Ground feeding - how to prepare a ash solution for feeding tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, onions and garlic?

Ground feeding - how to prepare a ash solution for feeding tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, onions and garlic?

Recipes for the preparation of ash solution for feeding plants.

Zola is a fireless residue that is obtained after burning wood, herbs, various household waste. However, not any product is suitable as top dressing because of its composition. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare a ash solution for feeding.

Ground feeding: Features of use

The quality of the ash is selected depending on the purpose of the product. It should be understood that the product of combustion of conifers of trees contains a significant number of trace elements and phosphorus. The old oak contains a huge amount of calcium. And in the stems of sunflower, young shoots, as well as the grass contain a significant amount of potassium. Depending on the deficiency of minerals and trace elements in the soil, it is necessary to choose a certain type of ash. However, almost any of the varieties is well suited as top dressing.

Ground feeding, Features of use:

  • Any plant residues, as well as the grass that was obtained after weed removal, has a good effect on the crop of vegetable and garden crops. It is worth remembering that ash is a dry residue that contains salts and various oxides of alkaline and land metals.
  • Accordingly, in no case this product cannot be combined with organic fertilizers, as well as top dressing containing phosphorus and nitrogen. The ash can react with these components, with the formation of insoluble salts. Therefore, there will be no sense from the use of a large number of minerals that are used with ash. 
  • Zola is a fertilizer containing mineral components, so the soil needs it only if there is a deficiency of the components. The ash contains potassium, calcium and magnesium. Only with a deficiency of these components is the introduction of fertilizer.
  • However, understanding the deficiency of these minerals is very simple. If there is a lack of potassium, then the appearance of brown spots on the foliage is observed, the upper part of the plant dies, the leaves from the top fall. With a lack of calcium and magnesium, the leaves turn into a tube, dry on the tips. Rose buds cease to smell pleasantly. If you observe such symptoms in garden plants, the introduction of this mineral fertilizer is recommended. It is advisable to use ash feeding to improve the growth of potatoes, squash, eggplant and bell pepper, tobacco, onions. It responds well to fertilizer with this substance cabbage. 

How to use ash for feeding vegetables?

To make fertilizer for potatoes, it is best to do this during the planting period.

How to use ash for feeding vegetables:

  • About a week before planting, it is necessary to swap the ground, scatter fertilizer on the soil surface, at the rate of two glasses per square meter of crops. After that, it is advisable to sprinkle with a layer of earth. You need to wait for the rain that all the nutrient components go into the ground. During the landing, it is necessary to pour 100 g of ash in each hole in which the potato tuber is put in an approximately. On average, these are 2 tablespoons. 
  • To fertilize cabbage, the product is administered during planting seedlings. However, in this case, on one hole, 60-70 g. On average, this is a tablespoon of the product. It responds well to the fertilizer of ash onions. It is recommended to add the product to each hole. 3 cups per square meter is required. After that, planting is watering so that the ash does not smash by the wind. Only after that is the onion is planted. The method is suitable both before sowing, and when planting a small onion-sulfur. 

How to prepare a ash solution for watering cucumbers?

To feed cucumbers, not only a dry agent is used, but also its aqueous solution. For preparation, it is necessary to perform several simple actions. 

How to prepare a ash solution for watering cucumbers:

  • Take a container made not of metal. A plastic bucket is suitable, the volume of which is 10 liters. It is necessary to pour the ashes into it by 1/3. 3 liters of water are poured into the mixture, and stirred until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • After that, it is necessary to add water to the edges of the bucket, mix again. It is advisable to withstand the mixture for several days so that all the nutrient components go into the solution. In order for the process to pass more actively, it is necessary to mix the mixture every day. Before watering, the mixture is diluted in a ratio of one to ten. 

How to prepare a ash solution for watering strawberries?

  • The processing of strawberries as a ash mortar must be carried out in dry weather. In no case should you do this during a sunny day, during the sun. It is best to water water before growth. For this in early spring, flower beds are cleaned from last year's leaves that are burned. A large number of pathogenic microorganisms accumulate there, which in the new season can begin to grow again.
  • Next, it is necessary to carefully examine the stooped bushes, remove all the damaged leaves and sockets that are frozen. After that, you can feed. The time of top dressing depends on the characteristics of the soil and climate. If it is sandy soil, then it is best to introduce the solution in the spring. In autumn, top dressing is allowed only if the soil consists of clay. 

How to prepare a ash solution for watering strawberries:

  • For preparation, you need about 2 cups. It is necessary to pour the main substance with 10 liters of water and mix thoroughly. There is no need to leave to infuse.
  • It will take about half a liter per bush. Experienced gardeners recommend feeding strawberries with this tool three times a season.
  • The first is carried out in early spring, the next time you need to water immediately after collecting the berries. The last time the fertilizer is introduced before winter. 

How to prepare a ash solution for watering tomatoes?

Zola for tomatoes can be used in the form of root or fuckers. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to add ash in the amount of 1 tablespoon per 1000 ml of boiling water.

How to prepare a ash solution for watering tomatoes:

  • Mix thoroughly, wrap the container with a towel so that heat is preserved longer and leave for about one week. It is recommended to close the container with a lid and shake daily to improve the process of moving ions into solution.
  • The tool is recommended to be used for feeding seedlings immediately after it is transferred to open ground. You can use a solution for watering tomatoes. However, such a tool is being prepared according to a different recipe.
  • It is necessary to dilute about 150 g of ash in 10 liters of warm water and averaged. It is necessary to achieve such a state in which the ashes will stop floating to the surface, and will swim in the solution. After a few hours, the product can be used for watering. Appended about half a liter for each bush. 

How to prepare a ash solution for feeding?

You can prepare not only the solution, but also the decoction. Due to boiling, a significant amount of mineral components passes into the solution, the effectiveness of using the product increases.

How to prepare a ash solution for feeding:

  • To do this, pour a liter can of powder into a bucket, add about three cans of boiling water. It is worth pouring another jar of ash, close the lid and put a metal bucket on a slow fire. Boiling time is 30 minutes. After that, it is necessary to turn off the heating, dilute the resulting solution with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. The tool can be used not only for introduction to the root, but also for the purpose of spraying. To improve the sticking of the product to the surface of the leaves, you can add a few drops of liquid soap or for washing dishes. 
  • Experienced gardeners recommend using the cooking method with boiling, since high temperature accelerates chemical reactions, promotes the transition of ions to the solution. To correctly prepare a ash solution, it is necessary to sift the ashes and use an exclusively small fraction. Large particles are recommended to be thrown away. It is necessary to add the product into the container and add 4 parts of water to one part of ash. The solution is mixed and put on fire. After boiling, they are kept on fire for about 30 minutes. After that, it is necessary to cool the liquid and strain through a sieve and gauze folded in several layers so that large particles settled on it. The resulting liquid is diluted in a ratio of one to ten and this solution is used for feeding. 

How to prepare a ash solution from aphids?

The ash is useful not only for plant growth, with its help you can protect vegetable crops from the invasion of aphids. It is necessary to use not a pure ash solution, but with the addition of a detergent.

How to prepare a ash solution from aphids:

  • The principle of operation is based on irritation of the surface of the body of insects and a burning sensation. Due to unpleasant sensations, insects leave vegetable crops.
  • To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve 1 cup of ash in hot water. Enter two drops of liquid soap.
  • This solution is poured into a container with a spray and sprayed rows with tomatoes or other garden crops. Such a solution is suitable for processing all vegetable and garden crops. 

How to prepare a ash solution for feeding garlic?

Garlic is a culture that grows well on alkaline soils, but can act up in an acidic environment. To improve culture growth, it is recommended to use ashes.

How to prepare a ash solution for feeding garlic:

  • It is worth taking a liter jar and pour ashes into it. Next, it is necessary to pour the product into the container and pour 10 liters of water. It is necessary to leave the product for 2 hours.
  • Now processing is carried out in an amount of 5 liters per square meter.
  • It is best to mix the solution before watering so that the sediment does not form, and the suspension is in the solution. It is precisely the precipitation that contains a large amount of phosphorus. 

How to prepare a ash solution for feeding onions?

A ash solution for onions is used for both root and foliar top dressing. With this tool, you can eliminate mushrooms, some pests. Using the ash solution, it is possible to prepare sowing material for landing. The composition of acidic soil improves, its acidity decreases. Promotes better safety of seeds in winter. You can use ash in a pure form for feeding onions, or mixing with compost. Prepare very good top dressing with the addition of other components. 

How to prepare a ash solution for feeding onions:

  • It is necessary to take a large container, add 3 cups of sugar and 15 g of dry yeast to it. The mixture is mixed, add a little warm water and left for 15 minutes. After that, they are averaged again, and when the foam appears on the surface of the product, the solution is brought with water to 3 liters.
  • Leave another three days. Use a large container. The old bathroom is best for these purposes. About 2 kg of ash, compost is introduced into it. 5 kg of chicken, 10 kg of humus, are also added here.
  • To improve fermentation, you can add 1000 ml of kefir and 3 liters of mash. Everything is thoroughly mixed, left for a week in a warm place. Before introducing under the root, the mixture is thoroughly averaged, diluted with water in a ratio of one to one. 
  • Herbal top dressing with ash has proven itself well. It is necessary to mix 5 kg of ash, 15 kg of compost. It is necessary to pour the mixture with water and add a small amount of crushed chamomile, nettles and plantain. The mixture is covered with a lid and left for 14 days. Before pouring the onion with the resulting solution, it is diluted 10 times with water. 
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The ash obtained in the combustion of household waste and wood cannot be used, which is covered with paint or varnish. In the process of combustion of such raw materials, a significant amount of carcinogens, heavy metals from lead, which can worsen the quality of the soil are released. Such ash is not used in the garden.

Video: How to prepare a ash solution for feeding?

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