“Pass by the ears”: the origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“Pass by the ears”: the origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

In this article, we will analyze the phraseological unit “Pass by your ears”.

Russian speech is rich in phraseological turns, which not only adorn it, but also help to create a more accurate speech effect. Although you can interpret phraseological units in two ways, or rather, they always have a direct and figurative value. We offer to disassemble the phrase “Pass by your ears” in order to use it in the future.

What does it mean, how to understand the expression “skip past the ears”: a short direct and figurative meaning

In a word, the phrase “let go past the ears” sounds, how to ignore, neglect, listen.

Of course, literallywe cannot miss something through the ears. Although, if you reason theoretically, the words are a set of air vibrations that are captured by drum repopies, and then they are transmitted through other parts of the organ and nerve endings to the brain.

But phraseologism is more often used in a figurative meaning:

  • do not listen to the interlocutor, not to respond to what they heard, not to remember;
  • discarding during a conversation on your thoughts, not to pay attention to the interlocutor’s speech.
A brief explanation
A brief explanation

The origin of the expression "let go past the ears"

This phraseology is considered Issue-Russian, who came to us from the ancient peoples. The phrase concerns a person, and specifically his lack of attentiveness and the ability to listen or delve into a conversation. Although there is no exact data on the origin of the phrase.

But very closely “passing by your ears” is in contact with the expression “listen, but not hear”. Those. Do not delve into the essence of the conversation, do not remember the information said. After all, we listen and pass by the words, and do not perceive them carefully.

Examples of how to make a proposal with phraseological units "pass by ears"

Please note that The semantic load falls on the whole phrase, entirely, Separately, these words or their replacement distorts the meaning of phraseology.

  • Pass all the ugly words past your ears, then the nervous system will be in order.
  • Ivan again missed all his wife’s words past his ears, so he forgot why he came to the store.
  • But there was no need to miss the advice of the elders by the ears, now it’s too late to complain.
  • Stepa continued to catch the flies and a raven to count, passing by his ears most of the lecture.
  • Fortunately, she missed my words past her ears.
  • How can you be so inattentive and skip everything that has been said past your ears?
  • I knew that she was not in the spirit, so I missed all the insults by my ears.
  • She was so tired that she missed her mother’s words about the assignment.
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How to choose a synonym for phraseological units "let go past your ears?

The most commonly used Synonyms for the expression "let go past the ears":

  • neglect
  • ignore
  • leave without attention
  • overlook
  • do not attach meaning
  • do not pay attention

You can replace other phraseological units, which also characterize inattention:

  • fly to catch
  • raven count
  • fly in the clouds
  • let in one ear, release into the other

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Video: Do \u200b\u200bnot "pass by the ears" or anatomical phraseologisms

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