Why is it harmful to girls and women to wear thongs?

Why is it harmful to girls and women to wear thongs?

In this topic, we will consider why it is harmful to wear thongs.

Women's linen has long been not only a necessary part of the everyday wardrobe, but also the subject for admiration and seduction. Over the past decade, female underwear has rapidly evolved from the most hidden “shorts” to more frank and seductive models. Tango, bikini, slips and briffs - not only the assortment, but also the material for their manufacture became wider. But few people think why it is harmful to wear thongs. Therefore, in this material we will analyze this topic.

Why is it harmful to women and girls to wear thongs?

Modern underwear was created specifically to emphasize the grace of female hips and buttocks, and not hide their beauty under multi -layer material. It is worth noting that the wardrobe of a modern girl does not do without small panties. After all, thongs are invisible under clothing and approaching any wardrobe, and they look much more seductive. But at first glance, practicality just hides why it is harmful to constantly wear thongs.

Thongs are very popular because they perfectly emphasize the figure
Thongs are very popular because they perfectly emphasize the figure
  • The first who begin to wear small panties are perhaps a teenage girl. After all, in pursuit of fashion, they rarely think about what is good for their health and what is potentially unsafe. First of all, it is worth noting when a young girl with the problem of thrush comes to an appointment with a gynecologist, the doctor will immediately find out what kind of linen the girl wears. If you are at a loss, what should this be related to the disease, then the answer is very simple - Propagation of bacteria.
  • After all, the very thin rope that favorably exposes the buttocks, is fraught with the greatest danger. The fact is that it is she It is an excellent transfer for bacteria from the anus to the vagina. In this case, very often there is a risk of not only thrush, but also other inflammations. And the cause of their occurrence is E. coli, streptococcus and staphylococcus, which are especially dangerous for pregnant girls.
    • In addition, all bacteria, including useful ones, should remain in their places. And through thongs, the discharge and microorganisms are mixed.
  • The situation is also aggravated by the material. The fact is that modern manufacturers very often try to save on materials from which underwear is made. Recall that thongs are often sewn from synthetics or lace, which also has synthetic threads in a larger percentage. Sometimes you can find them from cotton fabric, but then small panties will not look so attractive and bright.
    • And if synthetics affects the cost of the product positively, then women's health is extremely negative. Synthetics in itself are very allergen. Besides She does not allow the skin to breathe But, in turn, moisture that appears from natural secretions well. And this is a great environment for the propagation of many bacteria.
The situation is also aggravated by synthetic material from which thongs most often make
The situation is also aggravated by synthetic material from which thongs most often make
  • Synthetics in itself can disrupt female microflora, causing itching, burning, various fungal diseases, the most common of which is thrush. The risk increases due to the synthetic material tightly adjacent to the intimate zones, which is inevitable when wearing thongs.
  • Furthermore , there is an irritation of not only delicate fabrics, but also the anus. Especially with prolonged wearing, and even worse with physical exertion, it is possible to even injure the entire region on the way at the strips from thongs. This is not all - with falls or sudden movements, you can even get a serious injury.
  • For the anus, this is a big The risk of hemorrhoids. And near the vagina possibly the appearance of microcracks, Through which harmful bacteria is possible. For example, papillomavirus, from which a condom will not even protect.
  • And add to a wet, warm and vulnerable environment also poor blood circulation, Which is also easily guaranteed by thongs. Remember - in no case should you wear low linen. But it is precisely the thongs of the girl who often choose less than the proper size to look better. Yes, and the linen of this style, due to the small area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric, worsens the supply of blood in the lower part.
Thong, as an element of decor, are not designed for daily socks
Thong, as an element of decor, are not designed for daily socks
  • From all this, the bladder also threatens. Since in winter evenings, thin synthetic thongs cannot protect young girls from cystitis and even inflammation of the entire urinary system. And doctors noted that lovers of small panties suffer from them much more often. Indeed, at a young age, the clothes should still be beautiful, not warm.
  • In addition, the percentage increases development of dysbiosis and gardnerellosis.
  • But Glycogen and fermented milk wand are washed off, But they are protection for our mucosa.
  • This whole picture enhances the discharge and smell from the vagina, which requires more intense care. Because the The vaginal biocenosis is knocked down. And in order to restore it, it is necessary to remove the focus of the appearance.
  • And if the girl at the same time fell ill or took antibiotics that weaken the immunity, then the danger of thong only increases.

Important: all doctors unanimously forbid pregnant girls to wear thongs. The reason for this, as mentioned above, is the risk of female diseases. And in pregnant women, changes in the hormonal background occur, and there is a decrease in immunity. Therefore, expectant mothers are strictly forbidden to wear thongs, and even from synthetic material.

Thongs become especially dangerous if a woman has a weak immunity

Summing up, it is worth giving some advice to fashionistas and lovers of open underwear:

  • during pregnancy, women should pay attention to ordinary models of panties from natural materials. They will not crush, keep your health and your child;
  • choose linen, which is no more and no less for you;
  • give preference to natural fabrics even in any models;
  • wear thong only when there is a need for this. For example, the desire to put on tight jeans or dress;
  • and do not forget that their wearing should not exceed 3 hours;
  • in no case do not dress thongs for training or any active classes;
  • during growing up, stringing is not recommended in connection with the growth of the body and changes in the hormonal background.

If, nevertheless, for some reason, you do not imagine your wardrobe without this linen, doctors are recommended to use daily gaskets. This will help minimize the risk of gynecological problems. And remember that there is nothing more valuable in the life of a woman than her health and well -being of her children. Take care of yourself and be happy!

Video: Why is it harmful to wear thongs?

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  1. Things are good for health!
    I think many girls will immediately object to me and say that “thongs are harmful!, Especially with constant wearing, especially if you do not grind, do not wash and wear them without changing them for a week!” But in this case, ordinary cowards will not be at all harmless.
    Duck why can they be useful, because “there is a rope that constantly rubs and transfers microbes and worms from yourself from yourself and where” and where ”?

    I'll try to prove it. Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance, but if you pay attention not to the text who constantly takes care of himself, his health, eats right, constantly engaged in fitness or other sports, constantly supports himself clean and second, those who are not used to themselves Follow, then among the first number of those who wear thongs and have no problems with them, will be much higher than among the latter. And this is not simple, because on the one hand, thongs are worn to look more beautiful (for example, so as not to be visible under clothes), and on the other hand, thongs additionally stimulate hygiene, which further improves the situation.
    For those who do not care about the hygiene, thongs will not be useful, but without them, microbes have where to multiply on a dirty body, thongs can only facilitate the path to microbes to a more nutritious environment in the vagina. In addition, the thrush occurs precisely due to the propagation of fungi of the Candida family, which there are no healthy people in the intestine. And the reproduction of this type of fungus can provoke poor immunity and poor hygiene, especially in combination with wearing panties from synthetic tissues, which gives a “greenhouse effect”.
    So that there is only benefit, not harm from string, you need to adhere to the following rules:
    * Wear thong only your size. A smaller size can lead to rubbing, and the larger one will shift when putting on. You also need to choose the most anatomically convenient version of the width of the rear strip. Too thick strip on the pope will spread and interfere, too narrow will dig into the skin. The correctly selected size and style string does not cause any discomfort.
    * The material from which the panties are made should be as natural as possible. This applies not only to thongs, but also to ordinary panties. After all, artificial materials do not allow the skin to breathe, and if in thongs it does not breathe only the front part, then in ordinary underpants there are also priests.
    * Constantly observe hygiene. After each visit, the toilet is thoroughly wiped, regularly wash and change the linen daily. After all, a sloping microflora does not develop on panties (there are simply no nutrients there), but on the body, the panties only wipe it from the body, gradually accumulating.
    * Follow not only the appearance, but also in internal health. Regularly engage in physical exercises, try to eat healthy calories, vitamins and trace elements with food, which will increase immunity and will not allow not only thrush, but also reduce the likelihood of other diseases, as well as improve well -being and mood.

    Wearing thongs increases self -esteem, stimulates observing hygiene and a healthy lifestyle, which will undoubtedly be only to the benefit of both emotional and physical health!
    Be healthy and beautiful!

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