Project around the world: Traveling in Russia

Project around the world: Traveling in Russia

In this article you will find a project on the world on the topic "Traveling in Russia."

We live in a truly unique country: a rich natural-resource potential, a successful climate, open and friendly people. Russia is the country from where a large number of famous personalities come from. It was her who sang in his verses Sergey Yesenin, she admired Saltykov-Shchedrin, Pushkin, Gorky and others.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Animals of hot countries are a topic for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren". You will find names, list, brief description, arguments for presentation, photo.

That is why, today we will go on an exciting journey through the native land. The main goal of the project: to educate civilian feelings in the younger generation, the development of interest in the nature and culture of our country, and the receipt of new information about cultural values \u200b\u200band attractions. Read further.

We start a trip to Russia - a map: a project on the world around

Map of Russia
Map of Russia

The competencies that the student will receive during the implementation of the project:

  • The ability to form causal relationships and bring the matter to the end
  • Ability to put your knowledge in practice
  • Form new skills
  • Ability to use various sources
  • Draw conclusions
  • Ability to ask questions and answer them
  • Skills to evaluate culture and customs of other nationalities

Every Russian (no matter, an adult is a person or a minor child) is simply obliged to experience a sense of pride in his country. After all, Russia has always been a great, powerful power that the whole world respected and respects.

Let's look at the map (above). Our country is large and immense. Its territories extend from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, and from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Since ancient times, Russia has been famous for folk crafts, as well as a unique mentality, it inspired poets and writers, gave birth to indescribable feelings in people. That is why we must love our homeland with every cell. So, we are starting a trip to Russia. Below you will find useful information for the project around the world.

The unique color of the Far East: a journey through Russia begins

The unique color of the Far East
The unique color of the Far East
The unique color of the Far East
The unique color of the Far East

Who meets the day first? That's right, residents Far East. From this place we will begin our path - a trip to Russia - along with the sun. We will move from east to west, and let's study the unique flavor of this part of our vast Motherland.

You probably know that representatives of different nationalities live in Russia.

  • In this case, these are Udegeans, Chukchi, Koryaks and other northern peoples, which have long been engaged in hunting and fishing.
  • Chukchi is also just masters in reindeer husbandry.
  • It is thanks to the crafts that these peoples are still alive.
  • However, they have an original culture that is very different from the one that the indigenous Muscovites have.

Chukchi are skillful hunters who “beat the fox in the eye” from one shot, are able to withstand extremely low temperatures, they are very hardworking, friendly and inventive.

Vladivostok: Sea Gate of Russia

Vladivostok: Sea Gate of Russia
Vladivostok: Sea Gate of Russia

True, today the Far East is not only yaranges, but also real modern megacities. Suppose, let's Vladivostok. This settlement is called "Sea Gate of Russia". On the maps of Vladivostok, he was awarded in 1860. There is even a column that speaks of this. It also has a Manchur sailboat model. This is a Russian ship that first threw anchor on these lands. Then it was the Golden Horn Bay.

Naturally, residents Vladivostok They consider the sea to be their direct breadwinner. It is there that ships float for fishing. Fisherman small boats and huge ships supply local people and their other compatriots with seafood.

Siberia - a journey through Russia continues: high mountains, incredible beauty

Siberia - a trip to Russia continues
Siberia - a trip to Russia continues

We are moving on. Next in line is the unique corner of Russia, which is inhabited by the Yakuts, Buryats, Khakasses, Nenets, Altai, Tuvans, etc. Outwardly, these people are somewhat similar to the Chukchi - although, of course, this is a rude comparison. The journey continues - high mountain massifs and incredible beauty - this Siberia. It is here that the highest stone peaks throughout the country. The widest and most complete rivers flow here.

You probably heard about Caspian Lake and Baikal? They are there. Writers and romantics call these reservoirs "Blue eyes" of Russia. However, Baikal has a different name - the sacred lake. Since ancient times, local residents treat him as a kind of deity: they ask him for advice, they worship him. Of course, such a manner of behavior led to the emergence of many beliefs, myths and legends.

By the way, if you, while in Siberia, are picked up in the lake Baikal pebbles (just like that, in order to entertain), be prepared that the locals will scold you for this. Or, at least, they will make a remark. After all, they are very reverent to this reservoir and try not to disturb the water unnecessarily.

Ural: the magnificence of Russia and beautiful gems

Urals: The magnificence of Russia
Urals: The magnificence of Russia

This is followed by another beautiful location - this Ural. The mountain array stretches for 3000 km. But they are no longer so tall. It is the Ural mountains that are the border of the West Siberian and East European Plain. The Urals have long been famous for its stones. There are beautiful gems here. Rumor has it that among the rocks you can find malachite. This is just a fabulous place - and not only thanks to a radiant cut.

Ural: Beautiful gems
Ural: Beautiful gems

By the way, writer P.P. Bazhov, describing such a splendor of Russia and the wealth of the Urals in his works “Silver Hoof” and “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, originally from Yekaterinburg. There is also a house-museum of the greatest composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. After all, he was born in the city of Votkinsk.

House-Museum of the great composer P.I. Tchaikovsky
House-Museum of the great composer P.I. Tchaikovsky

But the Urals is not only the edge of the jewelers, but also the land of metallurgists. About three hundred years ago, the first enterprises appeared here. During the Great Patriotic War, it was the Urals who were the best suppliers of military equipment: tanks, aircraft, artillery guns.

Ural masters are known to the whole world. There is also Orenburg, the symbol of which is a down scarf. The cities are also known to everyone: Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Yekaterinburg.

The waters of the Volga carry us further in Russia: a trip to the north continues

Transfiguration Church
Transfiguration Church

The beauty of the Russian North cannot be noted. Water Volga They carry us further in Russia, a trip to the north continues. Since ancient times, people called the Volga River "Mother", treated her with incredible respect. We can say that the river fed ordinary people. After all, it was on its shores that entire settlements were actively lined up. People built homes, monasteries. Over time, the villages were transformed into entire cities. In addition to the Russians, such nationalities also live on the banks of the Volga:

  • Karelians
  • Komi
  • Vepsi
  • Izhora and others.

Carpentry is actively developed. The Preobrazhenskaya Church is one of the most noticeable cultural monuments. It is located in Lake Onega, on the island of Kizhi. It would seem an ordinary old house! But the bottom line is that the church is made without a single nail!

Arkhangelsk created it was Ivan the Terrible. It was he who ordered to create a port on the shores of the Northern Dvina. This happened at the end of the 16th century. By the way, for a long time it was this city that was the main port - until Petersburg appeared. Another funny fact: both the river and the city are called the same - Vologda. By the way, Vologda saw the light at the same time as Moscow. There is also a Kremlin, and also - Saint Sophia Cathedral.

Saint Sophia Cathedral
Saint Sophia Cathedral

We go to the city of Pskov. He is called the younger brother of Novgorod. It is not far from this city that there is the village of Mikhailovskoye, about which we know from the biography of the great Russian poet, A.S. Pushkin. But Volgograd was called Tsaritsyn several centuries ago. All because there is a river with the name Queen. During the WWIs there were fierce battles. It speaks of this Mamaevsky Kurgan with the Motherland Monument.

Mamaevsky Kurgan with the Motherland Monument
Mamaevsky Kurgan with the Motherland Monument

 "Precious belt" of Russia: the main center of the country

He contributed in battles in the war and the Zapolar city Murmansk. And with him - Suzdal, Vladimir, Ryazan, Dmitrov, Serpukhov and many others. The coat of arms of Suzdal is a crowned falcon. Based on the decoration of the headgear, there is a belonging to the Grand Duke class. But the city of Vladimir is associated with a gold lion in the crown. In the paw, the animal squeezes the silver cross.

By the way, both of these cities used to be the main centers. Therefore, such symbolism. There is a very beautiful church building in the city of Vladimir Cover on the ner. It is reflected in water, like a white swan. This is the cradle of ancient Russian architecture.

Cover on the ner
Cover on the ner

We go to Tula with her famous samovars and gingerbread products. It is on this earth that there is a clear meadow, in which the great writer Leo Tolstoy lived. Read further.

From Tolstoy’s home to the capital of Tatarstan - a cultural journey through Russia: their laws and customs

Tower of the Tatar Queen Suyumbike
Tower of the Tatar Queen Suyumbike

Now we move from Tolstoy’s home to the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan. This is a real cultural trip to Russia with its laws and customs.

Symbol of Kazan - tower of the Tatar Queen Suyumbike. Many diverse myths are also associated with this structure. Rumor has it that it is even breathing differently than in other cities. Kazan, and all of Tatarstan, can be explored endlessly. Indeed, despite the fact that it is part of Russia, this is a kind of “state” with its laws, culture and customs.

What is interesting to the south of Russia?

South of Russia
South of Russia

It is time to recall Don and Kuban. What is interesting to the south of Russia?

  • Naturally, the guards of these borders are recalled - Cossacks.
  • They lived and live on the shore of these rivers.
  • By the way, when the Cossacks were born in the Cossacks, his father and grandfather “celebrated” it in one gulp out of the rifles. This meant that the light saw the new warrior.
  • Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Krasnodar, Sochi, Anapa-everyone probably heard about these cities.
  • It is worth noting the Crimean open spaces, the steppes and the shores of the sea are incredible beauty, beaches and a lot of sun.

Novorossiysk is one of the most famous ports. There is a Memorial "Small Earth", reminiscent of the exploits of the townspeople during the war.

Harsh mountain peaks and fast rivers of Russia: all this is the North Caucasus

North Caucasus
North Caucasus

These territories have long attracted romantics and travelers. Severe mountain massifs and fast rivers of Russia are all the North Caucasus.

  • They went here and go for inspiration, as well as mineral waters. They are able to cure a person.
  • The main cities: Nazran, Grozny, Vladikavkaz, etc. By the way, Grozny is a city of military exploits.
  • Chechnya is also a kind of pearl of our land.
  • In general, more than 30 peoples live in the Caucasus, each of which is incredibly distinctive.

So our small cruise came to an end. Of course, each of us has our own favorite corner of Russia. Which one do you like more? You can call it. Or, if you know, something new and interesting-tell us about the Russian region you like in more detail. We hope that now you have no doubt why we should love and respect our native land. Russia is a very rich country. She is great and multinational. Not any country of the world has such a large number of resources and talents as in our immense homeland.

Video: The world around the world is grade 2, the topic of the lesson "Traveling in Russia", p. 180-203, School of Russia

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