How often and how to water tomatoes in open ground and a polycarbonate greenhouse? Do I need to water tomatoes during ripening? When, at what time of day, it is better to water tomatoes in the greenhouse and open ground: in the morning or in the evening, warm or cold water?

How often and how to water tomatoes in open ground and a polycarbonate greenhouse? Do I need to water tomatoes during ripening? When, at what time of day, it is better to water tomatoes in the greenhouse and open ground: in the morning or in the evening, warm or cold water?

Instructions for watering tomatoes.


Tomatoes are sufficiently picky plants that require careful care and regular irrigation, as well as fertilizers. Please note that this vegetable, unlike many cultures, should not be watered often and little by little. Below we will consider how to water tomatoes at different times in different conditions.

When is the first time watering tomatoes after landing in open ground, a greenhouse?

There is a huge difference between growing crops in a greenhouse and in the open air. Most often, tomatoes need to be watered in hot months daily. This applies to tomatoes that grow in open ground. That is, after the summer drought began, you need to water often. It is advisable to do this either early in the morning or in the evening. There are many subtleties. The water must not be allowed to fall on the stems and leaves.

The fact is that water can serve as a kind of lens or glass that can cause a burn of culture. Accordingly, it is necessary to pour water to the very root, avoiding hits on the stem. It is also worth noting that watering is best done on cloudy days. This can be done at any time during the day. If the day is sunny, hot, then watering should be postponed when the sun completely comes in or until strong sunlight disappears.

Should the tomatoes be watered before frost?

It is not worth watering tomatoes before frost. If you saw the weather forecast that frosts are approaching, it is better 2 days before their onset to water the plants. It is good to dry the soil, after that you need to mulch the bushes. That is, cover them with straw or grass. At the same time, it should be understood that frosts will contribute to a longer moisture delay inside the roots. This, in turn, can cause the development of the rotten disease of the root system, as well as the destruction of the plant. Therefore, during frosts, watering should be reduced.

Watering before frosts
Watering before frosts

How often to water tomatoes in open ground and a polycarbonate greenhouse?

It should be understood that tomatoes, such a culture that loves moist soil, but dry air. Therefore, if your tomatoes grow in a greenhouse, you must be careful. And maintain constant humidity at a fairly low level. The fact is that many summer residents store barrels of water in greenhouses. In this case, it is necessary to cover the barrel with a lid or closed with a film. Because water from the surface of the barrel will evaporate, which will cause an increase in humidity in the room. This, in turn, can cause the development of fungus and powdery mildew.

Watering frequency:

  • In the greenhouse. Once every 3 days with constant ventilation and control of humidity.
  • On the open ground. About 1 time per day on hot days and 2 times a week in cloudy weather.
  • Under the mulch. 1-2 times a week.

Is it necessary and how many times a week to water tomatoes after planting in open ground, diving, during flowering, fruiting for a good harvest?

Tomatoes are sufficiently capricious culture, so you should adhere to certain irrigation rules. The fact is that when diving during flowering and harvesting, there are its own rules for watering:

  • Before diving, 2 days before it, it is necessary to pour the plant abundantly. Within 2 days, it is no longer watered. After diving watering is also not carried out. After 3-4 days, it is necessary to water the plants. In this case, this will become an impetus for the development of the root system and the emergence of new ovaries of tomatoes.
  • Bloom. It is also worth paying attention to flowering. During budding, that is, the appearance of flowers must be increased and make it more frequent. That is, watering is considered normal about once a week. If you use mulch and cover the bushes, then you need to increase the amount of watering to 2 times a week.
  • Fruiting. Water 2 times a week.
Drip irrigation
Drip irrigation

Why is it impossible to water tomatoes in June?

Tomatoes are watered in June. Many people ask how best to water tomatoes.

Watering tomatoes in June:

  • The easiest way seems to water the hose. In fact, this method is the most dangerous, since ordinary tap water is quite cold. It is better to water water, which warmed up a bit. After all, cold water can cause roots, stagnation of water. Because of this, root rot or powdery mildew will develop. Therefore, the best option is to water with a bucket with a bucket or another interesting and unusual way.
  • Near each bush, a plastic 2 liter bottle is buried with a neck down with a cut bottom. Water is poured into this bottle and the plant independently absorbs all the water. At the same time, the probability is reduced that moisture will fall on the stem and leaves and burns will occur. Foods of roots are achieved, and the upper part of the soil is not saturated with moisture.
  • In addition, it is believed that drip irrigation is the best to use for tomatoes.

Do I need to water tomatoes during the ripening period, in August?

Features of watering during fruiting:

  • Please note that during the period of ripening of the fruits, it is necessary to water the low-growing and tall tomatoes completely differently. In stunted varieties, when you saw that tomatoes ripen, it is necessary to reduce watering, and then almost completely stop it. The fact is that the high moisture content during this period will contribute to the appearance of cracks on the fruits. Therefore, watering should be stopped.
  • If you grow tall varieties, then the fruits ripen unevenly, and in different portions and areas. In this case, it is necessary to maintain watering, but make it more rare. The optimal is the frequency once every four days. In this case, the amount of moisture should be approximately 10 liters per plant for one watering.
Watering tomatoes in August
Watering tomatoes in August

When to finish watering tomatoes in a greenhouse?

In the greenhouse, tomatoes must be watered even during active fruiting. In this case, you should not stop watering for a long time, since the drying of the soil, and then a sharp moisture, will lead to cracking of the fruit. In this case, the best option is drip irrigation. Thus, water will only fall into the soil and not affect the leaves and stems. In this way, you can exclude cultural burns due to active sunlight.

When is it better to water tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground: in the morning or in the evening?

It is recommended to moisturize the soil both in the morning and in the evening. It all depends on air humidity, as well as temperature. If it is very hot outside, it happens that after morning watering, the soil dries and cracks in the evening. In this case, it is recommended to moisturize tomatoes even in the evening. That is, twice a day. In order for moisture to hold longer in the soil and not evaporated, it is necessary to cover the beds with dry grass or straw. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to moisturize the soil on hot days. Both in the morning and in the evening. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly loosen the soil so that the water seeps well inside the roots to the very depth.

Watering tomatoes in the morning
Watering tomatoes in the morning

What water to water tomatoes: warm or cold, is it possible to water cold

Gardeners recommend watering with warm water. It all depends on the air temperature, so it is worth completely eliminating watering with cold water. The fact is that this can contribute to the deterioration of the condition of the bushes, as well as decorating the roots. It is recommended to put water in the sun so that it heats up a little. Only after that is watering. The best option is rainwater.

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes with yeast solution: Recipe

Tomatoes react well to top dressing with yeast solution.


  • It is necessary to dissolve 100 g of pressed yeast in 3 liters of warm water and add 125 g of sugar there.
  • After that, the container is covered with gauze left for a week. It turns out a kind of mash, which before watering must be diluted in an amount of one cup per 10 liters of water.
  • Such top dressing is carried out only two to three times a season.
Use of yeast for watering
Use of yeast for watering

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes with boric acid: recipe

Boric acid avoids Boric deficiency, and also contributes to the active development of the plant. Top dressing can be both basal or in the form of spraying. Most often, just with a spray is used.


  • To do this, dissolve 1 g of the product in one liter of water. It is desirable that the water is warm. Thus, the acid will dissolve faster.
  • After that, the solution shimmers into the spray and early in the morning spraying the leaves.
  • Please note that processing is best carried out on a cloudy day. Otherwise, droplets of the solution can become peculiar lenses and provoke the occurrence of burns on the leaves and stems.

Is it possible, why and how to properly water the tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide: Recipe

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent source of oxygen that feeds the roots. More information about the use of hydrogen peroxide for watering tomatoes can be viewed in the video.

Video: peroxide for tomatoes

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes with milk and iodine: recipe

Beginning summer residents are often surprised, learning that you can get a good harvest of tomatoes without the use of pesticides and a variety of chemical reagents. Milk with iodine will help protect tomatoes from pests, and are also an excellent source of useful substances and minerals.


  • In order to prepare a nutrient mixture, it is necessary to take 1 liter of low -fat milk and pour into a bucket with warm water.
  • Add 15 drops of iodine alcohol solution. After that, watering each bush is carried out.
  • Such processing is done in early spring, it prevents the development of the fungus, as well as twisting the leaves.
Watering tomatoes with milk
watering tomatoes with milk

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes with soda: recipe

Sodium is a bicarrowry is also an excellent means to prevent the development of fungi and many diseases. Stavropol summer residents and farmers drew attention to the fact that the seeds that are soaked in a solution of soda are less likely to suffer from powdery mildew and better fruit. You can also process bushes with a solution of soda.


  • It is best to prepare a single percent solution.
  • To do this, the teaspoon of the product dissolves in a bucket of warm water.
  • The resulting solution is watering under the root. This is best done in the spring.

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes with chicken droppings: recipe

Chicken litter is also often used as a fertilizer for tomatoes. It contains a large amount of nitrogen, as well as other minerals. It is in no way inferior in quality to expensive mineral fertilizers.

For fertilizer, both pure litter and its infusion can be used. In early spring, it is necessary to fertilize the soil of 6-8 kg of chicken on one square meter of soil. Fertening is periodically carried out using an infusion, which is prepared in a standard way. For one square meter you need 5-6 liters of the finished infusion.

Watering tomatoes with a drop
Watering tomatoes with a drop

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes with potassium permanganate: recipe

Manganese is not only fertilizer, but also an excellent antiseptic and can impede the development of many diseases. Contecbers prevents the formation of rot, as well as the growth of viruses.


  • To prepare the solution, 3 g of the substance must be dissolved in a 10 liter bucket of water.
  • After that, root watering is carried out by the resulting solution.
  • It is best to saturate the culture with plastic bottles that are dug up near each tomato bush.
  • A similar solution can also be sprayed with leaves and stems. In this case, you will protect plants from pests.

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes by potassium: recipe

Potassium is a necessary trace element that helps to develop correctly tomatoes and get a good harvest. More details on how to water tomatoes by potassium is indicated in the video.

Video: Watering tomatoes potassium

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes urea: recipe

Urea is an excellent tool that will help to achieve a good harvest of tomatoes. For this, root processing is carried out.


  • Dissolve 100 g of matter in a 10 liter bucket of water.
  • After that, the mixture with urea must be neutralized by monophosphate.
  • The resulting solution is watering.
  • You will need about 1-3 liters of solution for watering one bush of tomatoes.
Watering tomatoes urea
Watering tomatoes urea

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes serum: recipe

With the help of serum, you can well deal with late blight. To do this, it is necessary to dilute the substance in a ratio of one to one with warm water. Next, the solution is poured into the spray and applied to the leaves. Processing must be carried out three times a season. Some summer residents advise processing every 10 days.

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes by ammonia: recipe

Read more in the video.

Video: Watering tomatoes with ammonia

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes with onion husk: recipe

Onion husk is an excellent fertilizer for vegetable crops.


  • Take a full jar of onion husk. You need to tamp very tightly.
  • After that, take 8 liters of boiling water and pour onion husks with boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse for a day. After that, strain the solution.
  • Now, in order to water tomatoes, you need to take 1 liter of the prepared solution and dilute it with five parts of pure water.
  • That is, five liters. Under each bush, one liter of a prepared solution is introduced.
Watering tomatoes onion husk
Watering tomatoes onion husk

Is it possible, why and how to properly water tomatoes soaked bread: recipe

Bread contains minerals, and also help to saturate tomatoes with nutrient ingredients.


  • To prepare a healing solution, it is necessary to collect crackers, as well as the remaining bread and dry them.
  • Next, 1 kg of crackers 10 l of warm water is necessary. All this is placed in a can and put in a warm place. It is best to put in the garden under direct sunlight.
  • After 2 weeks, you will be ready in a nutrient solution. Before watering tomatoes, it is necessary to dilute it in a ratio of one to one water.
  • Top dressing is carried out once every 10 days. It is best to do this early in the morning or in the evening.

Is it possible, why and how to properly water the tomatoes with nettles: recipe

Nettle is used for both root top dressing and fucked spraying.


  • To prepare the solution, a lot of greens and stalks of nettles are stuffed into a barrel. Pour water, leave to wander for about 10 days. It is necessary to achieve a state when the foam ceases to stand out and the entire mixture will darken.
  • It is necessary to mix the solution every day. After that, the liquid is filtered and diluted in a ratio of 1 to 20.
  • The resulting diluted solution is filled with bottles with sprayers and tomatoes are sprayed.
  • Spraying is carried out once every 14 days. Also, the resulting solution can be used for root watering. To do this, the initial solution is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10.
Watering tomatoes nettles
Watering tomatoes nettles

Ammonia tomatoes need to be watered or sprayed?

Ammonia is also often used for watering plants.


  • To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve 60 ml of 3 percent solution in a 10 liter bucket of water.
  • After that, it is typed on a liter of the solution and poured under the root.
  • Processing is carried out in the spring and repeated per season 2 times.
Watering tomatoes ammonia
Watering tomatoes ammonia

As you can see, it is quite difficult to care for tomatoes. Therefore, read the intricacies of irrigation of crops that grow in a greenhouse and on open ground.

Video: Watering tomatov

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