Planting and growing tomato seedlings at home: Methods. Feeding tomato seedlings with fertilizers, yeast, iodine, ash, banana skins, folk remedies

Planting and growing tomato seedlings at home: Methods. Feeding tomato seedlings with fertilizers, yeast, iodine, ash, banana skins, folk remedies

Tomatoes: prepare the seeds, sow, care, transplant into the ground.

The end of winter for gardeners is a special time - opening the season (planting seedlings). This article is just dedicated to the seedlings of tomatoes at home. About what soil it will require, at what time to plant, how to care and water, than to feed and when to plant. The article will be useful to both beginner and experienced agronomists.

Preparation of tomato seeds for sowing for seedlings: soaking in potassium permanganate

Want to grow juicy fat stalks of tomato on your own? Then this section is what you need! We proceed.

Check the seeds: Go around this item is to play the lottery. Wait 2-3 weeks before seedlings and if the seedlings are weak or do not rise at all, sow again-late. Therefore, a week before the planned planting we take several seeds, wrap it in warm fabric and lower 25 ° C into water. We put on the battery and leave for a day. Drain the water, but leave the fabric wet, constantly moisturize and continue to store on the battery for another 3 days. Next, plant it in the ground and expect quick shoots. By the result, we decide to plant these seeds or buy fresh.

Selection of seeds: This is a significant saving of space and soil (which is quite expensive in case of purchase). Large, small, twisted and hollow discard. Leave the same average size, it is they who give the best shoots. Pay attention, calibration with saline myth, because The emerging seeds often give seedlings exactly the same as those that remained at the bottom.

We disinfect: 1 gr. Punish potassium permanganate in a liter of water until completely dissolved. We fall asleep into gauze and lower the seeds in potassium permanganate for 20 minutes (more time will affect the poor germination of seedlings). We wash in the same gauze under running water and slightly dry on the battery.

Preparation of tomato seeds for sowing for seedlings: soaking in potassium permanganate
Preparation of tomato seeds for sowing for seedlings: soaking in potassium permanganate

We enrich microelements: We purchase the appropriate package in the store, dilute with water according to the instructions and soak for the specified time.

We stimulate growth: You can purchase a remedy in the same store, or you can place seeds in undiluted aloe juice for a day. Squeeze the juice and send it to the refrigerator for 5 days, warm and soak the seeds.

Important: at a temperature of a solution below 20 ° C, enrichment/stimulation/disinfection does not affect the seeds.

The last stroke: soak in warm water for 18 hours and already immediately transfer it to the soil from wet water. If the seeds were pre -soaked, then you can plant at the penultimate stage, missing this one.

Soil for tomato seedlings: top dressing

We strongly recommend purchasing special soil for seedlings. It is enriched in advance by all the necessary trace elements for beneficial germination and growth of tomatoes.

Soil for tomato seedlings: top dressing
Soil for tomato seedlings: top dressing

If the soil is taken from the garden, it must be frozen (if desired on the street during frosts or in the freezer, having previously packed in several packages). We also give the composition of the standard mixture for tomatoes if you decide to do it yourself.

  • 1 part of washed coarse -grained river sand
  • 2 parts of humus
  • 2 parts of the -filled peat
  • 2 parts of sod land

Sowing tomatoes for seedlings

The classic sowing of tomatoes in the boxes, but we recommend that you still sow immediately into small disposable cups. It can be both peat cups, or ordinary plastic in which a drainage hole is previously made with a nail.

Remember, diseases always come unexpectedly, so the treatment of potassium permanganate will not hurt.

Sowing tomatoes for seedlings
Sowing tomatoes for seedlings

We fall asleep cups or boxes with a mixture, moisturize and align. In the glasses we make holes with a pencil, in the boxes we draw grooves. Seeds are located from each other in a diameter of 1 cm and then fall asleep by the earth by 0.7-1 cm.

For those who grow seedlings at home, we recommend stocking up with a dark film and, after planting, cover the containers with it. Put in a warm place and periodically water. If the seeds are fresh, and you previously soaked them in the above solutions, the first shoots will already please you within 4-6 days.

Important: do not remove the film until green leaves appear. But as soon as the seedlings ascended to remove the film and put in a warm but bright place.

How often to water tomato seedlings on the windowsill?

The tomatoes are specific, they cannot be dried up, but excess watering is harmful to them. This is the right path to the weak, elongated seedlings that are not able to survive the surplus surplus, which will pursue it after landing.

Prior to seedlings, it is recommended to water tomatoes once a day in the morning with water 22 ° C -25 ° C. If the house/room is wet, it is enough to spray the soil.

How often to water tomato seedlings on the windowsill?
How often to water tomato seedlings on the windowsill?

After seedlings and before the diving process, pour the same temperature with water, but once every 5 days.

The appearance of the “black leg” drove that watering is too frequent or in the room constantly wet.

Subsequently, a dive is done and after it is watered with a small amount of water at room temperature as soon as the earth dries.

How to process tomato seedlings with hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is used in the garden at least potassium permanganate. You can soak seeds to destroy microbes and to stimulate growth (10% of peroxide for no more than 20 minutes).

How to process tomato seedlings with hydrogen peroxide?
How to process tomato seedlings with hydrogen peroxide?

Also sprayed with seedlings in the fight against late blight with a solution: a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, 40 drops of iodine per 20 liters of water. Spray only with a fresh solution, do not store.

Yeast top dressing for tomato seedlings

Of course, in stores a lot of feeding for seedlings is sold, but for the sake of this we decide to independently grow plants in the garden? After all, we want to feed our families exclusively with eco-products. With yeast top dressing, the purest tomatoes will grow, which can be fed even the smallest! Such top dressing is an active plant growth stimulant.

Yeast top dressing for tomato seedlings
Yeast top dressing for tomato seedlings

What will give yeast top dressing:

  • Endurance of seedlings, acclimatization in the street light after the room;
  • Growth acceleration;
  • Several times increased root formation;
  • Additional immunity in plants


  • A pack of yeast or 10 gr. dry yeast;
  • Chicken mark - 0.5 kg;
  • Wood ash - 0.5 kg;
  • Water 10 l;
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons.

We let it brew during the day and dilute 1:10. Only after that we add to the tomatoes. We make sure that the solution pours to the ground and does not fall on the tomato trunk.

Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with iodine

To grow plants in the garden from year to year and hope that the soil is as rich as before. To obtain a good harvest, it is recommended to feed the soil with what is missing in it. This bait was created to enrich the soil with iodine.

Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with iodine
Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with iodine

Frequency of top dressing: 2 times a month with the same interval between irrigation. Half a liter for a bush.

Recipe: 10 liters of water, 10 gr. iodine, 10 gr. phosphate, 20 gr. potassium. Stir thoroughly and use it immediately.

How to feed seedlings of tomato ash at home

Is there a stove, fireplace at home, often fry at the stake? In this case, we recommend using ash to enrich the soil with potassium, phosphorus and calcium and other minerals. It can be fed mono, and in combination with another top dressing (in this case, at least 5-6 days should pass between the feeding ash and the other).

Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with iodine
Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with iodine

The calculation of top dressing is simple - a glass (100 g) ash per square meter of land. Swarf the ash and slightly moisturize the ground or pour.

Fertilizer from banana skins for tomato seedlings

The banana from an exotic fruit turned into an ordinary delicacy on our table. Did you know that it was not only tasty, but also useful for seedlings? If not, then after reading this article, banana skins will forever find a new application in your home! Feeding with a banana skin of seedlings - enrichment with all kinds of trace elements and additional strengthening of the roots.

Important: absolutely all plants can be fed with banana skins! And in indoor plants, after banana skins, you will see luxurious growth and violent flowering.

Recipe 1 - elementary. Grind the skins of bananas, mix with the soil and sow the seeds. The skins will completely disappear within 10 days, and a new top dressing will be required.

Fertilizer from banana skins for tomato seedlings
Fertilizer from banana skins for tomato seedlings

Recipe 2 - For long -term storage. We lay out the banana peel for 6, dry in the oven or in the dryer, chop and put it under plants as necessary. Store in a dry place.

Recipe 3 - For long -term storage. Barrel, banana skins and a bottle of Baikal. It can be filled out immediately with skins, you can fill it out gradually. Mix periodically, pour it under the plants once a month.

How to pour tomato seedlings to grow better and be strong?

How to pour tomato seedlings to grow better and be strong?
How to pour tomato seedlings to grow better and be strong?

In the cultivation of tomatoes, proper and regular watering is important. It is recommended to water seedlings only when the upper layer of the earth is dried. When watering, it is recommended to add growth stimulants and additives that saturate the soil with microelements.

Important: the seeds are watered with warm water, after germination, water should become cooler each time and so on to room temperature.

Lighting for tomato seedlings at home

As soon as the seeds fall into the ground, it is recommended to cover the boxes with a dark film. After seedlings, put the boxes to the windows or provide daylight. Do not forget about the need to twist the bright light in the evening, and turn it off on a new one.

Lighting for tomato seedlings at home
Lighting for tomato seedlings at home

When and how to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse?

You can plant tomatoes in a greenhouse in March, without waiting for the end of frosts. To do this, be sure to make a trench in the greenhouse in a bayonet shovel, half pour hay, leaves or other dry such mixtures, fill in the remaining earth, compact the soil and be sure to warm the greenhouse.

When and how to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse?
When and how to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse?

After that, you can proceed to landing. Do not forget that watering should be cool, but not cold water.

What temperature does tomato seedlings withstand?

In the event that a tomato is planned without a greenhouse, the night temperature should not drop below +5 ° C, and the soil warms up to +12 ° C and higher.

Planting tomatoes in open ground
Planting tomatoes in open ground

Do not forget to temper seedlings before planting in the ground. Take the boxes with seedlings into fresh air from 10 in the morning to the evening. At night, do not forget to bring it.

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground

It all depends on how early you planted seedlings, whether the early tomatoes or medium, as well as the temperature in your region. If the landing goes into greenhouses, then you can start in early March.

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground
Planting tomato seedlings in open ground

For planting on an uncovered surface of the earth, focus on the temperature at night (at least +5 ° C) and the temperature of the Earth (not less than +12 ° C).

It is very important to pre -harden tomatoes, otherwise even at this temperature, all efforts can come to naught.

Video: Chinese method of growing tomato seedlings

Video: Growing tomato seedlings on toilet paper without Earth

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