Why does the guy touch the girl during the kiss during the kiss: why? Do the guys like it when girls touch them behind the ass during a kiss?

Why does the guy touch the girl during the kiss during the kiss: why? Do the guys like it when girls touch them behind the ass during a kiss?

It often happens that during a kiss, the guy touches the girl by the ass, and vice versa. Why do this?

At different stages of the relationship between a couple in love, there are a number of certain touches of an intimate nature that show how close they are in relationships. Tender touches are an integral, important part in the relationship between a guy and a girl. Basically, all men in a love relationship show affectionate stroking on intimate parts of the body while touching the lips.

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Kissing the passionate lips of their chosen one, the guys like to grope and swell the girl’s ass. Such a development of relations leads further growth in intimacy. With the feeling of female lips, the chosen one experiences excitement, touching involuntarily to the buttocks. Why is the guy touches the girl's ass during a kiss? Read further.

Why and why do people kiss?

A kiss is a border between people who are in the most trusting relationship. Close contact between each other saturates a love connection with special colors. The correct kiss improves health, raises the mood and immunity of a person. During the kiss, the heartbeat becomes more frequent, and breathing lingers for a split second. The hormone of happiness, love and partially decreases stress is also distinguished.

How to kiss a guy with a girl on the lips?

All movements should be unobtrusive and light. How to kiss a guy with a girl on the lips? Read more:

  • Having opened your mouth a little, gently spend the tip of the tongue along the lower lip of the chosen one, within a few shares of seconds.
  • Then, holding your breath, barely touching your lips, passionately merging into one movement, clinging closer to each other.
  • When the Canal of Passion reaches high peaks, it is necessary to abruptly interrupt the kiss. An intrigued young man will not be able to forget the gentle sensations, touch and will wait for a new meeting.

The manifestation of sympathy, tenderness, love and passion is considered the best way to tell about your feelings. The ability to kiss in intimate relationships is not an important point in the merger of two hearts. The most important thing is to show the chosen one that he is not indifferent and that there may be further development in relationships.

Why touch the ass during a kiss?

Gentle touches in a romantic relationship are necessary in order to become closer to each other. Why touch the ass during a kiss?

  • During touching the intimate parts of the body of the chosen one, the guy feels a strong desire for intimacy.
  • At this moment, a leader's feeling in a relationship appears.

Close contact with each other allows you to get closer and come faster to an intimate connection.

During a kiss, the guy touches the ass: why?

Communication between a guy and a girl takes place in several stages:

  1. First date
  2. Romance
  3. Kisses
  4. Touch
  5. Intimate intimacy

During a kiss, the guy touches the ass - why? Read more:

  • The closer the relationship becomes, the more intimate they acquire.
  • During a kiss, gentle touches cause a feeling of falling in love.
  • If the guy, kissing the girl, touches the pope of the chosen one, then he hopes to continue the relationship.
  • He also likes to touch the soft places of the girl.
  • When touching intimate places, girls are awakened by desires and positive emotions.

Another reason why the guy touches the girl for the ass is the natural instinct:

  • Sometimes it happens that a guy, hugging a girl, begins to spank the priest.
  • Without noticing it, he experiences a strong attraction to the girl.
  • But this can cause resentment if there are only friendly relations between the couple. However, if a girl reacts positively to such movements, then she does not mind giving hope for the development of further intimacy.

ADVICE: It is necessary to take a closer look at female signs of attention. After all, not always naive love can be shown or explained in words, sometimes you can understand only by the behavior of the girl.

With kisses, the guy can gently hug and caress the girl's back. Gradually dropping to the pope, the guy experiences desire and intimacy. Young youths like to touch parts of the body that start them. With mutual sympathy, such actions are pleasant to the girl, because ladies love when they are achieved and seduced.

What intimate places can a guy touch during a kiss to make a girl pleasant?

Each couple in love has its own framework in relationships in which various types of touching intimate places are allowed or prohibited. What can a guy touch during a kiss to make a girl pleasant? The most affordable parts of the body are:

  • Face

Touching with lips on the face means sincere love for the second half.

  • Hair

Stroking through the hair indicates that the young man is pleased to be next to the girl and that she was not indifferent to him.

  • Palms

When the guy touches the palms of his beloved girl, she feels that there is strong affection, calmness and protection between them.

  • Arms

Handing hands, there is a feeling of pride and confidence on the development of further events.

  • Shoulders

Light stroking on the shoulders means that the partner wants a long relationship, not one night.

  • Back

The back is a sensitive erogenous zone, when touching to which confidential feelings for each other appear.

By nature, men appear in men from visual and tactile contact. When in a passionate embrace there is an involuntary touch of the girl’s priest, this means that a man experiences a strong sexual attraction. A kiss can drive any person crazy. In order to stay in his memory and heart for a long time, you must remember some moments of the kiss:

  • Soft and light touch of lips
  • Gradual increase in the pressure of the lips to each other
  • Using the hands to enhance the effect of the kiss
  • Stroking with gentle movements through the hair
  • Intensity and changing the speed of movement during a kiss

A number of such movements are pleasant to any girl, if there is a mutual love connection. But in order for simple touches to turn into something more, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the development of relations. Women's buttocks are an erogenous zone that attract and attract male views.

Where else can you put your hands during a kiss to make it pleasant?

All relationships begin with kisses. Therefore, kissing you only need to limit yourself to lips, you can help with your hands to give the second half pleasure. Where else can you put your hands during a kiss to make it pleasant? Read more:

  • Hold on the hands

Holding hands, the couple in love tries to be closer to each other, demonstrating tender and warm feelings.

  • Put your hands on your chest

Not only girls are a sensitive area for touch. When stroking the chest of the chosen one, it is easy to notice how the facial expressions of his face will change. By putting your hands on the chest, you can add some highlight to the relationship with the simplest movements. Slowly run your fingers along this part of the body slightly stroking. Such movements will become exciting for the second half.

  • Slightly touch your hair

Men and women are very fond of when, during a kiss, the second half strokes and starts his hands in the hair. Tender stroking will be able to relax and prepare for a romantic moment.

  • Control hands

If the girl feels discomfort from touch, you can take the hands of her beloved and move to another place where it will become comfortable. Without interrupting the kiss, you can show the chosen one what you want.

  • Hang your arms around your neck

The light touch of the fingers along the neck will add a little passion to the arms and kisses. If a woman holds onto the man’s neck, there is a close bodily contact with each other and a sexual feeling wakes up.

It is difficult to imagine the emotional-sexual contact of a guy and a girl without kisses. Kisses can be long, sensual, but can be short and light. But this is always an indicator of the feelings of a loved one. However, do not forget that men do not always love what women love.

  • During a kiss, the girl establishes an emotional connection with her chosen one, and a man, with kisses, tries to increase the excitement of the girl.
  • Do not choose some kind of kisses, because they all complement each other.

It is better to experiment more often and listen to the desires of the chosen one in order to understand his desires and feelings.

Do the guys like it when girls touch them behind the ass during a kiss?

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to excite a man, husband?". You will find information about drugs and drugs for men - oil, massage, kiss.

Sometimes touching the posterior muscles of the young man are perceived negatively. They become irritated and regard actions such as an attempt to belittle. So, do the guys like it when girls touch them behind the ass during a kiss?

  • It is very rare that the guy perceives these movements from the point of view of a sexual nature.
  • If the relationship between the pair is fragile or no knowledge of how a partner reacts in situations, you should not make hasty decisions and make body movements that can lead to awkwardness.

It is better to refrain from desires and postpone for a while.

The main part of our life is intimate contact. No need to be afraid of your feelings, desires, new sensations and attraction to your partner. After all, a girl can allow her boyfriend only with a continuation of mutual relations.

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