A complete and brief analysis of the poem “To the Sea” of Pushkin: plan, basic thought, idea, genre, quotes, vocabulary, metaphors

A complete and brief analysis of the poem “To the Sea” of Pushkin: plan, basic thought, idea, genre, quotes, vocabulary, metaphors

“To the sea” of Pushkin is another masterpiece of the poet. In this article you will find a complete and brief analysis of this creation.

Creation Pushkin "To the Sea" See the light in 1824. The author displays his spiritual experiences in him. The thing is that at that difficult time the pressing of the current king was very weighing the poet. There were even talking about directing the writer to the north, but then the reprimand was softened. Below the text you will find an analysis of this poem for essay or presentation - brief and detailed. Read further.

"To the sea" Pushkin: size, text

"To the sea" Pushkin

Work Pushkin "To the Sea" Conducted in the usual spirit of the versification of Alexander Sergeyevich. More precisely, such a four -foot iambic is used. As for rhyme, it is often crossroads ( Avav), but sometimes there are fragments from 5 lineswhere the ring model is used ( Avva).

It is difficult to say whether the author intentionally moved away from one structure and modified it for his own purposes, or simply did not pay attention to the difference in rhyme and size. One way or another, the creation from this does not get worse, but on the contrary, acquires originality. Here is the text of this creation:

"To the sea" Pushkin

Analysis of the lyrical poem “To the sea” of the poet A.S. Pushkin: Briefly, 8, 9, 10 grade

"To the sea" Pushkin

It can be seen that Alexander Sergeyevich is very worried about a possible sentence. That is why he is so drawn to the sea. He even feels the inability to live without this powerful element. In the sea itself, the poet sees strength, life and freedom. Here is an analysis of the lyrical poem A.S. Pushkin "To the Sea" - Briefly for 8, 9, 10 grade:

The poet implies that this element is far from always submitted by human will. The condition is quiet, foggy. This is evidenced by both nature and the mood of the poet. However, the poem is saturated with inspiration. Pushkin gives the reader the opportunity to feel every gust of wind, every surge in the waves. It is magical - after all, the mood of the sea changes so often and every second it is fine.

  • This element can be either spiritual or dangerous.
  • Resorting to the usual 4-stop iamba, Pushkin Takes stress on even syllables.
  • We can say that "To sea" - This is the end of the romantic period in his poetry.
  • In the old days Alexander Sergeevich I meant that a strong person is able to change the world. And he urged all the thinking people to do it.
  • But now he has rethought his position.
  • Therefore, it remains on the shore, without the desire of rebellion and protest, simply enjoying silence.
  • We can say that the author recognizes the authority of society, government, time. And it becomes too wise to try to argue with him.

The poem glorifies the beauty and grandeur of sea elements. Of course, Pushkin He sees in the waves not only peace, but also freedom, love, problems of poetry. By the way, each of the leitmotifs is associated with one or another person. You can find out Byron, Vorontsov, Napoleon.

There are few heroes. However, this is great. Pushkin, or rather, his character (in which common features are seen) remains alone with the sea, addresses the elements with words of farewell. And after that there are landscape sketches that coincide with thoughts.

It can be seen that the character is conducting a dialogue with the sea is not the first time. He often comes to him in moments of sadness, despair, disappointment and every time begins a deep, exalted dialogue. We can say that the sea is a man’s best friend. Only here, alone, can he be honest with himself, speaks without hiding.

The author fills the creations with significant images for him - on the beloved, Vorontsova, and ending with historical heroes. He thinks about the rock to which they directed Napoleon, then sings ByronConsidering him the singer of the sea.
And then she says goodbye ... with the world, sea and people ... but claims that he will definitely take a piece of the marine spirit with him.

The plan for the lyrical poem “To the Sea” of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin: points, explanation

"To the sea" Pushkin

Pushkin cherishes the idea of \u200b\u200ba poem during the period of departure in Mikhailovskoye from Odessa. By the way, creativity Byron It was of great importance for the poet. We can say that he was fed from the English -speaking genius with the ideas of romanticism. There is something from Zhukovsky, Creator of Elegy "Sea". Explanation of the content:

  • At Alexander Sergeyevich This is also a living organism.
  • The problem is that a person is not able to act at the call of the heart.
  • Moreover, life breaks human hopes sometimes in the same way as the waves beat on the shore.
  • The lyrical hero is a loner, whom the sea pacifies, calms.

Here is a plan for a lyrical poem "To the sea" of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin - points:

  1. First part. Sea. Its description. The poet does not spare metaphors and vivid images to show how different the elements can be. She is either calm, then worried, then peaceful, then elevated. Like a person, every new day, the sea experiences thousands of shades of feelings and emotions. And it is precisely this versatility that he wants to show.
  2. The second part. Dialogue with the sea and sincere impulses. Unlike the first part, here close attention is paid to the person who opens his soul to the sea.
  3. The third part. He talks about living, about victories and defeats, about parting. It hints that only with the sea can he be sincere, maybe himself. But with people this, alas, is impossible.
  4. Words of farewell.

You can write a brief plan. But the poem is long and on these points with an explanation it will be easier to tell the content or write an essay.

A written analysis of the poem “To the Sea” by the poet A.S. Pushkin: Briefly according to plan, 8, 9, 10 grade

"To the sea" Pushkin

Here is a written analysis of the poem "To the sea" of the poet A.S. Pushkin - Briefly according to the plan to compose in 89, 10 grade:


  • Genre - Elegy.
  • 15 stanza.
  • Caatuations and five -ends are used.
  • Images. Sea, shore. The first is closer to the author, the second is bored for him.
  • Anticular syllable.
  • Poetic syntax - Epithets, inversion, comparisons, visual allegorical means. The syntax of the first part is simple. The author uses only simple sentences with homogeneous members, comparisons, involved turnover. But by the end there are complex, union -free and allied phrases.
  • Cross (in some places of ring) rhyme, four -foot iambic.

Descriptions of the sea are filled with comparisons, beautiful metaphors and poetic images. Pushkin considers the sea as a living organism with a changeable mood. Water is both calm and dangerous. The sea seems to have a character. The sea is a good listener. It never interrupts and is always ready to silently empathize with human thoughts.

In the second part There is a dialogue between man and sea. A man shares with the elements experiences, problems. He claims that he cannot completely open to people, but the sea will always listen and understand it.

In the third part It becomes clear that the dialogue is already over. In simple words, the person “speak out” and is now ready to go about his business again. He sincerely thanks the sea for the conversation, or rather for listening to his thoughts, assures that he will surely take part of him in his soul to the distant land. It is quite obvious that the lyrical hero is himself Pushkinwho fears links in Siberia.

Eventually, he has time to look at the sea in the hospitable Odessa And think, he uses this opportunity. After dialogue with the sea, it becomes a little easier on the soul.

A complete and detailed analysis of Alexander Pushkin’s poem “To the Sea”: with quotes, history of creation, year, idea, genre, basic idea

"To the sea" Pushkin

The poem is written in 1824When the poet was in the southern link. Here is a complete and detailed analysis of the poem Alexandra Pushkin "To the Sea" With quotes, the history of the creation, idea, genre, the main idea:

The poet, being in exile, clearly speaks of freedom, the possibility of only with the sea to share his sorrows and joys. By the way, at first the poet was sent to Chisinau, but in the end he nevertheless achieved a transfer to a more favorable place, Odessa. There, Pushkin first saw the sea and was delighted with its splendor.

The theme of the work - admiration for the elements and dialogue with her.

The generally accepted genre is elegy. Such a manner dictates a lyrical and soulful tone of the message. For Pushkin, the sea is a friend, a sensitive interlocutor with whom he is incredibly frank.

Composition-there are two ideological and artistic centers. The first part is focused on the sea itself. The poet says goodbye to the free element -

“Goodbye, free element!
The last time in front of me
You roll blue waves
And shine with proud beauty.

Like a friend, a mournful murmur,
As a call at a farewell hour,
Your sad noise, your noise is a conscript
I heard for the last time. "

"Goodbye, free element" - Already in the first line the poet introduces a note of sadness. It can be seen that he is glad to see the majestic sea, but he understands that the happiness of his stay near him, alas, is not forever.

We can say that the main character is not even a man, but the sea itself. An analogy with human life is carried out. Of course, appear Byron and Napoleon, After all, water played a significant role in the life of great personalities.

Then the poet recalls how he walked along the shore, about the place of imprisonment Napoleon (8-9 stanza), about the tomb of Glory and the Lord of the Duma. After Pushkin, she says goodbye to the elements and as if swearing her allegiance to her for many years:

“Goodbye, the sea! I will not forget
Your solemn beauty
And for a long, long time I will hear
Your hum in the evening. "

Analysis of the poem of the first stanza "To the sea" of Alexander Pushkin: vocabulary, metaphors

"To the sea" Pushkin

In the first stanza, the sea appears before Pushkin Great Power. This is evidenced by his turnover "Free element", "shine proud of beauty". As for "The mournful murmur of a friend", the poet has in mind that his silent interlocutor (sea) can suddenly burst into a destructive wave of waves for ships. By this, he hints at the wayward character of the sea. But, nevertheless, the author is not afraid of the elements, he trusts her.

Here's another analysis of the poem of the first stanza "To the sea" Alexander Pushkin With an explanation of vocabulary and metaphors:

  • The noise of the sea is both sad and recruiting - it is also a very interesting turn.
  • Perhaps this characteristic hints at the ability of a person to pay attention to those seconds when the sea is restless.
  • It is likely that it rages, because he calls a friend to whom the poet becomes beckoning him.
  • Of course, this is allegorical.

Pushkin It simply indicates that hearing the roller of the sea, it cannot remain aloof, it seems like a magnet to the shore to enjoy the splendor.

The theme of freedom in the lyrics in the work “To the Sea” of the poet Alexander Pushkin: lyrical hero, personification, image, composition, problem

"To the sea" Pushkin

The element in the understanding of Pushkin and his lyrical hero, uncontrollable, majestic. She itself personifies freedom - from society, people, progress. In simple words, the sea does not care how much scientific and technological progress has advanced, how life has changed over a hundred years. It does not change, but does not lose magnificence.

This is how the topic of freedom in the lyrics in the work is traced "To the sea" of the poet Alexander Pushkin - composition:

  • The lyrical hero - Pushkin, would not be a great Russian poet if he simply wrote: "The sea is free and this is its charm." This is too primitive.
  • The poet compares, personifies the sea with spiritual freedom that the lyrical hero has.
  • And just as no one can kill the thoughts of this enjoying splendor of the loner, so no one can encroach on the sea, which is as if it are a shrine.

The image of the lyrical hero and his problem:

  • What is opposed to freedom? This is the motive of the escape.
  • Looking at the waves, the lyrical hero dreams of running into another, best world where he will become freer.
  • He strives away from people, believes that the island where he was imprisoned Napoleon - This is the only place in the world where he will be happy, where no one will bother him.
  • The shore burdens the hero, it seems boring to him.
  • It is noteworthy that a man wants to run away, but is so fascinated by a beautiful picture that it stands still.

The writer does not in vain believe that wherever he goes, he is waiting for a “tyrant or education”. Speaking of tyranny, Pushkin hints at the state. What is bad education? We can say that for a creative person it is spiritual slavery. After all, any educational system drives people into the framework, forces to meet the criteria, and therefore destroys individuality.

The hero says goodbye to the sea, but does not say that he will return. He just assures that the sea will never forget. Accordingly, it is not clear whether he is ready to fight the existing reality, or has already surrendered.

The theme of the elegy in the verse "To the Sea" of Alexander Pushkin: lyrics, personification, features of romanticism

The theme of the elegy in the verse
The theme of the elegy in the verse "To the Sea" Alexander Pushkin

Verse "To the sea" Alexander Pushkin Often called precisely "elegia." Perhaps this is because it is lyrical and soulful. The theme of the elegy in the lyrics, personification and features of romanticism:

The lyrical hero turns to the elements as an interlocutor, the best friend, an excellent listener. He involuntarily “humanizes” him. It is the personification of the sea with the personality and its freedom that makes thoughts switch from landscape lyrics to philosophical thoughts. In fact, the lyrical hero has many questions and he really wants to share sorrows and joys with the elements.

As for romanticism, the lyrical attitude, motives of love and friendship, polarity of emotions, experiences are all to blame. However, as the creation develops, the latter are only heated.

But there are features of realism. Mentioning the same Byronand Napoleon, Pushkin Makes the creation all as dreamy, but also very reliable. Metaphors are drawn quite clearly, the author gravitates to the specifics.

What is the pathos of the poem "To the Sea" of Pushkin: means of expressiveness

Paphos of the poem
Paphos of the poem "To the Sea" of Pushkin

Paphos of the poem "To the sea" Pushkin lies in the fact that the poet  it glorifies freedom, and the sea is its personification. He involuntarily associates the water surface with the human spirit, with a poetic consciousness. It is noteworthy that the poet says goodbye to the sea, but does not mean that the flame in his soul faded and he will surrender to the surrounding reality.

"Glieth proud of beauty" - The author uses interesting means of expression, as if indicating the strong character of the elements, its magnificence.

“How I loved your reviews,
Deaf sounds, abyss voice
And silence in the evening hour,
And wayward impulses! "

Pushkin admires the freedom -loving disposition of the sea, which is perfect at any time of the day, but always unique, since his mood in this or that period is difficult to predict. However, this is the freedom that a person is extremely difficult for a person.

“How are you, powerful, deep and gloomy,
Like you, indistinguishable. "

Pushkin States that Napoleon He was a "man of the sea" that they have common distinctive features.

"To the sea" Pushkin: comparisons, artistic means, epithets

"To the sea" Pushkin: comparisons, artistic means, epithets

Pushkin in the work "To the Sea" compares Napoleon And the element - "He was like you, powerful, deep and gloomy, like you, indistinguishable". Here are more comparisons, artistic means and epithets:

Pushkin compares the sea and free person:

  • "But you have leaped, irresistible"
  • "You were waiting, you called ... I was a restraint"

He speaks as his friend, with whom he has a close connection.

  • "My soul is desirable"

The poet idealizes the sea, considering it not only the personification of free people, but also a kind of paradise for other, free and thinking person, for the person.


  • “Free element
  • "Roll the waves"
  • "The abyss of the voice"


  • "Deaf sounds"
  • "Wayward impulses"
  • "Smiry sail"
  • "Boring, motionless shore"
  • "Solemn beauty"


  • "Like a friend, a mournful murmur, like a call at a farewell hour, your sad noise"
  • "Like Bury noise, a genius rushed away from us"

This poem is truly a real masterpiece, which is still being studied in schools, writes writings on it and writers in their memoirs.

Video: To the sea. Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich

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Comments K. article

  1. Dear author, in literature, and even more so in the literary analysis that you claim, there are no men and women, there are heroes and heroines. The author of the work appears in the poem as a lyrical hero (in poetry) or the author-narrator (in prose). Therefore, there should not be any “writers” in the text of the analysis! The author of the poems is a poet. The writer is not necessarily a poet.

  2. Yes, but children in the composition can write so too.

  3. And the text is written for them, as I understand it, and not for critics.

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