Proper planting of tomato seedlings in a greenhouse and open ground: methods, schemes, timing, temperature, care, watering, top dressing. How many tomatoes take root after landing? How to revive tomatoes after landing in the ground, if they turned yellow, turned white, turned blue or growing badly?

Proper planting of tomato seedlings in a greenhouse and open ground: methods, schemes, timing, temperature, care, watering, top dressing. How many tomatoes take root after landing? How to revive tomatoes after landing in the ground, if they turned yellow, turned white, turned blue or growing badly?

In this article, we will talk about how to properly land tomatoes in open ground, discuss the timing of planting various varieties, and also find out whether the landing method can affect the crop.

When spring warm days come, many gardeners begin to prepare their seedlings for planting in the ground. This is a very crucial matter, requiring patience and effort.

Necessary conditions for growing tomatoes
Necessary conditions for growing tomatoes

In order to get a good harvest of tomatoes in the future, you need to choose seeds, plant them for seedlings. Take care of her, dive, only then plant on the beds. Moreover, it is impossible to make errors when landing, otherwise a large harvest of tomatoes can not wait.

Growing tomato seedlings
Growing tomato seedlings

When and how to plant seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground in spring?

All plants are influenced by the lunar phases. Because of this, experienced gardeners monitor them, read recommendations of the lunar calendar. Such a process allows you to grow vegetables and fruits that will subsequently not affect diseases, and will give a good result when collecting a crop.

If you will plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse with heating, then start work in late March. Tomatoes should be planted on open areas when there are no longer frosts on the basis. The favorable time in different regions is different: somewhere in mid-April, somewhere in the end of May, the first part of June. There is no one -digit period, since the weather is different every year.

What should be seedlings for planting in the ground
What should be seedlings for planting in the ground

It is better to plant open ground:

Great if you have a greenhouse. Thanks to it, you can get a large harvest of tomatoes in early summer. Especially when the greenhouse with heating. After all, the planting of the seedlings of vegetable crops in it is carried out in early April. And in ordinary ones - in the second half of April.

When planting plants, pay attention to the temperature regime of earth and air. The Earth should warm up to 13-16 ° C, and the air is at least 21 ° C.

It should be noted that in different regions there are different climatic conditions, therefore there is no question of unified terms. Somewhere calmly, at the end of April, tomatoes can be planted on open areas, and somewhere only in June.
It is necessary that during the picking of seedlings to be culling and the most powerful plants are represented for landing.
Preparation of a greenhouse and soil for planting tomato seedlings
Preparation of a greenhouse and soil for planting tomato seedlings
Preparation of tomato seedlings for landing in the ground
Preparation of tomato seedlings for landing in the ground
  • After the appearance of 4-5 permanent leaves, water less often, preventing the waterlogging and wilting of seedlings. Watering and lack of light lead to stretching seedlings.
  • About 2 weeks before planting seedlings in the ground, we harden the seedlings. If she is in a greenhouse, then we open the windows of the guy during the day, or take seedlings on the street in the sun during the day. The air temperature should not be lower than 18 degrees.
  • 5 days before the transplantation of tomato seedlings in the ground, it must be sprayed with a solution of boric acid.
  • After hardening seedlings, it takes root well and will adhere to the adversity caused by the weather.

At what distance between the bushes to plant tall and stunted tomatoes?

It is a pity when the owner has grown seedlings for fame, and due to the incorrect technology for planting tomatoes, yield is not the one that could be. It is important to choose the right diagram of the fruit planting, carefully observe the distances between the tomato bushes.

It does not hurt to take into account all of the above requirements for different varieties of tomato. Because there are tall crops that require a greater distance between rows and neighboring plants. For stretched bushes tomatoes Enough of 25-30 centimeters. From each other. High -speed will need about 40 centimeters of distance And it is advisable not to let them on the ground, but to tie them. Still make sure that they do not intertwine with each other.

With a combined landing scheme, place high bushes in the middle, and stunted along the edges of the beds. Thus, you will provide convenient access to all tomatoes, it will be easier for you to water them and process them in the future.

IMPORTANT: If you plant tomatoes too close to each other, then they will suffer from different diseases and infect neighboring bushes. The air between the plants should pass well so that moisture does not accumulate. Thick plantings can limit the plant in light.

Planting tomato planting scheme in open ground
Planting tomato planting scheme in open ground

Square-nesting method of planting tomato: Scheme

This type of planting of tomato seedlings is suitable for both stunted plants and for tall, where it will be important to process rowers. More precisely, maintain soil in loosened form, remove weed plants.

In this layout, each bush of tomatoes is planted in the vertices of the square of the square, due to which there is a decrease in the amount of seedlings in each row. In this case, they do not save on the landing area, but if the savings are necessary, then two or three bushes are planted as in a nest right near each other.

It is good that, using such a scheme, you can reduce the time for processing tomatoes by 15 working days, and reduce the work of half. Due to the square planting scheme, fruit yields are increased, because the processing of a row with mechanized means is not difficult. Tomatoes are less sick with fungal diseases. After all, they are at a decent distance from each other. A pit shown in the diagram is needed for high -quality watering.

Square-nesting method of planting tomatoes
Square-nesting method of planting tomatoes

Ribbon method of planting tomato: diagram

If you need to plant a lot of tomatoes on one site, it is better to choose a tape-nesting method for placing bushes. The advantage of this scheme is that nearby tomatoes are more resistant to aggressive weather factors.

In this method, the soil is cut into special furrows, the distances between which are 180-210 centimeters. They plant bushes on different sides of such grooves. When plants begin to grow, then for this they have 0.3 square meters. With this planting, it is easily possible to carry out mechanized plant treatment, the destruction of weeds.

Ribbon diagram of planting tomato seedlings
Ribbon diagram of planting tomato seedlings

The chess method of planting tomato: scheme

The chess method is ideal for low varieties of tomatoes. Several stems should be seated on such seedlings in the hole. Plants are planted in two rows. Leave the distance between them 55 centimeters or a little more. If the owner decides to plant bushes into one stem, then it is better to plant plants closer to each other. It is enough to leave the distance between rows 35 centimeters.

Tall varieties with this scheme are planted at a distance of 45 centimeters between plants and 65 centimeters between rows.

They plant bushes in chess form in strict rows, as in the diagram in the image below. Plants in the second row are planted, like in cells in a chessboard. It is only necessary to observe distances in a row, so that it is convenient to water watering, processing growing tomatoes.

If you are planning a mechanical method of processing bushes, then make rows (passage between ribbons) 1.5 meters, and one meter is enough.

Various tomato planting schemes
Various tomato planting schemes

Diaper method of growing tomatoes

This method is suitable for transplanting tomato plants during diving. Below in the picture a step -by -step instruction of this process.

Growing the seedlings of tomatoes from diapers - step -by -step instructions
Growing the seedlings of tomatoes from diapers - step -by -step instructions
Diving of tomato seedlings
Diving of tomato seedlings

Planting tomato seedlings - two in one hole: technology

As mentioned above, two seedlings in one hole do not break off, make the plant lush, do not interfere with each other at all. In order for seedlings to strengthen well in this way, it should be planted in prepared soil.

Add 100 g of ash, 10 g of urea, 150 g of mullein, a little sawdust, 20 g of superphosphate to each hole. Then take two stems, bend them slightly and fill it with earth almost on the upper hand of the leaves, so the root system of tomatoes will be strong. Water plants only under the root, try not to spray on the leaves. Near the bushes, plant parsley or flowers of black -knitsters (marigolds), so you protect seedlings from cabbage (bear) and other pests.

How to properly transplant tomato seedlings into a hole: Technology

If you are not a specialist in vegetable growing, then it’s not scary. Planting seedlings will not be difficult after the advice given. In one hour Before the start of the process pour the seedlingsSo that the roots do not break when you transfer it to the beds. Still try to pull the root of the stems with the ground, and not to break the root system.

How to plant tomato seedlings correctly
How to plant tomato seedlings correctly

Plant can gently put in the hole, on the sideSo the root will be stronger. It is desirable that the seedlings are deeply buried in the ground, then in the heat the bush will not fall to the ground until the root system is strengthened.

Rules for the planting of outgrown tomato seedlings
Rules for the planting of outgrown tomato seedlings

AT the hole is poured a little humus, trump the soilSo that the plant stands, does not fall after the transplant. Watering is originally carried out under the root of the plant. When the tomato bush grows up, the pegs are installed, the stems are tied so that they do not stretch on the ground.

If a it's already hot outside And the sun bakes in earnest, then planting seedlings spend in the evening, in cloudy weather, can seal tomatoes at any time of the day.

Planting seedlings in holes
Planting seedlings in holes

Chinese method of planting tomato: Technology

The method used gives good yield. To grow good tomatoes, you need to provide high -quality sowing, for this, follow the following features:

  • Sowing when the moon is in the sign of Scorpio on descending. Be sure to treat seeds with solutions to protect them from various diseases.
  • Draw a dive in a month in the same phase of the moon.

Details of seed processing

  • First of all, soak them into a wet rag, then place them in an extract from ash substances. The process should last about three hours. Place them again in a wet environment with a manganese solution for 15 minutes.
  • Now leave them half a day in a solution with Epin. Next, carry out hardening during the day in the bag on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Only after all these procedures are your seeds ready for sowing in pots with soil mixture. The soil before sowing should be watered with a hot solution of a mixture of water and manganese.
  • To create an ideal environment for germination, the pot is covered with polyethylene, then placed in a dark place near thermal sources in the room.
  • Five days later, polyethylene is removed, they transfer pots closer to light sources. Plants should already appear above the surface of the earth.
  • After a month, a dive is made on the waning moon. You need to transplant seedlings to other glasses, moisturize them a little, again cover with polyethylene and are placed in a dark warm place for three days.
  • Then polyethylene is removed and glasses are transferred to the windowsill. You can not use the Earth from the garden with humus - tomatoes will not develop, as expected. For seedlings, the land is used from the amateur gardener store.
  • When warm spring comes, seedlings are planted in open areas of soil. Such seedlings are very stable, and even in rainy weather it will not be affected by late blight.

IMPORTANT: After planting tomatoes into the ground, after a while, when they take root, you should remove the stepsons and arrange the plants (tie them, direct the stems up so that they do not grow on the ground).

If you plant tall varieties, then preferably in one hole, sit two stems. So they will not break off. Even after rooting, get rid of the lower leaves, stepsons and excess flower brushes. Leave only the first 6-7 brushes. Otherwise, the fruits will be matured for a long time and you will not see large tomatoes.

Which method of planting is best used for greenhouse and open ground: tips

Previously, various types of tomato planting were already considered, both for greenhouses and open soils, taking into account the height of plants. Therefore, the gardener himself must choose the necessary method, or rather, the diagram of planting tomatoes, depending on the conditions, irrigation systems, size of the area.

The best way to plant tomatoes lying.

Planting tomato planting
Planting tomato planting

The main thing is that each plant is provided with the necessary amount of sun, moisture and air circulate between the stems, bacteria, harmful microorganisms that lead to tomato diseases are not accumulated.

Medium -sized tomatoes are usually planted at a distance of 55 centimeters to each other. Small tomatoes are planted from each other at a distance of 45 centimeters. Also leave a convenient passage between plants for watering and treatment of tomatoes.

Planting tomato seedlings with strong winds on the site
Planting tomato seedlings with strong winds on the site
How to save outgrown seedlings
How to save outgrown seedlings

How to feed tomatoes in the hole during and for the first time after landing in a greenhouse, open soil?

Immediately after planting tomatoes, compost should be added to the hole to strengthen the roots, urea is used to grow bushes. A solution with urea must be watered with plants a week after planting seedlings, the second time is watered with this composition (10 liters of water - 25 g of urea) tomatoes in two weeks.

If tomatoes receive an overdose of compost, then they may not have fruits, but the stem and leaves will be strong, dark green. The flowers will fall.

During the development period phytophers of the plant process copper sulfate and other drugs.

How to fertilize tomato seedlings
How to fertilize tomato seedlings
Feeding scheme of tomato seedlings
Feeding scheme of tomato seedlings

When to water tomatoes after planting in open ground, the greenhouse for the first time?

Immediately after planting seedlings, it should not be filled with water. One watering is enough in a few days, between irrigation, it is necessary to irrigate the ground. The soil must not be allowed, it is advisable to do regular hydration. Details about watering see here In the article.

Watering seedlings
Watering seedlings

How many tomatoes take root after landing?

In order for the root system to strengthen and tomatoes are used to open ground, it is necessary at least about a week after the transplant. Only after this period should tomatoes should be watered. And after two weeks it is already necessary to carry out and hilling over the entire height of the stem - but not more than 10 centimeters.

Agricultural techniques when planting tomato seedlings in the ground
Agricultural techniques when planting tomato seedlings in the ground

When diving, remove the lower third of the main root of the plant. They do this in the phase of the appearance of 2-3 real sheets, not later, otherwise the plant will be poorly used after diving. We deepen it without reaching 1 cm to cotyledon leaves. Pour the soil for transplantation during diving with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 0.5 g per 10 liters of water. Patients and weak plants are thrown away.

It is also very useful for the future crop of stepson.

The benefits of stepson of tomatoes
The benefits of stepson of tomatoes

When the plant grows to 25-30 cm in height, the top is torn off to form 3-4 side shoots.

What to do with seedlings of tomatoes in open ground in the case of frost or strong heat?

Unfortunately, even in the last month of spring there are frosts. This negatively affects the growth of tomato seedlings and can cause even its death. In order not to happen, you should first cover the beds with polyethylene before freezing. To do this, we need to study the weather forecasts on the open spaces online.

Also, so that the tomatoes do not spark from the heat, they are covered with a special net, which slightly shade them from direct sunlight.

How to protect tomatoes from frost?
How to protect tomatoes from frost?

You can use home -made bags of thick paper when planting. Old wallpapers are suitable. It is necessary to cut a rectangle with a width of 20-25 along the height of seedlings and a length of 90-95 cm. We sew this rectangle on the machine in width in order to get a cylinder. We strengthen the cylinder above the plant with 3 pegs. We install pegs inside the cylinder so that they pull the cylinder and thus do not let it fly under gusts of wind. The cylinder will protect seedlings from wind and small frosts.

Why are tomatoes perish after planting in the ground: Causes

Like all living things and tomatoes, they have the ability to get sick. Other factors can affect the development of various diseases.

Fungal diseases They are able to spoil not only foliage, but also the root system of tomato. The fungus calls:

  • Fitophthrosis. It manifests itself on the foliage with dark brown spots. It penetrates the plant through air masses, soil. If you process the seeds with potassium permanganate, then significantly reduce the risks of the manifestation of all sorts of diseases.
  • Disease " black legs»The stalk of tomatoes is striking. Then its destruction occurs. So that the soil does not become the causative agent of the disease, even before planting seedlings, treat it with copper sulfate.
  • Fridges of the leaves (white).With this ailment, the stem acquires a brown tint. Again, soil processing by potassium permanganate saves from the disease.
  • The roots of the plant are affected fuzarious wilting, if you do not disinfect the soil and seeds of tomatoes when planting them.

If you do not observe all the intricacies of growing tomatoes, then the plants are affected by viral infections (mosaics, aspermia, etc.). It is very difficult to treat such diseases, but you can warn. It is enough to observe all the rules for planting tomatoes and processing of seeds and plants.

Video: how to revive, cure tomatoes after landing in the ground, if they turned yellow, turned white, turned blue or grow badly: tips, recommendations

In addition to all these ailments, tomatoes also suffer from non -infectious diseases. They arise due to a lack of minerals or oversaturation by them. In such situations, it is necessary to feed culture (magnesium, potassium) or vice versa - to extract nitrogen -containing components from the diet, which do not allow to get a normal harvest.

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