Increased or poor appetite during menstruation - why: how to fight, diet

Increased or poor appetite during menstruation - why: how to fight, diet

The appetite during menstruation depends on hormones. In order for it to be normal, you need to follow some rules.

With PMS, many women wake up a brutal appetite. This is caused by a decrease in serotonin levels. He is responsible for good mood and calm. And during critical days, the body is in constant stress. And the simplest way to pamper yourself is to eat something tasty. Fast-food, high-calorie desserts, etc. are used. But harmful food is not the only way to survive this difficult period.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to survive the PMS to a woman?". You will find the recommendations of doctors and reviews.

From this article you will learn why it is intensified, or, conversely, the appetite is reduced during menstruation. We will also tell you what food should be during this period. Read further.

Increased, severe appetite during menstruation: why is the feeling of hunger increase?

Increased, strong appetite during menstruation
Increased, strong appetite during menstruation

Stop increasing appetite during menstruation will not work. Why is the feeling of hunger increase? This is a natural process. The main causes of severe hunger:

  • Increased metabolism. In the luteal phase of the cycle, the body spends much more energy. Depending on the characteristics of the body, metabolism increases by 1.7-10%. Naturally, these costs must be replenished, therefore, during the PMS and menstruation, appetite is growing.
  • Falling level of serotonin. This neurotransmitter is responsible for many functions. It affects the quality of sleep, pressure, the pain threshold and mood. And just with PMS, the level of serotonin "pierces the bottom." The most affordable and simple way to release a hormone of good mood is the consumption of carbohydrates. Fatty food, fast food, sweet-“pill”, which helps to quickly get rid of sadness and apathy.
  • Genes. Not all women overeat during the PMS. This is due not only to endurance, but also with genes. Some women eat too much during menstruation, and in the usual time they have normal appetite. In such cases, you can blame the expression of genes. In the lutein phase of the cycle, they 39-47% affect the appetite of women.

Although in most cases it will not work to stop an increase in appetite, this does not mean that it is necessary to thoughtlessly empty the refrigerator, and then look at the numbers on the scales with horror. It is better to find out how to take your condition under control.

Rules that will help reduce, suppress appetite during menstruation: what beats up appetite and dulls a feeling of hunger?

Cope with overeating is quite simple. What beats up appetite and dulls a feeling of hunger? It is enough to adhere to several rules that will help reduce, suppress appetite during menstruation:

  • Take food additives. First of all, it is necessary to add calcium to the diet. It helps to increase the level of serotonin and tryptophan. Vitamin B6 and E. will help to cope with PMS symptoms.
  • Sunny baths. The natural way to increase the level of serotonin is more often to be on the street. With PMS, it is worth regularly entering fresh air. Walks and stay in the world will allow you to consume less sweets and harmful food.
  • Sports. It would seem that with PMS it is better to strain less and not show physical activity. But it is not so. Physical exercises help to quickly increase serotonin levels. And with exhausting training, tryptophan is also produced. After the loads, the body will no longer require sweets.

During menstruation and PMS, it is worth paying attention to the diet. Nutritionists advise during this period a little relax and add an extra 150-200 kcal to the daily calorie content. Also, fasting days should not fall on the PMS. This will only bring excess stress on the body.

Here are a few more rules:

  • With menstruation, water is much more slowly excreted. Therefore, it is worthwhile to significantly limit salt consumption during this period, which will help get rid of swelling. Smoked and fatty products must be excluded from the diet. Vegetables and fruits rich in potassium will help to remove excess water: broccoli, asparagus, etc.
  • In this difficult period, you should not completely abandon the sweet. So that progesterone can perform its functions, glucose should fall into the body. But instead of sweet and flour, it is better to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates. A bun and a cake will perfectly replace whole grain bread, fruits, etc. Studies have shown that with a proper diet, women manage to significantly reduce the symptoms of PMS and get rid of some pain.
  • In order to calmly survive critical days, it is necessary to increase the level of serotonin. And for this you will have to include in the diet products rich in tripophane. It is contained in tuna, seafood, turkey, nuts, cod, rabbit, solid varieties of cheese. Triptofan is better absorbed with complex carbohydrates. Therefore, the above products should be supplemented with a slicer of whole grain bread.
  • During increased irritability, it is better to abandon coffee and beloved black tea. They can be replaced with more useful drinks. Tea from chamomile, lemon balm and yarrow will help to calm down and overcome apathy.

Also, every woman should find alternative ways to calm. Meditation, drawing, hobbies are suitable. These simple rules will help to forget about overeating during the PMS. You can start with something one. But it is better to immediately apply everything so as not to jam bad mood for harmful food.

The appetite disappears during menstruation: why is there no appetite, poor appetite?

The appetite disappears during menstruation
The appetite disappears during menstruation

PMS is a difficult period that is accompanied by a number of symptoms. And among them it is worth highlighting:

  • Metabolic disease
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Changes in the psychoemotional sphere
  • Vegetative and vascular disorders

In some women, during PMS and menstruation, appetite disappears completely. There are pain, headaches, mood swings. During this period, I absolutely do not want to eat even my favorite dishes. But do not completely follow the body of the body, even if poor appetite. With PMS, you must follow a healthy diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and also remember your favorite dishes.

What food should be during menstruation, if there is no appetite: how to increase appetite, diet?

Even during critical days, you can artificially increase your appetite. To do this, you will have to include some additives and products in the diet. So what food should be during menstruation, if there is no appetite? How to increase your appetite?

  • Iron, vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid
  • Green apples
  • Orange and grapefruit
  • Lemon
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Avocado
  • Egg proteins, etc.

But do not lean too much on a certain category of products or observe strict diets. It can harm. Before including any additives in the diet, you should consult a doctor.

Observing simple rules, women can be much easier to transfer all the symptoms of PMS. You can forget about chronic overeating or weak appetite during menstruation.

Video: constant hunger and craving for food during menstruation - what to do?

Video: PMS Zagor - What to do? 3 simple rules from nutriologist

Video: The whims of progesterone - why is women tormenting women before menstruation?

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