Corridgeal stone: the origin and meaning of phraseological unit in modern Russian and for the Church

Corridgeal stone: the origin and meaning of phraseological unit in modern Russian and for the Church

The article will tell about the meaning of the “cornerstone” phase.

Phraseology is one of the important components of the elements of the Russian language and contains a large number of phrases, expressions, phrases. Many phraseological turns are well known to the Russian -speaking majority, but often there are words that only questions cause.

Let us give an example such phraseologism as " foundation stone". This phrase was heard by many, but not everyone understands its meaning. What is the meaning and origin of phraseology " foundation stone“What is it, what does this expression mean? Let's talk about this in more detail in our review today.

Where did the phrase "cornerstone" come from?

To begin with, it is worth saying that this expression is especially characteristic of the literary Russian language - quite rarely you will hear in everyday life the use of such “smart” phrases. Probably, for this very reason, the phraseology “cornerstone” is not clear to everyone.

But it should also be noted that in modern times, conversational Russian language is simplified, so we do not use phraseological turns so often. And this cannot be called a positive trend. On the other hand, phraseology " foundation stone"For our time, it is slightly outdated, because it originates directly in biblical legends. This expression is first found in the Christian Bible, so we can also find it in other languages, for example, German or English.

That is, this phrase is borrowed, which has come to Russian and other languages. By the way, in English the phrase " foundation stone"Has the word" fundamental“Due to which phraseologism becomes more clear. In the Russian language, the situation is different, and it is a little more difficult to deal with the mentioned expression. But in theory, it should be clear to the peoples of different nations of the world, and we will talk about its meaning below.

What does the phraseology "cornerstone" mean?

Now let's move closer to the analysis of our stones. So what is " foundation stone"? In principle, this phrase is synonymous to another phraseological turnover - “ at the forefront“Which also requires analysis. Both of these phraseologisms are taken from the biblical legend, according to which the walls of the temple of God during its construction were fastened with one main stone, displaced from the rock. Thus, the whole temple was held on this stone as on the foundation. That is, the cornerstone means the base, foundation, the main component of something.

Also, according to legend, the construction stone did not initially fit as a building material for the walls of the temple. But later, when it was necessary to close the most important joint of the walls, the stone suddenly turned out to be the only necessary element.

But there is another interpretation of this phraseological unit. For example, in some it is associated with another stone mentioned in the Bible. It already refers to a stumbling block, but such a meaning has a different meaning, more negative. The stumbling block is the main obstacle to something. Therefore, such an interpretation differs from the above.

Be that as it may, phraseologism " foundation stone»Most often used in the meaning" the foundation«, «foundation“, Rather than otherwise. This is the most correct translation into Russian specifically this biblical expression.

Where is the expression "cornerstone" used?

Although this phraseological circulation has been known to people since ancient times, it has been used in the literary environment not so often. Nevertheless, they have, for example, in Belinsky: "Some German Aristarchs leaned on this expression of the great poet, as on the main cornerstone of aesthetic criticism." In principle, you can choose such literary quotes in the general account, but in colloquial speech it is quite difficult to find the corresponding winged phrases.

If we move strictly within the framework of biblical meanings, then such a phraseology will designate the image of Jesus Christ, the leader of the Jewish people, not everywhere accepted by people of the righteous martyr.

If you take into account wider use, then this phrase will mean the foundation, basis, the most important part of any thing. As a rule, phraseology is more characteristic of literary turns, most often classic.

In colloquial speech " foundation stone»Almost never meets, since in a conversation people seek to exchange the simplest phrases that are understandable to everyone around.

Video: Cornial stone

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