How to survive PMS to a woman: doctors' recommendations, reviews

How to survive PMS to a woman: doctors' recommendations, reviews

PMS is a fairly unpleasant period for many women. In our article we will tell you how to survive it.

Premenstrual syndrome in women is a pathological condition that is associated with changes in the reproductive system. Typically, signs appear before menstruation in a few days and pass immediately with its onset.

Often, PMS gives women a lot of problems, because symptoms are manifested as irritability, abdominal pain, apathy and much more. How many jokes are there about this, you yourself imagine. However, everything is actually not funny and you need to fight with symptoms, especially if they are strong. Let's find out how to survive the PMS with minimal damage for herself and others.

How to survive the PMS to a woman: recommendations of doctors

Degree of PMS
Degree of PMS

Very often girls are interested in how to survive the PMS to a woman. Although this period lasts only a few days, the symptoms can be strong, and often relations with others spoil.

We bring to your attention a few recommendations that will make it possible to alleviate the symptoms of your condition:

  • First of all, try to eat more often. It is advisable to eat a little, but 5-6 times. This will allow you to keep blood sugar at a normal level. This approach will reduce irritability and weakness.
  • Eat more fish. It has a lot of omega-3 fatty acids that improve brain activity and do not allow depression. But meat, even chicken, is better not to eat.
  • Do not eat much salty and sweet. Salt makes water linger in the body, and a large amount of sugar enhances fatigue.
  • Eat more bananas, it has a lot of vitamin B6. They will also be useful - almonds, pistachios and seeds.
  • Use more fruits and vegetables, Drink tea on herbs, juices, but refuse coffee.
  • If the chest hurts a lot, drink vitamins A and E, Eat salads with vegetable oil.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations. If it is unpleasant for you to communicate with someone, then refer to this. Do not try to take a lot of things at work and generally process. Rest more.
  • Sports are very useful in this period. Physical activity increases the production of endorphins. But they, as you know, are responsible for a good mood. So do sports even during the PMS period, but only without large loads.
  • Relax the bowl. If you feel that irritation rolls on you, then do not give him free rein. Praying, take yoga, in the end, do breathing gymnastics. It is difficult to relieve irritation, but it is still worth learning to do it.

The drug for PMS in women to relieve symptoms - what to drink?

Symptoms of PMS
Symptoms of PMS

Not always the question of how to survive the PMS to a woman is solved only by recommendations. The fact is that some have symptoms especially strongly and then you even have to seek help from a doctor. It usually prescribes drugs that are suitable for a particular case. It is better not to engage in self -medication, because if, for example, one tool has gone to your girlfriend, it may not help you.

So, doctors with PMS prescribe drugs such as:

  • If the symptoms are too pronounced psychological terms, then simple sedding tablets or even antidepressants In some cases.
  • Often for the treatment of PMS, oral contraceptives are used, for example, Novinet, Yarina and so on. They stabilize the hormonal background and, accordingly, leaves the disorder.
  • To combat chest pain, drugs are used Remens, Mastodinon and so on. The course of treatment is from 3 months. If necessary, an additional course is carried out.
  • Magnesium Used to combat stress. Often this component is in the body in insufficient quantities, and therefore problems arise. It is recommended to take it together with B6 for better absorption.

By the way, if you take omega-3 with PMS, it will also reduce stress and other symptoms. Moreover, acid helps to improve brain activity.

PMS in women: reviews of recovered

Most of those who used to think about how to survive the PMS to a woman noted that when prescribing the correct treatment, everything really comes back to normal. The general condition improves, and the symptoms pass completely or manifest, but not so much. Of course, the quality of life is getting better, and there are no more problems.

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