Levsha child: Do I need to retrain him? Left -handed, right -handed or ambigstra: what's the difference?

Levsha child: Do I need to retrain him? Left -handed, right -handed or ambigstra: what's the difference?

From this article you will learn whether to retrain the child left -handed, whether it is worth doing. After all, you can harm.

The day of the left in the world is celebrated August 13th. Of course, the topic of Levsch children has always been called into question by conservative views. Some believe: “Such children have talent!”, Others believe that Levsha should still be renewed on the right hand.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to do if the child is constantly lying, begins to lie at school, at home". You will find 16 tips for psychologists.

Let's figure out whether parents need to interfere in the process, and retrain the child at an early age. Or it is better to leave such a feature of the child alone and allow the child to write a comfortable hand. We listen to the advice of leading psychologists in Russia. Read further.

At what age is the leading hand determined?

At the age of 4-5 years, the leading hand is determined
At the age of 4-5 years, the leading hand is determined

Science proved: Already from 4-5 years old You can determine which hand the child prefers to draw and write, since only from this period does a certain preference begin to form in a small person.

Watching how the children dress, lace the nodes, fold something, you can clearly trace what hand is in the active phase, that is, it is the leading, and which only has an auxiliary function.

How to determine the child of a left -hander or right -hander?

There are three ways that will help to accurately determine the leading hand of the baby:

  • Give the child the task of performing some actions at the same time with two hands. For example, draw figures or animals. As a rule, for right -handed, a drawing made by the right hand will, of course, be more accurate and neat than another, and vice versa.
  • The fact of the hand of trembling of the hand, the so -called tremor, also affects the choice of a hand that will be conveniently written and not only affected. To whom it is less pronounced when working with the left hand - for sure, will be left -handed in the future.
  • Ask to repeat "folding hands at chest level." The left -handed left brush will lie from above on the right forearm, and vice versa.
  • Another effective method is the interweaving of the fingers. But keep in mind: you need to perform the exercise without preparation at a fast pace. The thumb of the leading hand lies on top. At the right hand - the right hand, the left -handed person - left.

Of course, the best ways to determine right -handed or left -handed, are everyday routine situations that will not seem so difficult for the child. Ask him to help you: for example, pour flowers, transfer the item, take things, and the like. In this case, pay attention to the actions of the hands. First of all, a person chooses that he does not cause him trouble, and performs the action with the leading hand easily and accurately.

Oddly enough, it happens even such that the letter is better given with one hand, and household tasks are more successfully performed by the other. Everything should be personally selected and taken into account when choosing a hand for future written work.

Left -handed, right -handed or ambigstra: what's the difference?

The child is ambigdrastr
The child is ambigdrastr

Traditionally, children who use only the right hand for writing are called "" expressed right -handed people", same - about left -handed people. There is also a concept "Unpertured right -handed person", when the same actions at the basic level can perform the left hand.

But do not forget about the existence of children who can perform tasks well using their both hands. Such people are called ambigstrams. Often in practice, advice is used: "Which hand is more often used, that is his host", What is not true, because there is a difference between what hand the child uses for household items and letters.

Specialists in this field distinguish the following concepts:

  • "Graphic functional superiority". It is about the written role of the hand.
  • There is also "Household functional superiority". This refers to the movements and actions of the basic level of performance.
  • Lefts, which have a sign of “graphic superiority”, often turn out to be “domestic left -handed people” the same way. A similar situation is observed in right -handed.

The rules have exceptions, therefore, as an example, one can cite ambitious children who can successfully use both hands to fulfill the tasks. Often their abilities and skills are the same as in domestic, in graphic capabilities.

Is it worth and necessary to retrain the child (boy, girl) to write left with the right hand?

No need to retrain the child to the left to write with the right
No need to retrain the child to the left to write with the right

To retrain the left -hander so that he switches to the use of his right hand in the letter is not worth it. Parents are not recommended for parents, as there may be serious consequences.

Nevertheless, there are different situations: for example, in childhood (up to 5-6 years old) a boy or a girl was already retrained to write with his right hand, but he was not yet at school, that is, he has not yet developed his own right-handed personnel. There is no problem here, the only thing is in time and the efforts of parents and the baby himself.

Otherwise, the eldest is best to accept your child in the way and the method of writing and life in domestic conditions, which are the most convenient and simple for him.

What is the danger of retraining left -handed to right -handedness?

Unfortunately, even if parents wish for their child only all the best, they, not noticing that, only worsen the real situation. What is the danger of retraining left -handed to right -handedness?

  • In development, this process can adversely affect, because health disorders and backwardness in the corresponding development of children of a certain age are possible.
  • If the child feels the pressure from the side of his leading hand, this will not lead to anything good. Reading problems are also not excluded.
  • Walking and irritability may appear. The emotional sphere is filled with negative. Often, parents hear the complaints of children about the pain in the “new” for writing to the hand, as well as about weakness and fatigue.

Advice: If you notice such manifestations negative for child health, be sure to contact specialists for advice and obtaining instructions on how to proceed further.

What to do if the teacher disliked the child to the left -handed person: the tips of the psychologist

The old learning system mostly tried to retrain the pupils of the same, so that they completely switch to their right hand in a letter and everyday duties. It is worth noting that in those days it succeeded. And let time have changed, but a similar attitude of the older generation to children, which differs from other students, to the deepest regret, remained. Therefore, there are frequent cases of negative experience in the interaction of students and teachers in educational institutions not only of our country, but also in schools of other countries of the former CIS.

What to do if the teacher disliked the child to the left -hander? Here are the tips of the psychologist:

  • If such a conflict really arose, it is worth directly expressing your position and protect your child.
  • It is important to find a common language without aggression. This is the only way to achieve consensus, because the student still learn with this team.
  • Basically, teachers are not conflicts. And if the teacher is dissatisfied with something, then you can talk to him and there will be hope for the best outcome of the situation and a quick solution to the problem. If at no explanation and conversations, the teacher does not want to accept what the child writes with his left hand, because he is so convenient, then it is recommended to contact the leadership of an educational institution or other specialists (school psychologist, etc.) to eliminate the problem.

In the modern world, the leading hand of a person does not affect the attitude towards him or his status.

The use of the left hand in the letter and left -handedness - the same thing?

Left -handed child
Left -handed child

Often we meet in life such concepts as "Leftha" and "Left -handed". Surely, everyone has a friend or relative who writes or draws with his left hand. But it happens that such people are mistakenly classified as “left -handed”, and this is a completely different concept.

  • The words " left» and « left -handed»Often are used as synonyms, but these two concepts should be distinguished.
  • Left -handedness - This is a reflection of a certain interhemispheric asymmetry, in which the left arm is more active (leading).
  • Left is meant a comprehensive characteristic that reflects the great activity of the right hemisphere of the brain (in difference From right -handedness, in which the left hemisphere dominates).

Simple words, "Left -handed" - The person whose left hand is active in action, that is, the leading one. And the left -hander in scientific circles is considered the person who has the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain above the activity of the left.

That's why left -handed - not always "left -handed", and vice versa. If the child performs important actions and activity with the left hand, then it is appropriate to consider it "Levorukim". It can only be left -handed in cases where the leading people are not only a hand, but also a left eye, an ear and so on. This phenomenon is usually found in practice very, very rarely.

Levsha child: don't panic

We passed that historical stage of the life of our society, when some special feature of health, appearance and the like, only worsened the status of a person. Now we are all equal, and we use the same rights and capabilities, despite the color of the skin, religion, political views and even seemingly trifles such as a leading hand or other peculiarity of the body.

Therefore, if your child is left -handed, then do not panic. It is best to leave alone a little person who is still waiting for a difficult path of development and experience, he will independently choose and analyze. Do not try to retrain it. Better try to find a common language with your child, help him in development, and do not aggravate the situation. If he is so comfortable - let him be left -handed. There will be no harm to others, and if someone believes that it is wrong to write with his left hand, then let him remain with his opinion or simply step aside. Good luck!

Video: Child Levsha. Is it possible and necessary to retrain the left -handed person in the right -handed person? Parenting. Mom's school

Video: If your child is left -handed. Tips to parents

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