“Who protects us” is a project around the world for schoolchildren: arguments, assistance

“Who protects us” is a project around the world for schoolchildren: arguments, assistance

In our article you will find arguments for schoolchildren for a project on the world on the topic "Who protects us." At the end of the article there is a story about a real brave hero.

The life of a modern person is quite comfortable. We have everything you need for normal existence - food, clothes, pleasant leisure. We have no problems with access to all kinds of benefits - going to the theater, cinema, beloved cafes, we calmly walk with friends, sit on the Internet, or just do what we love. And living in such comfortable conditions, we don’t even think about the fact that there are people around us who do everything every day so that our life is just that. About who protects us from all kinds of problems, we will understand this material.

Who protects us from enemies, terrorists-the army, military: border, land, missile, tank troops, special forces, navy, military aircraft, military equipment

Who protects us from enemies, terrorists?

Who protects us from enemies, terrorists-the army, military: border, land, missile, tank troops, special forces, navy, military aircraft, military equipment

Each country has an army on our huge planet. The army is nothing more than a specialized education consisting of military for various troops. Each type of troops has its own tasks, but at the same time they all have one task - to protect the homeland from an enemy attack. And although we live in peacetime, soldiers have to train daily, improve their combat skills, so that in the event of an attack on their homeland, they could give a tough rebuff. And to make it more clear to you, now we will analyze in more detail how every type of troops of our large and strong army protects us.

Who protects us from enemies, terrorists - the army, the military:

Border troops

Border troops - The main goal of the military border guards is the order on the border. This word means complete compliance with the laws of our country when crossing the border by foreigners. These courageous men and women have to 24 hours a day, in any weather to ensure that people who have problems with the law do not get into the territory of our country. Imagine that if such personalities could come to us freely. Could we live calmly, work, study? As you can see, border guards make a great contribution to our defense.

Ground troops

Ground troops - Each country is needed so that you can quickly and harmoniously rebuke the enemy on land. Motor rifle, artillery units are engaged in reflection. Their task is to prevent the enemy from advance deep into the territory.

  • Missile troops - These military service carry out seven days a week and holidays, and all in order for us to live in a peaceful country, do not find out what war, devastation, do not lose loved ones. This unit is always in increased combat readiness, because they should be able to lightly reflect the enemy’s missile strikes, and if necessary, to hit the goals of the enemy as quickly as possible. Therefore, while we are leading an ordinary life, these people every day do an important work for all of us - they protect us from possible problems.
  • Tank forces - This is an important part of a strong army. If a disaster suddenly happens, then they will conduct offensive actions on land, and at the same time they will be a powerful shield that prevents the invaders to destroy the native proud and villages. Modern tank troops are well armed, which means they can easily cope with any enemy.
Special forces tasks

Special Forces - Another important unit that protects us from enemies, terrorists. Almost always, these people work in difficult situations, they have to risk their lives in order to ensure that the terrorist could not harm other people. Most often, we do not notice their work, because they try to do everything as quickly and hidden as possible. But at the same time, they follow public safety daily.


Navy - Another important component of the army. He protects us where the ground forces can not do anything - at sea. The task of these courageous people is to do everything so that trouble does not come from the sea. Military sailors are patroling the water surface every day, and if they detect the violator of the law, take the necessary measures. And because they do their job well, ordinary people do not even know about the number of incidents at sea.

Military aviation

Military aviation - These are our defenders in the air. Mighty steel birds are helpers of soldiers on earth. They can quickly destroy the goals of the enemy right from the air. If necessary, military aviation will deliver soldiers to any point in our large country, thereby providing protection to people.

Military equipment

Military equipment - It is also a powerful element of protection. Imagine what our military would be if they did not have armored vehicles, missile systems, helicopters, aircraft, modern small arms. Thanks to the presence of military equipment, our soldiers can quickly respond to various coming and protect us from all troubles.

Who protects us - ambulance, doctors: arguments, help

Who protects us?
Who protects us - ambulance, doctors: arguments, help

Who protects us except the military and the army? Help in difficult situations is provided by doctors. It is medical workers who come to the rescue of people in case of injury, with any, even the most insignificant illness. Doctors have to decide what needs to be done in a critical situation, for example, if a person was severely injured, just caught a cold, or a chronic disease has worsened. And human life often depends on their solution and professionalism. After all, the doctor should always correctly assess the condition of his patient, and, taking into account this, decide what treatment to prescribe to him.

Separately, I want to say about ambulance workers. These people are the first to come to the challenges of sick people, facilitate their condition, support morally, of course, decide what to do to a person further - to be treated at home or in a hospital institution. It is on their solutions that the further course of the disease depends, so we can definitely say that medical workers protect our health and do everything so that our life is as long as possible.

Who defends us - police, riot police: arguments, help

Who protects us?
Who defends us - police, riot police: arguments, help

Who is still protecting us? This is the police, riot police. It is the police who follow the order in our cities, villages and villages. If there is a serious offense, we call the police. They are representatives of the law, and have the authority to arrest the offenders. Moreover, in the event of a danger to human life, police and riot police can use a service weapon.

An ordinary person cannot carry with him a constantly firearm, and therefore cannot fully protect himself. In addition to protective functions, police also perform introductory ones. They give lectures and tell students and students how important it is to adhere to all laws. Thus, they prevent the emergence of not very pleasant situations, which means they protect our lives. Their activity helps to reduce crime in cities and villages.

Who defends us is the fire service: arguments, assistance

Who defends us is the fire service: arguments, assistance

Firefighters are those who protect us from fire, fire. If you live in a big city, you probably saw a large red car that rushes along the road with flashing lights and loud siren. If you saw such a spectacle, then trouble happened-somewhere the fire was raging. This means that it is likely that firefighters will save someone's life.

Firefighters are brave and strong people, and they were made by their profession. Indeed, upon arrival at the place of fire, they need to initially evaluate the situation, as quickly as possible to evacuate people from the fire zone, also, if possible, remove all animals from the zone with fire, and only after that they can begin to extinguish the fire. And they have a minimum of time for all this - because if people are in the epicenter of the fire, then they will have minimal chances to survive.

Now imagine that there is no familiar fire department, and when there is a fire, there is nowhere to call. What do you think people have a chance without special equipment and uniforms to quickly evacuate people and extinguish the fire? Of course not! Therefore, we state an irrefutable fact - firefighters protect our lives and our property every day.

Who defends us is the Salvation Service, the Ministry of Emergencies, Rescuers: arguments, assistance

Who protects us?
Who defends us is the Salvation Service, the Ministry of Emergencies, Rescuers: arguments, assistance

Let's continue to figure out who protects us - the Salvation Service, the Ministry of Emergencies, rescuers. How do they do it? We all at least once in our life saw a strong thunderstorm, a hurricane wind. We also often see on television stories about floods, earthquakes, technological disasters. And it is precisely at such moments that we see the employees of the salvation service. These people help the victims cope with the consequences of the raging nature.

EMERCOM employees have to be at the same time by doctors, psychologists, divers, and firefighters. After all, without all these skills, they are unlikely to be able to help people quickly and efficiently. It is they who clear the rubble after the storm, disassemble the destroyed tasks, and of course, they provide medical care if it is required. Therefore, we summarize - the salvation service protects our life in extreme situations.

Who protects us is the gas service: arguments, assistance

Who protects us?
Who protects us is the gas service: arguments, assistance

Now let's talk about the household sphere of life - who protects us when we are in our apartment, house? The answer is the gas service. What do they protect us from? To give the correct answer to this question, you need to figure out what is the responsibility of service employees. People working in the gas service connect us gas equipment so that it works properly, and also eliminate gas leaks if they appear.

Also, an ordinary person will not be able to independently repair gas equipment if it breaks, and this must be done as quickly as possible. In such cases, it is necessary to call specially trained people - gas service workers. If they are not caused on time, gas will fill the room and an explosion, destruction of the dwelling may happen. Based on all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself - the gas service protects us from gas poisoning, and possible death from gas poisoning.

Who protects us - traffic rules, road signs: arguments, help

Who protects us?
Who protects us - traffic rules, road signs: arguments, help

Do you think this is all who protects us? Not! Our surrounding world is unique, and everything is thought out in it so as to help a person avoid trouble, you just need to adhere to certain rules. Let's talk about traffic rules and road signs. What is their importance? Imagine for a minute that in your big city no one adheres to the rules of the road and does not pay attention to road signs.

Cars go without observing the rules, and pedestrians cross the road where they want. What will we get in the end? Of course, a huge number of accidents and injured people. All this will lead to chaos in which all rescue services will participate - both ambulance and fire, and police. And the most unpleasant thing in this situation is that, for example, a doctor who will come to a call to a person who does not comply with the SDA may, in the end, may not have time to save an elderly person with a heart attack.

And if a person followed the rules of the road, and paid attention to the signs on the road, then he himself was healthy, and a man with a heart attack remained alive. In view of all this, we can say that even traffic rules and road signs protect us from troubles and save our lives.

The project "who protects us" - veterans of the Council of Ministers are taught to love and defend their homeland so that there is no war

The project who protects us?
The project "Who protects us?" - Veterans of the Council of Ministers teach to love and defend their homeland so that there is no war

The war that thundered in the territory of the former USSR has long ended, but even after time, people have fear at the mention of this time. Among us to this day, people live who with their own eyes have seen all the horrors of war - devastation, hunger, death of innocent people. And it is thanks to them that we know the truth about the war. Veterans of the Second World War are living witnesses of human grief on the scale of a huge country.

Having seen a lot of grief, having experienced all the difficulties, they want the younger generation to also love their homeland. Why do you think veterans even after a lot of time, living in peaceful cities, cannot forget about that difficult time. Probably because it was really a terrible time. Very young youths and girls had to forget about all their dreams and go to the front. In the war, they faced many domestic difficulties, and that the worst, every day they risked their lives. And they did all this because of love for their homeland.

If you ask a war veteran, which made him move forward on the battlefield, you will probably hear - love for the Fatherland. Many of them believe that it was this feeling that helped them overcome fear when it was necessary to go into battle. Therefore, the Vetrenes are trying to convey to the younger generation how important it is to love and protect their homeland, because this is a powerful restraining fact that prevents the enemy to untie the war. After all, if the enemy knows that people living in a certain territory are ready to sacrifice their lives for the Fatherland, then he will first think about whether he needs to attack the country.

Believe me, courageous, strong -willed and united, even very strong are afraid. Therefore, we must be grateful to the WWII veterans for true stories about that difficult time, because thanks to this we know how important it is to love the piece of land on which you were born.

Who protects us - people who work in enterprises and produce food and necessary things for our lives

Who protects us?
Who protects us - people who work in enterprises and produce food and necessary things for our lives

Who protects us in addition to special services and the army? Ordinary people who work in enterprises and produce food and necessary things for our lives. What is this protection? Imagine what will happen if tomorrow from the shelves of stores the usual products and household items disappear. If you live in a big city, you can hardly quickly make up for food supplies, because you do not have your own garden and subsidiary farming. And this means that as soon as all stocks are spent, you will begin to experience a lack of products, and after some time you will begin to feel hunger.

First -necessity things are not only food, but, for example, medicines. If they are not freely available, then this can cause the death of a large number of people. Therefore, it is so important that enterprises that produce food and essential things work continuously. If the people who work there will not do their work every day, then everyone else will feel the lack of certain things, which means they will not feel protected.

Who protects us: the conclusion for the project on the world

Who protects us?
Who protects us: the conclusion for the project on the world

Whoever protects us every day without weekends and holidays we have already dealt with you, so let's summarize.

Conclusion for the project on the world:

  • We are protected by many people - bold, strong, hardy, loving their job. Every day they hurry to their place of work in order to come to the aid of a person in trouble at the first call.
  • It is enough for us to call on a special phone number and help will be provided in a matter of minutes.
  • Therefore, we must appreciate the work of military, police, firefighters, doctors, employees of the Ministry of Emergencies. Riot police, gas service, and do not forget about the feat of veterans of the Second World War. Indeed, thanks to the selfless work of all these people, we can enjoy a calm and happy life.

“Who protects us” is a story about a hero for a project on the world around him

Who protects us is the story
“Who protects us” is a story about a hero for a project on the world around him

“Who protects us” is a story about a hero for a project around the world:

I live in peacetime, but the theme of the Second World War was always interesting to me, so as a child I all the time took out with questions to my great -grandfather, who went through the whole war. He reluctantly talked about those burdens that fell to his lot. But about the heroes who selflessly defended their homeland and their relatives could talk for hours. He told me many such stories, but for some reason exactly one sunk into my soul. Maybe because a person consciously sacrificed his life to save the lives of strangers to him.

This event occurred in the Pskov region in the village of Kurakino. Matvey Kuzmin lived in this village. He was a simple person who earned his hard work to himself and his family for food. His passion was hunting, and he spent all his free time in the forest. Hunting in the forest, he met the Germans. Under the muzzles of machine guns, they forced Matvey to take them out of the forest, he did it, but he hid the insult. Moreover, the Germans occupied his warm house, and he and his family were evicted to the barn. Matvey loved his family very much, so in order not to risk their lives, I decided to wait for the right moment for revenge. And when he was already desperate, the Soviet army began to step on German units. The invaders were surrounded and began to look for a way out of the situation. They again began to threaten Matvey with death, only this time they promised to first shoot his family. He was promised to give life if he leads them out of the environment, and the hunter pretended to agree. He himself wrote a note to Soviet soldiers and sent his son to them.

In the morning, the Germans loaded their belongings and recovered on the road. Matvey drove them in circles along the forest thickets, trying to exhaust as much as possible. This went on for 3 days, but still, in the end, he managed to bring the Germans to an open field, near which they were ambushed. The Germans realized that now there would be a battle, so Matvey had immediately shot. But his death was not meaningless, the soldiers of the Soviet army shot all 250 people of the invaders.

Now imagine how many human lives were saved thanks to the bold act of an ordinary hunter. After all, 250 people of the invaders could take their lives thousands of Soviet citizens. With his deed, he defended the lives of the people of others.

Video: who protects us is a presentation on the world around us

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  1. what else is interesting --_-

  2. Great!

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