Monthly in women after 50 years: is it good or bad?

Monthly in women after 50 years: is it good or bad?

Causes of menstruation after 50 years and menopause.

After 50 years, a restructuring occurs in a woman’s body. This is due to hormonal changes, and a decrease in the number of some hormones. Estrogen is replaced by androgens, that is, male hormones that are responsible for the appearance and speed of aging. In this article we will tell you what should be menstruation at 50. 

Monthly after 50 years: Reasons

Women are concerned about this issue, since they do not know at what age the presence of menstrual discharge is permissible. This is a purely individual factor that depends on heredity, lifestyle, ailments. 

Causes of menstruation after 50 years:

  • The ovarian function is not completely exhausted, eggs ripen in them
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Endometriosis (in this case, breakthrough bleeding or ongoing daubs are observed)
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium
Monthly during menopause
Monthly during menopause

Monthly with menopause in women after 50 years

An early menopause can advance at the age of 40, or linger up to 60. Many women think that menopause occurs on the same day. In fact, this is not so, and hormonal restructuring of the body can be carried out for several years.


  • It all starts with the gradual extinction of the ovarian function. This may indicate changes in cyclicity, frequency, as well as the number of menstruation. That's why monthly with menopause in women after 50 years They can be plentiful, or vice versa scarce. During this period, the ovarian function fades away, so there are not enough estrogen, which stimulate the growth of dominant follicle.
  • In this case, the number of androgens increases. During this period, a woman can recover, and according to the androgenic type. Accordingly, excess weight appears in the abdomen and the upper body. If earlier a woman could recover in the hips and buttocks, now everything happens exactly the opposite, due to a change in the hormonal background. It is believed that menstruation should pass after 55 years.
  • But in fact, no one will call the exact framework, because of the difference in climate and lifestyle. In some women, a really change in the hormonal background and menopause can be delayed up to 55-60 years. Although usually the first symptoms of fading the ovarian function, women feel at the age of 45. During this period, a pronounced premenstrual syndrome can be observed, during which there are mood swings, as well as a deterioration in physical condition. 
Monthly after 50 years
Monthly after 50 years

Monthly in women after 50 years, is it good or bad?

The longer the periods of the woman go, the more long time she remains young. This is due to the production of estrogens that support skin elasticity. In addition, they support bone tissue, as well as the heart in a healthy state. Therefore, if menstruation is available after 50 years, this is not bad. This means that the body has natural protection in the form of hormones.

Why do you have menstruation in women after 50 years:

  • It is also worth paying attention to the character, frequency and abundance of menstruation. An irregular period of menstruation, which can be observed every three or four months, are considered a variant of the norm. This is absolutely normal, since the functions of the ovaries are fading gradually.
  • Initially, dominant follicles are produced in the right or in the left ovary, thereby there is a kind of cyclicity. After that, one of the ovaries can generally stop making eggs. But the second still works.
  • This is due to irregular menstruation. As for their abundance of frequency, indeed, menstruation most often become less painful and scarce. Most often they resemble a daub. But there are other situations, during which there are a large amount of blood with clots. 
At the appointment with the doctor
At the appointment with the doctor

Why are there abundant menstruation with clots after 50 years?

With a change in frequency, as well as the nature of menstruation, the entire reproductive system can also change. Libido may decrease, dryness in intimate places, pain during intercourse can be observed. This is also a variant of the norm, so the main task of the woman is to survive the hormonal restructuring of the body painlessly, to make the body experience as little unpleasant sensations as possible due to a decrease in the number of hormones.

Typically, for these purposes, hormone replacement therapy, or phytoestrogens, that is, herbal preparations are used. In their structure, they slightly resemble natural estrogens, but cause a minimum of adverse reactions. More about phytoestrogens can be found here. 


Abundant menstruation with clots after 50, reasons

  1. Please note that blood with clots can be a symptom of endometriosis, that is, the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. This is a dangerous disease that cause a lot of trouble, so you need to consult a doctor.
  2. Frequent, abundant menstruation with clots becomes a sign of uterine fibroids, as well as endometrial hyperplasia.
  3. All this is most often provoked by an increased content of estrogen, and a disadvantage of progesterone. Therefore, in such conditions, you need to consult a doctor and go through all the necessary studies. 

Lack of menstruation after 50 is the norm or not?

The absence of menstruation after 50 years is also a variant of the norm. In addition, menstruation can stop for some period, and then resume again. Doctors also consider this a variant of the norm, due to the same number of hormones in each cycle. 

After the function of the ovarian and menopause, there are no longer menstruation function, so any discharge in the form of bloody or smears should cause concerns, as well as experiences. During this period, it is necessary to go to the doctor. Perhaps there is a fibroid, or some other ailment. 

When should you see a doctor? This question really excites many women, and depends on how many months there was no menstruation. It is necessary to contact the doctor if you had no periods for about a year, then bleeding opened with clots. In addition, bloody discharge that occurs immediately after menstruation is abnormal.

Menstruation is accompanied by a general deterioration in the state of the body. The woman feels depressed and weak. Indeed abundant menstruation can cause a decrease in blood hemoglobin, which provokes a number of other ailments. 

Monthly at menopause
Monthly at menopause

Monthly after 50 years indicate that the hormonal system works, so there is a natural defense of the body from various ailments. Estrogens protect the body from premature aging, prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular ailments, as well as the appearance of osteoporosis. Often, after the onset of menopause, a woman diagnoses osteoporosis, as well as the ailments of the heart and diabetes of the second type. 

Video: menstruation after 50 years

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  1. All menopause is manifested in different ways, and the age of the offensive is also different ... I started 51, I took the non-hormonal drug Lignarius, the composition there is good, in my case, Lignarius helped soften the eceneratives

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