Tomatoes bloom, but are not tied in a greenhouse and open ground: what to do? Why after flowering tomato there is no ovary: reasons

Tomatoes bloom, but are not tied in a greenhouse and open ground: what to do? Why after flowering tomato there is no ovary: reasons

Many gardeners are faced with a problem when tomatoes bloom, but do not fit. What the reasons for this phenomenon, and how to deal with it - we will learn further.

Sometimes after flowering tomatoes, ovary may not appear. As a result, you can stay without a tomato crop if you do not take any action. It will be a pity to the gardeners of the effort to grow this culture. In order for this failure to pass you side, study what may be the causes of such a phenomenon and how to deal with problems.

Why after flowering tomato there is no ovary: reasons

There can be many sources of manifestation of poor tie of fruits, we will consider the main ones:

  • If there is heat outside, then there may be very few ovaries on tomatoes. At the surrounding temperature, more than 30 degrees pollen loses its properties. It becomes sterile. That is why there is no fertilization of the pestle, the flowers fall.
  • The low temperature also adversely affects the growth of tomatoes. Already at twelve degrees, buds cannot be laid, at 16 degrees-they are not revealed. If flowering does not occur, there will be no fertilization. Therefore, in the cold season, only stems, leaves, etc. are growing in growth, but the ovary is not formed.
No ovary in tomatoes
No ovary in tomatoes
  • Increased humidity, precipitation negatively affect the reproductiveness of tomatoes. Due to the increased moisture content (more than 70%), the anthers are not able to open, wet pollen does not fall on the pestle, because it loses its properties and does not spill. In addition, tomato leaves are affected by bacteria, fungi.
  • Low lighting or lack of sunlight leads to a small harvest. Plants love well -lit sites.
  • A bad ovary also turns out with a lack of trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus. Fruits are not tied if there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil.
  • So that the plant does not waste its strength on the growth of greens, it is recommended to remove the stepsons. All nutrient components will then go to the laying of offspring, more precisely, the formation of fruits.
  • Despite the fact that tomatoes are capable of pollinating themselves, sometimes due to the prevailing circumstances (adverse weather or in greenhouse conditions) this does not happen. Therefore, compulsory pollination must be done.
  • Tomatoes are characterized by the rapid growth of stems, leaves, etc. But when the root system is still weakened, and the upper part is growing rapidly, the ovary may be discharged. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce top dressing, hill, water the culture.

Tomatoes bloom, but are not tied in a greenhouse and open ground: what to do so that tomatoes are better tied?

In order for tomatoes to grow and give a good harvest, you need to comply with comfortable conditions:

  1. The temperature regime for tying fruits of tomatoes is very important. During fertilization, it is desirable that the temperature is from 21 to 24 degrees.
  2. Both in the greenhouse and on the open ground should not be very damp, 60% of the humidity is enough.
  3. Water plants only under the root system. Flowers, stems do not spray with water.
  4. When tomatoes bloom, watering is minimized - once every seven days.
  5. Rub the earth around the stems, carry out mulching.
Artificial pollination of tomatoes
Artificial pollination of tomatoes

In addition to the above methods of caring for crops, it is also necessary to pollinate tomatoes yourself, especially if they grow in a greenhouse.

Tomatoes that grow in open ground are pollinated on their own. Insects and wind come to the rescue. In the greenhouse, everything is different.

In the warmth of the year, ventilate it, leave it open all night so that the plants do not overheat. At 20 degrees on the street-do not close the greenhouse.

When it is cold and the room of the greenhouse is heated, carry out pollination with your own hands. To do this, shake the tomato bush a little and tap a little along the stem. You can also transfer pollen directly to the pestle or using a conventional fan, create the wind in the room.

If the flower has opened, and its petals leaned back, then pollination happened successfully.

IMPORTANT: To attract insects (bees) on open ground, you can plant honey plants next to tomatoes, so pollination will pass more effective.

Watering tomatoes
Watering tomatoes

The fact that the temperature directly affects the development of the fruits of tomatoes has already been mentioned earlier. The temperature fluctuations in the temperature adversely affect the ovary of the tomato. If the heat is not enough, then the ground part of the plant (stems, leaves) will begin to grow. If, on the contrary, there is a lot of pollen and the ovaries will not again. It is enough to exist for one day at a temperature of 30 degrees and there will be no ovary.

Therefore, in greenhouses it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for plants. If it is cold, then you need to turn on the heater. And in the heat to ventilate the room of the greenhouse.

IMPORTANT: Water tomatoes only with pleasant warm water during the formation of the ovary. Cold water can cause violations in the root system.

In order not to develop diseases, parasites do not appear, control humidity. Even minor increase in humidity leads to the death of the ovaries and various diseases of tomatoes.

Dry air also negatively affects the further development of fruits. Pollen due to drought is not able to properly form a fruit.

To increase moisture in the greenhouse, water the paths in the morning with water. And do not tolerate the procedure in the afternoon in the afternoon, otherwise the greenhouse effect can manifest at night, which is not desirable for any crops in the room.

No ovary on tomatoes - reasons
No ovary on tomatoes - reasons

If you do not carry out seedlings or vice versa, overfeed the plant, then again, you can lose the fruits. Especially overfeeding occurs as a result of a large amount of nitrogen -containing fertilizers. Therefore, fertilize the plants after the development of fruits.

And the rest of the time, fertilizers containing potassium, magnesium, phosphorus will be useful.

Growing tomatoes is not a simple and troublesome activity that requires special care for plants. If you decide to do this business, then be patient and arm yourself with knowledge. Only after painstaking work will you grow a large harvest.

Video: Why is tomatoes living?

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