Animals of hot countries are a topic for preschoolers and younger students: names, list, brief description, arguments for presentation, photo

Animals of hot countries are a topic for preschoolers and younger students: names, list, brief description, arguments for presentation, photo

There are many amazing animals in the vastness of hot countries, most animals are adapted to an arid environment and are able to do without water for a long period. In animals of the southern areas, a short undercoat and natural color, which allows to hide in the environment - both wool and fat reserves save animals from hot climate.

Among the animals of the inhabitants of the southern countries, there is a large group living on trees. The main diet of their nutrition is vegetation, fruits and berries. Other groups eat weaker animals. Animals of hot countries do not move between countries in search of housing and food. They hunt mainly in the selected territory.

Animals of hot countries: names, list, brief description

Consider the most interesting animals of hot countries and learn the features of their livelihood:

  • Hippopotamus.A fined animal. The growth of a hippo is not more than 1.5 in height, and body weight reaches 3-4 tons. The short neck of the animal passes into a wide long muzzle. On the upper part of the skull are disproportionately small eyes and ears.
  • Herbivores consume up to 40 kg of greens per day. Through wide the open mouth of the hippo gets rid of a large amount of gases in the stomach.
  • Adult hippos are able to hold their breath for 4-5 minutes, which helps them move under water. When moving in water, the front limbs are pressed to the body, and the rear are pushed away from the soil at the bottom.
  • Contrary to their large volumes, hippos are capable of speeding up to 40-50 km per hour.

Facts about hippos Facts about hippos

  • Crocodile.A semi -lactic wild animal living in all countries with a warm and wet climate of tropics. Unique representatives of the archosaurus subclass, which belonged to dinosaurs. An adult gains weight up to 700 kg and lives up to 100 years. The body length grows to 3-5 m, in giants up to 7 m. The long tail counts 35-37 vertebrae, carries out motor, steering and heat exchange function.
  • The limbs of the crocodile have fingers with membranes. In water, the animal moves 2 times faster than on land. The skin of the crocodile is covered with shields, under which there are horn plates that protect the body as a shell.
  • In the huge oblong mouth of a crocodile, there are up to 100 sharp cone -shaped teeth. Eyes, nostrils and ears are located on the top of the head. This feature allows the crocodile to lie under water, exposing only the organs of vision and smell.
About crocodiles
About crocodiles

Facts about crocodiles Facts about crocodiles Facts about crocodiles

  • Elephant.The largest animals that live on land. The weight of elephants reaches 3 to 7 tons. Life expectancy is up to 70 years. You can determine the age of the elephant by tusks - the more they are, the older the animal. In the process of running, elephants develop speeds up to 50 km/h.
  • Elephants have a unique life device - trunk, the length of which in an adult reaches 3 m. With its help, the animal breaks off young branches, collects herbs, breaks off fruits, sucks water, endure gravity, makes trumpeting sounds. To satisfy your hunger, the elephant needs to eat about 300 kg of food and drink about 200 liters of water.
  • The body of the elephant is covered with thick wrinkled skin. Large and thin ears are located on the head, with which the animal regulates heat transfer.
  • Animals love to swim. Thanks to the trunk, they can be longer under water. Elephants are considered one of the smartest mammals on Earth.
Senior and the youngest
Senior and the youngest
Interesting indicators
Interesting indicators
About elephants and adults
About elephants and adults
  • Zebra.African variety of horses with a short hard mane. The unique feature of the animal is a striped black and white color, and each individual has its own unique pattern. Foals are born with red-brown stripes that darken as they grow older. In the herd, the kids recognize their mothers from a unique pattern.
  • Black and white stripes help Zebram protect themselves from predators, preventing the enemy from focusing on a specific goal. When a predator appears, animals make sounds similar to barking. In the fight, Zebra strokes with his back hooves and bites his teeth.
  • African zebras feed on plant foods and are busy with their food throughout the day. The weight of the animal reaches 30 kg, life expectancy is 25-30 years. Zebr is divided into 3 types - Desert, plain, mountain. Desert zebras are listed in the Red Book.
A photo
A photo
About a striped resident
About a striped resident
  • Rhinoceros.A large African animal with a huge pointed horn on the nose. Between the nose and forehead the rhino is a large cavity. Eyes are located on the sides and are a weak organ. The rhino cannot cover the viewing object with two eyes. Animals survive thanks to well -developed hearing and smell.
  • The size of the land animal reaches 3 tons. Wrinkled skin has a gray-brown tint. Three hooves are formed on massive extremities that leave easily recognizable traces. The rhino is moving when. For their habitat, they choose a specific territory and zealously protect it. Rhinos are combined only for mating.  
With the baby
With the baby
About the rhino
About the rhino

Facts about the rhino Facts about the rhino

  • A lion.A large wild cat, which, thanks to its mass, speed and mental abilities, can withstand cattle. Lions are at the top of the food chain, so they are rightfully called the "king of animals." The animal stands out with its loud deafening roar. The weight of an adult is over 200 kg.
  • Lions live in groups that consist of several female children with one or more lions at the head. The male has a huge furry mane, which creates an awesome look for enemies. At the end of the tail of Lviv, a dark brush. The lioness has no mane and an elegant graceful physique.
About females and males
About females and males
  • Giraffe. The highest animal on the planet. The growth of the animal is due to long legs and the length of the neck. The total growth of the animal is 5-6 m, the body weight of an adult of more than 1000 kg. Thanks to the elongated limbs, the giraffes jump up to 1.5 m high. Animals avoid swampy and water area.
  • The long muscular tongue of the giraffe helps the animal to obtain plant foods and cleanse their face. The ears are located on the sides of the head and unfolded horizontally. The top of the head is decorated with a pair of small oxes covered with wool. Big eyes decorate fluffy eyelashes. The skin of the animal is painted unique brown spots, divided by a white web.
  • To restore the forces of the giraffe, 2 hours of sleep per day are enough. The life expectancy of an animal is up to 25 years.
With a long neck
With a long neck

Facts about giraffes

  • Camel. A large mammal animal adapted to life in arid conditions. The body of the animal is covered with dense wool, saving both from the heat and from the cold. On the back of the camel there are two humps with fat deposits playing the role of energy reserves.
  • The coarse fleshy cavity of the camel mouth is adapted for processing hard vegetation. The structure of large eyes provides protection during sand storm. Double -floed feet help to overcome kilometers of rocky and sand surface. The weight of an adult reaches 700 kg. Height up to 2.5 m.
About camels
About camels

Facts about camels

  • Leopard.A large predator with a slender and strong body. At the end of the body, a long tail without wool. The thick fur is painted in yellow spots on a black background and performs a camouflage function. Fast legs, beautiful vision and excellent hearing help the animal hunt. The main weapon of a wild cat is sharp teeth and claws.
  • The leopard easily and quickly climbs on trees, where it often arranges an ambush or overnight stay. Animals are moved one by one and occupy a certain territory. During the period of unsuccessful hunt, leopards feed on mice, lizards, insects, monkeys, fish.
  • Leopard often drags food to the tree. The weight of an adult leopard is 60-80 kg, life expectancy up to 10 years. Forest cutting down significantly reduced the population of the leopards, so the animal is listed in the Red Book.
About fast and dangerous
About fast and dangerous

Facts about leopards

  • Antelope.A greenhouse animal with long horns reaching 1.5 m. The horns can be smooth, twisted, with a large number of rings. The main habitat is South Africa.
  • Short hard wool of antelopes can be different colors-brown-yellow, gray, red with white stripes. Antelopes feed mainly with plant foods. Hinge structure of the hip joints Allows the animals to stand on the hind limbs to get the branches of trees.
  • The shy animal quickly reacts to danger and develops speeds up to 60 km/h. Life expectancy is from 12 to 20 years.
Do you know?
Do you know?
  • Kangaroo.Marsupial animals from Australia. Thanks to the powerful hind limbs, kangaroo quickly move and jump up to 10 m. The front limbs end with five fingers with claws and provide a grasping function. Herbivore kangaroo lead an active night lifestyle. Animals adapted to drought can do without water for several months. Kangaroos are made by many sounds in the form of grunts, sneezing, hiss.
  • Kangaroo cubs up to a year grow in a bag of a mother located in the lower abdomen. There are also the nipples of the mother from which milk comes. The body length of adult kangaroo up to 1.5 meters. Body weight reaches 100 kg. The skin is covered with soft thick fur in different shades. The meat and skin of kangaroo are considered valuable goods, especially among the natives.
With a baby
With a baby


About kangaroo

  • Koala.Residents of Australia, reminiscent of small cubs. A medium -sized animal is sleeping on trees for about 20 hours a day. A special arrangement of fingers and long nails allow them to easily wrap the trunks of trees. Coals eat plant foods. Sharp incisors Easily cut foliage and young branches. As a nutrition and environment, the eucalyptus tree prefers. Before cutting off the leaves of eucalyptus, the koala with the help of sensitive smell checks it for the concentration of toxic substances. On a watering, coals often come to artificial pools, where they dies by negligence.
  • The body of the koala is covered with thick short wool of gray-dry shades. Coals lead a sedentary lifestyle. Body length not more than 80 cm. low intellectual activity, What prevents them from surviving in unforeseen situations. Coal is considered the safest and defenseless animals in the world. In anticipation of danger, the Coals make sounds similar to the crying of a child.

About koalah


  • Monkey.This group of animals includes gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, etc. Representatives of small and large sizes. Numerous species of monkeys are found on all hot continents. The body of the monkeys is covered with sparse hair. The dental system is close to the structure of the human.
  • As a habitat, monkeys choose trees, moving along which a long tail and long limbs helps.
It is useful to find out
It is useful to find out
  • Smash animals with their behavior very often resemble humans. Helpers make conscious thoughtful movements. Communication between individuals occurs using facial expressions and sounds.
  • Monkeys feed on plant foods, insects, small birds and animals. Depending on the type, the weight of the monkeys varies from 200 g to 250 kg. Body length from 15 cm to 2 m. Life expectancy is 30-40 years.

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