How to excite a man, husband? Preparations and drugs for excitation of a man, husband: oil, massage, kiss

How to excite a man, husband? Preparations and drugs for excitation of a man, husband: oil, massage, kiss

The article will give advice and recommendations on how to excite a man as efficiently as possible.

The interest of partners to each other should be felt in all areas of life. Sex at any stage of the relationship should bring unforgettable feelings and emotions.

One of the main rules of good sex is a strong excitement of both partners. In the power of any woman to turn his man into a strong male who will certainly want to take possession of his prey.

  • To make excitation strongly act sincerely and intuitively. By behavior and body signs, you yourself will understand what a man needs
  • All actions should be kept sincere, and words should not be stretched
  • If you are notorious, then select the method of exciting a partner that will seem the most acceptable to you. The main thing is to be yourself and try to reveal as a relationship develops

Signs of an excited man

  • An experienced woman will always be able to recognize when her actions led to the proper result. If there is no result, then tactics should be changed
  • When excited in a person, arterial pressure increases naturally: the heartbeat quickens, breathing is lost and head is dizzy
  • If a person grows up on someone who delivers aesthetic enjoyment of his pupils expanded involuntarily
  • When excited, many men are lost in words, cannot coherently support the conversation
  • A man’s look can be either very focused on you or wandering if he is discouraged by his condition
  • He will try to be closer to you, try to touch or snuggle up
  • An eroded penis is another significant argument in favor of the fact that the man is excited. Sometimes, however, the male organ may not be excited at all because of sexual activity, but because of the stagnation of blood in the pelvis
Interested man
Interested man

What excites men most?

  • Each man is individual and identify a factor that excites all men as much as possible
  • Among the most exciting factors are: a beautiful woman and her forms, touching erogenous zones, conversations on intimate topics, massage, smells
  • If you are not familiar with for long, then you can unobtrusively ask about what the man likes and what excites him
  • Unfortunately, not all men themselves know that they are exciting as much as possible
  • You can find out what your man likes more experimentally. Use various ways of excitement and observe its reaction
What excites men
What excites men

Preparations and drugs to arouse men

  • Since ancient times, people have known natural aphrodisiacs that can increase the excitability of men. These include: mussels, avocados, aloe juice, artichoke, asparagus
  • Many spices actively affect the libido of men. Among the most effective: Kayen pepper, ginger, cinnamon, garlic and saffron
  • Small doses of alcohol, for example, a glass of red wine will help a man relax and get excited
  • Medicines such as tincture of eleutherococcus increase pressure and contribute to excitement
  • There are a number of tablets and creams that can contribute to excitement. But you need to use them with caution and better after consulting a doctor

Acting men

  • The sincere desire for intimacy and admiration for your partner. Each man is by nature a conqueror and he wants to be the most for his woman
  • Frank conversations with erotic subtext very excite many men
  • Erotic dance will surely appreciate every representative
  • Massage and pleasant touch will help a man relax and tune in the right way
  • Try not to rush events. Let the man feel like a conqueror, and you just direct him in the right direction

How to excite a man in bed?

  • Sexual appearance is already half the success. Put erotic linen or game suit, shoes or heeled sandals. Your man will surely appeal
  • Walking around the house, throw him hints, stroke and gently whisper obscene phrases in the ear. All men love it without exception
  • Light candles and turn on calm music. Such an atmosphere will set up in the right way
  • Use his favorite aroma of female spirits. Apply it to the pulsation area: wrist, neck
  • Make a man a relaxing massage, starting with the feet and rising higher
  • If this is in your power, dance an erotic dance for a man
  • Let him take the initiative into his own hands. Let him manage the process himself, and you strongly support his enthusiasm
Excitement in bed
Excitement in bed

Phrases, words exciting men. How to excite a man according to SMS?

  • No need to speak or write too abstruse phrases, this will violate the entire intimate atmosphere
  • Men do not understand hints, try to express your thoughts as straightforward as possible
  • Often to write to a man when he is really busy - not the best idea. Take care of your candid SMS for the time when he returns from work
  • erotic SMS can be written even at home when you and your partner in different rooms
  • Send a man your frank photo with the phrase "I want you!". This will necessarily work properly
  • It is not necessary to write something completely vulgar, especially if this is not characteristic of your character. Even the harmless phrase “you drive me crazy” can have an amazing effect
Frank SMS
Frank SMS

How to excite a man with a kiss?

  • Different men are excited by different kisses. But perhaps the most optimal for love games is a French kiss
  • If you started kissing a man, then try to keep this initiative. This will make a touch of diversity and make it clear to the partner about your further intentions
  • Do not be monotonous. Combine various kissing techniques
  • Try a man. The stronger floor likes to be a conqueror and seek a cherished kiss
  • You can kiss not only on the lips. The neck area, behind the ear is also an erogenous zone

Exciting massage for men

  • To get started, prepare the appropriate atmosphere: make the lights muffled or light candles, turn on pleasant calm music, bed beautiful bed, and put on your sexual set of linen
  • Start massage with stroking the whole body, setting up a partner on the desired wave
  • Use fragrant massage oil to increase the exciting effect. Find out in advance what smell your man loves
  • Next, make a light massage, starting from the feet and rising higher. Just lightly touch erogenous zones
  • After this stage, a man in the most sensitive places can kiss. After such a massage, a man will not be able to resist any woman

Clothes exciting men

  • Everyday home clothing for women should be, if not sexy, then at least attractive. Excessive sweaters and dimensionless pants with scuffs are unacceptable
  • Pay attention to your hairstyle, do light makeup or lubricate your face with a special lotion
  • Especially try to look beautiful in the evening when household chores are finished. Evening is a special moment when you are left alone with each other
  • Be sure to put on the beautiful underwear that combines with each other. Take an interest in what style of linen excites your man. You can give him the initiative to choose linen for you
  • In order to diversify your sex life, you can buy a game suit. They are sold in online stores or in stores of goods

Essential oils and smells exciting men

  • The essential oil of orange and other citrus fruits has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. In addition, this smell is practically pleased with everyone
  • Vanilla and cinnamon - these smells are suitable for lovers of sweet smells, they liberate and relax
  • Sandal oil can greatly affect men's libido and even improve potency
  • Rose and jasmine are delicate smells that can be combined with many aromas. They are not intrusive and create an aura of love in the room
  • Essential oils can be used in aroma lamps. To do this, you need to know what oils are combined with each other
Essential oils
Essential oils

How to quickly excite men: tips and reviews

  • Remember that men are by nature a strong floor. Your excitation methods should not be too assertive
  • A light hint, ambiguous phrases or light touch will already lead an indifferent man
  • Excitation techniques should be used not only at the beginning of the relationship. They are extremely effective with a long relationship
  • The woman should have a riddle that a man will be pleased to solve
  • Use a variety of excitation methods so that they have a proper effect

Video: how to massage a man

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