Project "My Family": arguments for the "surrounding world"


In the project “My Family” on the “outside world”, it is necessary to describe what each of the relatives does, what traditions, income, expenses and much more are. Look for examples in the article.

Family is a cell of society. However, it consists not only of people, which are connected by blood kinship. In fact, a family is made by unity, understanding, love and care for each other.

If people who are blood relatives live together, but do not understand and do not accept each other, if there are constant quarrels between them, then this is not a family, but people living under one roof. Detailed information for " The world around him " You will find below.

How to make a project "My family": definition in the "surrounding world"

Project "My family"

In the family, everyone respects each other, responsibilities are distributed equivalently, there are no dominant and sacrificial personalities. Family is a strong social layer, which, ideally, should rule: mutual understanding, mutual respect, love, care.

How to make a project on the topic "My family"? Accurate definition in the project " The world around us ":

  • Family is a cell of a society in which all people are in the blood kinship.

Then indicate in the notebook that from a social point of view, family members have common goals, a common budget, which they dispose together. If some personal needs arise, then through family council you can reach a consensus in any issue.

You also need to write that all family members are closely interconnected. In a narrow sense, this is a group of close relatives, in addition to blood knots, also connected by common thoughts, aspirations. Family members are always in close communication with each other.

What unites us into the family: “The world around”, for schoolchildren

Project "My family"

We all know what family is. But what unites us into such a cell of society? This is what schoolchildren can answer " The world around "":

  • People in the family are united not only by blood kinship, but also by common goals, common interests.
  • Family members must take care of each other, understand each other's needs. Otherwise, they will be strangers.
  • Family is not only a group of blood relatives who live in one apartment. These are people close in spirit, capable of supporting each other, to direct on the right path.

Of course, the main side is the main side. A person may not experience intimacy with blood relatives, but recognize his brother as a completely alien person. Accordingly, spiritual proximity is important for the family. Ideally, people should help each other, understand. Of course, not in all cells of society there are similar ones. But you need to strive for this.

Grade 1-4 "The World"-"Our Friendly Family": Description

Project "My family"

Children are often asked at school homework related to the story of the family. This can be in the lessons of the Russian language, literature, as well as "The world around him". Here is a description for 1,  2, 3, 4 classes on this topic "Our friendly family":

I have mom, dad and brother. My mother, Oksana is a journalist. I really like her work. After all, mom has the opportunity to chat with famous people and get answers to questions of interest. But mom does not forget about the house. She cooks really well. Our house is always clean, and in our family there is unity.

Especially mom succeeds in pies. I really like quiet family evenings, when we are all gathering together, we can share pleasant emotions from the day. But I am also pleasant to the memories that adults share. I don’t understand everything, but I feel that there is some kind of worldly wisdom in this. I also like to go to the village, to my grandparents, and listen to their stories. Older people lived a very interesting life and they have something to share with us.

My dad, Oleg is a programmer. His work seems boring and routine to me. But I like that while my dad is still young, he knows how to have fun in his free time. We go to the cinema, zoo, for concerts. It was thanks to dad that I fell in love with music. But the brother does not really like it. But he loves when the three of us go fishing.

By the way, for the first time I visited fishing at 6 years old. It was so pleasant when I caught my first fish. Our dad is active, but restrained. He rarely shows his feelings and praises us only when we really deserve it. But mom is very kind and loving.

Dad wants us to grow up with real men and know how to protect ourselves. Therefore, I go on karate, and my brother on Aikido. Dad also taught me how to play the guitar. When I just went to school, I already knew how to play 5 chords. My classmates definitely do not know how to do this.

We live together. I have never seen dad and mom to quarrel. My brother and I are also trying to always find a common language. Of course, it happens that we sometimes argue and fight, but always put out.

My dad also loves cars. He says that when we grow up a little, we will definitely learn to drive. But so far too early. However, I spend a lot of time with my father in the garage. I like to watch how he repairs his car and adopt something new. When I grow up, I will also have a car.

I study in the second grade, and my brother, Seryozha, in the fifth. He is kind and good, albeit a little hooligan. Seryozha masterfully writes works, but mathematics is poorly given to him. My brother wants to become a translator. He studies English.

And I would like to become a teacher. I really like to explain something to someone. I think when I grow up, I will definitely finish the pedagogical and will teach children the Russian language and literature. I think this is a very important, useful and respected profession.

We always help parents. If you need to get out or wash the dishes, we do not need to beg for a long time. Of course, we love to walk and play on a computer more, but still, dad taught us that adults need to obey.

We love Saturdays very much, because dad is then free and always takes us somewhere. I also like to ride the whole family at sea. As a rule, mom loves to lie on the beach, and my dad and my brother and I go to different excursions. Once we were even on one of the mountains in Balaclava. We were taken on a jeep to the top, and dad took a lot of photos. And then we were allowed to stay at the top of the mountain for 10 minutes. There is much colder than on Earth. But I really liked it.

By the way, I am also fond of history. Recently, I learned what historical fencing is and wanted to sign up for the section. But when my dad and I came, they told us that they didn’t take such small ones there. I'm only a second -grader. And there adult guys are engaged in who are 18-35 years old. But when I grow up, I will definitely go there. In the meantime, dad and I are training in the country. We made swords from the branches, dad looks on the Internet all sorts of military equipment, and then teaches me.

By the way, the country is also very interesting. My grandmother and grandfather are pensioners. Grandma is 60 years old, and grandfather 65. They grow fruits and vegetables there. My grandfather is a former military man. He always has so many interesting stories.

Grandmother worked as a seller in a store, and then - an accountant. When my brother and I come, she always tries to feed us. Grandma always has delicious pies. By the way, the brother after cooking always recovers a kilogram of 5, but I do not.

At least I have a lack of weight. I asked my mother why this is happening. She says that I look like dad, so I have a thin physique. And the brother looks like mom. Mom is full of. But this does not spoil her at all. We also have a cat Musya and Lyme's dog. We took both from the shelter. I believe that animals are full -fledged family members. We love them very much and take care of them.

I believe that the family is the most important thing in life. These people will always help and support. My relatives are the closest people for me in the whole world.

"The World": How does the family live?

Project "My family"

It is interesting to tell any child about your family. Children compose stories, and adults help them in this. Here is an example of a description of how a family lives for "The surrounding world":

My family lives together. We always solve problems together. Parents help us a lot. I believe that there is nothing shameful in asking mom or dad of advice. After all, adults have lived more, which means they know a lot. I really love my parents, and also grandparents. I really like it when we are going together with one friendly family for the holidays. Then adults always have a good mood. They pamper us with gifts and always pay attention to us and my brother.

When I have a family, I want it to be like ours. After all, we have mutual understanding. I think this is the main thing in the family. Now dad and mom support us, and when we grow up, we will definitely support them. Our family is not the most wealthy, but I am glad that we understand each other and live in peace and harmony.

Traditions in the family: "The world around us"

Project "My family"

Many families have traditions. In some, they are interesting, in others - important for each family member, thirdly, simple, but very touching. Here is an example of their description in the family for "The surrounding world":

Each family has its own traditions. I believe that it is very important to support them. My great -grandfather fought. Therefore, each 9th May We will definitely go to Eternal fireand we visit the historical museum. Dad and grandfather tell me about the feat that our people committed during the Great Patriotic War. I am very proud of the strong -willed and fearless Soviet people who managed to protect our land from the Nazis. But we also have other traditions.

At Christmas, we always visit all our relatives. This is very warm, spiritual time. During the period from New Year to Christmas We are forbidden to argue and raise a voice on someone. On the contrary, you need to establish relationships with someone with whom he quarreled, put up, treat each other with different goodies.

But on Easter, by tradition, we always spend a week in the village with a grandparents. Grandma always bakes delicious cakes. And grandfather is just a master to tell stories at the table. He knows a lot of life stories, toasts and jokes. It is very interesting to talk to him.

By the way, it is grandfather who believes that the family must have traditions. It doesn’t matter whether they are generally accepted or personal. But since the family is people associated with each other by kinship and understanding, they should have peculiar “rituals”. Even if it is a banal trip to the village on weekends or a habit of walking together every Friday to the cinema.

And we also have such a holiday as Pilot Day. Since my great -grandfather was a pilot, and grandfather too. Both fought. So far, I myself have not tried to control the plane. But grandfather says that when I grow up, he will definitely take me with him, and I will try to climb into the sky. While I am just listening to adult stories about the war, and I really like them. I believe that I can be proud of my relatives and our traditions.

The common goals of the family are “the world around”: examples

Project "My family"

If there are no goals in the family, then this means that she lives boring and incorrectly. This is important, since aspirations, plans and tasks should be not only for individual individuals, but also among the cells of society. Here is an example of describing the general goals of the family for "The surrounding world":

The family is connected not only by blood kinship, but also with common aspirations. Take, for example, our family. Dad and mom work to provide us with a good future.

I recently asked dad what family goals are. He said that at the moment the main desire is to give a good education to us and my brother so that we will grow up decent people. Dad also wants us to study well and get a promising profession. I also think this is very important.

I like that the family has a common budget. It turns out that close relatives help each other financially. Another goal of the family is to equip a calm life in which there would be mutual understanding and mutual respect. We just have it.

Family is a full -fledged cell of society. It always has common affairs and problems. My brother and I are also trying to help parents. While we are children and cannot earn money, but we always help around the house.

I understand that when the parents come home from work in the evening, they are not very pleased to see the mountains of unwashed dishes and not -enough rooms. Therefore, after school, my brother and I are cleaning. It is fast and not so difficult. But parents are always grateful to us.

Revenues, budget, family expenses: "The world around us"

Project "My family"

Revenues, budget and family expenses are one of the most important aspects. On the subject "The world", the teacher tells the children how the family budget is drawn up. Schoolchildren do homework and describe their family finances the way they understand it. Below you will find an example of such a story.

The family has a common budget. Each of working adults receives a salary. But he does not spend it himself, but brings it to the house in order to solve the general needs with this money. In the family, products are bought for everyone. You also need to pay for utilities. Of course, if someone needs something, then the income is not divided into “father’s” and “mother’s”, they go to the general needs.

While we are schoolchildren, parents provide us. But I know that when we become adults, we will also work and contribute to the family budget. And then we will create our families and we will live separately. The family’s income and expenses are always common. After all, these people live in the same territory, in the same house or apartment.

This does not mean that it is forbidden to spend money on yourself. But you must also help loved ones. Here parents always help when we need clothes or notebooks, they always buy it. But dad and mom earn this money, not us.

Parents also financially help grandfather and grandmother, despite the fact that they do not live with us, but in the village. Because they are pensioners. And their pension is much less than adults. But there is also the moral side of the issue. Adult children must help their parents. Especially if those elderly and cannot fully work due to the state of health.

Sometimes parents send us to the store, for bread or milk. My brother and I always bring change. Of course, if we are told that we can buy ice cream or buns, we do it. But we always ask permission. After all, this is part of the family budget, which means that we ourselves cannot decide what to spend money on.

Family genealogy: "The world around us"

Project "My family"

The family genealogy is data on previous generations and kinship within the same kind. It is very important to know about your origin. How can this be described by "The world around him"? Here is an example:

Not so long ago, dad tried to make a genealogical tree. It turns out that one of our distant ancestor was a landowner, the second - a merchant, and the third was a groom. But he served with the king himself. So this is not shameful, but very interesting.

I believe that every person should know his pedigree. Of course, there are orphans, or those who cannot completely find information about the ancestors. Therefore, gaps are often in genealogy people. But still, you need to try to find the maximum of useful data and find out where your family originates. My grandfather, for example, says that one who does not know his past has no future. And he is absolutely right.

Now you can do your homework on "The world around him" perfectly". Following the example of the above cases and samples, you can write about your families. It will turn out interesting and unique. Good luck!

Video: a lesson around the world "Our friendly family"

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