Psychological tricks in the fight against extra pounds: Motivation, believe in yourself, awareness

Psychological tricks in the fight against extra pounds: Motivation, believe in yourself, awareness
This article describes interesting psychological tricks in the fight against extra pounds.
So, it’s warm soon, and you decided that you want to lose several kilograms of weight? Congratulations! How are you going to do it? The basis, of course, is a low -energy, balanced diet and regular physical activity.
However, in fact, having begun to lose weight and persist with the help of a diet, you should also take care of your thinking. After all, as they say, all problems are from our head. If you want to reduce weight, try to think about some things first. Below you will learn about psychological tricks in the fight against extra pounds.

Why I hang a lot: the reason for the appearance of 5, 10, 20 extra kilograms

The reason for the appearance of 5, 10, 20 extra kilograms: psychological problems
The reason for the appearance of 5, 10, 20 extra kilograms: psychological problems

The most common cause of obesity is a positive energy balance. If you have a question why I am a lot, that's the reason 5, 10, 20 extra pounds:

  • You eat too much, move little.

If the calories used are not consumed, then the body will put them into the “reserves”. Especially, this is dangerous if it eats too much, and even feel hunger. This is already called compulsive overeating. Now let's understand in more detail. Why do you eat too much?

  • Some people eat because they like it.
  • Many constantly feel hunger, and they have a desire to eat with the only form or smell of food.
  • However, it often happens that a person eats in response to some kind of psychological problem.
  • The reasons for compulsive overeating And other types of gluttony, many and all of them mainly have psychological roots.

You cannot cope with stress, sadness, depression. Therefore, you console yourself with food - high -calorie sweets or other unhealthy foods. A person calms his nerves and tries to get rid of the feelings associated with failures with the help of food. After all, it is so nice, sitting on the couch to feel this sweet feeling of gluttony.

Advice: Think why you go to the kitchen too often or eat too much.

What made you fight extra pounds? If you know the causes of your overweight, you can effectively fight extra pounds. You can easily avoid situations that make you eat. It is important to learn how to find other methods for removing daily stress. Thanks to this, it will be easier for you to achieve the desired success.

Why I want to lose weight: awareness will help get rid of extra pounds

The realization of why you want to lose weight will help get rid of extra pounds
The realization of why you want to lose weight will help get rid of extra pounds

Having determined the cause of malnutrition, think about why you want to lose weight and how you want to do it? Awareness will help get rid of extra pounds. The most important thing is to understand that proper nutrition will add health, prosperity to you and make the figure slim. Therefore, you will be more confident in yourself and can feel self -satisfaction.

Advice: Establish realistic goals that you can achieve. Start slowly with small changes, which will simply follow.

For example, give yourself an installation:

  • I will not eat sweets and other unhealthy foods.
  • Instead of visiting fast food establishments, I will eat light, useful salads.
  • I will try to lose from 0.5 to 1 kg per week.

These are real goals that can be achieved if you collect all the willpower “into a fist” and limit yourself a little. After all, there is no need to starve, the main thing is to eat right. Thus, you will reach the desired weight with small steps. Do not set you unreal, doomed tasks - this will only reduce your desire to lose weight.

Motivation is important: how to lose extra pounds without diets?

Motivation is important
Motivation is important

Often the motivation helps. It is really important if you want to lose weight without harm to health. Just take care of yourself. How to lose extra pounds without diets? Here's what you should do:

  • Make paper cards.
  • Write on them the reasons why you want to lose weight. Be sure to also indicate what advantages this will give for you.
  • Put these notes wherever there is a temptation. For example, in the refrigerator. Always read them if there is a temptation to eat something excess.
  • Look more often in the photo, where you have several kilograms less. Think about how much better you felt then when you were slender.

As the reasons on the cards described above, you can indicate the following:

  • Improving health
  • Slim figure
  • Subscription
  • Improving self -esteem
  • External attractiveness
  • Improving the physical form, etc.

Such reasons will motivate you well and force you to adhere to a diet. You also need to realize that sometimes unpleasant sensations will appear in terms of psychological state:

  • When you feel irritability.
  • There will be a desire to eat something that is not recommended in the diet.
  • There may be a misunderstanding by surrounding people.
  • Difficulties with food outside the house will arise.

This must be prepared in advance in order to then avoid the temptation and pressure of other people who do not understand you. You need to find a suitable "antidote" for such situations:

  • Remove the voltage in the gym, in the pool or with the help of aerobics.
  • Take care of everyday relaxation, for example, take a bath with music.
  • Do not worry about gossip at work or negative comments on social networks of other people. After all, they just envy your willpower.

Always carry something useful out of food with you so that the sudden attack of hunger does not end in a trip to McDonald's for hamburgers.

Manage yourself: the best advice on resetting extra pounds

Manage yourself: the best advice on resetting extra pounds
Manage yourself: the best advice on resetting extra pounds

It is very important to control the amount of food consumed. Therefore, when you eat, focus only on this. Do not eat during other classes, such as watching a TV or reading a newspaper. So you cannot control what and how much you eat. In this case, people usually eat more than they need.

Advice: Learn to control yourself, control yourself in everything. If you want to create yourself again, then you can’t do without it.

Here are the best tips for resetting extra pounds:

  • Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. Periodically, during a meal, ask yourself: "Do I really need more food". If you begin to doubt, stop, then you are already full, just the brain has not yet received a signal. Wait 15 minutes, And a feeling of saturation will come by itself.
  • Do not go to the store for food when very hungry. In this case, you will put too many unnecessary products in the basket, without which you can and should be dispensed with.
  • Eat food on small plates. This technique helps our brain to understand that there is a lot of food, and thanks to this, eat less.
  • At the beginning of weight loss, write down what and in what quantities do you eat. This is a very good method of self -control. So you can find mistakes in your diet and understand if you eat too much.

As you can see, it is not difficult to take care of yourself. The main thing is not to be lazy and go towards your goal.

Believe me: you can drop extra pounds quickly

Believe me
Believe me

When you can set yourself a real goal and you will correctly motivate yourself, you will need faith in your abilities. You need to believe in yourself:

  • Decide for yourself - do you treat weight loss as a series of endless victims or as a way to take care of your health, beauty of the body.
  • Then in your head you will understand that you want to lose weight, and you can drop extra pounds quickly and efficiently.

These psychological tricks will help you get rid of extra pounds. The main thing is to “settle” the right thoughts in your head, and after that it will be easier to cope with body requests. Good luck!

Video: Change thinking and hides! How to get thinking of a slender person?

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