How to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese and a Korean by behavior, language, appearance?

How to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese and a Korean by behavior, language, appearance?

In this article, we will talk about how to distinguish the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.

Learning to distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese and Koreans is a whole art. As practice shows, the Asians themselves are lost when they are trying to determine what nationality a person belonging to them belongs to. Let's figure out how to distinguish the three presented races.

How to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese and a Korean by phenotype?

How to distinguish a Chinese from others?
How to distinguish a Chinese from others?

It is worth noting right away that the first time you will not learn to distinguish all three. This requires practice. The Chinese nation is multi -ethnic and 56 different peoples live in it and those that are very similar to them are found. For example, Uyghurs are very similar to Tajiks. Therefore, it is impossible to single out a specific sign of a Chinese, characteristic of everyone.

Another problem is complicated by the fact that a lot of migrants came to the Japanese islands at one time and they were representatives of the Chinese and Korean people. In the course of history, these races underwent modifications. However, unique features are still preserved.

For example, the Japanese face is more elongated and oval, the nose is well expressed, and his eyes are large. By the way, the Japanese also have more head. Japanese women often apply light makeup and whitish the skin, so they are the brightest of all.

Chinese girls are used to using a minimum of cosmetics. But among all of us they have the darkest skin. An interesting fact, but the Chinese do not like to sunbathe, because the skin darkens from this.

The Chinese have more rounded facial features, as well as wide cheekbones. Koreans are more flat, and their cheekbones are square and located high. It is also important to note that they have a thin nose.

There is another indirect sign of the difference between the Japanese and the Chinese. It is believed that the former are more like fish, and the latter - to kittens. Comparison with the fish is due to the fact that the eyes of the Japanese are slightly awarded. In addition, many argue that the Japanese have small palms.

How to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese and a Korean in language?

The differences between the Chinese and the Japanese and Koreans
The differences between the Chinese and the Japanese and Koreans

All three peoples communicate in different languages. Moreover, each of them has their own accents. The Chinese language is always tone, regardless of which dialect, and the Koreans always use militia markers in the end of phrases. You can learn to hear them, and then you will have no problems with the definition of a race.

Although, there are mistakes, because the Shanghai dialect is very similar to the Japanese language. Usually Japanese residents do not stress and do not increase words. They have a monotonous, polite and muffled dialect.

How to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese and a Korean by behavior?

The Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are distinguished by different behavior. And the most impulsive and loud -haired are the Chinese. They are distinguished by an unusual dialect, they can spit in the ground and they don’t even bother them that they are talking to someone. The Japanese are distinguished by restraint, and therefore in Japan it is never noisy in crowded places.

How to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese and a Korean by the style of clothing?

Large differences in three peoples are observed in clothing. Japanese residents prefer clothes from popular brands and they have a great sense of style. The Chinese rarely guess with tones and do not know how to combine clothes too much. Therefore, it is generally accepted that their style is unique and a little stupid.

For example, Chinese women are not embarrassed to walk in the street in pajamas in the street, and men can go out in cheap training. The Japanese, if they put on sportswear, it will still not be cheap. Koreans are located somewhere between these two nations-they dress better than the Chinese, but a little worse than the Japanese.

How to distinguish the Chinese from the Korean and the Japanese by plastic?

You can distinguish Koreans by face plastic. They often make themselves faces, similar to puppet. In Korea, plastic surgery works much more than in other countries and in the number of operations the country is far in the first place. At the same time, operations are popular not only in women, but also in men. Thus, if you saw the face of slightly exaggerated beauty, then in front of you is probably a Korean or Korean.

Video: How to distinguish the Chinese, Korean and Japanese from the Korean?

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