Why is there no feeling of saturation after eating? How to understand that you have no feeling of saturation after eating? How is the process that gives a feeling of saturation after eating?

Why is there no feeling of saturation after eating? How to understand that you have no feeling of saturation after eating? How is the process that gives a feeling of saturation after eating?

All the time I would like to eat: fight with the lack of a feeling of saturation after eating.

There is little, and quick feeling saturation is the ability that millions of women and men dream of. But most often the opposite - you eat a lot, and you want another piece! In this article we will tell you why there is no feeling of saturation after eating and how to rectify the situation.

Reasons for the lack of a feeling of saturation after eating

Appetite and hunger are the protective functions of the body that resemble the “forgetful” owner to saturate the body with food and drink, thanks to which the body will receive the desired energy. But the greenhouse conditions of the XX-XXI century have played a cruel joke with humanity and broke a system that has worked well for many centuries.

If only a few suffered obesity, today every third adult and every second child there is no feeling of saturation after eating, which entails overeating and obesity. So what affects the feeling of saturation? On a feeling of hunger? How to make the mechanism work properly?

Regular overeating is one of the reasons for the lack of a feeling of saturation after eating
Regular overeating is one of the reasons for the lack of a feeling of saturation after eating

To begin with, we will analyze the reasons related to human health:

  • Periodic or constant decrease in blood glucose. This leads to two consequences - a strong thirst, and a stable appetite that can only be satisfied with a large amount of carbohydrates. In this case, it is necessary to regularly check the blood sugar and immediately contact the therapist, who will direct for the examination and to a narrow specialist;
  • Empty stomach. Maybe you are in pursuit of new -fangled diets take a greater break between meals, or eat very small portions (less than 150 ml). In this case, the feeling of hunger and the lack of saturation after eating are really justified. In other cases, this indicates diseases of the digestive tract;
  • The imbalance of the hormone Grelin. With such disorders, the body requires food all the time, even when it ate a double portion of food and the stomach literally “cracks”. It is recommended to donate blood for hormones and a visit to an endocrinologist;
  • The imbalance of the hormone leptin It also leads to a constant feeling of hunger. In this case, a feeling of saturation can come after a portion of food, but after 10-15 minutes the feeling of hunger will be overcome again;
  • False hunger as a result of stress and emotional differences. Chronic stress and jamming of problems “tasty” leads to advanced psycho-emotional states and obesity, which can only be cured when visiting a therapist.

Now let's consider why there is no feeling of saturation after eating because of our wrong food habits:

  • Low -calorie diets or rejection of carbohydrates, fats or proteins. The unbalance of the "three whales" of food will always lead to a feeling of hunger and a feeling of not saturation of food. Review the approach to nutrition and diets so that in the future there are no such unpleasant sensations that can lead to overeating;
  • Regular excess of calories. As a result, there is a failure in which you want more and more food. The people are called a “stretched stomach”, but in fact, the shape of the stomach has nothing to do with it, the problem lies in the constant feeling of hunger and the lack of a sense of saturation;
  • Regular abuse of fatty foods, Especially with a lot of potatoes. The more you eat, the more I want. This is all about fatty dishes, fried and beloved by many fast foods. The metabolism and the work of the gastrointestinal tract is violated and as a result - a bouquet of diseases and there is no feeling of saturation after eating;
  • Vegetarianism and veganism. Many people like this philosophy, and some are seduces a picture of an ideal life with an ideal figure. The first - vegetarians can also have excess weight, the second - not everyone is suitable for such a power system. Some people note that there is no feeling of saturation after eating, even after many months. The state of health may also be violated, then doctors recommend returning to the usual system of proper nutrition;
  • Frequent hunger strikes, detoxes, monodite. Yes, all this gives a quick result, but everything is good in moderation. Frequent such experiments can disrupt the usual state of the body, and a feeling of saturation will not come even on days when the nutrition is full -fledged;
  • Diet. Harmful additives, a lot of seasonings, especially synthetic, sodium glutamate, including entail malfunctions in the digestive tract. People complain that they do not have a feeling of saturation after eating, but in reality synthetic additives only increase hunger and will not come more saturated. Eat such food regularly? The body can rebuild and demand harmful food, like drugs, daily;
  • Early climb or small interval for sleep It knocks down the body and as one of the side effects - there is no feeling of saturation after eating. Fix simply - to go to bed and get up at the same time, sleep at least 7 hours a day.

We summarize: If you do not have a feeling of saturation after eating, review your diet, daily routine, and also take tests for the identification of weaknesses in the body.

How to understand that you have no feeling of saturation after eating?

The problem concerns not only adults, but also children. Typically, parents try to give the child the best in their understanding, and they themselves unconsciously push children onto the false path in nutrition. They are caught when the children have excess weight, and the child pulls his hands to food around the clock.

Sometimes, it seems that there is no feeling of saturation after eating, because they ate quite a bit, but others convince you of the opposite. Identify your condition and, if necessary, go to a dietary rod consultation.

Winnie the Pooh is a bright example when there is no feeling of saturation even with your favorite food
Winnie the Pooh is a bright example when there is no feeling of saturation even with your favorite food

How to understand that you have no feeling of saturation after eating:

  • After a portion of food, you feel that you are still hungry and want additives. The situation in lunch is especially clearly visible, when, after a portion of soup, cereal or vegetables with meat, the body persistently requires adding from a roll or cake;
  • Regular weights of weight, such changes are also called “Moon” when the figure constantly changes during the week, as on a swing;
  • A sharp jump in weight and then regular replenishment with new kilograms;
  • Flatulence, bloating, even when there are no dairy products and legumes on the menu;
  • The desire to put something in the mouth occurs more often than once per hour, especially in the first hours after eating;
  • On the desktop you have snacks for a snack, even if it is free or nuts;
  • Appetite occurs during reading, viewing TV;
  • During meals, you look at the screen or read, listen to the text, and no matter the phone or the newspaper, the series on the background or an audiobook;
  • The mood worsens when there is no food nearby, when you need to wait before lunch/dinner, and also spoils the mood when looking in the mirror, but it seems impossible to change food habits.

If you have found one of the above symptoms - it's time to think about the diet, a meal schedule and drinking regime. Indeed, many people in modern society cannot distinguish a feeling of hunger from elementary thirst. And all because during the day tea, coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks, juices are drunk and only occasionally there is ordinary purified water. By the way, mineral waters are calculated only when they are without gas.

Why has the perception of saturation and feelings of hunger has massively changed?

Our world is changing rapidly, and a person becomes many times easier every year. A few centuries ago, in order to get a vegetable or fruit - it was necessary to grow, collect, save it. To get meat - to grow hard work, or to catch on the hunt, which was no more an easy solution. Mushrooms, most berries were collected by entire families!

Tell me, not everyone did it? Yes, there was a layer of citizens who earned on food with hard physical labor. And the elite of society, the day of which was also painted in minutes. Total, the percentage of people who led a passive lifestyle and received from life everything they wanted was insignificant, therefore, their habits were practically not noticeable to society.

Gluttony - the tragedy of mankind
Gluttony - the tragedy of mankind

Today, human labor in most cases is significantly lightweight, and living conditions are much easier. In addition, the generation of surviving hunger strikes and a difficult war presented us with a large “bear service”. They wanted to protect their children and grandchildren in every possible way from severe burden and always poured more portions. If you do not want to eat - through power another piece, and always with bread, because it is the head of everything!

Just a few generations and we have lost our ability to saturate after eating. And the latest storage conditions of products, such as freezing and conservation, aggravated the situation, giving constant oversaturation by harmful products. Also, the active use of synthetic and sharp seasoning makes receptors even more, and as a result, a person does not have a feeling of saturation after eating, even when he does not fit!

What to do about it? Completely change the approach to nutrition, to the diet, the culture of eating, and also not to forget about the younger generation that only learns to live. There should be exactly so much food so that the body can fully function, which means, getting up from the table, you should feel slightly unsatisfied. And then after a few months, getting used to the new menu and portions, you will feel saturation with delicious and healthy food.

How is the process that gives a feeling of saturation after eating?

So, you revealed that you do not have a feeling of saturation after eating. But how to get it? And how is the process itself?

  • The body feels that there is no food in the digestive tract for a while, it experiences a deficiency of energy and nutrients - gives a signal in the form of a feeling of hunger;
  • A person eats, thereby filling the stomach. In this process, food chewing plays an important role. For example, a person chews whole pieces of meat 30-40 times (if the process occurs correctly), and the juice swallows immediately. Accordingly, a feeling of saturation will come faster when eating meat, although there may be more volume and calories in the juice;
  • Nervous endings give a signal about a feeling of saturation. This does not happen instantly, but with a slight delay, so it is recommended to eat a portion of food slowly, and then wait another 10-15 minutes, after which healthy saturation is felt. If there is, to a feeling of saturation, then in the end you will receive heaviness in the stomach and again feel all the difficulties of overeating;
  • With proper functioning of the body, a feeling of saturation is present for about an hour, and a feeling of hunger occurs 3-4 hours after the last meal.

What to do if there is no feeling of saturation after eating?

It is easier to restore if you recently felt that there is no feeling of saturation after eating. Worse - if you don't even remember this feeling. So how to regain a sense of saturation and switch to a new, better standard of living? The process is not simple, but quite real:

  • Enjoy the body to eat in time. Food “on demand” is controversial in a healthy body, and if there are violations, only harm from it, since the body all the time signals a feeling of hunger;
  • Five is a single food - optimal. In this case, you can add only one light snack;
  • Change your approach to eating. Accustom yourself to the culture of nutrition. Eat only at the table, with beautiful, neat dishes. Food is served beautifully and portioned. Even if you eat in a work break food that you brought from the house, apply in portioned neat soda or containers;
  • Chew. Refuse quick meals. Ideally, if you chew each piece at least 20 times;
  • Drink water. It is water, other drinks do not count;
  • Refuse snacks maintain the intervals between meals;
  • Refuse bright, saturated with seasonings and taste additives of dishes. You can add them in small quantities later, when the body is rebuilt;
  • Take care of business. It sounds insulting, but it is idleness that pulls us to food most often. Is it boring just watching a movie? Learn needlework, not click nuts or eat another portion of food.

And, of course, go to proper nutrition and control the size of the portions. An effective focus of recent years is to photograph everything you eat. No, no need to score social networks - keep it for yourself and analyze it once a day.

There is everything without stopping - an alarming symptom of stress
There is everything without stopping - an alarming symptom of stress

Remember that it can take up to several months while the body is rebuilt.

Products with which you get a feeling of saturation after eating

Do you know how good nutritionists are? They give a ready -made solution. Thoughtful, balanced daily menu. If you make up the menu yourself - check if you have products in your diet that give a quick feeling of saturation.

If you do not have a feeling of saturation after eating, be sure to turn on the maximum products from the list below:

  • Natural custard coffee. A cup of aromatic coffee gives a feeling of saturation for at least an hour! Despite the fact that in a cup of custard coffee without sugar only 2 kcal. Add stimulation of the nervous system and dulling the receptors responsible for appetite - a decent replacement for a classic snack in the morning. The main thing is not to get carried away and do not add cookies;
  • Natural yogurt, without additives. There is a lot of calcium in yogurt and he quickly gives a feeling of saturation with food. But there is a trap from manufacturers who like to sweeten and supplement yogurts with all kinds of sweet additives. They annoy the receptors, and instead of 100-200 g of yogurt, you can eat 500 g;
  • Bananas. Despite their high calorie content, bananas quickly give saturation and are ideal in cases where a person misses me food. If you want to improve the digestive tract - enter 1 banana per day in the diet;
  • Avocado. Thanks to mono -saturated fats, it gives a feeling of saturation after the first pieces. A great addition for light deciduous, vegetable salads;
  • Warm milk gives not only a feeling of saturation, but also relaxation. Good, like the last drink before bedtime. In addition to calcium, contains a lot of beneficial substances.

There is no feeling of saturation after eating: we change the worldview

Work is more important than life, the family is more important than yourself, now it’s still a breakthrough, and then, through a year I will live for myself. Do you know such installations? Yes, from childhood we are taught to be “convenient” for society, family, future spouse and children. Parents, living without feeling happiness and satisfaction with life, convey exactly the same attitudes to their children.

Useful dinners with them from caring Japanese parents
Useful dinners with them from caring Japanese parents

So, change the worldview and forever forget that there is no feeling of saturation after eating, and generally satisfaction with life. Change yourself, and teach your children to this. And to do it is simple. Although unprepared, with step -by -step laying of stereotypes, it will be very difficult to rebuild at first:

  • Realize that your body is the most important thing that you have in the world. Without this body, you will not be;
  • Love your body. No, we do not urge you to love what is, resigned to the situation and letting everything out by chance. But the body should be loved as the most valuable thing in your environment. For example, you bought an expensive car from the cabin. How will you relate to her? The body is your car that leads you along the road of life;
  • How will you take care of an expensive car? Also take care of your body. Even if it is not perfect yet, take care of, make massages, take a walk in expensive clothes. Pamper it with cosmetic procedures;
  • Add the body of muscle joy with physical training. Remember that training should bring joy, pleasure. Walking in the park, swimming, dancing lessons. Everything that you are tired, but happy at the end;
  • And now, let's move on to the most important issue - The taste of food and aesthetic pleasure from eating. In the expensive car, you will not pour diesel fuel? Also treat yourself. Put food in beautiful dishes, relish each piece of food. Treat the fact that you eat and drink. After all, this is directly proportional to your appearance.

With this approach, women and men are transformed for 3-4 weeks! And six months later they lead a completely different life. By the way, if children are growing up, this is an additional incentive. Show an example of how to love your body.

There is no feeling of saturation after eating: recommendations of nutritionists

Nutritionists argue that if there is no feeling of saturation after eating, then a comprehensive examination and change of food habits is necessary. And despite the fact that most of the patients are amusing themselves with the thought of the miraculous doctor and his healing tablet, most often the problem lies directly in food habits.

So, we change food habits. Recommendations of nutritionists:

  • For a month, introduce fractional power supply (every 2-3 hours) and then switch to 5. One-time power plus 1 snack;
  • Eat a strictly measured portion and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger;
  • A complete rejection of sweets, all flour products, smoked meats, as well as fried, including grill. It will be possible to lead a little harmfulness only after a decrease in weight and gaining a sense of saturation after small portions;
  • Supplement life with physical activity. Be sure to charging in the morning, hourly cardio training (the type of load depends on the level of preparation, starting on walking), stretching in the evening;
  • Add green leaflets, fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, mushrooms, legumes and nuts to the diet (it is better to avoid peanuts).

There is no feeling of saturation after eating: reviews

Alina: The last time I remember how I sat happy at the table of the cafe, saturated with a cheesecake at 18 years old. Then the study combined with work, a successful marriage and three children. I realized that I was in a trap at a meeting of graduates, when classmates asked if I always eat without ceasing, and at such a speed, as if they were now pulled out from my hands. I took a vacation and began to rebuild. Today I feel saturation from a soup plate and weigh 20 kg less than six months ago at a meeting of graduates!

Inga: I learned that I have no feeling of saturation after eating at a conscious age. As a child, I hated food, and I was fed through force. Then she replaced the hated food with sweets and ate them every day, until the arrow of the scales left for the mark of 100 kg. Then there were diets and exhausting sport, breakdowns and all in a circle. I came across advice, treat the body as an outsider, but very expensive object. Helped. Not immediately, but helped. A year later, I learned to eat deliciously and right, relishing each product, choosing my favorite combinations. And yes, in a year I have lost two times!

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Comments K. article

  1. A typical problem for me, especially during the period of weight loss. And the portion is normal, and in calories everything is ok, and I do not eat at least you crack. The nutritionist said this is normal, the main thing is to endure the first 3 weeks, then the appetite will return to normal. According to his recommendation, she took a turboschem day to day, reduces the feeling of hunger and helps to lose weight.

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