TOP-25 rules for losing weight

TOP-25 rules for losing weight

Excess weight is the problem of many people. It is for this reason that the issue of losing weight does not lose its relevance for many years.

Demand gives rise to a proposal, so today on the Internet you can find a huge number of different diets and ways that help to say goodbye to hated fat deposits. We offer you in this, sometimes unequal and difficult battle with extra pounds, to use our useful tips.

TOP-25 rules for losing weight

To many people, the process of losing weight is much easier if they begin to relate to this, as their direct duty, because overeating and excess weight are faithful satellites of the disease. And moderate food consumption and physical activity are the key to health. Based on the previously said, it follows that health is our duty, and completeness is sin.

By the way, believers can consider completeness as a real sin, or rather as a consequence of their sinful deeds - gluttony. Let's find out what women who dream of dropping extra pounds should remember.


So, remember the following rules for losing weight:

  1. A suddenly broken car, the elevator is your chance to worry about your health once again and walk on foot. Take care of this even if the elevator works or really want to get to a taxi. And if the weather is also good, then walking is doubly useful.
  2. Watch the TV and news less, especially when you eat. So, carried away by watching your favorite series or program you eat more.

    Under the TV you can eat more harmful
    Under the TV you can eat more harmful
  3. Stop the relationship that destroys you. Many people notice that they begin to get fat precisely at the moment when the “black strip” comes in the relationship. Why is this happening? It is hard to explain, but most are inclined to the fact that in this way the body reacts to stress.
  4. Take for yourself the habit of solving problems that have arisen, and do not run away and hide from themLike an ostrich in the sand.
  5. Do not believe everything that they write on the Internet, especially for Pseudo -Dodig’s articles. Do not ask for advice from "sofa" experts and network doctors, do not try unknown drugs that promise an instant effect. Learn to filter the information received and in any case do not check everything read on yourself.
  6. To say goodbye to hated kilograms, sometimes you need very little - do not feed yourself everything that remains of guests/children/, will disappear soon, if you do not have time to eat it.
  7. You need to fight fats, and not only with those that are deposited on your stomach, buttocks, but also with those that you consume. Remember, all the superfluous that got into your mouth will certainly get to your sides, stomach and buttocks.
  8. If you can’t lose weight, then lose weight is not yours. Love your folds or stop complaining that you cannot. You will succeed, just not as fast as we would like.
  9. For weight loss, choose only those methods that initially they cause you to say goodbye to fat deposits. Otherwise, the desire will leave quickly, which cannot be said about kilograms.
  10. Constant starvation leads to the fact that a person begins to eat in his dreams, so they are very bad.
  11. The key to losing weight is the lack of overeating.
  12. So that the food does not seem to you wherever possible, make regular snacks between the main meals. Ideally, your diet should consist of 3 main and 2 additional meals. Remember, the lack of a snack will necessarily provoke overeating.

  13. Have you seen Sleeping people in the subway? Have you asked yourself how it is possible? The answer is simple: these people are constantly malnutrition and they quickly “sit batteries”.
  14. Do not be too preoccupied with your weight, it is better to take care of something more pleasant.
  15. Remember, hunger you need to satisfy without fail in the same way as the need for sex.
  16. In no case Do not lower the number of calories eaten below the norm. Many people think that having eaten half the daily calorie, they will lose weight faster. However, in fact, in this way you will only accelerate the process of “exhausting” your body, start sleeping on the go, get a “beautiful” pale and dry skin and no minus on the scales.
  17. Remember, no chewing gum, no protein cocktail, no "magic" tablet It will not replace you with a full meal, so you should not try to deceive the body, it’s better to just eat.
  18. “Sleep for weaklings” - forget this phrase once and for all. Remember, sleep is the key to the qualitative restoration of your body. Remember yourself when you are asked to go out on a weekend. Are you "burning" the desire to work out once again? Probably not. So our body does not really want to work when it is supposed to relax, and even more so it will not work at this time productive. And without recovery, the body will not say goodbye to extra pounds.

    Sleep is very important
    Sleep is very important
  19. Down with remorse for an extra piece of the cake. Do you think that you acted incorrectly and are afraid to see a 200-gram piece of cake, beautifully bulging on the priest with cellulite? Go squat or run.
  20. Film the so -called weekly chitmil. Losing weight weight loss, but we live once, and all the time to limit ourselves in delicious food is not worth it.
  21. Do not forget that sugar Your body receives not only when you drink tea/coffee and add sugar sand there, eat sweets and cakes. In the same way, the body receives sugar from fruits, vegetables, oatmeal from a pack, various PP Batonchiki, alcohol. Consider this fact.
  22. Do not believe those who say that prepare the right food for a long time and expensive. Buckwheat, oatmeal, baked potatoes, chicken fillet and vegetable salad are prepared much faster than borscht, pilaf, meat roll, and all this is worth much cheaper than alcohol, chips, ready breakfasts.

    Eat correctly
    Eat correctly
  23. Do not set yourself up for a quick result, especially the one that the miracle-blue will prophesy, the “magical” tablet. Remember how many years you eat extra pounds and rejoice that you will take much less time to “burn” them (most likely).
  24. Very often, food is the only joy in life, so a person begins to consume it in huge numbers, forgetting that hormones of joy can be obtained from other things, for example, sex. Take it a rule, every time you want to eat something forbidden, have sex. This will not only provoke the production of hormones, but will also serve as a small physical exertion.
  25. Well, and, of course, do not forget about sports, because it is important not only to see the figure “50” on the scales, but also to look fit and young, and for this you need to train muscles.
Sport is very important
Sport is very important

In fact, it’s easy to lose weight, because losing weight does not mean starving and “sit” on a diet. This means stopping eating harmful food, a little to adjust your diet and become a little more active.

And how are you lost and what did you do to get the result? Tell us about your experience in the comments! And also save us in bookmarks and go more often, we are always glad to you!

Video: It's easy to lose weight!

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Comments K. article

  1. For everyone who starts to lose weight during quarantine, I highly recommend reading this article sensible and a lot of useful information!

  2. It is essentially easy to keep yourself in shape. You just need to accustom yourself to an adequate volume of portions and healthy products. I have a relationship with food and body, as a result, 5 extra kg left. For active fat burning, I drink an Evalarovsky lipotropic factor, I buy it on a, it helps noticeably.

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