Reasons why running does not help in the fight against excess weight

Reasons why running does not help in the fight against excess weight

Everyone chooses their own way of losing weight. In addition to diets, calories should be burned with physical activity. As physical exertion, some choose running. There are a number of reasons why the run does not help to lose weight, consider them in more detail.

Morning or evening jogging is a great way to improve the body, recharge with energy and, as many people think, lose weight. In addition, running trains endurance, allows you to strengthen the cardiovascular system. But, as it turned out, running does not help lose weight.

In any case, some people who regularly engage in this sport claim that running does not help in the fight against excess weight. Rather, thanks to him, they support excellent shape, experience a surge of strength, nothing more. Indeed, there is a reason for this phenomenon, we will consider them further in detail.

Running does not help lose weight - reason: the same loads

The worst way to lose weight is running
The worst way to lose weight is running

The human body can adapt to any loads, especially if they affect it day by day. Because, when you bother the body daily with the same load, then nothing will change, and your kilograms will remain in place.

That is why the run does not help a person who runs a few kilometers every day. Thus, only endurance can be trained, have good physical training and pump the muscles of the legs.

According to the researchers, it was found that thanks to daily runs can achieve the following results:

  • At first, after the runes, the weight is actually dropped, but until a certain time, then the body begins to get used to the daily load, and the volumes are already the same.
  • Thanks to running, performance is enhanced, the digestive system, heart, lungs, and blood circulation improves.
  • Running is also a stimulator of the body's immune system.
I can’t lose weight with running
It is not possible to drop after prolonged jogging

IMPORTANT: If a person has chronic pathologies, then running can aggravate the situation. There is a risk of manifestation of diseases, as a result, immunity fails and then the joints, muscle mass, ligaments still hurt.

As a result, it will be possible to lose weight only at the very beginning. When the body gets used to the load from daily runs, there will be no weight loss. To continue to lose weight, you will have to load more and more the body, follow a strict diet. Only this will require a lot of effort and willpower.

You can compare the run with cardio training. You run for half an hour, during this time it will burn 200 kcal. Anyway, not to eat your afternoon snack - the effect is the same. And in order to lose weight and fix the result, it is recommended to combine cardio and strength training, and the load on the body must be increased daily. Then they will only melt kilograms.

Running does not help lose weight - reason: low pace

The second reason why running does not help lose weight is low pace of run. It will not be possible to lose kilograms when your body works half. More precisely, slow runs will not burn many calories. But endurance thanks to them will be on top.

When a person is fat, it is better to start running slowly, it's like on a treadmill. First, training is carried out on a deuce, and so gradually move to the last level of complexity - up to dozens.

Provided that a person will still begin to observe a diet, he will begin to lose weight. And at the first stage of such training, there will be a lot of weight loss. After that, body weight will cease to decline again, because the body will get used to the loads. And you won’t achieve one weight loss.

Will the run help to lose weight?
Will the run help to lose weight?

Again, you will also have to add strength training to the jogs, strictly observe the diet, not eat fatty, fried, salty, sweet food and drink water at all stages of weight loss.

Running does not help lose weight - reason: incorrect calculation of calories

Objectively to evaluate the number of calories spent after runs is impossible. After all, all the testimonies are averaged. Each organism emits energy in different ways. Also, for this reason, running does not help lose weight, lose weight, as we would like.

People spend calories in continuation of the whole day, not only after intense training. A lot of energy goes to people leading a mobile lifestyle. This is also a plus to those calories that are burned in training.

It should also be taken into account that in such individuals the body is more trained, because the usual run will not give anything in the sense of losing weight, they need to add more loads and reduce the consumption of high -calorie products to reduce body weight.

Running does not help lose weight - the reason: running is ineffective without other loads

The Internet has a lot of people who claim that running does not help lose weight. Even those who do not make the above mistakes still cannot lose weight in any way. There is another reason - this is that ordinary runs without other additional loads Do not act on the body of well -trained athletes.

I can’t lose weight with running
I can’t lose weight with running

INTERESTING: Strength & Conditioning Research published an article that runs at a calm pace contribute to a decrease in muscle mass and even slow down its growth. Proof of this is multiple photos with figures of marathoners.

Running does not help to lose weight - the reason: you run too much

  • The last reason that running does not help to lose weight is statement: run a lot. No matter how strange it sounds, but the weight will stand on the same mark if you run a lot. This provokes a hormonal failure, although the reason is not prolonged, it is still worth noting.
  • Sport is not only the benefits for the body, physical activity can cause stress in all body systems. As a result, it stands out in an excess of cortisol. The hormone provokes the deposition of fat in the abdominal zone. Gradually, the excessive content of cortisol leads to the fact that the stomach grows.
  • To suppress the effect of the hormone on the body, a person begins to eat sweets. The cycle comes out - after overeating, excess body weight appears, and it is impossible to abandon sweets. Fighting such a problem is very difficult.
Big belly - running a lot
Big belly - running a lot
To return to normal, the athlete should run less, then the appetite will subside, you will immediately notice the changes. Your slender waist will gradually return to you. The main thing is to sleep more, less load the body, not be subjected to stress.

Does the run help to lose weight - reviews:

The reasons why running does not help to lose weight has already been studied. Now you can find out with examples of real reviews whether the run in the fight with excess weight is effective or not.

Oksana, 30 years old:

It only got warmer in May, began to run. At first, after running, my legs hurt. For a month and a half, I lost two kilograms. And then, most likely, this happened because I also observed a diet. Then the legs got involved already stopped hurting, and stopped losing weight, although she ran on duty. After running, I feel pleasant fatigue and sleep all night, because in the morning I do not suit the run. I try to run only in the evenings. I also forgot to say that you should run correctly, so that it doesn’t beat on my side, you can’t eat two hours before the runs, it is also advisable to drink anything, otherwise there will be unpleasant sensations. And the run will turn into a nightmare.

Karinka, 22 years old:

She began to run with her friends in the morning, wanted to drop extra pounds. Since childhood, I knew that runs are not only useful for the body, but also effective for weight loss. That's just running for me not quite a suitable sport. I don't like the run. It seems that I am losing all my strength when I run. Despite this, I wanted to prove to my friends that I could. For the first time, she ran quite a bit at a fast pace, but so out of breath that she did not run anymore, also to stab on her side, she barely reached home. The second time the jogging was a success, I ran for half an hour, but then my legs hurt. So we arranged runs daily in the morning for three weeks. During this time, the result is not high. I dropped only a kilogram and everything, and a lot of strength was spent. Therefore, I don’t want to run anymore, I’d better go to the gym to lose weight.

Video: Running does not help lose weight

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Comments K. article

  1. As my husband would say “you need to eat less”)) although I understand that this is all a slightly more complex process. Not so long ago, she went through the weight loss, and it turned out successfully only on the third attempt. There used to be breakdowns due to the fact that there were almost no results and I lost the motivation quickly. The run, by the way, was connected after she began to engage in the power in the hall. As a result, I had 3 jogging + 3 power per week. In front of Cardio (running) sometimes eaten a bar with L-carnitine (if it was very hungry), but more often L-Carnitine himself saw in liquid form-the sports expert was called (ordered online). I didn’t use any more additives, but these have already given good acceleration) because, probably, everything without disruptions has passed this time

  2. If a person eats a lot in a day, the unfortunate hour and a half run will not save him. The general shortage of calories is important. I could not refuse sweets and pastries, in which there are many calories. The derivative of the food diary and the turboslim neuro, which reduces the appetite and craving for sweets, helped.

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