Why does a loved one are shaking, hands trembling, body trembling? Why does the girl are shaking at the sight of a guy, after a hug with a guy, at the thought of a man who likes it? Why does a guy shock with a girl, touching a girl, excitement, during a kiss?

Why does a loved one are shaking, hands trembling, body trembling? Why does the girl are shaking at the sight of a guy, after a hug with a guy, at the thought of a man who likes it? Why does a guy shock with a girl, touching a girl, excitement, during a kiss?

In this article you will find answers to questions about falling in love and states accompanying this feeling.

Many young guys and girls are familiar with a situation where love covers with their heads. But it is not always possible to get acquainted with the object of adoration. With its form, it begins to shock and a pleasant trembling appears in the body.

What is this unknown feeling - love? The answer has not yet been found to this question. No one can clearly explain what this feeling means for a person, but to feel his arrival is lucky enough for many.

Why does a loved one shakes, hands tremble, body: reasons

Why does a loved one shakes, hands tremble, body: reasons
Why does a loved one shakes, hands tremble, body: reasons

All people “shake” in certain situations: when it is cold, with a feeling of fear or excitement.

  • A trembling can even appear when talking on interesting topics.
  • Esotericists argue that such topics have their own energy wave, and a person, falling into it, is at the stage of excitement and anticipation.
  • In some people, “shaking” begins at the beginning of the meetings, at the end of the meeting at the end of the meeting.
  • There are times when this condition occurs after dates.
  • For many, when communication is included in the usual channel, the reaction goes away, while in others it remains even after some time.
Why does a loved one are shaking?
Why does a loved one are shaking?

So why does a loved one are shaking, hands trembling, body trembling? The reasons:

  • An excess of energy. The main thing is to keep this feeling as long as possible. If this turns out, then the next step will be true love - the same bright and unique feeling in its feelings.
  • Lust. A person so much wishes his object of adoration that he cannot control himself. A sense of lust may appear if a person really likes.
  • Fear and excitement from a feeling of love. Many people associate such a “shaking” with fear of pain that a person can cause at the energy level. They even note that this fear and excitement arises before an unpleasant test. People part, causing pain to the person who experienced a sense of excitement and lust.
  • Abstinence. The human body reacts to exciting events in our lives. There is an active production of hormones that prepare the body for active actions, the pulse quickens, muscle tone increases, pressure and the respiratory rate increases. The body needs actions, and if such actions do not occur, tension grows inside and a slight shock of the hands or the whole body begins.

A trembling at the sight of a person who likes appears in those whose body reacts brighter to excitement, as well as in those people who are not used to being emotional, but always restrained and tries to be rational.

Why does the girl are shaking at the sight of a guy, after a hug with a guy, at the thought of a man who likes it?

Why does the girl are shaking at the sight of a guy, after a hug with a guy, at the thought of a man who likes it?
Why does the girl are shaking at the sight of a guy, after a hug with a guy, at the thought of a man who likes it?

Love is compared with a lightning blow, but no one can predict when it hit. This feeling appears suddenly.

  • Each person has his own requests for a loved one. I would like to find a soul mate that will be a little prettier, more successful or even more secured.
  • Searches can be endless, but when a person appears on the horizon who falls under all the given criteria, our brain begins to evaluate the object of lust.
  • A person in love is easy to recognize in the crowd, because this feeling is like a kind of nervous disorder.
  • A phone call, a sudden SMS, a knock on the door-any girl will jump in the hope that her beloved sent a news about herself.

So why does the girl are shaking at the sight of a guy, after a hug with a guy, at the thought of a man who likes it?

  • Scientists have proven that love is a biochemical process. It is useless to resist him, as the active production of the hormone dopamine begins. This process stimulates a surge of energy and inspiration.
  • The formation of an excess adrenaline. Anxious feeling appears precisely due to the production of adrenaline. The heartbeat is enhanced, the girl becomes talkative, shares with those around her emotions and smiles for no reason.
  • Hormone oxytocin. Awakers in a person passion. He is able to confuse the usual process of falling in love. Therefore, people often do not know what love is and do not know where the line is between love and love. This hormone is actively produced during sexual satisfaction, so the girls often hold on to the man who gives her sexual pleasure.

The girl at an intuitive level knows which man is able to deliver her maximum sexual pleasure. In addition, she is sure that he will be a wonderful father for her children. Therefore, after random meetings and connections, the girl may lose her head and fall in love.

Why is the guy, a man shaking everything with a girl, a woman, touching a girl, excitement, during a kiss?

Why is the guy, a man shaking everything with a girl, a woman, touching a girl, excitement, during a kiss?
Why is the guy, a man shaking everything with a girl, a woman, touching a girl, excitement, during a kiss?

It is known that a man is excited much faster than a woman. Even an ordinary kiss on the cheek can bring the guy into incredible excitement. So why does the guy, a man shaking everything with a girl, a woman, touching a girl, excitement, during a kiss?

  • A long passionate kiss for a man is a great prelude to sex. A surge of excitement appears and the intensity of this feeling increases with every touch.
  • Excitation - The body wants to attach and fix contact, and the brain understands that it is impossible. There are contradictions because of which there is a shake. In this case, ten -minute loneliness helps. If the guy moves away from the girl for 10 minutes, then the feeling of excitement will pass
  • Manifestation of a stressful situation. When a man sees an object of his lust, adrenaline is released into the blood.

In any case, if the guy is trembling at the sight of a girl - this means that she is not indifferent to him. Feeling in love, sexual attraction, adoration, inspiration and strong psychological excitement - all this leads to yeast.

Why does it start to shake when meeting with the former?

Why does it start to shake when meeting with the former?
Why does it start to shake when meeting with the former?

Often, the excitement when meeting with a former guy arises if he was the initiator of the parting. Probably, your feelings have not cooled yet and begins to shake when meeting with the former.

  • This happens if the girl understands that he does not need her, and he is still as beautiful, smart, in general, the best.
  • It is difficult to meet with an ex -boyfriend if the relationship is completed, and communication remains. Therefore, many women do not agree to communication after parting, it is easier for them to remain enemies than to experience excitement and even pain at the sight of a former loved one.
  • There is one excellent psychological technique to tame your excitement - it is to present a person to the poor and helpless. In this way, the Japanese samurai used the taming of their feelings. They could have a conversation with any people, presenting them with dirty and ragged clothes, but at the same time they felt majestically and confident.

A lover person wants to constantly dance and sing, “turn the mountains” and soar in heaven. It is not surprising that during this feeling begins to shake, and a light blush appears on the cheeks, and perhaps this is not just love, but true and pure love!

Video: Stages of love

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