What do kisses mean in different places, parts of the body: the psychology and meaning of a male kiss. The meaning of the guy’s kiss, men in the neck, right and left cheek, eyes, forehead, hand, nose, ear, head, shoulder, lips, deep with a tongue, closed and open eyes?

What do kisses mean in different places, parts of the body: the psychology and meaning of a male kiss. The meaning of the guy’s kiss, men in the neck, right and left cheek, eyes, forehead, hand, nose, ear, head, shoulder, lips, deep with a tongue, closed and open eyes?

Meaning and decoding of various kisses.

From birth, a person is programmed on kisses. First of all, this is a kind of “oral” memory that arises in the womb. After all, it was there that the child sucks his fingers to relax and calm down. Each kiss and touch with lips has its own meaning.

What does a kiss for a girl and a guy in a relationship mean: Types of kisses and their meaning

Many girls are interested in the meaning of kisses, because the guy on a subconscious level decided what his partner means. Using a kiss, you can determine how the guy treats you.

Kiss options:

  • Sliding. This is a kiss by the way, which may mean that the guy was not going to kiss you.
  • Seducing. Most often it is a kiss in which lips and tongue are involved. There may be suction. This kiss speaks of a sexual desire.
  • Dear. This is a kiss when the movements of the lips are active and absorbing, they stop kissing.
  • Provoking. This is a kiss that hints at sexual intercourse. In this case, the tongue inside the mouth moves, how frictions occur during sex.

The meaning of the guy's kiss, men in the neck

The neck is an erogenous zone in most women. A kiss in this area causes a lot of excitement and a sexual desire for a fair sex. The most interesting thing is that the US citizen was given a life imprisonment, for kissing the woman in the neck. This was equated with sexual harassment of the first type. Therefore, if a man kisses you in the neck, then he wants to possess you.

The meaning of the guy’s kiss, men in the right and left cheek

The kiss on the cheek has different meaning. Abroad, it is customary to welcome their familiar kisses on the cheek. This is an ordinary friendly smack that says that a person is glad to see you. But if you are in a relationship, then the kiss of a young man on the cheek says that he values \u200b\u200byou and glad to see you.

The meaning of the guy's kiss, men in the eye

This kind of touch with the lips is called a kiss of an angel. It is believed that this is the highest degree of proximity and only those who have serious intentions kiss in the eyes. Although the people believe that such a gesture promises parting.

The meaning of the guy's kiss, men in the forehead

Usually so kissed young children. The same thing happens with respect to a woman. In this case, a man shows care and is ready to support, patronize and protect you. This suggests that the guy treats you as a little girl.

The meaning of the guy’s kiss, men in the hand, palm, wrist - why do men kiss a woman's hand?

The attitude of women to such a kiss in our country is ambiguous. In Europe, such signs of attention are considered the norm. It is simply considered a greeting. But in Russia, the attitude to such touches is ambiguous.

They are positively related to older women, but young people do not really complain. But if you are unfamiliar with a man, and he kisses you in the hand, this indicates his interest and attention. If you kiss your wrists, then a man idolizes you and wants intimacy. The kisses of the fingers indicate a strong sexual desire.

The meaning of the guy's kiss, men in the nose

A kiss in the nose means the desire to attract attention and cause a smile on the face. Used by mothers who want to cheer their children. Often couples in love, who have long been together, with the help of a kiss in the nose, want to improve the mood of the second half.

The meaning of the guy's kiss, men in the ear

This is a passionate kiss, it is often combined by biting the lobe and testifies to the passionate desire of the partner. A man makes it clear that he wants you.

The meaning of the guy’s kiss, men in the head, hair, head of the head, temple

This kiss usually does not have a sexual connotation and expresses patronage. A man wants to protect you and take care of you. This often happens in pairs where a man is older than a woman.

The value of kisses to different places
The value of kisses to different places

The meaning of the guy's kiss, men in the shoulder

This kiss is ambiguous. This is still a lips, but no longer on the forehead. Often this speaks of hidden passion. A man wants you, but so far he manages to restrain his desire.

Quick kiss on the lips: what does it mean?

Such a picture is usually used when people greet in a friendly company. In this case, it does not mean anything. But if it was a random smack, then perhaps a partner is looking closely at you and wants more. He decided to evaluate your reaction and the opportunity to move on.

Ordinary kiss on the lips without a tongue

This is a classic kiss that speaks of passion. So the newly made lovers usually begin to kiss.


  • Tilt your head forward, relax your mouth and touch them to one lip of a man
  • It can be the lower lip. Next, hold your lover's lip between yours, linger for 2-5 seconds
  • If the partner reaches for you, then you can suck your lip, drive it with your tongue or bite

A deep kiss with the language of the exposure: what does it mean?

This is one of the most passionate kisses. He speaks of the sexual desire of a man, which he is not able to restrain. At the same time, the partner’s language moves in your mouth in your mouth.

The meaning of the guy’s kiss, men on the lips with closed and open eyes?

Causes of smack with open eyes:

  • He wants to control the situation
  • He wants to watch what is good with him
  • Cannot relax until the end
  • I read in a smart male magazine that kissing open eyes is fashionable

If a man closes his eyes, then most likely he is in love with his ears.

Bucking the lips with a kiss: what does it mean?

Initially, many will think that this is a manifestation of passion. But everything is not entirely true.

Reasons for bite of lips:

  • If, with a kiss, your man bites his lower lip a little, this symbolizes that he is not sure of your feelings, and the partner expresses jealousy.
  • If it slightly bites the upper lip with a kiss, then the authority is usually expressed in relation to you.

The meaning of the guy's kiss, men in the chest

Often there is not a single kiss, but a series called rain. It begins from the neck and descends below to the chest and stomach. He speaks of the passion of the partner and his sexual desire.

The meaning of the guy's kiss, men in the stomach

This kiss is possible between lovers. The partner is trying to tell you that you are close. After all, there are a lot of nerve endings in the lower abdomen. With their stimulation, sexual desire is activated.

The meaning of the guy's kiss, men in the corner of the lips

Such a picture speaks of the uncertainty of the partner. He is afraid that reciprocity will not follow you. Perhaps the partner doubts your interest.

The meaning of the guy's kiss, men in the knee

A kiss in the knee area indicates the tenderness and care of a partner. A man wants to rule over you. In you, he saw a little girl who needs care.

French kiss: what does it mean?

This kiss means the uncontrollable and frantic passion of the partner. A man needs you as a woman and wants sex.

Air kiss: What does it mean?

With the help of an air kiss, the girls flirt. This gives mystery and zest. Men rarely do this, because they are used to acting.

As you can see, there are many options for touching the lips, and they all carry a hidden meaning.

Video: different types of kisses

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  1. In addition to Kex, this does not mean anything? You are boring.

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