The child is angry: what to do, how to respond to child aggression?

The child is angry: what to do, how to respond to child aggression?

Not only adults, but also children can be angry. This is a normal emotion that appears during stress or resentment.

Most parents do not know how to cope with the child’s behavior. From this article you will learn how to behave correctly with a child who is angry.

Why is the child angry?

If an adult is angry during any difficult situations, then the child can be angry due to quite domestic problems.


  • If someone takes his favorite toy from the baby. This can be easily explained. The child considers the toy to be his value. Therefore, one cannot interpret his anger, like selfishness.
  • If he cannot do any task. For example, the tower from the designer is not worth it, or the drawing was not obtained.
  • In the case when the child is forbidden to do what he wants. For example, do not let the street or let the cartoons look.
  • If adults independently provoke a child to aggression with their behavior. For example, they eat something, but they do not allow him to try.

Why is a child’s anger is a normal reaction?

  • Never forbid your child to show his anger. Otherwise, she will accumulate, which can provoke psychosomatic diseases.
If the child is very angry and says that he hates
If the child is very angry and says that he hates

The child reflects the behavior of his parents.

  • If the father or mother, during the manifestation of anger, raise his hand on the child, he will also beat parents, brothers, sisters and peers.
  • If during a quarrel parents beat the dishes, then the baby will scatter their toys. Remember that the child carefully monitors the behavior of his parents, and copies them.
Parents are often afraid of childhood anger, because they have their own unfinished injuries
Parents are often afraid of childhood anger, because they have their own unfinished injuries

What to do if the child is angry?

Now let's look at how to teach a child to be angry and release/redirect energy, without danger to others.

There are some tips:

  • Shout into the box. Take a small box, and sign it "box of anger." Ask the baby to decorate it the way he wants. After explain that when the child is angry, you need to shout all the aggression into this box. So that he better understand your message, show with a personal example. After you can tell the baby that all the negativity needs to be released out the window. That is, open a “box of anger” at the window. Thanks to this method, the baby will not show his anger at others.
  • Drawing. Let the baby draw during anger. The main thing is not to restrain his imagination. After that, let the child decide to himself what he wants to do with his creation - to throw, tear, burn or leave.
  • Beating something. You can ask a man to hang a small boxing pear in the room. As soon as the child is anger, let him go, and pounds her. So he will relieve tension through the body. Instead of a boxing pear, you can even use a pillow.
  • Modeling. Let the child blindly blind the figure from plasticine during anger, and destroy it. So he will learn to cope with his emotions.
  • Game "RVVAK". Put the old magazines, newspapers, etc. in front of the baby. Ask him during aggression to break what lies in front of him. Thanks to this exercise, the baby will be able to better throw out all the negative, which accumulated in it.
Work with anger of the child
Work with anger of the child

If you want your child to use the above "tricks" that allow you to control anger, adhere to such tips:

  • Advise him one of the above methods after he calms down. In the process of conflict, the baby is unlikely to listen to you.
  • Show him everything by your example. As soon as the child sees that you also use such tricks, he will also begin to use them.
  • Do not forget to remind. Only with the regular use of the aforementioned methods, the child will learn how to control his anger.

The child is angry: how to deal with aggression in children?

There are many different ways how to curb anger and aggression. Most of them apply to children. Further, each method will be considered in detail. You have the right to choose one of them, depending on the nature and behavior of your child.


  • If the child freaks out and angry, then it is difficult to control himself at this moment. You need to teach the baby to calm down before he wants to show his emotions.
  • You can advise him to count from 10 to 0. This will not only calm down, but also more calmly express his discontent. After all, the ardor of aggression will be less.

Hugs during anger

  • If anger is so strong that the child is angry and clenches his fists, screams, ask him to hug you. A hug is a way to calm down, because the child will feel support from relatives and friends. So he will learn to control his aggression.
  • Often, children cry during hugs. You should not blame them for this. Tears are a normal reaction that allows you to get rid of negativity.
Let your child feel your warmth and support
Let your child feel your warmth and support


  • Psychologists recommend that you sing your favorite song during anger. This sets up a person to rest.
  • This method can be applied to children. If the baby will sing his favorite song, then he will not be able to fully get angry, and calm down faster.

Conversations heart to heart

  • Teach your child to express dissatisfaction or anger in words. Let him openly talk about what he does not like. You can encourage him for openness with sweets or small toys.
  • This method helps to control emotions, which is very good for health. Thanks to this, the child will grow more open, and less conflict.

What can not be done when the child is angry?

How the child will grow on the upbringing and understanding of parents. If you do not want it to be notorious or conflict, adhere to the advice that will be listed below:

  • Ignoring. Most families face this problem. Parents are convinced that the child has something to do, because he has many toys. They try to build a career, therefore, they distinguish little time to educate the baby. At the child’s request to play with him, parents can refuse, and send him to watch cartoons. This is a huge mistake. You need to talk with children, and spend enough time with them. Only in this way can you teach them how to live in society.
  • Quarrels with children. Another fairly common mistake is quarrels of parents with a child. They believe that the baby is still small, and does not understand everything that is happening. However, this is an erroneous opinion. The child adopts the behavior of parents, so you cannot quarrel with him.
  • Mockery and humiliation. Some parents do not think that some of their phrases to the child may be offensive. You should not use such expressions: “Leave, you are still small” or “This is not for children.” Such statements provoke a child in resentment and anger.
  • Not an interest in the opinion of the child. Whether you thought about consulting a small member of the family regarding move or repair. Perhaps he does not yet understand all aspects, but he can already make decisions. Therefore, try to consult with your child. Otherwise, he will behave just as vulgarized in relation to you. If the child gets used to the fact that with his opinion they are not considered, he will cease to be interested in the life of his parents.

Other parents' mistakes

Many parents make the same mistakes in raising children. If your child is angry, in no case are such errors:

  • Do not speak, That you do not love him because he is angry. This will provoke the child's isolation, and he will cease to listen to you altogether.
  • Do not threaten punishments.
  • Do not apply strength (slap on the pope etc.). This will cause even greater anger.
  • Do not demand immediately stop aggression. Better teach him to cope with her.
  • Don't get away from the babyTo be alone with his anger. This can lead to psychological disorders.
Remember these rules
Remember these rules

So, now you know that childhood anger is a completely normal reaction. You cannot force the baby to restrain this anger, because this can lead to problems in adulthood. Try to listen to your child and teach him to cope with aggression. Only it depends on you how it will grow.

Articles about children and for children:

Video: How to deal with childhood aggression?

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  1. Mine was also angry, especially when I select the phone. These gadgets generally destroy the psyche, as for me. I already began to give him the Mishka Evalar to give calm, the composition is natural, glycine, magnesium, vitamin B6. I also liked the form, the child eats a marmalade bear with pleasure and is less nervous.

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