The best hemostatic drugs, tablets with abundant menstruation. How to drink Vikasol, Ditsinon, Trumps tablets with abundant menstruation?

The best hemostatic drugs, tablets with abundant menstruation. How to drink Vikasol, Ditsinon, Trumps tablets with abundant menstruation?

List of best hemostatic drugs and tablets for abundant menstruation.

Many women seek to reduce menstruation, and sometimes detain it for several days. For this, hemostatic drugs are often used, which we will talk about in this article. 

Causes of abundant menstruation and bleeding

First of all, it is necessary to deal with the cause of abundant menstruation. There are many reasons that cause severe uterine bleeding. These include those as a result of which the laying completely gets wet in 2 hours. That is, it is not enough to absorb all the bloody discharge. 

Causes of abundant menstruation: 

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. It can be the ailments of the ovaries and uterus. Most often occurs with endometritis, which is provoked by sexually transmitted diseases. Oddly enough, but among the complications, abundant menstruation, as well as uterine bleeding. 
  • Disorders in the myometrium. This is the middle layer after the endometrium, which lies in the surface of the uterus. Most often, with problems with this layer, abundant uterine bleeding occurs, as well as strong periods. Usually they are observed due to the presence of myoma, endometriosis, and alsoadenomyosis. The endometrium nodes grow into the inner layersmyometryTherefore, during menstruation, the body tries to get rid of a foreign body that is inside the uterus. 
  • Hormonal disbalance. Indeed, if a woman sits on a diet, or vice versa, obesity, a large number of estrogen can be produced in the body that provoke a thickening of the inner layer of the uterus. During menstruation, the body tries to get rid of the thick layer of the endometrium, to remove its remnants. This provoked abundant bleeding. 
  • Climax and menopause. During this period, a decrease in the number of estrogen in the blood is really observed, so menstruation can acquire an irregular and random character. Smearing discharge, or vice versa, is very plentiful 
  • Oncological ailments. Very often, oncology is associated with the growth of the inner layer of the endometrium, so severe bleeding can be observed during menstruation. It is worth noting that it is necessary to first deal with the reasons for the strengthening of menstruation and their large quantity. Only after using the correct treatment can be establishedcycle And reduce bleeding. Typically, for these purposes, curettage is prescribed, after which hormonal drugs that regulate the production of estrogen and progesterone. 
Medicines for abundant menstruation
Medicines for abundant menstruation

What tablets to drink with abundant menstruation?

There are several types of drugs with which bleeding can be stopped. The most common of them are contraceptive hormonal tablets, hemostatic drugs, as well as recipes for traditional medicine. If the menstruation is plentiful, while regular, it makes sense to go to the doctor and check the pelvic organs using an ultrasound. Most likely, a woman has endometriosis or endometrial hyperplasia. It is these diseases that provoke severe bleeding during menstruation. 

What tablets to drink with abundant menstruation:

  1. Deaminoxytocin
  2. Ergotal
  3. Ginestril
  4. Dinoprost

Contraceptive tablets with abundant menstruation

Oral contraceptives reduce the production of hormones, as a result of which there is no bleeding.

Cutting tablets with abundant menstruation:

  • Dufaston. This tool is not an emergency substance and is not used for the purpose of contraception. But they note that tablets inhibit ovulation. It is usually used to treat and reduce endometrial growth in the uterus. Most often, such a drug is effective for endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia. Usually it is prescribed 7-10 days before the alleged menstruation. After 7 or 10 daily intake, the drug is canceled, after about 2 days, menstruation begins. At the very beginning of the discharge will be brown, but you should not be afraid, this does not cause any complications. The menstruation ends faster and are quite scarce, due to the fact that the endometrium did not grow in the second phase of the cycle. This drug is usually used not as emergency help, but as a means for treating certain uterine pathologies. 
  • Oral contraceptives. Among them can be distinguished  Yarina Or Zhanin. These are three -phase tablets with which you can reduce the intensity of menstruation. They are also prescribed to treat various diseases and with irregular menstruation. The composition of three -phase components contains substances that reduce the production of estrogen in the body, thereby preventing the increase in a large amount of endometrium. That is why very little blood comes out during menstruation, due to the fact that the endometrium simply does not grow and there is nothing to go out. 


What hemostatic tablets do you take with abundant menstruation?

When choosing a hemostatic agent, the doctor is usually orientedon age Patients and the presence of concomitant diseases. With age, the number of chronic ailments increases, thereby the choice of drugs that can be prescribed for bleeding decreases.

The safest drugs are considered to beVikasolDicinon. Fito-hemorrhagic candles are often prescribed. Usually they are prescribed for hemorrhoids, but often used in gynecological practice, to stop abundant menstruation. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing the excretion of a large amount of blood. 

What hemostatic tablets with abundant menstruation:

  • Fibrinogen. This is a drug that is made of natural blood, it provoke its coagulation. Usually prescribed along with aminocapronic acid to prevent the formation of blood clots. These drugs are administered in the form of injections or in the form of tablets. It is used during surgical interventions and after surgery on the uterus, light and other internal organs. Adults of aminocaproic acid tablets are prescribed in an amount of 5-24 g per day. Depending on the strength of the bleeding. This drug, as indicated above, goes well with fibrin. Usually they are prescribed together. 
  • Vidanol. It is made on the basis of transhasamic acid from which it is made by transexes. These are analogs. The drug is an inhibitor of fibrinolysis, and stimulates blood coagulation. Assign one tablet 2-3 times a day. Often prescribed after surgical interventions to prevent bleeding during a biopsy of a cervical canal, uterus or laparoscopic interventions. 

Remember that very often women after menstruation can suffer from reduced hemoglobin. This is a completely normal situation that is associated with a large loss of blood. Therefore, during the period of menstruation, as well as immediately after them, it is recommended to take iron drugs, for example Maltofer. They increase the concentrations of hemoglobin, and improve the general condition of the woman. Calcium preparations are often prescribed, since a large amount of it can be washed in time. 


The best hemostatic drugs with abundant menstruation on herbs

In addition to medicinal tablets, traditional medicine is often used. In the pharmacy you can find a large number of plant extracts and dry herbs to reduce bleeding. 

The best hemostatic drugs with abundant menstruation on herbs:

  • Usually, in order to reduce menstruation, it is prescribed nettle extract,yarrow and water pepper.
  • Oddly enough, these drugs are prescribed by doctors in a antenatal clinic, as they are considered the safest. They cause a minimum of side effects, and also have a small number of contraindications.
  • Nettle extract is taken about 30 drops twice a day. It is prescribed exclusively during menstruation. You can use nettle grass, which is brewed and taken in the form of tea. 
Nettle extract
Nettle extract

How to drink dicinon tablets with abundant menstruation?

The tool is used not only at home, but also in the hospital. Dicinon tablets with abundant menstruation Sold in a pharmacy, can be found in the form of injections. The drug strengthens the walls of the capillaries, improves blood microcirculation. Due to which the amount of blood is significantly reduced.

It is ideal if the woman underwent some operation on the pelvic organs. Often the drug is prescribed after surgical interventions or after curettage, abortion, when peeling the placenta, during pregnancy. 

How to take Vikasol with abundant menstruation?

This drug is sold in tablets and stops blood after 12-18 hours. That is, you should not expect a very quick effect, you have to wait.

How to take Vikasol with abundant menstruation:

  • It is worth noting that the drug increases blood viscosity and provokes its coagulation. Therefore, the product is not prescribed for thrombosis and very thick blood.
  • Also, the product is not prescribed for more than 4 days. Otherwise, side effects may be actively manifested.
  • However, this is the most common drug with which women, during the period of menstruation, strive to stop or reduce them. The product works very efficiently. 

How to drink tablets with abundant menstruation transexes?

Trams. In its action, it is very similar to Vikasol, it in the same way increases the amount of fibrin in the blood, and stimulates blood coagulation.

How to drink tablets for abundant menstruation transexes:

  • Assign 2 tablets 3 times a day. Usually start reception from the first day of menstruation, and continue for 4 days. This drug is not used before menstruation, as it works directly in the process, stopping blood.
  • It is a means of emergency assistance, when a woman first encountered uterine bleeding and has no idea how to stop it.
  • It is not worth it to use this tool every month to reduce menstruation. 
Drugs for bleeding
Drugs for bleeding

Homeostal drugs for abundant menstruation: reviews

Of course, such drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, but it happens that women decide to take on their own due to a lack of time.Below we present reviews about the most common drugs for bleeding and abundant menstruation.

  Torobolate drugs for abundant menstruation, reviews:

  • Olga, 35 years old. This year I planned to go to the sea, but for this period, menstruation fell. Usually they are plentiful and strongly interfere with active life. Therefore, on the advice of the pharmacist acquiredVikasol. I took 2 tablets at once, and the next day there are two more. My menstruation began on time, but the day after taking the drug, the number of discharge became minimal. Instead of 7 days, menstruation lasted only 4, and were more like a daub than a full menstruation. After arrival home, I felt very bad, the lower abdomen was sick. The next month I received a super-oynity menstruation with a large number of clots. I will not use this drug more. I think that it does not affect the state of the internal organs of the pelvis. 
  • Yana, 40 years old. I suffer from uterine fibroids, so abundant menstruation is often observed. The doctor appointed me Dufaston. I took it 7 days before the start of menstruation. The drug helped me a lot. I did not want to accept, since I read a lot of negative reviews on the Internet. Many girls complained that during taking this drug, their weight increased, and swelling arose. There were no all these side effects, I can say that the drug is perfect for me and helps. Monitories have not become plentiful, their duration has decreased by 2 days. If before that, menstruation lasted 8 days, now the menstruation lasts only 6. But the last two days are very weak, more like a brown daub. 
  • Elizabeth, 50 years old. During menopause, she noticed that sometimes monthly bleeding occurs. On the recommendation of the doctor, I take dicinon. The drug helps me a lot, I do not use it often. Since menstruation has recently been irregular, and can go once every 2-3 months. 
Abundant menstruation
Abundant menstruation

As you can see, any hemostatic drugs with abundant menstruation should be prescribed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that they have a different action, andassigned With certain ailments. What came up to your girlfriend or neighbor may not suit you. 

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Comments K. article

  1. Drank Vikasol. It was also necessary to get rid of menstruation by a romantic evening. They became scarce, but the pain became unbearable. A spoiled holiday. Do not interfere in the affairs of nature.

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