Trip to China: 10 tips for travelers

Trip to China: 10 tips for travelers

In this article you will find 10 tips for travelers who are going to go to China.

China is in Centraland East Asia. This is the third country in the world in square. On a vast territory are mountainous regions, deserts and coastal plains.

This is the largest country in Asia And the first in the world in terms of population. China beautiful country. Millions of people from around the world come here a year. Someone is in a hurry to work, other people as tourists, and others are just passing. What is interesting in this country, what advice is given by experienced travelers? Answers to these and other questions, look below.

Features of China: What has changed?


In recent years, China has changed a policy in the field of tourism, which has contributed to the influx of those who wanted to get acquainted with this country. Before 1978 It was a closed country. Now China Among the leaders of the countries hosts tourists. Travelers are primarily attracted by the cultural wealth of the country. Here are features China:

  • The unique ancient architecture with modern hotels and business centers is adjacent here.
  • The nature of this country is diverse. These are deserts, waterfalls, mountains, lakes, rice fields, ancient temples and monasteries, megacities, tropical islands in the south.
  • Such contrasts create a unique color.
  • Even the most experienced tourist will enjoy the unique culture, climatic diversity and expressive nature.
  • Everyone will find for themselves a lot of new and unknown.

In this country there is something to see. Here is the unique nature and unique beauty of the mountains and plains.

What a traveler needs to know in China: Tips


For visiting China Tourist visa l. Exceptions of the city Hong Kongand Macau, if the stay time does not exceed 14 and 30 days, respectively. A visa is issued at the consulate. A tourist visa for a traveler can be single or double.

  • A single visa applies to 90 days and involves the deadline for staying in the country no more 30 days.
  • A two -time visa is issued 180 days with a period of stay to 90 days.

At the airports of the island Hainan Citizens of the Russian Federation can apply for a visa upon arrival, provided that a tourist arrives on the island with a direct international flight. FROM 2018 Additionally, you will need to go through the process of removing fingerprints and take a biometric photo of the face.

Currency in China: how and where it is profitable to exchange, tips

The currency of China
The currency of China

National currency China - Yuani. It is customary to pay with this money.

  • 1 yuan is 10 Jiao, 1 Jiao - 10 fans

Here are the tips on how and where it is profitable to exchange the currency to the traveler:

  • Currency exchange is made in state banks at a very favorable rate.
  • You better keep the exchange checks before the end of the trip.
  • It is almost impossible to exchange rubles with you to take dollars or euros with you.
  • It is forbidden to pay in dollars or euros, although some sellers accept them.
  • One dollar can be exchanged for 7 Yuan.
  • Currency unit Hong Kong - Hong Kong dollar.
  • AT Macau has its own currency - Pataka. But they accept the Hong Kong dollar.

Therefore, before, drive to the center of a city, it is better to exchange the necessary amount of money at the airport at once. Otherwise, you will have nothing to pay for a trip on a bus or a taxi from the airport.

Food culture in China: basic, advice

Food culture in China
Food culture in China

China for Europeans is an exotic country. Therefore, in order to make the rest comfortable, some things are still better to take with you:

Food culture:

  • It involves the use of sticks, so the cutlery usual for us there is a rarity.
  • Use sticks for breakfast, lunch and dinner tiring.
  • It’s easier to take a fork, spoon with you.
  • But they will have to be put in luggage, and when departed from China, to leave there, since Chinese rules prohibit the transport of such items even in baggage.

If you eat in China, learn to eat with sticks, otherwise you will have to carry a spoon or fork everywhere. Look at the food culture in this country, as a small experiment. Here you will try new dishes, and finally, learn to eat with wooden sticks.

Medicines in China: tips, what medicines to take with you?

Medicines in China
Medicines in China

Everyone knows that in China contaminated air. You will have to walk a lot, because you need to see all the sights. Therefore, advice: stock up on medical drugs. Suddenly the pharmacy will be closed or there will be no means.

Medicines that you need to take with you:

  • Allergies can not do without medicines.
  • You will also need tablets from digestive disorder.
  • Take your personal first -aid kit, which may include, for example, pills from pressure if you are hypertensive, or drops in your nose, eyes, ears.

It is worth noting that it is not customary to drink coffee. If you are used to invigorating in the morning with a cup of coffee, then during the trip you will have to forget about it. Only tea in the morning or other drinks, but not coffee.

Lack of Internet in China: Tips, how to get by?

Lack of Internet in China
Lack of Internet in China

There is no Internet in China. Therefore, you need before a trip to this country, load VPN, So that later there is an opportunity to download the desired program. You can choose applications without the Internet:

  • The translator program does not hurt to ask the way if you get lost.
  • Applications for electronics should be selected without connecting to the Internet, as it is slowly working here, and access to some sites is limited.

Many are sure that in this country there is no Internet at all. But this is not so, it is, but very slow, due to the fact that many people use here.

Souvenirs in China: Tips, what to buy?

Souvenirs in China
Souvenirs in China

All goods are of good quality and are offered inexpensively. It is better to buy truly Chinese goods as souvenirs:

  • Pearl
  • Crystal
  • Silk
  • Tea
  • Tea belongings
  • Local clothes
  • Caskets
  • Shark oil

Shops, outlets:

  • Seven weekends work without weekends 9-30 to 20-30, private shops - from 9-00 to 21-00, and often longer.
  • Markets open in 7-00 and trade in them continues before 12-00.
  • The markets are delighted here. For example, a tea market that occupies a whole street. The market in Beijing is two kilometers long fored by the shelves with finished food.
  • An incredible number of types of noodles, pies, sweet dishes and drinks are fascinated by variety.
  • A unit of weight in China - 1 Jin is 0.5 kg.
  • The price of products in stores and markets is indicated for 1 jin.

You can bargain here everywhere - in a store, in the market, in a souvenir shop. Without even knowing the language, for example, with the help of a calculator.

Architectural monuments and other attractions of China: tips, what to see?

Architectural monuments and other attractions of China
Architectural monuments and other attractions of China

There are thousands of ancient monuments in the country, created almost for 6000 years. They amaze the imagination with their splendor, are an example of veneration of traditions.

Be sure to visit:

  • Great Chinese wall
  • Forbidden city in Beijing
  • National Museum of China
  • Mausoleum of civilian in sian
  • Giant Buddha in Lashhan
  • Terracotta army in the capital of ancient China City

By the way, the age of the city Shian exceeds three thousand years. Attracts tourists and routes to a mystical place - Tibet, which is called the roof of the world:

  • This place of incredibly beautiful mountains, sacred temples attracts lovers of everything unusual.
  • The main shrine of Tibet is the temple of Jokang.
  • This area of \u200b\u200bChina is interesting to those who want to talk with spiritual mentors, visit monasteries and spiritual schools.

It should be borne in mind that the access of tourists to some areas is limited by the government.

China beaches: weather, tips, where to relax?

The beaches of China
The beaches of China

For lovers of beach holidays in China The island will be attractive Hainan. Paradise island where the temperature of sea water does not drop lower than 24.5 degrees. The weather here is warm and sunny. This tropical island offers to relax on spacious beaches, surrounded by high mountains. There is everything you need:

  • Comfortable hotels
  • Thermal springs
  • Traditional Chinese medicine

You can visit a natural park The end of the world, and near the city of Sanya there is a reserve Monkey Island. You can sunbathe and swim on the island at any time of the year:

  • In the summer months, hot and rainy.
  • Winter is dry and sunny.
  • The nights are cool, but you can sunbathe in the afternoon.

In March, the beach season begins. By the end of May, the temperature approaches the maximum numbers, and there are more people who want to relax.

Modern achievements in China: What is interesting?

Modern achievements in China
Modern achievements in China

Modern achievements in China Also worthy of attention. What's interestnig:

  • The fastest mode of transport is valid here - a train on a magnetic pillow.
  • From shanghai Airport You can get to the city center at it at a speed 470 kilometers per hour.
  • In Shanghai, which has become a city with the largest population in the world is the second in the world in height of the world - Shanghai tower.
  • Famous skyscrapers have been erected here - Jin Mao and the building of the World Shanghai Financial Center.

The world's longest bridge on the road from Shanghaiin Ninbo length 38 kilometers.

Traditional Chinese cuisine: dishes

Traditional Chinese cuisine
Traditional Chinese cuisine

Interesting impressions can be tested from traditional Chinese cuisine, it is very diverse and mysterious. The number of dishes is calculated by hundreds. A colorful and slightly strange menu for a European awaits you, but these are always fragrant and bright dishes.

  • Original Chinese noodles
  • Various types of dumplings
  • Swallow nests soup
  • Seafood
  • Fish
  • Duck in Peking
  • Meat in a sweet and sour sauce

All this is worthy of enjoying a special Chinese food. European restaurants are located mainly in hotels, the prices in them are not small. Therefore, it is worth taking a chance, go to the Chinese restaurant and order some local dish. The portions here, by the way, are huge.


  • Trip to China - This is an entertaining adventure into the past and possibly into the future.
  • This is an opportunity to touch a thousand -year history and culture that is different from ours.
  • You can simultaneously get acquainted with the ancient civilization, experience admiration for the latest achievements of science and technology, experience the possibilities of traditional medicine, relax on pure beaches.

Since the flight takes several hours from our country, when visiting China, combined tours are very popular, which cover both beach holidays and acquaintance with the oldest monuments of civilization. The medical tours are no less in demand. Non -traditional treatment methods, proven for millennia, are combined with traditional, based on the achievements of modern medicine. Interest in this direction is continuously growing. But in connection with the outbreak of coronavirus, currently all Russian tourists have left China.

Video: A trip to China. What you need to know? Internet, communication, bank cards

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