Посадка, пикирование и выращивание рассады баклажан в домашних условиях. Top dressing of eggplant seedlings with fertilizers, yeast, iodine, ash, banana skins, folk remedies

Посадка, пикирование и выращивание рассады баклажан в домашних условиях. Top dressing of eggplant seedlings with fertilizers, yeast, iodine, ash, banana skins, folk remedies

Secrets of proper cultivation, diving, top dressing and planting eggplant seedlings in the ground.


Баклажан – требовательное к температуре и влажности растение. Incorrect organization of conditions for the growth of seedlings of eggplant can lead to its diseases and even death. At the same time, compliance with simple recommendations will allow you to get a good harvest from strong strong healthy plants.

Seedlings of eggplant
Seedlings of eggplant

Preparation of eggplant seeds for sowing for seedlings: soaking in potassium permanganate

Preparation of seeds The eggplant to sowing is no different from the preparation of seeds of other vegetable crops and consists of several stages:

  1. Visually evaluate eggplant seeds, reject empty, small, damaged and black.
  2. The remaining good seeds about let the table salt into a solution (1 tsp, salt per 1 tbsp. Water), carefully mix and leave for 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the pop -ups On the surface of the water is seeds - they are not suitable for planting.
  4. Remove the seeds descending to the bottom of the seeds And decompose for drying.
  5. Process the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate (0.3 - 0.5 g of potassium permanganate for 0.5 tbsp. Water).
  6. To protect the roots of the future seedlings from rot, and the leaves and stems from fusarous wilting, process the seeds with tricepermin or phytosporin.
  7. Abundant drink clean cosmetic cotton pads with warm water with warm water And put them on a large flat plate.
  8. Lay the eggplant seeds on the disks.
  9. Each disk with seeds cover on top of the second disk.
  10. Place A plate with disks in a plastic container Or a cellophane package and take it into a warm place before germination (for 5 - 7 days).
Contecking solution for soaking eggplant seeds
Contecking solution for soaking eggplant seeds

Important: the soaking stage is not mandatory. Eggplant seeds can be planted in the ground immediately after their disinfecting processing. You can also skip soaking in an antifungal solution. However, two -hour soaking seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate must be carried out in any case.

Before soaking or planting seeds in the ground, you can place for several hours in a growth stimulator ( Kornevin, Toyamon, Circus, Epin).

Experienced gardeners conduct warming up seeds before landingwhich allows you to improve the quality of seedlings and increase its resistance to diseases and pests. Heated within 3 - 5 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 50 ° C or in a thermos with water of the same temperature.

Preparation of the soil and sowing of eggplant seeds for seedlings

For planting eggplant seeds, you should take clean loose soil with neutral acidity. Before planting seeds, it needs to be disinfected in the soil. To do this, the soil is kept above the steam of boiling water for about 30 - 40 minutes or thoroughly spilled with boiling water.

Preparation of soil for planting eggplant seeds
Preparation of soil for planting eggplant seeds

Important: you can start planting seeds only when the earth has completely cooled after disinfecting processing.

If you plan to pick up eggplant seedlings, special seedlings are used to plant seeds.

If plants grow without diving - peat cups or cassettes with sections (10*10 cm), in which the root system of each plant will be formed individually.

Important: growing eggplant seedlings without diving gives the best results.

In the boxes so that the distance between neighboring seeds is about 2 cm, and between the rows - 6 cm. The depth of landing should be within 1.5 - 2 cm.

Seeds are sowed to the same depth with a non -pivicing method of cultivation. In each cup, 2 to 3 seeds are placed.

In cups and boxes, holes should be made in advance to prevent stagnation of water.

Peat cups for growing eggplant seedlings without diving
Peat cups for growing eggplant seedlings without diving

Important: before planting seeds, the soil in pots and boxes must be moistened enough.

After the seeds are planted, the containers are covered with glass or wrapped with polyethylene and installed in a warm room until the emergence of seedlings.

IMPORTANT: During the expectation of seedlings, sharp fluctuations in the air temperature are unacceptable.

Containers with planted seeds are covered with polyethylene
Containers with planted seeds are covered with polyethylene

Video: How to sow eggplant? Sowing eggplant seeds for seedlings.

How often to water eggplant seedlings on the windowsill, in a greenhouse, open ground?

The first moisturizing of the soil in pots and boxes produce 3 days after the planting of seeds. Then they are waiting for seedlings.

Important: for irrigation of seedlings, eggplant use talus or a defended at least 24 hours, the temperature of which is in the range of 28 - 31 ° C.

When the cotyledon leaves of young plants turn around, you need to organize regular watering ( 1 time in 5 days). In order not to wash off the delicate eclizes of the eggplant with a stream of water, watering is carried out of watering can with a nozzle or from a sprayer. It is desirable to water plants in the morning.

Important: the eggplant should be watered so that the Earth is neither overdry nor overwall. If after the last watering the soil is still quite wet, the plants should not be poured, as this can lead to rotting of the root system.

Watering the seedlings of eggplant
Watering the seedlings of eggplant

How to process eggplant seedlings with hydrogen peroxide from pests and diseases?

Hydrogen peroxide can be used instead of a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfecting eggplant seeds. To do this, it is enough to soak the seeds selected for growing in a 10% peroxide solution.

If you soak the seeds in a 0.4% solution of hydrogen peroxide and leave for 10 - 12 hours, the tool will act as a growth stimulant. The seeds that have undergone such treatment are not afraid of illness. They will quickly grow up, the seedlings will develop more intensively, and the yield of the bushes will slightly exceed the yield from unprocessed plants.

Important: after processing hydrogen peroxide, the seeds are necessarily washed and dried.

Preventive spraying with a solution of hydrogen peroxide will protect adult plants of eggplant from fungal diseases. In a bucket of water, 1 tbsp is diluted. peroxide 10% and process.

Hydrogen peroxide will protect eggplant seedlings from pests
Hydrogen peroxide will protect eggplant seedlings from pests

Explosion for seedlings of eggplant: Recipe

Ordinary bakery yeast is microorganisms, unicellular mushrooms. Once in a well -heated soil, they distinguish several of the most important eggplants for seedlings. For simultaneous admission vitamin "B", thiamine, auxins and cytokinins Plants respond with good growth and tie, the rapid development of a powerful healthy root system, and in the future - a rich harvest.

To prepare yeast top dressing for eggplant seedlings, you will need:

  • yeast
  • sugar
  • water

Recipe No. 1 using dry yeast:

  1. Fill a liter jar with warm water
  2. Add dry yeast to the water (1 g)
  3. Add sugar (1 tsp)
  4. Mix thoroughly and leave for 2 - 4 hours
  5. Dilute before use with water in a ratio of 1: 5
  6. Water plants

Recipe No. 2 using living yeast:

  1. Fill a liter jar with water, leaving a place for yeast
  2. Add the yeast living (50 g)
  3. Mix, leave for 2 - 4 hours
  4. Dilute before use with water in a ratio of 1: 5

Important: yeast top dressing does not work if the water or soil is cool. If you pour eggplant seedlings into cold ground with yeast solution, there will be no effect from top dressing.

After the use of yeast solutions, in the soil on the bed with seedlings of eggplant, it is necessary to make ash or chopped eggs of eggs.

Yeast top dressing for eggplant seedlings
Yeast top dressing for eggplant seedlings

How to feed the seedlings of eggplant as ash?

Top dressing of plants by eggplant with dry wood is important at the stage of flowering and fruiting. The soil of the beds is sprinkled with ash at the rate of 1.5 cups per 1m 2.

Feeding of seedlings of eggplant iodine: recipe for breeding

Iodine is a magnificent antiseptic that can prevent the development of putrefactive diseases on eggplant seedlings.

Eggplant plants are sprayed with iodine solution shortly before flowering. Such processing will give strength to plants and protect them from rot. To prepare a solution in 10 liters of water, 10 drops of iodine are dissolved. In this case, the water temperature should be 22 - 24 ° C.

Also water with iodine water is watered immediately after planting in the ground At the rate of 1 l of iodine solution per 1 bush of eggplant.

Preparation of iodine solution for feeding eggplant seedlings
Preparation of iodine solution for feeding eggplant seedlings

Fertilizer from banana skins for eggplant seedlings: recipe

Banana crust - source potassium and calcium, the content of which in the soil is necessary for the normal growth and development of eggplant seedlings. Also, fertilizer from banana skins is able to effectively fight some insects-pests that do not tolerate the soil saturated with potassium.

Banana skins for making fertilizers
Banana skins for making fertilizers

There are several options for making fertilizer from banana skins for eggplant seedlings:

Recipe No. 1. Universal compost from banana skins. Prepare compost in the fall.

  1. Mix finely chopped bananas skins with the ground in a ratio of 2: 1.
  2. Place in a dense black plastic bag.
  3. Make holes in the package and leave for the winter.
  4. In the spring, compost can be used for its intended purpose, and so that it thaws it as soon as possible, the bag can temporarily be brought into a greenhouse or a heated barn.

Recipe No. 2. Dried skins. You can dry the skins of the banana on a hot battery or in the oven. Then they are crushed and stored in airtight bowl. They use such fertilizer to the bottom of containers with eggplant seedlings, since mold may appear on the soil surface.

Recipe No. 3. instillation of banana skins in the ground. Finely cut skins of the banana are buried in the immediate vicinity of the eggplant seedlings in need of seedlings. A week later, plants will gain a healthy look.

Recipe No. 4. Infusion of banana skins for greenhouse seedlings of eggplant.

  1. Поместите в трехлитровую банку шкурки с 4 бананов и залейте водой.
  2. Оставьте в темном месте на 3 дня.
  3. Полученную жидкость разбавьте водой (1:1).
  4. Используйте для полива растений в теплице из расчета 1 л настоя на 1м 2 грядки.
Настой банановых шкурок для тепличной рассады баклажан
Настой банановых шкурок для тепличной рассады баклажан

Than to pour eggplant seedlings so that it grows better and be strong: folk remedies

It is impossible to get a good harvest of eggplant, not taking care of a good feeding of seedlings. The standard top dressing scheme consists of three stages and can be carried out both using chemical fertilizers and by introducing organic substances into the soil according to folk recipes.

First молодые растения подкармливают в период формирования семядольных листиков. For feeding, any complex fertilizer with a high nitrogen content is used. You can use the infusion of manure (1:10), the litter of chicken (1:20) or the infusion of weed grass (1: 5).

Eggpiece of Eggplant seedlings
Eggpiece of Eggplant seedlings

Important: it must be borne in mind that the metabolism in birds is peculiar, therefore, different portions of the litter from the same bird can contain a different amount of nutrients. It is very easy to “burn” the roots of seedlings, without observing the proportions when breeding the litter.

Second top dressing conduct, if the eggplant seedlings are dive. 10 - 14 days after diving, mineral fertilizers are applied, contributing to the development of a healthy root system. At home, you can prepare fertilizer from eggshells. This will need:

  • eggshell (half of the three -liter jar)
  • melt water
  • Preparation:
  • Pour the shell with water
  • Leave for 3 days in a warm place
  • Drain the water and fill the new
  • Leave for three days
  • Drain the water and pour new
  • Drain the water, extract the shell from the can and dry
  • Stir up or ceiling
  • Pour the resulting powder on the beds (3 tbsp 1 m 2)
Eggshell for preparing fertilizers
Eggshell for preparing fertilizers

6 - 7 days before planting in open ground, eggplant seedlings are best processed with a purchased tool EcoGel (consumption 1 liter per 100 l of water). This is a biological drug containing organic acids, chitosan and silver ions. EcoGel stimulates the development of roots, disinfects and forms immunity to various diseases.

Important: EcoGel is safe for people, animals and insects.

Lighting for eggplant seedlings at home

Eggplant seedlings need intensive light with last day 10 - 12 hours.

Important: if the necessary lighting does not provide seedlings, it will stretch, the stems and leaves will lose strength and color, the plants will hurt and will be heavily tolerate diving and planting into the ground.

When natural light is not enough, eggplant is installed above the boxes with seedlings fluorescent lamps. The optimal height of their fastening - 50 - 60 cm from seedlings.

Lighting for eggplant seedlings at home
Lighting for eggplant seedlings at home

Pitching and hardening of eggplant seedlings

Often, experienced vegetable growers try to plant eggplant seedlings in such a way as to exclude the stage of its diving. They explain this by the fact that the weak roots of eggplant are seriously ill after transplantation, and the plants themselves, which survived diving, are very far behind in growth.

Indeed, planting eggplant seeds initially in separate pots is preferable. However, if there is no way to sow culture in this way, and it will not be possible to avoid diving, then you need to try to fulfill it so as not to harm the weak roots of seedlings.

Important: diving is carried out when the second large leaves appear on the shootings. This usually happens from 20 to 30 days from the date of sowing. If you carry out diving earlier, young plants are likely to die, if later - they will hurt in a new place for a long time.

Picking of eggplant seedlings are as follows:

  1. A few hours before diving pour the seedlings.
  2. Prepare the cups with a diameter of about 10 cm.
  3. Fill the cups with an earthen mixture.
  4. Pour the earth In cups with a nutrient solution (mullein -130 g, urea -0.5 tbsp, ash -0.5 tsp per 5 l of water).
  5. Pencil make a small hole in the center of each cup.
  6. Holding by the leaves, using a spatula gently remove the plant from a common box.
  7. Visually evaluate the root length, pushing the root after 0.5 cm.
  8. Plant deepen into the hole made to cotyledon leaves And they pour the earth with the earth.
Dive seeds of eggplant
Dive seeds of eggplant

Eggplant seedlings are hardened 14 to 18 days before the expected date of planting it in open ground. As soon as the temperature on the street is set and will exceed 15 ° C, the boxes with seedlings are exposed daily to the street for 2 to 3 hours.

If the air temperature is much lower, it is impossible to endure seedlings. The abbreviation of watering and thorough ventilation of the room will be sufficient.

Important: hardened seedlings of eggplant are easier to take root in the ground, calmly reacts to changes in air temperature and weather change.

Enchanting of eggplant seedlings
Catching seedlings

When and how to plant eggplant seedlings in a greenhouse?

If the greenhouse does not heat up, eggplant seedlings are planted at a set air temperature of 16 - 18 ° C.

Important: eggplant is planted in a greenhouse separately from other plants. If this is not possible, the neighborhood with tomato seedlings is permissible.

Eggplant plants are planted in such a way that a distance of 40 - 50 cm remains between them, and 50 cm between neighboring rows. Do not deepen the plants too much. The recesses should be 1.5 - 2.5 cm above the coma of the Earth.

Before planting seedlings, the soil in the greenhouse can be prepared as follows (consumption rates for 1 by 1 m 2 soil):

  • make ash (2 tbsp.)
  • superphosphate (1 tbsp)
  • ammonium nitrate (1 - 1.5 tbsp)
  • potassium sulfate (1.5 tbsp)
  • peat (0.5 buckets)
  • river sand (0.5 buckets)
  • dice the ground and smooth its surface
  • prepare the holes
  • pour 1 - 1.5 l of water into each hole

When the holes are prepared, plants are carefully planted in them and sprinkled with the soil of emptiness. If seedlings are placed in holes in peat pots, it is necessary to cut the bottoms from them and tear one wall to help the roots to break through as soon as possible.

IMPORTANT: If the seedlings of eggplant are very weak or grew, it is better to tie it.

Greenhouse for growing eggplant seedlings
Greenhouse for growing eggplant seedlings

What temperature does eggplant seedlings withstand?

The seedlings of the eggplant feels the best when +22 ° C. When the temperature decreases, the plants are sick, their growth and development slow down.

If the seedlings are planted in the ground, and the air temperature fell to 1 - 3 ° C, the seedlings will die. To prevent this from happening, with early planting eggplant into a greenhouse, it is necessary to equip it with a stove in case of unforeseen cooling.

Optimum temperature for eggplant seedlings +22 ° C
Optimum temperature for eggplant seedlings +22 ° C

Growing eggplant seedlings on toilet paper without earth

Technology for growing eggplant seedlings without land on toilet paper Very simple, besides, this method allows the gardener to save time and area:

  1. Cut dense polyethylene into strips of arbitrary length, 10 cm wide.
  2. On top of each strip of cellophane, lay out a strip of toilet paper.
  3. Defended paper abundantly with water.
  4. Lay the eggplant seeds, leaving a little free space from the edges.
  5. Cover the seeds on top of another strip of paper.
  6. Moisten the upper strip.
  7. Cover with polyethylene.
  8. Turn everything into a roll.
  9. Insert a roll into a cut bottle or glass.
  10. Pour 3 - 5 cm of water (depending on the diameter of the glass).
  11. Leave on the windowsill, from time to time changing and pouring water into the glass.

Already after 7 days, the first shoots will appear from under the layers of the film, and by the end of the second week all plants will rise. Plant plants to a greenhouse when they have two real leaves.

Growing eggplant seedlings on toilet paper without earth
Growing eggplant seedlings on toilet paper without earth

Eggplant seedlings in open ground

Eggplant seedlings are planted in open ground when when at least 5, but not more than 7 leaves appear on plants. In this case, the height of the seedlings will be 8 - 10 cm.

IMPORTANT: A prerequisite for the planting of eggplant into open ground is the air temperature from +22 ° C.

The preparation of the soil and the technology of planting seedlings in open ground are similar to planting in a greenhouse.

Growing eggplant seedlings on toilet paper without earth
Growing eggplant seedlings on toilet paper without earth

Хороший урожай баклажан станет наградой терпеливому внимательному овощеводу. Уже через 30 – 40 дней от начала цветения на кустах появятся первые плоды. The most important thing is to collect them in time without allowing complete ripening, and provide the best for preserving the condition: mix with ash and put in a cool dark place.

Видео: Баклажаны в открытом грунте. Features of care

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