The variety was bred by French and Romanian breeders. Featers are contained only on the head of the head.
  • The body of this breed is massive. The plumage has a black or black-red tint. The character is calm. But, birds are afraid of a person, so you need to treat them carefully. Otherwise, due to stress, many veins will appear, which will spoil the taste. To taste, the meat of the breed is not reminiscent of a turkey.
With a bare neck
With a bare neck


  • A variety of KH Redpak was bred, relatively, recently. It is characterized by a rapid growth rate. When the chicks reach 2 months, the weight already reaches 2.5 kg. The plumage is quite dense, with a red tint. Featers in the tail are white.
  • The taste of meat Quite pleasant, without a large number of veins. Try to purchase chicks on private farms. So you will be sure that the chickens have a good genealogy.
Feeding the chicken
Feeding the chicken

Iva Hubbard

  • The productivity of the Iva Hubbard breed is quite high. Chicks, at the age of 2-3 months, already weigh at least 2.5 kg. Egg production indicators are high. Every year, each chicken gives about 190 high -quality eggs.
  • The survival of chicks is 96-97%. The main advantage of this variety is that it needs minimal care. It is not required to buy a lot of food. You can do with vegetables and herbs that grow in the garden.
Highly productive breed
Highly productive breed

Jersian giant

  • Farmers call this variety easier - Jersey. Massive broilers immediately got recognition, thanks to the good taste of meat. The tail is quite voluminous, which is a hallmark of a variety. The plumage is white, gray-blue or black.
  • Adult roosters weigh 5 kg, and females-about 3.5-4.5 kg. Annually, the layer gives the farmer at least 190 eggs. The character of the birds is obedient and calm.

Mr. Gray

  • American breeders worked on the excretion of this breed in the early 1980s. One layer gives every year 220-250 eggs. Moreover, productivity begins to appear already from 3 months of age. Adult males weigh 5 kg, and females - 3.5 kg. Often there are individuals, weighing up to 7 kg.
  • There is no specific plumage. It is harassed, gray or reminiscent of the color of the shell. In the tail and collar can be seen beautiful colorful drawings.


  • The breed of Malin was bred by Belgian breeders. Most often, individuals of this species are grown in private areas to get tasty and delicate meat, with a small number of veins. The weight of each rooster reaches 5 kg, and the layers grow up to 3.5-4 kg. The color of the plumage cuckut.
  • Malin breed is characterized by good juiciness. It has a pleasant aroma. Bird care can be minimal. This will not affect the taste of meat.
Cuckut plumage
Cuckut plumage

Arbor Aikres

  • Representatives of the Aikrez breed are characterized by a rapid growth rate. The case is quite massive, squat. The plumage is snow -white, which makes birds even more attractive. Hips strong, massive.
  • The roosters grow huge. The weight of each individual reaches 6-6.5 kg. They do not need to feed growth stimulants, because they themselves grow quickly. The weight of the layer, which annually gives 130 eggs, reaches 4.5-5 kg. Complete ripening occurs already at the age of 6-7 months.

Egg breeds of chickens

  • Chickens that are grown to obtain eggs are quite compact. Every year they give 200-300 eggs. The main advantage of this variety is that its representatives resistant to diseases.
  • Egg meat is not as high quality as with meat species. It contains a lot lived. Next, the most famous and popular species of egg chickens will be considered.


  • The egg production of the breed is high. Every year, each chicken gives at least 220 eggs. If you decide to breed this breed, pre -prepare an incubator. This is due to the fact that the layers do not have maternal instinct, so they will not hatch the chicks and take care of them.
  • Birds of this species are very active. They can run around the yard around the clock. They can fly well, because they have massive wings. The character of the birds is calm, without signs of aggression. The weight of roosters reaches 3 kg, and chickens - 2.5 kg.
Large view with excellent plumage
Large view with excellent plumage

La Flash

Characteristics of the breed Kur la Flash:

  • plumage - black;
  • the comb is a rich red. It has a V-shaped shape;
  • egg production - 200 eggs every year;
  • the weight of one egg is 70-90 g;
  • the weight of the rooster is 5 kg, and the laying droves - 3 kg.

Periodic can be found by dwarf birds of the lace of the la Flash. They grow up to 1 kg.


The body of the birds of the breed is not large. On average, they grow up to 3 kg.

There are several varieties of this breed:

  • Brown-characterized by brown-red color;
  • White is snow -white plumage.

The head of the chickens is small. It has a faint of leaf -shaped shape on it. The layers begin to carry eggs when they are 4 months old. Every year, the chicken gives at least 260 eggs. Sometimes there were individuals that annually gave 350 eggs. Chickens are observed during the first 2 years. After it decreases by 60-70%.

Snow -white
Snow -white

Dutch white -haired

  • Compact chickens of the Dutch Belokhokhay breed always attract the attention of farmers with their appearance. The legs are massive and long. Featers that fit tightly to the skin do not form pillows.
  • Up to one year, the chicken brings 130-135 eggs. After the indicators of the egg production are reduced to 100 pcs. in year. The weight of each egg is not more than 50 g.
Unusual view
Unusual view


  • This breed is considered one of the most famous throughout the world. She was bred by Italian breeders. A variety of leggorn is common not only in private, but also on industrial farms.
  • It is impossible to say unequivocally what color the plumage of the Khgorna breed has is impossible. The color of feathers can be brown, gray or black. But, most often meet snow -white individuals. Egg production indicators reach 250 eggs per year.
Large breeds of chickens
Large breeds of chickens


  • The shaver breed was bred by the Dutch breeders. It belongs to the hybrid category. The egg production is high.
  • Within 10 months of life, the layer gives about 380 high quality eggs. The weight of one copy reaches 60 g.
From Holland
From Holland

A detailed description of the breed of chickens:

  1. Small, compact body.
  2. The leaf -shaped shape of the crest.
  3. A long tail.
  4. Massive wings.
  5. The color of the feathers is black, brown and white.

Chinese royal

  • In order to withdraw the Chinese royal chicken, the breeders took as a basis the genetic material of the Gudan breed. Scientists decided to improve the egg production and the weight of individuals, which, fortunately, they succeeded. Thanks to the work of breeders, the percentage of the survival of chickens increased - up to 98%.
  • Most often, Chinese royal chickens are found on industrial farms. They annually give up to 200 large eggs (weight about 45 g). For the first time, the layer goes to carry eggs at six months old. The weight of roosters and chickens is only 1.3 kg.
  • The meat has pleasant taste And aroma. People noted that the crown crown meat resembles game. The main advantage of this variety is resistance to frosts and diseases.
  • The plumage of birds is classic. The main part has a black shade, but there are snow -white spots. The crest is bright red.
With a bright crest
With a bright crest

Isa Brown

  • Farmers fell in love with the Iza Brown breed for high productivity. The ripening of chicken is observed already at 5 months of age. Maximum productivity occurs at 45 weeks. Every year, each chicken gives at least 350 eggs, the weight of each of which is 50 g. The shell is dark, not thin.
  • To breed the Iza Brown breed, you need to prepare a spacious barn so that the individuals feel comfortable.

Super Nick

  • Super Nick breeds are characterized by snow -white color. The variety was bred by German breeders. Despite the compact physique, the plumage is quite voluminous. Egg production indicators are in the range from 350 to 370 pcs. The average weight of one egg is 65 g.
  • The nature of the chickens is quite active, but calm. They do not show aggression regarding a person and other individuals. The layers begin to carry eggs at the age of 4 months.

Ukrainian Ushaka

  • Most often, the breed of Ukrainian earflaps is found on the farms of Crimea. The appearance of the chickens immediately attracts attention. There are volumetric tanks on the sides of the head, as well as individuals have a bright beard. It is because of these external characteristics that such a breed name appeared.
  • The weight of the individuals is not large, only 2-2.5 kg. But, this does not prevent the layers annually give up to 190 large eggs.
With a beard
With a beard


American breeders worked on the excretion of the high-line breed. The feathers of the chickens are quite short, and have a snow -white and golden color.

The main characteristics of the high-line breed:

  1. Egg production indicators - up to 350 eggs per year.
  2. The weight of one egg is 60 g.
  3. Chickens survival indicators - 97%.
  4. Resistance to common diseases.
  5. Developed maternal instinct.


  • To obtain the breed of chickens, the breeders had to cross the species such as the Iland and Loman Brown. The size of the hens is small. The character is very calm. Roosters and layers do not show aggression of a person and other animals in the yard. Individuals love to walk around the courtyard or aviary (depending on what a person has prepared for them). Featers are painted in a bright brown tint. Every year, birds give the farmer at least 300 large eggs that have a dense shell.
  • Drivenuts of the rhodonite breed begin to carry eggs at the age of 16 weeks. High productivity is observed during the first year of life of chicks. If after it improve the quality of feed, then productivity will return back to normal.
Love to walk at the wax
Love for a walk in the air


  • A distinctive feature of the Aurora breed in the unusual coloring of the plumage. Individuals are characterized gray feathers, with a small blue tint. A bluish tint is observed when chickens are in sunlight.
  • The egg production is high. Each year, layers give 200 eggs. Farmers prefer to breed this breed at households. The nature of the individuals is very calm. Caring for them should be standard.
The shade is bluish in the sun
The shade is bluish in the sun

Meat and vaic breeds of chickens

  • The most common type of chickens is meat-vic. It was obtained as a result of crossing meat and eggs. The physique of chickens is average.
  • The layers give annually about 150-200 eggs, which is a very good indicator. At the same time, the quality of meat does not suffer. Next will be considered the most famous and popular breeds of meat-va chickens.


  • The peculiarity of the tetra breed is that they have a fast growth rate. For the first time, layers begin to lay eggs at the age of 3 months. Egg production - up to 250 eggs per year. If a improve the quality of the content of individuals, then this indicator can be slightly increased.
  • The nature of the breed is calm and measured. They prefer an active lifestyle, but do not provoke conflicts in the yard. The weight of females is 3.5 kg, and roosters can grow up to 5 kg.
Meat and vic
Meat and vic

Rod Iland

The American breed genus Iland has high productivity. It was created in the process of crossing the red-brown Malays and Shanghai Pale Chiches.

Dark brown
Dark brown

The main characteristics of the variety:

  1. The weight of one individual is up to 3 kg.
  2. Egg production - up to 230 eggs per year.
  3. The plumage is dark brown.
  4. The tail is black.
  5. The body is strong. The muscles are developed.

Yerevan chickens

  • For the first time, Yerevan chickens appeared in the Soviet Union, in the early 40s of the last century. In the process of breeding, the genetic material of the kind of ilaland was taken as the basis. The plumage of Yerevan chickens is dark brown. The beak is slightly bent down. Males grow up to 4.5 kg, and layouts - up to 3 kg.
  • The egg production is high. Every year, chickens give at least 200 large eggs. Now Yerevan chickens are used to remove other breeds.
With a beak bent down
With a beak bent down

Russian black bearded

To get a Russian black bearded breed of chickens, the breeders crossed the varieties of Window and the crane. There is also information that the genetic material of the Oryol breed was also taken.

Characteristics of the Russian black bearded chicken:

  • the color of the plumage is rich in black;
  • earrings - long;
  • the beard is voluminous;
  • the weight of the layer is 3.5 kg, and the cockerel - 4 kg;
  • annual egg production - 200 large eggs;
  • the weight of one egg is 60 g.
Dark with a beard
Dark with a beard

Zagorskaya salmon

  • The hybrid variety of Russian Zagorskaya is characterized by an unusual plumage. The layers have orange feathers on their backs, and pinkish breast. Males are characterized by a rich coal shade of the body, but their gate has a snow -white shade.
  • The maturity of the hen occurs quickly. Fullly, layers begin to carry eggs at the age of 4-5 months. Every year they give 250 eggs. The average weight of one adult is 3.3 kg.
With light plumage
With light plumage

Chubly Ukrainian

  • This breed has become very known thanks to external characteristics and high productivity. There is a crest on the head of birds, which is why the crest of leaf-shaped shape is slightly tilted to the side. Often, farmers do not notice the crest, because. the crest is quite voluminous. The color is different - white, gray or brown.
  • The weight of one adult is 2.5-3 kg. Annually chicken give 150-170 eggs. The disadvantage of this species is that they they prefer a warmer or moderate climate. Therefore, on the territory of Siberia or the Urals, they will not be possible to grow them.
With a crest
With a crest

Kyrgyz gray

  • A feature of the Kyrgyz gray breed of chickens in unusual and bright plumage. Featers are characterized by a rich yellow tint. The scallop of individuals is rich in red.
  • The maturation of the layers occurs at the age of 5-6 months. For a year they give 150-180 eggs. The average weight of females is about 3.3 kg, but males can grow up to 3.8 kg. This breed unpretentious to the conditions of content. But, she prefers a warmer climate. If you live in cold regions, then take care of the insulation of the barn and the aviary.


  • The German breed of Kur Bilefelder was bred in the late 80s of the last century. The plumage is a rich red shade. The difference between males and females is that cockerels have extended feathers in the tail.
  • Females grow up to 3 kg, but males can weigh 4-4.5 kg. Annual egg production indicators - 220 eggs per year. They have a dense and dark shell, which does not crack during cooking.
The layers have elongated feathers
The layers have elongated feathers


  • One of the most ancient and well -known breeds is the whaler. The layers give at least 150 eggs in one season. Eggs have a very bizarre shell - rough.
  • The character of the birds is calm. They do not conflict with other inhabitants of the courtyard. The peculiarity of the beels of the whaler is that it easily experiences frost. Therefore, it can be bred in all regions.
Ancient breed
Ancient breed

Fighting breeds of chickens

  • Fighting birds are characterized by an aggressive appearance. Their building is compact, despite this, they have a lot of effort. The chest is narrow and the shoulders are wide. The tail is very raised up, which gives birds more aggressiveness.
  • It is difficult to keep fighting chickens. If you are going to breed this species of poultry, remember their complex character. Now you need to consider the most famous breeds of fighting chickens.


Characteristics of the breed of chickens of Kulanga:

  1. The head of the males is massive, slightly flattened. The layers have a more rounded head.
  2. There are no earrings.
  3. The comb of the pea structure.
  4. The neck is powerful, voluminous.
  5. The case is vertical.
  6. The weight of males is up to 7 kg, and females are slightly less - up to 5 kg.
  7. Egg production - up to 100 pcs. in year.


  • The Azil breed was bred by Italian breeders. The weight of adult individuals rarely exceeds 2.5 kg. The body is very strong, and the muscles are developed. The edges of the body are angular so that the chickens move easier. The head is not big.
  • Representatives of this breed have an almost inconspicuous scallop. The legs are long, muscular. The egg production is low, only 60 eggs per year. But, it must be borne in mind that fighting breeds are divorced for other purposes. Therefore, farmers rarely pay attention to this parameter.

Belgian fighting

The average weight of the roosters of the Belgian breed is 6 kg. The main characteristics of individuals:

  1. An elongated massive neck.
  2. Developed breast.
  3. Broad back.
  4. Vertical case.
  5. Developed oversonal arcs, because of which the gaze of chickens seems a little aggressive.
  6. Wings and tail of shortened shape.
  7. The color is different-red-blue, silver, black, red.
Tightened chickens
Tightened chickens

Decorative breeds of chickens

  • Farmers make decorative chickens so that the agricultural court is more presentable.
  • Individuals of such breeds have a bright coloring of plumage, and an unusual form of crests. Therefore, they attract a lot of attention.
  • Next will be considered the most famous decorative breeds of chickens.

Ayam Tsemani

  • The main difference between the Tseman Ayam breed is a rich coal tint. Small head. The scallop is short, leaf -shaped. He has a black shade. The beak and feathers are also coal color. It is unusual that the blacks of the throat of the cemani and the eyes are black in the chickens.
  • The character is very calm and shy. It does not have confidence in a person. The egg production is low. Females for the season can give no more than 80 eggs. Roosters weigh about 2 kg, and the weight of females does not exceed 1.3 kg.
Absolutely coal
Absolutely coal


  • Another unusual breed of chickens is Paduan. Chicken and cockerels have a crest consisting of long feathers. Thanks to this, the head of the bird seems more voluminous and massive. A beautiful crest complements a beautiful beard. The tail has a sickle shape.
  • Given that the Paduan features are rather soft, they are used to fill the pillows.
Very beautiful
Very beautiful


This breed of chickens was bred in Germany. The bodies of birds are compact, which only increases their popularity among farmers.

Distinctive features of the breed:

  • small head;
  • a rose -shaped scallop;
  • short beak;
  • rounded earrings;
  • curved neck;
  • convex chest;
  • the color of the feathers is spotted or striped.

Egyptian Fayuumi

  • Representatives of the breed of the Egyptian Fayuumi are characterized by a slender physique. The paws stick out a little forward. The scallop located on the head has a bright saturated shade.
  • This breed is very active. Therefore, they need to be kept in spacious enclosures. Also, the place of their content must be covered with a net, otherwise the birds can fly away. Chickens do not trust a person, and in every possible way avoid contact with him. Females do not like to hatch eggs. They spend a lot of time walking along the street.
Likes to walk
Likes to walk

Rare chickens

There are unusual and rare breeds of chickens. The most famous of them are considered:

  • Delaware. The meat of chickens is very light. Every week, the layer gives 4 large eggs. Chicks have good survival. This breed adapts to any climatic conditions.
  • Dominic. The variety was bred in America. It has a calm character. The plumage is black and white. There is an unusual pattern on the body. Thanks to volumetric plumage, the body of the bird seems much larger.
  • Campin. It is considered one of the oldest breeds in the world. The color is golden and silver.

Hybrid varieties

Breeders are constantly trying to withdraw new breeds of chickens. That is why unusual hybrids appeared.

The most famous of them will be described later:

  • Poltava clay. This breed is distinguished by endurance and resistance to common diseases. It does not need careful care for it. Featers are painted in all colors of clay, which is why such a name appeared. The meat of this breed is tender, without burners of fat. The egg production is high - up to 300 eggs per year.
  • Avikolor. This breed is characterized by a friendly character, so it easily gets along with other animals in the yard. The meat of these chickens is dietary, without fat. The average weight of an adult is 3 kg.
With dietary meat
With dietary meat
  • Golden comet. This variety was created to obtain a large number of eggs. Every year they give 300 large eggs of high quality. In food, representatives of this breed are unpretentious. They can be fed with herbs, vegetables or combined food.
  • Sussex. This variety belongs to the meat-vic category. Every year, layers give up to 250 eggs. The plumage is different. The nature of the representatives of this breed is calm. They do not conflict with a person or other animals.
Ideal layers
Ideal layers
  • Plymouth Rock. This breed is ideal for farmers who are just beginning to engage in the removal of chickens. They do not need to carefully care for them. Every year, females give 200 eggs. The plumage of colorful shades. The character is calm. Birds quickly get used to a person, and begin to trust him.
Ideal for young farmers
Ideal for young farmers

So, now you know the features of each breed of chickens, which is found on private or industrial farms. Based on the above information, you yourself must decide what kind of variety you will breed. First, decide on the category of chickens. After preparing the appropriate conditions of detention. Remember, it is the life expectancy of birds, meat indicators and egg production depends on the quality of care.

We will also talk about such animal breeds:

Video: profitable layers

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Comments K. article

  1. I found information on one of the rural sites that there are chickens completely without feathers. This is true?

  2. Are they already on sale? Where could I buy?

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