Weeds in the garden: varieties, names, methods of struggle

Weeds in the garden: varieties, names, methods of struggle

In this article, we will talk about what weeds are in the garden, and we will also find out how to deal with them.

Each owner of the garden dreams that he does not have a single weed. And this is logical, because the fight against these harmful plants takes a lot of time and effort. How to get rid of them? In this case, it depends on the type of weeds, the characteristics of the soil and the properties of the plants themselves. It is important to understand that it is unlikely to eliminate the weeds, but to reduce their number is still within the power. Let's find out what weeds are, as well as how to fight them correctly.

Thorny weeds in the garden: list, methods of struggle

The very first we will analyze the thorny weeds in the garden. There are not many of them and we will talk about the most popular of them.

  • Bodyak Field (pink sowing)
Pink sowing
Bodyak field sowing pink leaves
Bodyak field sowing pink leaves

It grows up to four meters long. On the roots, renewal buds are formed. Do not underestimate them, they are able to sprout even from a depth of 1.5 meters. So, for example, for three years root  the system can grow to 5-7 meters. The weed propagates with seeds. They ripen at the end of summer, they are easily carried by the wind into a long distance. The seeds begin to sprout already in the fall, but develop slowly. Although up to 1.5 meters can still grow.

The stem of the plant has hard hairs, and the leaves are covered with thorns. Because of this, it is difficult to pluck it. Bodyaks often live weevils that harm the condenses of vegetables. In particular, they completely destroy them. The beets usually suffer most of all.

Pink sowing is a rather harmful weed, it is difficult to get rid of it, and it also grows rapidly. To destroy it, comprehensive actions and all known methods will be required. By the way, in order for the harm to the garden from the weed to be minimal, the plant must be cut every time and not allow it to bloom. In addition, his root will be weaker if the weed is weeded every 14 days.

The first way to combat weed is agrotechnical methods. The fact is that the spread  due to a decrease in the processed area. Collective farms and state farms paid great attention to weeds. They constantly carried out processing to prevent their appearance.

So, to get rid of weeds in such ways, use the following methods:

  • Dig the earth with a pitchfork. This will allow you to dig the root whole and it will not break. But you should not use the pulls, because the root will be chopped and then germinate. Then weeds will become even more
  • Try to constantly weed, cutting new shoots. In other words, you should not give a sowing to the part
  • Siderates are a great way to combat a sowing. These are beans, lentils, mustard and lawn herbs. Sowing such plants can be densely. This is due to the fact that the sowing does not like dense grass

There are folk remedies that allow you to eliminate sowing from the beds:

  • Alcohol. You will be surprised, but this is true. If a month before planting process the beds with alcohol, then weeds will be destroyed. To do this, dilute 150 ml of vodka in a 10-liter bucket of water
  • If you sprinkle the place where the weed grows with food with the dietary soda, then it will gradually disappear
  • Salt is also capable of eliminating sowing. It is used per 1.5 kg per square meter. Another option is to use the solution. A glass of salt dissolves per liter of water
  • Vinegar in combination with salt is also able to eliminate the weed. First cut it, and then spray the root. In this place, sowing will die forever

Keep in mind that when performing work, you can not touch the culture, otherwise you can harm them.

Another way to eliminate a sowing is chemicals. They act for sure. Just keep in mind that the site that was processed is also poisoned. After that, nothing can be planted there during the year. Moreover, even after the elimination of weeds, it is not a fact that they will not appear again, since the seeds can fly from the neighboring site.

  • Nettle nettle (ordinary nettle)

Nettle is a perennial. Its height can reach two meters. This weed prefers areas where the fruiting is the highest. Nettle is famous for its healing properties. It is effective for many diseases, and it is also allowed to eat.

Despite all the usefulness, you should not allow its growth on the site:

  • By mulching the beds. If nettle grows near the trees, then trunk circles are also processed
  • Processing of sites using herbicides during spring cultivation. Roundup, tornado, grade and celandine are very well suited for these purposes.
  • You can use potassium salt, but just keep in mind that the solution should be 30%

The weeding and multiple digging helps very well in the struggle

  • Thistle

It looks quite interesting on the site. It is even easily mistaken for decorative vegetation, and its nectar attracts useful insects. It’s hard to get rid of him because he has a lot of sharp thorns and spikes. In addition, it differs in a long stem. The most optimal method is cutting at the base. Of course, weeds will not disappear at a time. If this is often done, then the main root will gradually become thinner and dry.

However, there are many other ways to eliminate this weed. For example, you can use chemicals. But, again, if you plan landings this year, then they should be abandoned. In any case, in the place where they should be made.

As an option, you can try to remove the weed immediately with the root, but keep in mind that it is difficult to do it quite, because it lets them in very deeply.

Loose weeds in the garden: list, methods of struggle

Some weeds in the garden are considered stunted. There are quite a lot of them, but they are low. So, let's figure out what they are and how to deal with them.

  • Source is ordinary
Source is ordinary
Source is ordinary

This weed is also called Kukushkin’s clover or hare cabbage. The plant is perennial. It grows only 5-12 cm in length, but it has a thin and creeping root. The weed is resistant to various kinds of herbicides, and therefore it is recommended to pay more attention to weeding. It is advisable to try to remove the weed along with the root.

In addition, other methods of weed fighting are distinguished:

  • Mulching the soil. When the beds are planted with plants, they are mulched. This procedure allows you to prevent the growth of weeds. When the sprouts only break through the mulch, then they are immediately removed.
  • Chemicals. Chemicals help to cope with sourness very well. In the spring or autumn time, postgraduate herbicides are used. One of the best in this business is the rang.
  • Lasing of the soil. This procedure is required to create an unfavorable environment for sour. The norm of application depends on what kind of soil. 0.5-1 kg/m. lime, and on the sandy-100-150 g/m. Dosage is important to strictly observe. So, the alkalinity of the Earth will increase by two years. This is enough to get sour.
  • Removing the upper layer. If no way gives a result, then use the most cardinal. Remove the soil layer five centimeters and hang it from the site. Such a depth is required to completely remove the roots. And pour fertile soil over remote soil.

It is easier to remove the sour, not immediately how it sprouts, and when five leaves appear. The fact is that then the plant will already form the root and it will be easy to remove without interruption.



This weed is an annual. It grows well in the lowland on compacted soil. In this case, it is not recommended to be removed immediately. It is worth doing when the grass on the lawn will be 7-8 cm high. At the same time, at first she is a couple of centimeters. This weed can appear in the garden.

The best method of struggle is manual weeding, although this is a long time. At the same time, the procedure gives good results when the roots of the plant are not yet very fixed in the soil. It is also recommended to use a shovel to remove. Use it carefully so as not to damage the roots. When the plants are removed, the soil is well compacted and watering it is carried out immediately.

Herbicides show themselves well in the fight against a rebel. It is recommended to use Magnum and Lontrele-300 against him. We note right away that these herbicides do not harm crops, but weeds themselves kill. Keep in mind that the method of use and dosage should be precisely observed.

  • Creeping buttercup
Creeping buttercup
Creeping buttercup

It gives many roots from which new plants immediately grow. Most of this weed likes moisturized soil. Buttercups are removed without problems, but it is better to do this with a special garden fork. If you just remove it with your hands, then it is likely to leave the roots in the soil. In addition, after the procedure on hot days, the soil is necessarily aeration and fed.

  • Clover

He quickly takes on the roots, and his shoots are spread on the ground. This ultimately leads to yellowing of grass. And if it freezes, then bald spots appear. When nitrogen lacks nitrogen, it is she who suffers most. If you want to remove this weed along with the root, then first moisten the ground near the bush and pry it with a neatly narrow spatula. As in the case of other weeds, this is done so that the root remains intact.

In order to prevent the propagation of this weed again, do feeding on the site. They are required approximately 5-6. If the weed appeared on the lawn, then strengthen it.

  • Veronica is filament
Veronica is filament
Veronica is filament

It is a soil plant. It is quite capable of decorating the garden, but when it grows on the lawn, it spoils it. This is due to the fact that Veronica clogs grass and does not allow her to grow normally. As a result, instead of a beautiful even lawn, it turns out that it is not known what. Veronica loves moist soil very much, but at the same time he can survive in dry areas. Even after freezing, she quickly returns to normal, and herbicides against her will be effective only when she begins to form buds.

At least chemicals cope well with her. But only it is worth resorting to them only as a last resort. As for digging up, it is difficult to do this. The fact is that you will have to always raise it with a rake before you pump out the lawn. In addition, the site requires constant fertilizer.

Tall weeds in the garden: list, methods of struggle

High -speed weeds in the garden not only interfere with the development of plants normally, but also grow very high. Actually, that's why they are called that. Let's find out which of the weeds relate to them and how to deal with them correctly.

  • Ambrosia is worn -leafed
Ambrosia is worn -leafed
Ambrosia is worn -leafed

The weed is very reminiscent of wormwood in appearance, but it is not such. When the conditions are favorable for its development, it can grow up to 2.5 meters high. Most of all, ragweed harms field cultures. Moreover, it is able to spread to large areas. Often it is found along roadsides and the banks of rivers. At the same time, she feels good herself in the garden. By the way, the plant is a very strong allergen. It can be eliminated from the site by falling and chemicals.

  • Ezhnik (chicken millet)
Ezhnik (chicken millet)
Ezhnik (chicken millet)

This weed is considered the main threat to root crops, in particular, beets and carrots. He also does not affect sunflower. The weed causes the greatest harm to cultures when they are just beginning to grow. The length of the stem can ultimately reach more than a meter in height. Ezhnik prefers rainy days. It multiplies with the help of seeds, and when it grows up, small bushes are obtained from it. Weed is practically not afraid of any effects. It is extremely difficult to bring it out. The chemicals are best acted on the weed. But it helps to cope well and weeding.

  • Lugovoi Kozloborodnik
Lugovoi Kozloborodnik
Lugovoi Kozloborodnik

This is though weed, it is considered a medicinal plant. Despite the fact that its main habitat is the meadows and edges of the forests, it is also found in the garden. The plant is considered a biennial, and its maximum height is one meter. By the way, its root crops taste sweet and they contain Inulin, which is indispensable for patients with diabetes. You can fight it with a weeding, as well as chemicals with the addition of herbicides.

  • Mary Belaya (quinoa)
Mary is white
Mary is white

This weed tolerates frosts perfectly, as well as temperature changes. When spring is just beginning, it gives the first sprouts. At the same time, it grows to the coldest. The largest length that Mar grows up is 1.5 meters. A good feature is that the roots of the weed are not so deep, and they are easily removed with the help of weeding. It is only recommended to have time to do this before flowering, because the weed gives several hundred thousand seeds at once and it will be very difficult to get rid of it. Keep in mind that shoots, leaves and seeds are also edible, and therefore do not rush to throw out the weed. Perhaps you will find application for him.

  • The shutter is thrown up
The shutter is thrown up
The shutter is thrown up

The weed is quite dense and prolific. Although it is considered an annual. Its seeds do not perceive various influences, for example, the same digging or something else. They are able to keep their properties for several decades. The roots of the weed in depth go only by three centimeters, and therefore even a simple digging will help get rid of it. By the way, seeds are suitable for feeding poultry, and greens are actively used in folk medicine.

Weeds with yellow flowers in the garden: list, methods of struggle

Some weeds in the garden are different in that they bloom. Everyone does it differently. Some flowers look quite attractive. Let's first find out what weeds with yellow flowers are.

  • Lugovoi Kozloborodnik
Lugovoi Kozloborodnik
Lugovoi Kozloborodnik

This weed is very fond of forest areas, but in the garden it grows perfectly. The plant is considered a biennial, and its maximum height is one meter. By the way, the taste of the root crops is sweet. They can quite be eaten, especially patients with diabetes, therefore there is inulin in the composition. Good efficiency in the fight against weed shows weeding, and it also perceives chemicals, but in combination with herbicides.

  • Creeping buttercup
Creeping buttercup
Creeping buttercup

This perennial is able to grow up to one meter high. Its stem as if creeps on the ground. Buttercup has two methods of reproduction - these are seeds and shoots. He stands steadfastly to difficult conditions and most of all loves dark and wet areas. It grows fast enough and is able to replace other plants. By the way, it is practically not susceptible to chemicals. It is recommended to remove it through the weeding even before the seeds begin to ripen.

  • Poofs are squat
Poofs are squat
Poofs are squat

This weed is characterized by the presence of a powerful stem, which has white toxic juice inside. Poles can grow a few meters in height, and its root system goes deep into the ground. However, it is quite durable. If you try to remove an adult plant from the site, it will be extremely difficult to do it. This is possible only by digging. I milk is not terrible drought, but it is capable of growing on any soil. So removal is possible only by removing the roots, digging the Earth and the use of herbicides. It is important to understand that the plant significantly slows down the growth of crops. At the same time, its seeds are considered medicinal. They help to cope with the digestive tract and have a diuretic effect.

  • Dandelion

This weed is often found on the basis on which there are no landings. In the fight against them, herbicides will not help them. The fact is that the roots of dandelions go deep, and therefore they will have to dig them out. If this is not done in time, then the seeds will smash after the site after ripening. At the same time, leaves can be eaten and they contain many useful vitamins.

Weeds with white flowers in the garden: list, methods of struggle

There are weeds in the garden that have white flowers. Let's figure out what they are.

  • Field loop
Field loop
Field loop

It is also called "Birch." He is considered a perennial. Its danger is that he is wrapping around the stems of cultures and does not allow them to grow calmly. One such binder can braid up to two square meters of shrub. Often, currants and raspberries are exposed to its influence. The stem can grow up to two meters long, and the roots go deep into several meters. So this weed must be dug up or processing with herbicides.

  • Galinzoga is four -beam
Galinzoga is four -beam
Galinzoga is four -beam

This annual does not grow so high. It is able to reach 80 centimeters in height, but there are also plants that grow only 10 centimeters. It prefers this weed loose soil, as well as beds on which perennials grow. It has a good vitality and dissolves a lot of roots. They can be given even cut stems. You can eliminate the weed by means of its weeping and it is best to do this before flowering. Moreover, do not leave the stems on the site, because new shoots will appear.

  • Hare cabbage
Hare cabbage
Hare cabbage

This perennial is capable of reaching a height. It has branched roots. It usually grows in small groups and drowns out plants, that is, it does not allow them to grow normally. Chemical solutions are practically not afraid of it, and it is quite resistant to different influences. Removing weed is possible exclusively by removing its roots.

  • Mokrin

This annual is very resistant to cold weather. The very first sprouts can be seen in early spring and when the beginning of the summer season comes. At the same time, when they gain full strength, they fill the entire space and form a thick shoot. Most of all, carrots suffer from mokritsa. However, it is easiest to fight this weed, because it is not possible without problems, and it can also be used as a honey plant or livestock feed. You can even eat mokritsa.

  • Shepherd's bag
Shepherd's bag
Shepherd's bag

Wintering annual. It actively blooms from May to October. A weed can grow up to 40 cm in height. During the time he blooms, several generations of seeds appear. You will be surprised, but they can maintain viability up to 35 years. So it is better to remove the bag with a shepherd before it starts to bloom.

  • Field yarout
Field yarout
Field yarout

It is characterized by useful properties, despite the fact that it is considered weed. It can reach 40 cm in height and gives more than 50 thousand seeds that clog cereal crops. The weed feels perfectly in the already cultivated fields and abandoned places. Yarutka contains substances that do not allow the development of uterine cancer and diseases of the genitourinary system. Moreover, it has antibacterial properties. Herbicides processing cope with this weed very well.


This grassy annual grows high enough. He is able to reach two meters in height. He really likes sandy soil. Its main feature is that it prevents cultures from fruiting. So, it can reduce the yield more than twice. This weed can be eliminated by processing herbicides, as well as weeding, but you need to do this during flowering, until the seeds have appeared.

Weeds with blue and purple flowers in the garden: a list, methods of struggle

Weeds in the garden with blue and purple flowers also look quite beautiful. But they are not at all useful for cultures. Let's discuss what weeds are with such an interesting color color.

  • Commeline is ordinary
Commeline is ordinary
Commeline is ordinary

It is able to reach 80 cm in height. Kommelin can easily grow on any soil regardless of lighting. At the same time, if the site is abandoned, then the weed forms entire thickets. You can get rid of it through the weeding. It is important to remove the plant with the root. Mulching is still doing well with him. A great remedy against this weed is herbicides.

  • The violet is fragrant
The violet is fragrant
The violet is fragrant

This perennial is not at all high. It reaches a maximum of 15 cm in height. He spreads the seeds through ants. At the same time, violets are used to treat bile and urolithiasis, as well as they are effective against gout and insomnia. They look good as a decorative plant. It lends itself only to one way of delivering - through weeding. Although, mulching also shows good effectiveness.

Weeds with pink flowers in the garden: list, methods of struggle

Pink weeds in the garden are also able to deliver a lot of problems. How do they look? Let's find out.

  • Pink sowing
Pink sowing
Pink sowing

This is a good honey plant, and it is also actively used in folk medicine. It is especially effective for the treatment of wounds, abscess and boils. It should be noted that this plant has large roots. So, it can deepen to 2-6 meters in depth. At the same time, the plant loves moist areas most of all. You can get rid of it through the weeding, but keep in mind that due to deep roots the weed will appear again. Herbicides affect it very well.

  • A stalking clinic
A stalking clinic
A stalking clinic

This weed can grow up to 40 cm. It is most often found in fields, gardens and gardens. At the same time, he likes the areas with a shadow more. The weeding helps to fight him. It is advisable to remove the plant with the root. Mulching helps well from it. Moreover, the weed is destroyed by herbicides, but only processing should be carried out before sowing and early stages of plant growth.

  • The thistle terms
The thistle terms
The thistle terms

This weed can also be used for medicinal purposes. In particular, it is effective for diseases of the skin and respiratory tract. It has an average length-within 30-100 centimeters. You can get rid of it through regular trimming the lawn and weeding. Moreover, mulching shows itself well. At the same time, the plant is stable to chemicals.

Curly, creeping weeds in the garden: list, methods of struggle

Weeds in the garden in the form of loons can prevent plantings with a normally grow. Moreover, they reduce productivity. That is why it is important to know which plants are considered weeds and how to fight them correctly.

  • Moss

If moss appeared in your garden, then this is a sign that the soil is poor, it has few nutrients. And your soil has high acidity. So urgently take measures, otherwise the moss will crowd out all your vegetation and then it will be difficult to restore the soil. In addition, moss always appears in too wet areas. Accordingly, drainage requires. That is how you can fight with moss.

  • Field loop
Field loop
Field loop

We have already talked about this weed. An adult plant has long roots, which go deep by 2-3 meters. At the same time, new sprouts grow very quickly. The weed wraps the plants and may well lead to their death. The binding is filled with all free space. This is especially true for arid periods. The weed should be removed by cutting. Its tops are removed 4-5 times per season. This helps to make the root weak. Remember that this plant is poisonous, and therefore try so that the juice from it does not get inside, and also work with it in gloves.

Long root weed in the garden: list, methods of struggle

In principle, weeds in the garden many have a long root, so most of what is described above can already be included in the list. But let's list several weeds, which we have not yet mentioned.

  • Porey creeping
Porey creeping
Porey creeping

This weed is many years old and it is very tenacious. Its root grows 1.5 meters in depth. This may not seem so much compared to others, but it distinguishes substances that lead to a slowdown in plant growth near the weed. At the same time, wheatgrasses requires twice as much water and nutrition than culture. It is also important to note that the breaks are propagated by seeds. It is recommended to delete tears using the weeding. It is recommended to do this in August, because during this period the plant is weaker.

  • Goldenfish is ordinary
Goldenfish is ordinary
Goldenfish is ordinary

In this plant, the root goes 4 meters in depth. At the same time, the plant takes everything useful from the soil. Near such a weed, many cultures dry. The situation becomes especially critical when spring is dry. Buryan creates a lot of shadow and can reach up to two meters in length. This weed refers to quarantine and even in small quantities is able to provoke allergies up to an attack of asthma. If you remove the plant when it is just beginning to grow, then many stems appear and a lush bush grows. So if you have a common goldener, then only before flowering, so that it does not have the strength to grow.

Weed with large leaves in the garden: photo, features

Weeds in the garden are characterized by sizes, leaves and each of them has its own characteristics. A weed with large leaves is plantain. He has wide and oval leaves, they are immediately noticeable on the lawn. This weed is perennial and propagated by seeds. You may not know, but one plant contains up to 320 thousand seeds. At the same time, although it loves humidity, it will feel good in drought. When the earth is dry, then you can dump the weed without problems with the root. However, so that the soil is not so dense, it is advisable to first work with a pitchfork.


Weed with black and green round small fruits: features, photo

Weeds in the garden are also completely unusual. It is precisely to this that is the case. It has black and green small fruits. Many gardeners note that the plant looks really very beautiful, but it belongs to quarantine. In other words, it is dangerous for agriculture. There is a weed of two types - prickly and three -flowered. Each of them has certain methods of struggle.

The roots of prickly apiary go away very deeply. In particular, they germinate to three meters in depth. The plant likes light and moderate humidity. Under favorable conditions, the weed is stretched to a meter in height. Keep in mind that the leaves of the nightshade are poisonous.


Since the plant has many seeds, do not let it bloom. In general, it is recommended to mow weeds three times for the growing season. It is best to do this during the formation of buds or at the very beginning of flowering. At this time, the seeds have not yet appeared. Moreover, chemical treatment with “glyphosate”, “rainap” and “hurricane” is also well perceived.

So that after processing the shoots do not appear again, process the territory as a semi -paragraph.

The three -flowered type is very rare. If you leave it after the weeding on the ground, then a new root will appear very quickly. Seeds are characterized by strong stickiness, they adhere to everything and this helps them overcome long distances. You can deal with this weed through constant processing of aisles, as well as herbicides.

Weed herbs with small leaves in the garden: list, methods of struggle

Often weeds in the garden have small leaves. One of these mokrits that we talked about earlier. However, there are other weeds that also have small leaves. Let's discuss them.

  • The shutter is thrown up
Shchitsa is quit -winged
Shchitsa is quit -winged

It is considered amaranth. The only thing that differs from the cultural amaranth is a little growth. She is able to reach only a meter in height. At the same time, the weed has small leaves and he is very unpretentious in leaving. Propagation is carried out only by means of seeds. We must pay tribute to them, since they are stored for a long time - more than 20 years. In one season, the weed is able to give a crop twice. It covers entire areas and does not allow cultures to grow normally.

Weed removal is possible by weeding or digging. Please note that this procedure is necessary regularly so that the weed does not bloom. Otherwise, there will be no sense from this. Another interesting option is to close with a film, cardboard or board the spacing of the weed. Without light and under a high temperature created by covering material, the weed cannot grow. Well, another method is circumcision. The fact is that only in this way can the root be exhausted and the weed is killed. It is simply impossible to get the root itself, it does not give in.

  • Portulak garden
Portulak garden
Portulak garden

This weed, although it has small leaves, it is able to cover huge areas. For the first time he begins to bloom in early June. For the entire season, the weed gives the crop 3-4 times. They remain in the soil up to 10 years. Any parts of the plant can take root even on the poorest soil. The main thing is that there is enough moisture. They do not perceive chemicals very well, because the leaves are covered with wax coating. The solution of Roundup with other herbicides works best against this weed. Moreover, weeding the site also shows itself effectively.

Facial grass in the garden - name: Ways to fight

Many are interested in what kind of weeds in the garden that clings to everything. So, we present to you a tenacious peeker. This annual is able to cling to clothes. He has a rod root, pointed leaves and small spikes are located on them, which he clings.

Lipstous grass
Lipstous grass

Most of all the weed loves fertile and lime soils. He can reach one meter in height. Most often it can be found among flax crops. To overcome it, it is important not to delay. The weed is removed before the start of flowering. If it spreads too much around the site, then you risk losing the crop. In the garden against him, weeding works great. In this case, it is important not only to remove the plant and its root, but also not to let the seeds rise again.

Sweet weeds similar to carrots: name

Boligols spotted is one of those weeds that are similar to carrots. He even has a root like this root crop, but only has white. The weed is able to grow up to two meters in height. Its stalk is branched and can have reddish-brown spots in the lower part. It was because of the spots that the weed received such a name. Blooming of the backwater falls on June-August. It gives a lot of seeds, and inflorescences are somewhat reminiscent of dill.

Boligolov is spotty
Boligolov is spotty

However, fruiting falls on August-September. At a time weed is able to give up to 12 thousand seeds. Fighting this weed is best weeding. The main thing is to remove it with the root. In addition, you need to mow inflorescences. Another method is deep soil processing. It is required to exclude fruiting. Herbicides cope well with weed.

Weed with red and burgundy leaves: name

Weeds in the garden are able to surprise. One of the interesting types is a garden quinoa. It has a high stem that is able to reach 150 cm in length. Its leaves are raspberry red, and the stem is branched. Flowering of the plant falls on the second half of August.

Swan garden
Swan garden

Despite all the beauty, the weed is still a problem. He really praises the gardeners. In the quinoa garden, it grows very quickly, and therefore it will be throughout the garden, if you do not deal with its removal in time. Just do not just get rid of this plant so hard, because its complete destruction also does not carry anything good in itself.

One of the main methods of struggle is mechanical removal. For this, the earth is dug by the foriles in the fall and spring. They will help to soften the ground as much as possible and pull the weed without damage. Effective in the fight against quinoa and chemicals, in particular Roundup.

Frozen of the paw in the garden: name, features

Lapcae is such weeds in the garden that have finger leaves. It is able to grow up to 25 cm. It is easy to recognize it by yellow leaflets and toothed leaves. The stems of the plant are very thin. The weed propagates with shoots. They grow very quickly and take root in the soil. The plant tolerates drought perfectly, but at the same time he likes moisturized soil.


The destruction of the weed is carried out through different methods. The most popular is mowing and digging. The particularly laborious method is weeding. It allows you to eliminate the roots. At the same time, try to do this procedure in the early stages of plant growth.

Chemicals and herbicides are still well influenced. They allow you to get a quick result.

Weed with narrow long leaves: photos, methods of struggle

Weeds in the garden sometimes surprise with their appearance. So, the Ezhnik ordinary grows almost throughout the garden and interferes with the normal development of plantings. When spring and the beginning of summer are rainy, the Herms may not allow excesses to grow. The stem is stretched to a meter in height.


Ezhnik is a malicious weed. It harms plantings, in any case because it grows rapidly and fills large areas. It is necessary to fight this weed through weeding and mowing. These methods are most effective in eliminating the Herms. In addition, chemicals also show themselves very well.

Video: How to destroy weeds?

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Comments K. article

  1. Hello! In the article Ambrosia, wormwood is found twice.

  2. Dear author, the article is interesting. I have a question: what is the name of the prickly plant in the photo at the very beginning of the article (it is pulled out by the hand in a glove)? Often I see this thorn, and I want to know what it is.

    1. This is a pink sowing.

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