What do men do not like during a kiss: TOP-10 errors

What do men do not like during a kiss: TOP-10 errors

What men may not like during a kiss: mistakes that girls most often make, kissing.

Most girls are not very interested in how to learn how to kiss. They are sure that they really know exactly what men like during a kiss. Nevertheless, a survey of men and information from the forums indicate that there are mistakes that a girl can do. In this article, we have collected a list of as many as ten points, which men do not like during a kiss.

What do men do not like during a kiss: TOP 10 errors of girls

The guys on the forums say that they can annoy too passionate kisses, and a completely different extreme - when a girl behaves like a log during a kiss. We will try to systematize all men's claims on points to tell you how to learn how to kiss well. So, what do men do not like during a kiss:

1. When they try to get it with the tongue to the stages

When they tell how to learn how to kiss, they usually mention that the most sensitive zones are the lips and language of the partner. But this refers to the tip of the tongue. And to be more precise - its front third. Whoever taught anatomy well at school, remembers that it is in this zone that the most receptors and sensitive nerve endings are located. A girl who is trying to put her tongue in her mouth completely, one of the examples that men do not like at all during a kiss. Do not do that. An exception may be only the case when you want to surprise it with the size of your language.

To stick out your tongue, it is better when you are fooling around, and not during a kiss
To stick out your tongue, it is better when you are fooling around, and not during a kiss

2. When a girl hangs on her neck with all her weight

You, of course, saw the most beautiful romantic stories in dancing, in ballet performances, and figure skating. There are beautiful support, when a girl easily flickers in her arms, and it seems to him not hard to keep her at all. But are you sure that your man has the same good physical preparation? If you want to learn how to kiss in such a way as to give him pleasure, and not pain and muscle cramps, you will not hang on the neck of your beloved with all your weight.

Don't you think that a man’s smile is somewhat stretched?
Don't you think that a man’s smile is somewhat stretched?

3. When a girl behaves like a log

Once in my youth I had a young man who, during a kiss, simply opened his mouth very widely, and did nothing else at all. And she asked him: "Listen, are I the first girl?" And he told me “of course, not. I had Masha before you. " And then the story about Masha followed, in which I did not believe.

To say that I felt embarrassed and uncomfortable during such a kiss is to say nothing. It is easy to guess that a girl who does nothing at all, does not like men during a kiss. Girls, try your movements during a kiss, express your tender feelings for your man. A kiss is like a dance when the body language conveys emotions.

The cold of the partner repulses during the kiss
The cold of the partner repulses during the kiss

4. Unpleasant odor from the mouth

No need to underestimate this problem. Well, think about it, brushed my teeth for a long time. So what, that I have unpleasantly smells of my mouth, probably it smells the same, and he will not notice anything. Or maybe the smell of pizza I eat, it seems to him appetizing, and not unpleasant? All these arguments, if we talk about how to learn how to kiss a guy is not very significant.

Try not to eat products that provoke a strong unpleasant odor on a date. And these products include not only garlic and onions, but also coffee with chocolate. Half an hour after you ate chocolate, its remains turn into an excellent habitat for bacteria, they begin to actively decompose, and, accordingly, smell. If you do not think of your life without chocolates, eat them before going on a date, and then brush your teeth. The same applies to sweet buns, and other products in which there are a lot of sugar.

Chewing gum and special rinses help not only to mask the unpleasant odor, but also to really reduce the number of bacteria and food residues in the mouth.

Fresh breathing for a good kiss is necessary like air
Fresh breathing for a good kiss is necessary like air

5. too long kisses

On our list of what men do not like during a kiss, too long affection. Everything should be in moderation, and everything bothers. If you kiss him for too long, he will get tired of it. And he will begin to think not about you, but for example, about which team will win in the next football match, or to eat tasty to eat tomorrow for dinner, or begin to remember his work. Do you need it? Try to learn how to kiss so that he all the time remains with a feeling of light “hunger.

6. Cracking lips and herpes leather

Herpes is generally an infectious disease, especially the virus is angry when herpes in the active phase. Therefore, it is better not to kiss such sores on the lips at all. As for the cracked lips, this problem usually occurs against the background of a cold and reduced immunity. But it also happens that the lips simply cracked from kisses in the wind. In this case, use some kind of lip balm with a dense consistency. He will save your man from the unpleasant sensation that he kisses crackers or sandpaper.

To learn how to kiss in winter, you will need lip balm
To learn how to kiss in winter, you need lip balm

7. When you hit your noses

To rub on your partner with your nose, it is good only if he likes the traditional greeting of the Eskimos. In other cases, rubbing their noses with a kiss is how to cling to each other at the table, or step on your feet in the dance, or stumble on other people's legs. In general, nothing pleasant.

Greeting Eskimos
Greeting Eskimos

8. When your hair interferes

Skating how he will learn to kiss for the first time, they often forget to mention the habitual gesture for many girls, back hair back before the kiss. Do this so that your curls do not get confused with his glasses if he wears them. Sometimes a young man has a beard with fairly tough hair, in which hair can also get confused.

If the hair falls into the mouth, then this is also unpleasant. A lot of unpleasant feelings can be delivered even by one hairy that came into your mouth during meals. What can we say about the whole strand of hair that can climb into his mouth during a kiss.

Let the loose hair will be behind the kiss
Let the loose hair will be behind the kiss

9. When you kiss in official organizations and some other crowded places

Before you offer your partner a kiss, think if this will bring him psychological discomfort. Perhaps he is inconvenient to kiss in the walls of the institute in which he is studying. Or you are in a company where there are his older relatives, to whom he is inconvenient. Or on the street a whole detachment of grandmothers on a bench is looking at you, and he will be uncomfortable when they begin to discuss you. Kisses are quite intimate.

Fucking corners are more suitable for kisses
Fucking corners are more suitable for kisses

10. Is it worth looking at him when you kiss?

One of the things that men do not like during a kiss is the girl's gaze. Closing your eyes during a kiss is, firstly, a tribute to the partner. Secondly, when you close your eyes, the rest of your feelings are aggravated, and so you can feel better your beloved. If he opens his eyes for a minute during a kiss, and finds that you look at him point blank, then he will not be too pleased.

Video: School of Kisses, ten mistakes with a kiss

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