Why do women beat? Are there any women who themselves bend the beatings?

Why do women beat? Are there any women who themselves bend the beatings?

What to do with a home tyrant: to leave or stay? Signs by which you can understand that they will beat you.

Why do women beat? Perhaps because a woman is weaker, which means a rapist will not get a rebuff? Are there women who themselves bending the beatings from husbands? Let's try to understand these issues.

Why do women beat and they endure it?

Why do women beat? The question is monstrous in itself. The question will be the same monstrous why children, old people and animals are beating. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 13% of all disclosed murders belong to the category of "violence in the family or on household grounds." If the sadists knew that for every shed tear would have to be paid, they would have measured their ardor and tied their hands themselves.

Impunity for the crime committed, gives rise to new violence. We will not understand the moral appearance of those who spread their hands now. For what reason the sadist became such, it may be interesting to law enforcement or psychiatrists. Let's try to understand why a woman suffers beatings and other violence against herself? What are women who are under the same roof with a sadist?

  • Screams and swearing.
  • Oblige insults.
  • Beating.
  • Infringement in the purchase of food and things, despite the fact that there is enough money.
  • The tyrant limits the circle of communication, it is beneficial for him to deprive you of the support of friends.

Do a woman need to endure such an appeal, or does she need to come to terms with a sad of her husband? In severe cases, psychologists persistently recommend breaking marriage. But it happens that a woman herself does not want a breakup. What can keep a woman in such a marriage?

  • Minor children.
  • Lack of work and regular income.
  • Psychological dependence.
  • Feeling guilt, the sadist will always blame the victim in everything, and some victims believe that they deserve such an attitude.

Psychologists say that in the chain “executioner is the victim”, both participants of the tandem are equally guilty. A victim that allows itself to humiliate and beat himself provokes violence. Perhaps the power of inertia is triggered here, when, despite all the injustice of his position, he continues to live in unexpected conditions. Have you ever seen a skier on a deep track? Despite the fact that there is a more convenient path nearby, it goes its skille only because it is difficult to switch to the next road, it’s easier to walk along the already beaten path.

How to find the strength and break the vicious circle of violence against yourself? If minor children hold you in a marriage with a tyrant, think what they see in front of them every day?

Children are very worried about screams, abuse and assault of parents. Their psyche may suffer, and in some cases, in order to “not see and not hear” the nightmare of such relationships, children close in themselves. They have signs of autism. Can the preservation of marriage be useful for children? No, if they see how dad beats mom.

Kids tend to blame themselves for adult conflicts. Indeed, for them in the center of the universe they are themselves - and the whole world is spinning around them. Some children, faced with violence, go into their own world dreams, and this can result in creativity. But more often, parental conflict leads to self -doubt.

Children tend to blame themselves for everything and close
Children tend to blame themselves for everything and close

In addition, they will transfer an example of parental relations, in adulthood to their families. Girls will learn how to endure beatings and bullying without resistance, and the boys will learn how to beat women. Strong personalities can act exactly the opposite, they do not allow any violence in their own family.

Material dependence From a man, he can also keep a woman in a non -comfortable marriage. After a divorce, many men do not pay alimony at all or receive a white and black salary. Alimony is naturally kept from white income. There is another phenomenon that occurs after a divorce from an abuser. Men who in marriage loved their children and took care of them delete them from their life with their ex -wife. Relatives who stand on the side of the woman and the woman herself are added to the fire, who every second reminds the children why she divorced their father.

Money is good, but not everything is sold for money
Money is good, but not everything is sold for money

Are there any women who themselves bend the beatings?

In families where both spouses love to scandal, both husbands and wives can engage in assault. At first glance, it seems that in such families women themselves beg to beat. It all starts with ordinary nit -picking:

  • Why didn't you score this nail?
  • Why did you buy tea in bags, not scattering?
  • You do not love me at all!
  • Why not removed in the house?
  • Your mother intervenes in our relationship.

Folklore can add obscene expressions. Often a woman who heses the beatings is also drunk. The process clearly gives her pleasure, she is already tipsy from drinking, and wants to be even more fun.

And scandals end with physical violence. Can women themselves provoke an exacerbation of relationships? This usually happens with housewives who do not work anywhere. Such women are either scandalous in the family, or scandal in public places. You will probably remember the scandalous ladies you met:

  • In shops.
  • In utilities offices.
  • In rural and city councils.
  • In buses, trams and trolleybuses.
  • In the subway and on the streets of the city or village.

Such women start a scandal for the scandal. Having exhausted all the nerves of her husband, and having received a bruise under the eye, their wives cry bitterly, but oddly enough they get what they want - discharge from a monotonous family life. In such a situation, more sorry for men than women.

And then you can demonstrate your bruise to friends: look how poor and unhappy I am. For the twentieth time to cry in a vest of friends, and listen to the tips that you need to get away from this villain. In a word, in the boring life of the girl there is some kind of diversity.

Do women bending beatings?
Do women bending beatings?

Speaking about women who themselves bend the beatings, we, in no case, do not want to offend those who have become a random victim of a tyrant. This also happens often. Many girls fall into the trap of sadists or pathological jealouss in inexperience.

After that, the sadist also begins to strengthen her sacrifice in the opinion that she herself is to blame for what is happening. It is difficult to withstand psychological pressure even after beating, which very well shaken mental balance.

Is the victim to be guilty that she was beaten?

  1. You are to blame for the fact that you began relations with a non -adequate person. That is, your wine is in negligence.
  2. You are to blame if you really provoked it. You beat him, you yelled right in his ear, you were very drunk at the same time and did not react to comments.

If you have not done what is described above, then your chosen one is trying to manipulate you.

How to recognize a tyrant at the first stage of dating:

  • Impulsiveness. This is the most alarming feature that can warn that you are an aboussle. The impulsive man does spontaneous acts, he is sharp and not shy in expressions, he is easy to climb and is always busy with something. “Hot” men fascinate, and not every such man beats women. But so that he does not do this, he must have a high level of self -control.
  • Closure and mystery. Narcissus is often impressed when meeting. They are inaccessible, mysterious and, it seems, beautiful. Be careful, this man does not let you in close because he is pathologically afraid that you can injure his soul. And this is not funny, he can protect himself so much that he will raise his hand. Try to be easier to communicate with him, if he still does not let you in, then leave.
  • Alcohol, too much alcohol. In addition to alcohol, there may be other psychoactive substances. The fact that drug use reduces self -control to zero is not necessary to tell.
  • Strengthening, as a sign of stupidity. Perhaps he is an ardent fan of some political party (while he himself is not its member). Or he is very harsh in his judgments about relationships, says that the man is always the main one. Moreover, the main thing is so that you can’t even look at the clock, he must control everything. Men, not burdened with intelligence, tend to follow their natural instincts, and aggression among them.
Signs of tyrant can be seen even when meeting
Signs of tyrant can be seen even when meeting

An example of how men who beat women explain their behavior:

  • I came home from work tired, I have hard work, which takes more than 12 hours, and not the most pleasant boss. I spoil my nerves at work, and I really want to at least relax at home. When I went into the house, I found that my wife who was not working, burned the porridge, which was prepared for me for dinner, and he sits on social networks.
  • I was somewhat outraged by this state of affairs, and I made a remark to her that she could feed me deliciously and on time. She didn’t care, she said that a free woman could do what she wants.
  • Then she began to blame me that I could earn more money and do more housework. Word for word, we began to quarrel.
  • My stomach was rumbled, I was offended by her words and her aggressive manner. I invited her to divorce, but she began to look for excuses. In my opinion, she is afraid, because then she will have to get off my neck. As a result, I could not stand it and wilted the slap on her. She began to cry and make me a monster. And I silently went to eat my burnt porridge. And who would withstand such an attitude?

In this situation, I want to understand and regret a man. But in the fundamental conflict lies it an innate sense of justice and reciprocity. This feeling is often blind. He could not take into account many circumstances. For example, his wife could feel bad and even to be pregnant, and feel bad because of this. Or, perhaps, the day before, she worked hard, and today it was hard for her. She could get lost a cat, a conflict with someone could happen and many more circumstances arise. Crossing the line and raising a hand is not worth it, the abuse must be punished. But a patient man, on the contrary, would have received gratitude and bonuses.

Your relaxation can irritate other people
Your relaxation can irritate other people

Does my husband beat accidentally or intentionally?

Perhaps, reading the article why women beat, you are in frustrated feelings and you think that you have become a victim of a tyrant. The use of physical strength to the girl always causes her shock (of course, if you yourself do not engage in boxing).

But sometimes the fair sex interprets the use of physical strength to them incorrectly:

  • If you had a tantrum, and your man took you in an armful so that you calm down, then this is hardly violence.
  • If the beatings were inflicted by accident.

But if he knocks his fist against the wall or threatens with beatings, then this is already violence. Though there were no beatings.

Threats are already violence
Threats are already violence

Why does the husband beat his wife?

Scandals and quarrels that end with beatings can bring participants in the process to the bench of the defendants. Why do people beat, even if the punishment for the crime is inevitable? Some people do not know that the injuries are punished in the form of conditional or real imprisonment. Those who know about punishment hope that he can be avoided.

Sometimes people make beatings in the heat of a quarrel or during an affect. It is believed that in a state of affect a person cannot control his actions, which means that he can avoid punishment. Those who are influenced by alcohol also cannot control their actions. Wives suffering from alcohol dependence are in a particularly dangerous position. Indeed, the euphoria from the accepted dose of alcohol inevitably occurs the stage of unbridled and a decrease in self -control, and then the phase of the hangover.

During this period, an alcoholic may experience irritation and aggression. Everyone who turned up by the arm: wife, children, pets can be obscenely offended or beaten. When choosing between loneliness and violence, remember that fate can give you a chance, and you will meet the one who will blow dust off you. Do not despair and do not be afraid to lose a sadist and rapist. Fear to live your whole life in a constant nightmare.

On our site there are many other interesting articles about the relationship of men and women:

Video: Why does a man beat a woman?

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